Loránd Tudományegyetem
Természettudományi Kar
Matematikai Intézet
Matematikus mesterképzési szak
angol nyelven
Szakindítási kérelem
ELTE TTK Matematikai
A kérelem indoklása |
3 |
Masters program in mathematics:. English supplement |
4 |
1. List of courses |
5 |
Examples |
10 |
3. Personal conditions |
12 |
Personal data |
23 |
Language proficiency |
150 |
6. Course
descriptions |
160 |
7. Course
list: EnglishHungarian |
277 |
8. Course
list: HungarianEnglish |
284 |
A kérelem
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Természettudományi Karának Matematikai
Intézetében a korábbi osztatlan ötéves képzés utódaként 2009 ősze óta
folyik akkreditált mesterképzés matematikus szakon, magyar nyelven. Emellett, a
korábbi évekhez hasonlóan, a régi típusú képzés keretein belül a magyar nyelvű
oktatás mellett rendszeresen fogadtunk külföldi diákokat, akiknek az oktatása
angol nyelven folyt.
ez a hagyomány ne szakadjon meg, a kifutó program helyett szeretnénk az új
mesterképzés angol nyelvű változatát is akkreditáltatni. A képzésben a magyar
nyelvű oktatásban tanító tanárok igen nagy hányada venne részt. Az angol nyelvű
képzés során az egyes órákat vagy külön óraként, a magyar nyelvű változattal
párhuzamosan hirdetnénk meg, vagy a magyar hallgatók beleegyezése esetén
csak angolul tartanánk meg őket, illetve esetenként olvasókurzus formájában
vehetnék föl őket a külföldi diákok. A számonkérések módja és a program egyéb
feltételei megegyeznek a magyar nyelvű programéval.
becsléseink szerint félévente kb. 1020 külföldi diák fogadására lenne
lehetőség (és remélhetőleg, esély is), s a teljes kurzuskínálatnak kb. a felét
tudjuk meghirdetni minden félévben, melyek közül az igényekhez igazodva
alakulna ki a féléves órarend.
tartalmazza a magyar akkreditációs anyag értelemszerűen módosított angol nyelvű
változatát, pontosabban a fontosabb részek angol nyelvű fordítását, így a
tantárgyak fölsorolását, a két mintatantervet, az angol nyelven (is) oktatók
személyes adatait, kiegészítve a nyelvtudásukra vonatkozó anyaggal, továbbá a
tantárgyak részletes leírását, valamint a magyar és az angol program könnyebb
összehasonlíthatósága céljából egy kétirányú szótárt a tantárgyak angol és
magyar megnevezései között. Kérelmünkhöz külön mellékeljük a magyar nyelvű
akkreditációs beadvány anyagát.
program in Mathematics
English Supplement
MSc in mathematics: List
of courses
(B) Basic courses (20 credits)
Subject |
Hours |
Credits |
Coordinator |
Analysis 4 (BSc) |
4+2 |
4+2 |
János Kristóf |
Basic algebra (reading
course) |
0+2 |
5 |
Péter Pál Pálfy |
Basic geometry (reading
course) |
0+2 |
5 |
Gábor Moussong |
Complex functions (BSc) |
3+2 |
3+2 |
Gábor Halász |
Differentialgeometry I.
(BSc) |
2+2 |
2+3 |
László Verhóczki |
Geometry III. (BSc) |
3+2 |
3+2 |
Balázs Csikós |
Intorduction to topology
(BSc) |
2+0 |
2 |
András Szűcs |
Probability and
statistics |
3+2 |
3+3 |
Tamás Móri |
Reading course in
analysis |
0+2 |
5 |
Árpád Tóth |
Set theory (BSc) |
2+0 |
2 |
Péter Komjáth |
(C) Core courses (at least 30 credits from at least
4 different subject groups)
Subject |
Hours |
Credits |
Coordinator |
Algebra and number
theory |
Groups and
representations |
2+2 |
2+3 |
Péter Pál Pálfy |
Number theory II |
2+0 |
2 |
András Sárközy |
Rings and algebras |
2+2 |
2+3 |
István Ágoston |
Analysis |
Function series |
2+0 |
2 |
János Kristóf |
Fourier-integral |
2+1 |
2+1 |
Gábor Halász |
Functional analysis II |
1+2 |
1+2 |
Zoltán Sebestyén |
Topics in analysis |
2+1 |
2+2 |
Tamás Keleti |
Geometry |
Algebraic topology |
2+0 |
2 |
András Szűcs |
Combinatorial geometry |
2+1 |
2+2 |
György Kiss |
Differential geometry
II. |
2+0 |
2 |
László Verhóczki |
Differential topology |
2+0 |
2 |
András Szűcs |
Topics in differential
geometry |
2+0 |
2 |
Balázs Csikós |
Stochastics |
Discrete parameter
martingales |
2+0 |
2 |
Tamás Móri |
Markov chains in
discrete and continuous time |
2+0 |
2 |
Vilmos Prokaj |
Multivariate statistical
methods |
4+0 |
4 |
György Michaletzky |
Statistical computing 1 |
0+2 |
3 |
András Zempléni |
Discrete mathematics |
Algorithms I |
2+2 |
2+3 |
Zoltán Király |
Discrete mathematics |
2+2 |
2+3 |
László Lovász |
Mathematical logic |
2+0 |
2 |
Péter Komjáth |
Operations research |
Continuous optimization |
3+2 |
3+3 |
Tibor Illés |
Discrete optimization |
3+2 |
3+3 |
András Frank |
Differentiated courses (at least 44 credits from at least 3 different subject
Subject |
Hours |
Credits |
Coordinator |
Algebra |
Commutative algebra |
2+2 |
3+3 |
József Pelikán |
Current topics in
algebra |
2+0 |
3 |
Emil Kiss |
Topics in group theory |
2+2 |
3+3 |
Péter Pál Pálfy |
Topics in ring theory |
2+2 |
3+3 |
István Ágoston |
Universal algebra and
lattice theory |
2+2 |
3+3 |
Emil Kiss |
Number theory |
Combinatorial number
theory |
2+0 |
3 |
András Sárközy |
Exponential sums in
number theory |
2+0 |
3 |
András Sárközy |
Multiplicative number
theory |
2+0 |
3 |
Mihály Szalay |
Analysis |
Chapters of complex
function theory |
4+0 |
6 |
Gábor Halász |
Complex manifolds |
3+2 |
4+3 |
Róbert Szőke |
Descriptive set theory |
3+2 |
4+3 |
Miklós Laczkovich |
Discrete dinamcal
systems |
2+0 |
3 |
Zoltán Buczolich |
Dynamical systems |
2+0 |
3 |
Zoltán Buczolich |
Dynamical systems and
differential equations |
4+2 |
6+3 |
Péter Simon |
Dynamics in one complex
variable |
2+0 |
3 |
István Sigray |
Ergodic theory |
2+0 |
3 |
Zoltán Buczolich |
Geometric measure theory |
3+2 |
4+3 |
Tamás Keleti |
Nonlinear functional
analysis and its applications |
3+2 |
4+3 |
János Karátson |
Operator semigroups |
2+2 |
3+3 |
András Bátkai |
Partial differential
equations |
4+2 |
6+3 |
László Simon |
Representations of
Banach*-algebras and abstract harmonic analysis |
2+1 |
2+2 |
János Kristóf |
Riemann manifolds |
2+0 |
3 |
Róbert Szőke |
Seminar in complex
analysis |
0+2 |
2 |
Róbert Szőke |
Special functions |
2+0 |
3 |
Gábor Halász |
Topological vector
spaces and Banach algebras |
2+2 |
3+3 |
János Kristóf |
Unbounded operators of
Hilbert spaces |
2+0 |
3 |
Zoltán Sebestyén |
Geometry |
Algebraic and
differential topology |
4+2 |
6+3 |
András Szűcs |
Convex geometry |
4+2 |
6+3 |
Károly Böröczky Jr. |
Differential toplogy
problem solving |
0+2 |
3 |
András Szűcs |
Discrete geometry |
3+2 |
4+3 |
Károly Bezdek |
Finite geometries |
2+0 |
3 |
György Kiss |
Geometric foundations of
3D graphics |
2+2 |
3+3 |
György Kiss |
Geometric modelling |
2+0 |
3 |
László Verhóczki |
Lie groups and symmetric
spaces |
4+2 |
6+3 |
László Verhóczki |
Riemannian geometry |
4+2 |
6+3 |
Balázs Csikós |
Supplementay chapters of
topology I toplogy of singularities |
2+0 |
3 |
András Némethi |
Supplementay chapters of
topology II low dimensional topology |
2+0 |
3 |
András Stipsicz |
Stochastics |
Analysis of time series |
2+2 |
3+3 |
László Márkus |
Cryptography |
2+0 |
3 |
István Szabó |
Introduction to
information theory |
2+0 |
3 |
István Szabó |
Statistical computing 2 |
0+2 |
3 |
András Zempléni |
Statistical hypothesis
testing |
2+0 |
3 |
Villő Ciszár |
Stochastic processes
with independent increment, limit theorems |
2+0 |
3 |
Vilmos Prokaj |
Discrete mathematics |
Applied discrete
mathematics seminar |
0+2 |
2 |
Zoltán Király |
Codes and symmetric
structures |
2+0 |
3 |
Tamás Szőnyi |
Complexity theory |
2+2 |
3+3 |
Vince Grolmusz |
Complexity theory
seminar |
0+2 |
2 |
Vince Grolmusz |
Data mining |
2+2 |
3+3 |
András Lukács |
Design, analysis and
implementation of algorithms and data structures I |
2+2 |
3+3 |
Zoltán Király |
Design, analysis and
implementation of algorithms and data structures II |
2+0 |
3 |
Zoltán Király |
Discrete mathematics II |
4+0 |
6 |
Tamás Szőnyi |
Geometric algorithms |
2+0 |
3 |
Katalin Vesztergombi |
Graph theory seminar |
0+2 |
2 |
László Lovász |
Mathematics of networks
and the WWW |
2+0 |
3 |
András Benczúr |
Selected topics in graph
theory |
2+0 |
3 |
László Lovász |
Set theory I |
4+0 |
6 |
Péter Komjáth |
Set theory II |
4+0 |
6 |
Péter Komjáth |
Operations research |
Applications of
operation research |
2+0 |
3 |
Gergely Mádi-Nagy |
Approximation algorithms |
2+0 |
3 |
Tibor Jordán |
Business Economics |
2+0 |
3 |
Róbert Fullér |
Combinatorial algorithms
I. |
2+2 |
3+3 |
Tibor Jordán |
Combinatorial algorithms
II. |
2+0 |
3 |
Tibor Jordán |
Combinatorial structures
and algorithms |
0+2 |
3 |
Tibor Jordán |
Computational methods in
operation reserach |
0+2 |
3 |
Gergely Mádi-Nagy |
Game theory |
2+0 |
3 |
Tibor Illés |
Graph theory |
2+0 |
3 |
András Frank, Zoltán
Király |
Graph theory tutorial |
0+2 |
3 |
András Frank, Zoltán
Király |
Integer programming I. |
2+0 |
3 |
Tamás Király |
Integer programming II. |
2+0 |
3 |
Tamás Király |
Inventory management |
2+0 |
3 |
Gergely Mádi-Nagy |
Investments analysis |
0+2 |
3 |
Róbert Fullér |
LEMON library: Solving
optimization problems in C++ |
0+2 |
3 |
Alpár Jüttner |
Linear optimization |
2+0 |
3 |
Tibor Illés |
Macroeconomics and the
theory of economic equilibrium |
2+0 |
3 |
Gergely Mádi-Nagy |
Manufacturing process
management |
2+0 |
3 |
Tamás Király |
Market analysis |
2+0 |
3 |
Róbert Fullér |
Matroid theory |
2+0 |
3 |
András Frank |
Microeconomy |
2+0 |
3 |
Gergely Mádi-Nagy |
Multiple objective
optimization |
0+2 |
3 |
Róbert Fullér |
Nonliear optimization |
3+0 |
4 |
Tibor Illés |
Operations research
project |
0+2 |
3 |
Róbert Fullér |
Polyhedral combinatorics |
2+0 |
3 |
Tamás Király |
Scheduling theory |
2+0 |
3 |
Tibor Jordán |
Stochastic optimization |
2+0 |
3 |
Csaba Fábián |
Stochastic optimization
practice |
0+2 |
3 |
Csaba Fábián |
Structures in
combinatorial optimization |
2+0 |
3 |
Tibor Jordán |
MSc in matematics: Examples
The following two sequences of courses illustrate how
the credit requirements of the MSc program can be fulfilled.
Subject area |
Subject |
Level |
Hours |
Credits |
1. term |
Algebra |
and representations |
C |
2+2 |
5 |
Analysis |
analysis |
C |
1+2 |
4 |
Analysis |
in analysis |
C |
2+1 |
4 |
Analysis |
topology |
C |
2+0 |
2 |
Analysis |
topology |
C |
2+0 |
2 |
Analysis |
of complex function theory |
D |
4+0 |
6 |
Analysis |
topology problem solving |
D |
0+2 |
3 |
subject |
G |
2+0 |
2 |
Total: |
22 |
28 |
of exams: 7 |
Subject area |
Subject |
Level |
Hours |
Credits |
2. term |
Algebra. |
and differential topology |
D |
4+2 |
9 |
Stochastics. |
to information theory |
D |
2+0 |
3 |
Analysis |
vector spaces and Banach algebras |
D |
2+2 |
6 |
Analysis. |
functional analysis |
D |
3+2 |
7 |
course |
O |
2+0 |
2 |
subject |
G |
2+0 |
2 |
Total: |
21 |
29 |
of exams: 6 |
Subject area |
Subject |
Level |
Hours |
Credits |
3. term |
research |
optimization |
C |
3+2 |
7 |
mathematics |
mathematics. |
C |
2+2 |
5 |
Geometry |
in differential geometry |
C |
2+0 |
2 |
Analysis |
surfaces |
D |
2+0 |
3 |
Algebra |
in ring theory |
D |
2+0 |
3 |
mathematics |
theory I. |
D |
4+0 |
6 |
subject |
G |
2+0 |
2 |
Total: |
21 |
28 |
of exams: 7 |
Subject area |
Subject |
Level |
Hours |
Credits |
4. term |
Geometry |
measure theory |
D |
3+2 |
7 |
Analysis. |
manifolds |
D |
3+2 |
7 |
mathematics |
theory II. |
D |
4+0 |
6 |
Total: |
14 |
20 |
of exams: 3 |
Subject area |
Subject |
Level |
Hours |
Credits |
1. term |
Analysis |
4. |
B |
4+2 |
6 |
Algebra |
algebra (reading course) |
B |
0+2 |
5 |
Geometry |
geometry I. |
B |
2+2 |
5 |
Stochastics |
and statistics |
B |
3+2 |
6 |
subject |
G |
2+0 |
2 |
Total: |
19 |
24 |
of exams: 5 |
Subject area |
Subject |
Level |
Hours |
Credits |
2. term |
theory |
statistical methods |
C |
4+0 |
5 |
theory |
computing 1. |
C |
0+2 |
2 |
Geometry |
geometry |
D |
3+2 |
7 |
Stochastics |
to information theory |
D |
2+0 |
3 |
Analysis |
vector spaces and Banach algebras |
D |
2+2 |
6 |
subject |
G |
2+0 |
2 |
Total: |
19 |
25 |
of exams: 5 |
Subject area |
Subject |
Level |
Hours |
Credits |
3. term |
Analysis |
analysis |
C |
1+2 |
4 |
Analysis |
in analysis |
C |
2+1 |
4 |
opkut. |
optimization |
C |
3+2 |
6 |
Algebra |
and representations |
C |
2+2 |
5 |
számtud. |
mathematics |
C |
2+2 |
5 |
Stochastics |
Cryptography |
D |
2+0 |
3 |
subject |
G |
2+0 |
2 |
Total: |
23 |
29 |
of exams: 7 |
Subject area |
Subject |
Level |
Hours |
Credits |
4. term |
Analysis |
functional analysis |
D |
3+2 |
6 |
Algebra |
sums in number theory |
D |
2+0 |
3 |
Geometry |
measure theory |
D |
3+2 |
7 |
Analysis |
manifolds |
D |
3+2 |
7 |
Total: |
17 |
23 |
of exams: 4 |
MSc in matematics: Personal conditions
Program coordinator, subprogram
coordinators,coordinators of final exams
Name of coordinators and type of responsibility ( pc: program coordinator, spc: subprgram coordinator with
given subprogram, fec: coordinator of final exam) |
Degree/title |
Position |
Type of employment |
Number of coordinated programs |
Total credit value of BSc and MSc courses coordinated by the
lecturer: in this program / in this institution / in Hungary |
Szűcs |
pc |
acad. |
full professor |
FT |
1 |
16/22/22 |
Course list coordinators, lecturers
names (Basic
and Core courses) |
Lecturers |
Lecturers (For each subject block the first name
stands for the coordinators name) |
Degree / title |
Position |
Type of employment |
Giving lectures Y/N |
Giving tutorials Y/N |
Total credit value of BSc and MSc courses coordinated by the
lecturer: in this program / in this institution / in Hungary |
MSc in mathematics |
Basic courses |
Analysis IV (BSc) |
János |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
18/18/18 |
Laczkovich |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
7/22/22 |
Sebestyén |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/10/10 |
Karátson |
PhD |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
7/20/20 |
Keleti |
PhD |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
7/16/16 |
Simon |
PhD |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/22/22 |
Bátkai |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
6/11/11 |
Fehér |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
Tóth |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Sikolya |
PhD |
prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
Izsák |
PhD |
prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
Sigray |
PhD |
lecturer |
FT |
N |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Complex functions(BSc) |
Halász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
13/24/24 |
Szőke |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/20/20 |
Tóth |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Sigray |
PhD |
lecturer |
FT |
N |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Introduction to topology (BSc) |
Szűcs |
acad |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
16/22/22 |
Szőke |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
13/20/20 |
Fehér |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
Tóth |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
5/5/5 |
Reading course in analysis |
Tóth |
PhD |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Fehér |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Geometry III. (BSc) |
Csikós |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Lakos |
PhD |
prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
6. Differential
geometry (BSc) |
Verhóczki |
PhD |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
12/24/24 |
Csikós |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
7. Set
theory (intorductory) (BSc) |
Komjáth |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
12/20/20 |
8. Probability
and statistics |
Móri |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
8/25/25 |
Michaletzky |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
4/24/24 |
Zempléni |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/24/24 |
Arató |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
0/26/26 |
Basic algebra (reading course) |
Pál Pálfy |
acad. |
prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
11/22/22 |
Ágoston |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
11/11/11 |
Kiss |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/23/23 |
Pelikán |
univ |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Szabó |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Basic geometry |
Moussong |
PhD |
Asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Bezdek |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
7/12/12 |
Böröczky Jr. |
DSc |
prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
11/11/11 |
Csikós |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Kertész |
dr. univ |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Kiss |
PhD |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/18/18 |
names (Basic
and Core courses) |
Lecturers |
Lecturers (For each subject block the first name
stands for the coordinators name) |
Degree / title |
Position |
Type of employment |
Giving lectures Y/N |
Giving tutorials Y/N |
Total credit value of BSc and MSc courses coordinated by the
lecturer: in this program / in this institution / in Hungary |
MSc in mathematics |
Core corses |
Groups and representations |
Pál Pálfy |
acad. |
prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
11/22/22 |
Csörgő |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
Hermann |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Pelikán |
univ. |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/6/6 |
Szabó |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Rings and algebras |
Ágoston |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
11/11/11 |
Kiss |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/23/23 |
Pelikán |
univ. |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/6/6 |
Number theory II (BSC) |
Sárközy |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/16/16 |
Freud |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
0/8/8 |
Károlyi |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
0/4/4 |
Pappné Kovács |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
Szalay |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
3/7/7 |
Fourier integral |
Halász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
13/24/24 |
Szőke |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/20/20 |
Sigray |
PhD |
lecturer |
FT |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Tóth |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Topics in analysis |
Keleti |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
7/16/16 |
Laczkovich |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
7/22/22 |
Buczolich |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/19/19 |
Topics in differential geometry |
Csikós |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Lakos |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
N |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Verhóczki |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
12/24/24 |
Differential Geometry II. |
Verhóczki |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
12/24/24 |
Csikós |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Lakos |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
N |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Combinatorial geometry |
Kiss |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/18/18 |
Böröczky Jr. |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
11/11/11 |
Kertész |
univ |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Algebraic topology |
Szűcs |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
16/22/22 |
Csikós |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Fehér |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Némethi |
DSc |
advisor |
O |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Stipsicz |
DSc |
res. fellow |
O |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Róbert Szőke |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/20/20 |
Tóth |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Differential topology |
Szűcs |
acad |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
16/22/22 |
Csikós |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Fehér |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Némethi |
DSc |
advisor |
O |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Stipsicz |
DSc |
fmtárs |
O |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Tóth |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Mathematical logic |
Komjáth |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
12/20/20 |
Markov chains in discrete and continuous time |
Prokaj |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
5/23/23 |
Michaletzky |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
4/24/24 |
Csiszár |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
3/3/3 |
Discrete parameter martingales |
Móri |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
8/25/25 |
Prokaj |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
5/23/23 |
Michaletzky |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
4/24/24 |
Statistical computing 1. |
Zempléni |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
6/24/24 |
Pröhle |
prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
Multivariate statistical methods |
Michaletzky |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
4/24/24 |
Arató |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
0/26/26 |
Pröhle |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
Function series |
Kristóf |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
18/18/18 |
Functional analysis II |
Sebestyén |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/10/10 |
Discrete optimization |
Frank |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/21/21 |
Continuous optimization |
Illés |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/18/20 |
Algorithms I. |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
Grolmusz |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
8/16/16 |
Jordán |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/23/23 |
Benczúr |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Discrete mathematics |
Lovász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
10/10/10 |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
names |
Lecturers |
courses |
Lecturers (For each subject block the first name
stands for the coordinators name) |
Degree / title |
Position |
Type of employment |
Giving lectures |
Giving tutorials Y/N |
Total credit value of BSc and MSc courses coordinated by the
lecturer: in this program / in this institution / in Hungary |
MSc in mathematics |
Topics in group theory |
Pál Pálfy |
acad. |
prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
11/22/22 |
Csörgő |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
Hermann |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Pelikán |
univ. |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/6/6 |
Szabó |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Topics in ring theory |
Ágoston |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
11/11/11 |
Kiss |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/23/23 |
Pelikán |
univ. |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/6/6 |
Commutative algebra |
Pelikán |
univ. |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/6/6 |
Ágoston |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
11/11/11 |
Károlyi |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
0/4/4 |
Universal algebra and lattice theory |
Kiss |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/23/23 |
Pál Pálfy |
acad. |
prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
11/22/22 |
Szabó |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Current topics in algebra |
Kiss |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/23/23 |
Ágoston |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
11/11/11 |
Csörgő |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
Hermann |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Pál Pálfy |
acad. |
prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
11/22/22 |
Pelikán |
univ. |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/6/6 |
Szabó |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Combinatorial number theory |
Sárközy |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/16/16 |
Freud |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
0/8/8 |
Károlyi |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
0/4/4 |
Exponential sums in number theory |
Sárközy |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/16/16 |
Károlyi |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
0/4/4 |
Multiplicative number theory |
Szalay |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
3/7/7 |
Károlyi |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
0/4/4 |
Topological vector spaces and Banach algebras |
Kristóf |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
18/18/18 |
Representations of Banach-*-algebras and abstract harmonic analysis |
Kristóf |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
18/18/18 |
Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications |
Karátson |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
7/20/20 |
Operator semigroups |
Bátkai |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/11/11 |
Unbounded operators of Hilbert spaces |
Sebestyén |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/10/10 |
Descriptive set theory |
Laczkovich |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
7/22/22 |
Geometric foundations of 3D graphics |
Kiss |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/18/18 |
Geometric modelling |
Verhóczki |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
12/24/24 |
Geometric measure theory |
Keleti |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
7/16/16 |
Buczolich |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/19/19 |
Complex manifolds |
Szőke |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/20/20 |
Tóth |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Chapters of complex function theory |
Halász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/24/24 |
Szőke |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/20/20 |
Tóth |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Riemann surfaces |
Szőke |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/20/20 |
Halász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/24/24 |
Tóth |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Sigray |
PhD |
lecturer |
FT |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Special functions |
Halász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/24/24 |
Sigray |
PhD |
lecturer |
FT |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Seminar in complex analysis |
Szőke |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/20/20 |
Riemannian geometry |
Csikós |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Verhóczki |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
12/24/24 |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Szőke |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/20/20 |
Lakos |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
24. Lie
groups and symmetric spaces |
Verhóczki |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
12/24/24 |
Csikós |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Szőke |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/20/20 |
Lakos |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
Convex geometry |
Böröczky Jr |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
11/11/11 |
Bezdek |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
7/12/12 |
Kertész |
univ |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Discrete geometry |
Bezdek |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
7/12/12 |
Böröczky Jr |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
11/11/11 |
Kertész |
univ |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Finite geometries |
Kiss |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
13/18/18 |
Szőnyi |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/9/9 |
Sziklai |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
0/9/9 |
Differential topology problem solving |
Szűcs |
acad |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
16/22/22 |
Csikós |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Fehér |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Lakos |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
N |
Y |
Lippner |
fellow |
O |
N |
Y |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Szabó |
PhD |
fellow |
O |
N |
Y |
Tóth |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Algebraic and differential topology |
Szűcs |
acad |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
16/22/22 |
Csikós |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Fehér |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Némethi |
DSc |
advisor |
O |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Stipsicz |
DSc |
res. fellow |
O |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Tóth |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Supplementary chapters of topology I.
Topology of singularities. |
Némethi (András Szűcs) |
DSc |
advisor |
O |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Csikós |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Fehér |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Stipsicz |
DSc |
res. fellow |
O |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Tóth |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Supplementary Chapters of Topology II Low dimensional manifolds |
Stipsicz (András Szűcs) |
DSc |
res. fellow |
O |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Csikós |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/25/25 |
Fehér |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
Moussong |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
Némethi |
DSc |
advisor |
O |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Tóth |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
5/5/5 |
32. Set
theory I |
Komjáth |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
12/20/20 |
33. Set
theory II |
Komjáth |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
12/20/20 |
Complexity theory |
Grolmusz |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
8/16/16 |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
Lovász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
10/10/10 |
Applied discrete mathematics seminar |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
Geometric algorithms |
Vesztergombi |
CSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Selected topics in graph theory |
Lovász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
10/10/10 |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
Graph theory seminar |
Lovász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
10/10/10 |
Intorduction to information theory |
Szabó |
CSc. |
prof. |
O |
Y |
N |
6/9/9 |
Stochastic processes with independent increment, limit theorems |
Prokaj |
PhD |
assoc. prof.. |
FT |
Y |
N |
5/23/23 |
Analysis of time series |
Márkus |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/22/22 |
Cryptography |
Szabó |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
O |
Y |
N |
3/6/6 |
Statistical hypotheses testing |
Csiszár |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
N |
3/3/3 |
Statistical computing 2 |
Zempléni |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
6/24/24 |
Discrete mathematics II |
Szőnyi |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/9/9 |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
Lovász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
10/10/10 |
Dynamical systems and differential equations |
Simon |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/22/22 |
Partial differential equations |
Simon |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/25/25 |
48. Dynamical
systems |
Buczolich |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/19/19 |
Discrete dynamical systems |
Buczolich |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/19/19 |
Ergodic theory |
Buczolich |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/19/19 |
Dynamics in one complex variable |
Sigray |
PhD |
Lecturer |
FT |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Approximation algorithms |
Jordán |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/23/23 |
Applications of operation reserach |
Mádi-Nagy |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
15/12/21 |
Investment analysis |
Fullér |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
15/21/24 |
Integer Programming I. |
Király |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
12/18/18 |
Integer Programming II. |
Király |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
12/18/18 |
Graph theory |
Frank |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/21/21 |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
Graph theory tutorial |
Frank |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/21/21 |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
theory |
Illés |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/18/20 |
Inventory management |
Mádi-Nagy |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
15/21/21 |
Combinatorial algorithms I. |
Jordán |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/23/23 |
Combinatorial algorithms II |
Jordán |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/23/23 |
Structures in combinatorial optimization |
Jordán |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/23/23 |
Combinatorial structures and algorithms |
Jordán |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/23/23 |
LEMON library: solving optimization problems in C++ |
Jüttner |
prof. |
O |
N |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Linear optimization |
Illés |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/18/20 |
Matroid theory |
Frank |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/21/21 |
Macroeconomy and the theory of economic equilibrium |
Mádi-Nagy |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
15/21/21 |
Microeconomy |
Mádi-Nagy |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
15/21/21 |
Nonlinear optimization |
Illés |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/18/20 |
Computational methods in operations research |
Mádi-Nagy |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
15/21/21 |
Operations research project |
Fullér |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
15/21/24 |
Market analysis |
Fullér |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
15/21/24 |
Polyhedral combinatorics |
Király |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
12/18/18 |
Stochastic optimization |
Fábián |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
6/19/25 |
Stochastic optimization practice |
Fábián |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
6/19/25 |
Manufacturing process management |
Király |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
12/18/18 |
Multiple objective optimization |
Róbert |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
15/21/24 |
Scheduling theory |
Jordán |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/23/23 |
79. Business
economics |
Fullér |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
15/21/24 |
Optional subject |
N/A |
Data mining |
Lukács |
CSc |
res. fellow. |
O |
Y |
Y |
6/6/6 |
Mathematics of networks and the WWW |
Benczúr |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Complexity theory seminar |
Grolmusz |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
8/16/16 |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
Lovász |
acad. |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
10/10/10 |
Design, analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures I |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
Benczúr |
PhD |
asst. prof. |
O |
Y |
Y |
3/3/3 |
Jordán |
DSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
21/23/23 |
Design, analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures II |
Király |
PhD |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
16/21/21 |
Codes and symmetric structures |
Szőnyi |
DSc |
prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
9/9/9 |
Sziklai |
CSc |
assoc. prof. |
FT |
Y |
Y |
0/9/9 |
MSc in Mathematics: Personal data
Name: István Ágoston
Date of birth: 1959
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi professor's scholarship (20002003)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1984 ):
algebra (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
algebra and number theory (for students in teaching mathematics; lecture, practice)
linear algebra (for students in informatics; lecture, practice)
analysis (for students in teaching mathematics; lecture, practice)
ring theory, homological algebra, Lie algebras, representation theory (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Carleton University, Ottawa (19861991, 1996, 2002, 2004)
linear algebra (general audience; lecture, practice)
calculus, analysis, complex functions, combinatorics, abstract algebra, numerical analysis, linear programming, matheatical logic, formal languages and automata theory (general audience and honours students in mathematics; practice)
University of Ottawa(2002)
group theory (students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
BSM (1997, 1998)
basic algebra (students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
group representations (students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
Other professional activity:
25 years of teaching experience, 3 diploma thesis supervisions, 1 Ph.D. thesis supervision
20 papers with over 100 citations
over 25 lectures at international conferences and seminars
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Quasi-hereditary extension algebras, Algebras and Representation theory 6 (2003), 97117.
2. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Standardly stratified extension algebras, Comm. Alg. 33 (2005), 13571368.
3. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.:: Approximations of algebras by standardly stratified algebras, Journal of Algebra 319 (2008), 41774198.
The five most important publications:
1. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Homological duality and quasi-heredity, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 48 (1996), 897917.
2. Ágoston, I., Lukács, E., Ringel, C.M.: Realizations of Frobenius functions, Journal of Algebra 210 (1998), 419439.
3. Ágoston, I., Happel, D., Lukács E., Unger, L.: Finitistic dimension of standardly stratified algebras, Comm. Alg., 28(6) (2000) 27452752.
4. Ágoston, I., Happel, D., Lukács E., Unger, L.: Standardly stratified algebras and tilting, J. of Algebra, 226 (2000) 144160.
5. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Quasi-hereditary extension algebras, Algebras and Representation theory 6 (2003), 97117.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica (managing editor, 19941997)
organizer of international conferences in algebra (1992, 1996, 1999, 2001);
leader of GermanHungarian cooperation projects (19981999, 20012003)
member of the granting committee of the Hungarian NSRF (OTKA), 20002002
local coordinator of a CEEPUS project (20032005)
leader of a CanadianHungarian cooperation project (20042006)
OTKA project leader (20072011)
long term visits in Canada (altogether 26 months), Germany (2,5 months)
coauthors from Canada, Germany and Japan
Name: Miklós Arató
Date of birth: 1962
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1985 ):
probability theory (for students in applied mathematics, informatics; lecture, practice)
probability theory (for students in mathematics; practice)
statistics (for students in informatics; lecture, practice)
statistics (for students in mathematics, applied mathematics; practice)
multivariate statistics (for students in mathematics, applied mathematics; lecture, practice)
premium calculation (for students in mathematics, applied mathematics; lecture, practice)
financial processes (for students in mathematics, applied mathematics; lecture, practice)
risk processes (for students in mathematics, applied mathematics; lecture, practice)
Other professional activity:
23 years of teaching experience, 22 diploma thesis supervisions, 1 Ph.D.
thesis supervisions;
over 15 lectures at international conferences;
19 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. N.M. Arató, D. Bozsó, P. Elek and A. Zempléni: Forecasting and Simulating Mortality Tables, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (2008)
2. T. Faluközy, I. I. Vitéz and N. M. Arató: Stochastic models for claims reserving in insurance business, RECENT ADVANCES IN STOCHASTIC MODELING AND DATA ANALYSIS (2007)
3. Miklós Arató: Will there be annuities from voluntary pension funds?, Economic Review (2006)
4. Miklós Arató: Who shall we bow out of the pension funds?, Economic Review (2006)
5. N. M. Arató, I. L. Dryden and C. C. Taylor: Hierarchical Bayesian
modelling of spatial age-dependent mortality, Computational Statistics &
Data Analysis (2006)
The five most important publications:
1. N.M. Arató: On a limit theorem for generalized Gaussian random fields corresponding to stochastic partial differential equations, Probability Theory and Applic. (1989)
2. N.M.
Arató: Equivalence of Gaussian measures corresponding to generalized Gaussian
random fields, Appl. Math. Lett. (1989)
3. N.M.
Arató: The estimate of potential in stochastic Schrödinger's equation, Computers
Math. Applic. (1995)
4. N.M.
Arató: Mean estimation of Brownian and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Sheets, Probability
Theory and Applic. (1997)
5. N.M.
Arató: On the estimation of the mean value of Levy's Brownian motion, Probability
Theory and Applic. (1998)
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
of the Hungarian Actuarial Society, 2003-2007;
of the Board of the Hungarian Actuarial Society, 1995-;
of the International Bernoully Society, 1990;
Name: András Bátkai
Date of birth: 1972
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, assistant professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Bolyai scholarship (20042007)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (2000 ):
analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
calculus (for students in biology; practice)
special corses for PhD students
Other professional activity:
Over 10 years of teaching experience, 5 diploma thesis supervisions;
over 20 lectures at international conferences;
Three organized conferences
17 research articles and one monograph;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. A.B., Schnaubelt, R., Asymptotic behaviour of parabolic problems with delays in the highest order derivatives, Semigroup Forum 69(2004), 369-399.
2. A.B., K.J. Engel, "Abstract wave equations with generalized Wentzell boundary conditions", J. Diff. Eqs. 207 (2004), 1-20.
3. Spectral problems for operator matrices (with P. Binding, A. Dijksma, R. Hryniv and H. Langer), Math. Nachr. 278 (2005), 1408-1429.
4. Polynomial stability of operator semigroups (with K.J. Engel, J. Prüss and R. Schnaubelt), Math. Nachr. 279 (2006), 1425-1440.
5. Cosine families generated
by second order differential operators on W1,1(0,1) with generalized
Wentzell boundary conditions (with K.J. Engel and M. Haase), Applicable
Analysis 84 (2005), 867-876.
The five most important publications:
1. Semigroups for delay equations (with S. Piazzera), monograph, A. K. Peters: Wellesley MA, Research Notes in Mathematics vol. 10, ISBN: 1-56881-243-4, 2005.
2. Bátkai, A., Piazzera, S., Semigroups and linear partial differential equations with delay, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 64(2001), 1-20.
3. Bátkai, A., Fasanga, E., Shvidkoy, R., Hyperbolicity of delay equations via Fourier multipliers, Acta Sci. Math (Szeged) 69(2003), 131-145.
4. Bátkai, A., Hyperbolicity of linear partial differential equations with delay, Integral Eq. Oper. Th. 44(2002), 383-396.
5. Bátkai, A., Piazzera, S.,
A semigroup method for delay equations with relatively bounded operators in the delay term, Semigroup
Forum 64(2002), 71-89.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Marie Curie
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Vienna and Rome;
Gyula and Alexits György prize;
from Germany, Italy, USA, France;
von Humboldt fellowship;
Name: András A. Benczúr
Date of birth: 1969
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, assistant professor (part
time) and
Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (full time)
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (applied mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1997 ):
Theory of algorithms, in English and in Hungarian;
Advanced algorithms for Data Mining, Data Streams and the World Wide Web, graduate courses.
Central European University:
Statistics, in English
Other professional activity:
Over 10 years of teaching experience, over 15 lectures at international
Project coordinator in a number of R&D project concerning text mining, personalization and similarity search technologies, network data mining, approximate counting of very large data streams, efficient algorithms for massive data
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. To Randomize or Not To Randomize: Space Optimal Summaries for Hyperlink Analysis. In Proc. of 15th WWW Conference, 2006. (Joint with T. Sarlós, K. Csalogány, D. Fogaras and B. Rácz.)
2 SpamRank: Fully automatic link spam detection, Proc. Airweb 2005. (Joint with Károly Csalogány, Tamás Sarlós and Máté Uher), to appear in Information Retrieval.
3. Primal-dual approach for
directed vertex connectivity augmentation and generalizations
Proc 16th ACM-SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 500-509, 2005. (Joint with
László A.Végh). Transactions on Algorithms, to appear.
4. A. A. Benczúr, K. Csalogány, T. Sarlós: Similarity Search to Fight Web Spam. In Proc. Airweb 2006 in conjunction with SIGIR 2006.
The five most important publications:
1. To Randomize or Not To Randomize: Space Optimal Summaries for Hyperlink Analysis. In Proc. of 15th WWW Conference, 2006. (Joint with T. Sarlós, K. Csalogány, D. Fogaras and B. Rácz.)
2 SpamRank: Fully automatic link spam detection, Proc. Airweb 2005. (Joint with Károly Csalogány, Tamás Sarlós and Máté Uher), to appear in Information Retrieval.
3. Primal-dual approach for
directed vertex connectivity augmentation and generalizations
Proc 16th ACM-SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 500-509, 2005. (Joint with
László A.Végh). Transactions on Algorithms, to appear.
4. A. A. Benczúr, K. Csalogány, T. Sarlós: Similarity Search to Fight Web Spam. In Proc. Airweb 2006 in conjunction with SIGIR 2006.
5. Approximating s-t minimum cuts in O(n2)
time, J. Alg 37(1): 2-36, 2000. (Joint with David R. Karger)
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Name: Károly Bezdek
Date of birth: 1955
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, professor
Scientific degree (discipline): Doctor of Science (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (19982001)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1978 ):
Geometry (all levels), various topics in convex and discrete geometry (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
University of Calgary (2004)
Transformation Geometry, Differential Geometry, Geometry, Discrete Geometry, Convex Polytopes, Convexity, Analytic Convexity Higher Dimensions
Other professional activity:
30 years of teaching experience, 10 diploma thesis supervisions, 4 Ph.D.
thesis supervisions;
over 20 lectures at international conferences;
97 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Bezdek, K., Lángi, Zs., Naszódi, M., and Papez, P.: Ball-Polyhedra, Discrete Comput.
Geom. 38(2) (2007), 201-230.
2. Bezdek, K., and Litvak, A.: On the vertex index of convex bodies, Advances in
Mathematics 215(2) (2007), 626-641.
3. Bezdek, K., Naszódi, M., and Oliveros-Braniff, D.: Antipodality in hyperbolic space,
Journal of Geometry, 85 (2006), 22-31.
4. Bezdek, K.: On the monotonicity of the volume of hyperbolic convex polyhedra, Beiträge
zur Algebra und Geometrie. Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 46(2) (2005), 609-
5. Bezdek, K., and Daróczy-Kiss, E.: Finding the best face on a Voronoi polyhedron the
strong dodecahedral conjecture revisited, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 145 (2005), 191-
The five most important publications:
Bezdek, K.: Circle-packings into convex domains of the Euclidean and hyperbolic
and the sphere, Geometriae Dedicata, 21 (1986), 249-255.
Bezdek, K., and Connelly, R.: Covering curves by translates of a convex set,
Amer. Math.
Monthly 96/9 (1989), 789-806.
Bezdek, K.: The problem of illumination of the boundary of a convex body by
subspaces, Mathematika 38 (1991),
4. Bezdek, K.: Improving Rogers upper bound for
the density of unit ball packings via
estimating the surface area of
Voronoi cells from below in Euclidean d−space for
all d ≥ 8, Discrete Comput.
Geom. 28 (2002), 75-106.
Bezdek, K., and Connelly, R.: Pushing disks apart - the Kneser-Poulsen
in the plane, J. reine angew. Math.
553 (2002), 221-236.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
in chief of the journal Contribution to Discrete Mathematics, 2006 ;
of several international conferences;
from USA, Canada, England, Germany, Mexico;
speaker at international conferences and workshops more than 100 times;
Visiting professor at
Cornell University, New York, USA;
University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA;
University of Calgary, Calgary, Kanada .
Name: Károly Böröczky, Jr.
Date of birth: 1964
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Rényi Institute, Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): Doctor of Science (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (19982001), Bolyai Scholarship (2001-2004, 2005-2008)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1994 ):
Geometry (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
BSM (1994 ):
Complex functions, Algebraic Topology, Topics in Analysis (lecture, practice)
Other professional activity:
1 diploma thesis supervisions, 1 Ph.D. thesis supervision;
over 20 lectures at international conferences;
60 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. K. Böröczky, Jr.: Finite packing and covering, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
2. K. Böröczky, Jr.: The stability of the Rogers-Shepard inequality, Adv. Math.,
190 (2005), 47-76.
3. K. Böröczky, Jr.: Finite packing and covering by congruent convex domains. Disc. Comp. Geom., 30 (2003), 185-193.
4. K. Böröczky, Jr., M. Reitzner: Approximation of Smooth Convex Bodies by Random Circumscribed Polytopes. Annals of Applied Prob., 14 (2004), 239-273.
5. K. Böröczky, Jr.: Finite coverings in the hyperbolic plane.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 33 (2005), 165-180.
The five most important publications:
1. K. Böröczky, Jr.: Finite packing and covering, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
2. K. Böröczky, Jr.: The stability of the
Rogers-Shepard inequality, Adv. Math.,
190 (2005), 47-76.
3. K. Böröczky, Jr.: Approximation of general
smooth convex bodies. Adv. Math.,
153 (2000), 325-341.
4. K. Böröczky, Jr.: Finite coverings in the hyperbolic plane. Discrete and Computational
Geometry, 33 (2005), 165-180.
5. K. Böröczky, Jr.: About four-ball packings, Mathematika, 40 (1993), 226-232.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
organizer of seven international conferences;
visiting professor at universities in Germany, England, USA;
coordinator of various Hungarian and EU grants
Name: Zoltán Buczolich
Date of birth: 1961
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in Mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): D. Sc. (mathematics), + habilitation at the Eötvös University
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi Professor scholarship (19972001),
Öveges Professor scholarship (2006-2007)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1985 ):
analysis (8 different couses for students in mathematics education + B. Sc. Medium level mathematics; lecture, practice)
Discrete Dynamical systems (for students in mathematics, applied
mathematics, graduate school; lecture)
Chapters in Dynamical Systems (for students in mathematics, applied
mathematics, graduate school; lecture)
Ergodic Theory (for students in mathematics, applied mathematics, graduate
school; lecture)
Complex Funcions (for students in Mathematics, practice)
Budepest Semesters in mathematics (199096 ):
Complex Functions (lecture, practice)
University of California Davis, (1989-1990): Calculus, Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis.
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (1994): Calculus and Introduction to Fractal Geometry.
Michigan State University, (2001-2002): Calculus, Analysis, Honors Analysis.
University of North Texas, (2003): Business Calculus.
Other professional activity:
23 years of continuous teaching experience, 13 diploma thesis supervisions,
2 student research paper supervisions,
over 50 lectures at international conferences; over 30 lectures at
departmental seminars of foreign universities, 72 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Z. Buczolich and C. E. Weil, Infinite Peano Derivatives, extensions, and
the Baire one property, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena Reggio Emilia (2004), no. 1, 117--149 (2005).
2. I. Assani, Z. Buczolich and D. Mauldin, An L^1 Counting problem in
Ergodic Theory, J. Anal. Math. {\bf 95} (2005), 221--241.
3. Z. Buczolich and U. B. Darji, Pseudoarcs, Pseudocircles, Lakes of Wada
and Generic Maps on S^2, Topology Appl. 150 (2005), no. 1-3, 223--254.
4. Z. Buczolich, Solution to the gradient problem of C. E. Weil, Rev. Mat.
Iberoamericana, 21 (2005) No. 3., 889-910.
5. Z. Buczolich, Universally L^1 good sequences with gaps tending to infinity,
Acta Math. Hungar., 117 (1-2) (2007), 91-40.
The five most important publications:
[1] Z. Buczolich, A general Riemann complete integral in the plane, Acta
Math. Hungar. 57 (1991), no. 3-4, 315323.
[2] Z. Buczolich, Density points and bi-Lipschitz functions in Rm,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 116 (1992), no. 1, 5359.
[3] Z. Buczolich, Arithmetic averages of rotations of measurable functions,
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 16 (1996), no. 6, 11851196.
[4] Z. Buczolich, Solution to the gradient problem of C. E. Weil, Rev. Mat.
Iberoamericana, 21 (2005) No. 3., 889-910.
[5] I. Assani, Z. Buczolich and D. Mauldin, An L1 Counting problem
in Ergodic Theory, J. Anal. Math. 95 (2005), 221241.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Analysis Exchange (editor), 2004 ;
of three international conferences and a Summer School;
of the Scientific commitee of the Bolyai Mathematical Society (1990-93);
member of the Mathematical
commitee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1994-96);
of the granting committee of the Hungarian NSRF (OTKA), 19962000;
from USA, Poland, France, Belgium;
professor at universities in USA;
of the Hungarian and the American Mathematical Society.
Name: Balázs Csikós
Date of birth: 1959
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (20002003)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1988 ):
Lie Groups, Algebraic Curves (for PhD students in mathematics; lectures)
Geometry, Algebraic Topology, Differential Geometry, Theory of Bundles and Connections, General Differential Geometric Structures (for students in mathematics; lectures and practices)
Geometric Foundations of 3D graphics (for students in applied mathematics; computer lab practice)
BSM (1990 ):
Topics in Geometry, Algebraic Topology, Differential Topology, Differential Geometry.
CEU (2002 ):
Differential Geometry, Lie Groups (for PhD students, lectures)
Other professional activity:
20 years of teaching experience, 12 diploma thesis supervisions, 2 Ph.D. thesis supervisions;
over 26 lectures at international conferences;
28 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Bezdek, K., Connelly, R., and Csikós, B.: On the perimeter of the intersection of congruent disks. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 47(1) (2006), 53-62.
2. Bezdek, K., Bisztriczky, T., Csikós, B., and Heppes, A.: On the transversal Helly numbers of disjoint and overlapping disks, Archiv der Math., 87(1) (2006), 86-96.
3. Csikós, B., and Moussong, G.: On the Kneser-Poulsen Conjecture in Elliptic Space. Manuscripta Math., 121(4) (2006), 481-489.
4. Csikós, B., Lángi, Zs., and Naszódi, M.: A generalization of the discrete isoperimetric inequality for piecewise smooth curves of constant geodesic curvature, Periodica Math. Hung., 53(1-2) (2006), 121-132.
5. Csikós, B., Németh, B., and Verhóczki, L.: Volumes of principal orbits of isotropy subgroups in compact symmetric spaces, Houston Journal of Math., 33(3) (2007), 719-734.
The five most important publications:
1. Csikós, B.: On the volume of the union of balls, Discrete Comput. Geom., 20 (1998), 449-461.
2. Csikós, B.: On the volume of flowers in space forms, Geometriae Dedicata, 86 (2001), 59-79.
3. Csikós, B.: A Schläfli-type formula for polytopes with curved faces and its application to the Kneser-Poulsen conjecture, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 147(4) (2006), 273-292.
4. Csikós, B.: On the Rigidity of Regular Bicycle (n,k)-gons. Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, 2(1) (2007). 94-107.
5. Csikós, B. and Verhóczki, L.: Classification of Frobenius Lie algebras of dimension ≤ 6. Publ. Math. Debrecen, 70(3-4) (2007), 427-451.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
deputy director of the Institute of Mathematics (2006) and head of the Department of Geometry (2008) at Eötvös University;
organizer of 2 international conferences;
member of the granting committee of the Hungarian NSRF (OTKA), 19992006;
member of the Bolyai Mathematical Society;
coauthors from Canada, South Africa, USA;
visiting professor at universities in Hungary (CEU), Belgium, Canada;
Name: Villő Csiszár
Date of birth: 1975
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): -
Major Hungarian scholarships: -
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Probability theory (for students in informatics and mathematics; lecture,
Statistics (for students in informatics and mathematics; lecture, practice)
Information theory (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Markov chains (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Large deviations (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Other professional activity:
8 years of teaching experience, 2 diploma thesis supervisions.
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Csiszár, V., Móri, T. F.: The convexity method of proving moment-type inequalities. Statist. Probab. Lett.,66 (2004).
2. Csiszár, V., Móri, T. F., Székely, G. J.: Chebyshev-type inequalities for scale mixtures. Statist. Probab. Lett.,71 (2005).
3. Csiszár, V., Móri, T. F.: Sharp integral inequalities for products of convex functions. JIPAM J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 8/4 (2007), Art. 94 (electronic).
4. Csiszár, V., Rejtő, L., Tusnády, G.: Statistical inference on random structures. In: Győri, E., Katona, G. O. H., Lovász, L. (eds.): Horizon of Combinatorics. Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 17, Springer, Berlin (2008).
5. Csiszár, V.: Conditional independence relations and log-linear models for random matchings. Acta Math. Hungar. Online First (2008).
The five most important publications:
1. Makra, Horváth, Zempléni, Csiszár, Rózsa, Motika: Some characteristics of air quality parameters in Southern Hungary. EURASAP Newsletter 42 (2001).
2. Csiszár, V., Móri, T. F.: The convexity method of proving moment-type inequalities. Statist. Probab. Lett.,66 (2004).
3. Csiszár, V., Móri, T. F., Székely, G. J.: Chebyshev-type inequalities for scale mixtures. Statist. Probab. Lett.,71 (2005).
4. Csiszár, V., Rejtő, L., Tusnády, G.: Statistical inference on random structures. In: Győri, E., Katona, G. O. H., Lovász, L. (eds.): Horizon of Combinatorics. Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 17, Springer, Berlin (2008).
5. Csiszár, V.: Conditional independence relations and log-linear models for random matchings. Acta Math. Hungar. Online First (2008).
Activity in the scientific community, international relations:
Member of the Bolyai Mathematical Society
Name: Piroska Csörgő
Date of birth: 1950
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi István scholarship (20032006)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1974 ):
algebra and number theory (for students
in mathematics; lecture and practice)
linear algebra (for students in informatics; practice)
introduction to mathematics (for students in informatics, practice)
analysis (for students in mathematics; practice)
Other professional activity:
34 years of teaching experience, over 10 diploma thesis supervisisons, over 20 lectures at international conferences, 31 publications
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. P. Csörgő, Abelian inner mappings and nilpotency class greater than two, European Journal of Combinatorics 28 (2007), 858867.
2. P. Csörgő, On connected transversals to abelian subgroups and looptheoretical consequences, Archiv der Mathematik 47 (2005), 242265.
3. P. Csörgő, A. Drápal, Left conjugacy closed loops of nilpotency class two, Resultate der Mathematik 47 (2005), 242265.
4. M. Asaad, P. Csörgő, Characterization of finite groups with some S-quasinormal subgroups, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 146 (2005), 263266.
5. P. Csörgő, M. Herzog, On supersolvable groups and the nilpotator, Communications in Algebra Vol. 32, No2. (2004), 609-620.
The five most important publications:
1. P. Csörgő, Abelian inner mappings and nilpotency class greater than two, European Journal of Combinatorics 28 (2007), 858867.
2. P. Csörgő, On connected transversals to abelian subgroups and looptheoretical consequences, Archiv der Mathematik 47 (2005), 242265.
3. P. Csörgő, M. Niemenmaa, On connected transversals to nonabelian subgroups, European Journal of Combinatorics 23 (2002), 179185.
4. P. Csörgő, M. Niemenmaa, Solvability conditions for loops and groups, Journal of Algebra 232 (2000), 336342.
5. M. Asaad, P. Csörgő, The influence of minimal subgroups on the structure of finite groups, Archiv der Mathematik 72 (1999), 401404.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
opponent of theses and membership in committees for PhD, CSc and DSc degrees
refereeing to many international journals
editor at Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications (2008 )
visiting professor at universities in Chicago and in Prague
coauthors from USA, Finland, Germany, Czech Republic, Israel and Egypt
Name: Csaba Fábián
Date of birth: 1958
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, assistant professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1992 ):
Operations research (for students in informatics; lecture, practice);
Stochastic programming, Simulation, OR methods in risk management (for students in mathematics; lecture);
OR software (for students in informatics; practice);
Linear programming methods and solvers (for students in mathematics; practice).
Organizer of Seminar in continuous optimization (for researchers and students in mathematics).
Other professional activity:
16 years of teaching experience,
over 10 diploma thesis supervisions, 3 Ph.D. thesis supervisions;
over 10 lectures at international conferences;
12 publications;
4 optimization packages with applications in transportation, chemistry, and military.
12 citations to above works.
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. C.I. Fábián Decomposing CVaR minimization in two-stage stochastic models. Stochastic Programming E-Print Series 20-2005.
2. C.I. Fábián and Z. Szőke Solving two-stage stochastic programming problems with level decomposition. Computational Management Science 4 (2007), 313-353.
3. C.I. Fábián Handling CVaR objectives and constraints in two-stage stochastic models. European Journal of Operational Research 191 (2008) (special issue on Continuous Optimization in Industry, T. Illés, M. Lopez, J. Vörös, T. Terlaky, G-W. Weber, eds.), 888-911.
4. C.I. Fábián and A. Veszprémi Algorithms for handling CVaR-constraints in dynamic stochastic programming models with applications to finance. The Journal of Risk 10 (2008), 111-131.
5. C.I. Fábián, G. Mitra, and D. Roman Processing Second-order Stochastic Dominance models using cutting-plane representations. CARISMA Technical Report 75 (2008), Brunel University, West London.
The five most important publications:
1. C.I. Fábián Bundle-type methods for inexact data. Central European Journal of Operations Research 8 (2000) (special issue, T. Csendes and T. Rapcsák, eds.), 35-55.
2. C.I. Fábián, A. Prékopa, and O. Ruf-Fiedler On a dual method for a specially structured linear programming problem. Optimization Methods and Software 17 (2002), 445-492.
3. C.I. Fábián and Z. Szőke Solving two-stage stochastic programming problems with level decomposition. Computational Management Science 4 (2007), 313-353.
4. C.I. Fábián Handling CVaR objectives and constraints in two-stage stochastic models. European Journal of Operational Research 191 (2008) (special issue on Continuous Optimization in Industry, T. Illés, M. Lopez, J. Vörös, T. Terlaky, G-W. Weber, eds.), 888-911.
5. C.I. Fábián and A. Veszprémi Algorithms for handling CVaR-constraints in dynamic stochastic programming models with applications to finance. The Journal of Risk 10 (2008), 111-131.
Name: István Faragó
Date of birth: 1950
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (20012004)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1977 ):
Applied analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture)
analysis (for students in meteorology; lecture, practice)
Differential equation (for students in earth sciences; lecture)
Other professional activity:
30 years of teaching experience, 15 diploma thesis supervisions, 5 Ph.D.
thesis supervisions;
over 40 lectures at international conferences;
110 publications;.
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. I. Faragó, C. Palencia, Sharpening the estimate of the stability bound in the maximum-norm of the Crank--Nicolson scheme for the one-dimensional heat equation, Appl. Numer. Math. 42 (2002) 133-140.
2. J. Bartholy,
I. Faragó, A. Havasi, Splitting
method and its application in air pollution modelling, Idöjárás, 105 (2001) 39-58.
3. M. Botchev, I. Faragó, A. Havasi, Testing weighted splitting schemes on a one-column transport-chemistry model, in: S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov eds; Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lect. Notes Comp. Sci., 2907, Springer Verlag, 2004, 295-302.
4 A. Dorosenko, I. Faragó, Á. Havasi, V. Prussov, , On the numerical solution of the three-dimensional advection-diffusion equation, Problems in Programming, 7 (2006) 641-647.
5. P. Csomós, I. Faragó, Error analysis of the numerical solution
obtained by applying operator splitting , Mathematical and Computer Modelling
, 2007.
The five most important publications:
1. I. Faragó, J. Karátson. Numerical solution of nonlinear elliptic problems via preconditioning
operators. Theory and applications. Nova Science Publisher, New York, 402
p. 2002.
2. . I. Faragó, R. Horváth, Discrete maximum
principle and adequate discretizations of linear parabolic problems,
SIAM Scientific Computing, 28 (2006) 2313-2336.
3. I. Faragó, B. Gnandt, Á. Havasi, Additive
and iterative splitting methods and their numerical investigation, Computers
and Mathematics with Applications, 55
(2008) 2266-2279.
4. I. Faragó, P. Thomsen, Z. Zlatev, On the additive splitting procedures
and their computer realization, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 32 (2008)
5. I. Faragó, Á. Havasi, Consistency analysis
of operator splitting methods for C0- semigroups, Semigroup
Forum, 74 (2007) 125-139
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
International Journal of Comp. Science in Eng.
(editorial board), Open Mathematical Journal (editorial board),
organizer of eight international conferences and
workshops; guest editor of six journal special issues,
coauthors from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Spain,
Bulgaria and Ukraina
visiting professor at universities in Germany,
Spain, Denmark, Canada, USA, Finland
Name: László Fehér
Date of birth: 1963
Highest degree (discipline): PhD.
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, assistant professor
Major Hungarian scholarships: Bolyai scholarship (20072009)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1987 92, 2001-):
analysis (practice and lecture), Topology (practice and lecture)
Algebraic topology, Differential Geometry (practice and lecture)
Differential topology, Complex functions (practice), Equivariant
cohomology, Spin Geometry.
Univ. Of Notre Dame USA (1993-97) Calculus all level (practice)
Introductory Math (lecture) 1998
Budapest Semester in Math. (2000-2002)
Topology Algebraic topology, (practice and lecture)
Other professional activity:
20 years of teaching experience, 4 diploma thesis supervisions, 1 Ph.D.
thesis supervision;
over 20 lectures at international conferences;
14 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. The degree of the discriminant of irreducible
representations, elfogadva: Journal of Algebraic
Geometry math.AG/0502500 (with
Richárd Rimányi and András Némethi)
2. Schur and Schubert polynomials as Thom polynomials - Cohomology of
moduli spaces (with Richárd Rimányi)
Cent. European J. Math. 4 (2003) 418434
3. On the structure of Thom polynomials of
singularities, Bull. London Math. J. 39 (2007),
541-549 (with Richárd Rimányi)
4. Positivity of quiver coefficients (with A. S. Buch, Richárd Rimányi) Adv. Math. . 197 (2005) 306-320
5. On
second order Thom-Boardman singularities:
Fundamenta Mathematica 191 (2006), 249-264 (with Balázs Kőműves)
The five most important publications:
1. The degree of the discriminant of irreducible
representations, elfogadva: Journal of Algebraic
Geometry math.AG/0502500 (with
Richárd Rimányi and András Némethi)
2. Schur and Schubert polynomials as Thom polynomials - Cohomology of
moduli spaces (with Richárd Rimányi)
Cent. European J. Math. 4 (2003) 418--434
3. On the structure of Thom polynomials of
singularities, Bull. London Math. J. 39 (2007),
541-549 (with Richárd Rimányi)
4. Positivity of quiver coefficients (with A. S. Buch, Richárd Rimányi) Adv. Math. . 197 (2005) 306-320
5. On second order Thom-Boardman singularities: Fundamenta Mathematica 191 (2006), 249-264 (with Balázs Kőműves)
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Name: Alice Fialowski
Date of birth: 1951
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi Professors Scholarship (19982001) , Széchenyi scholarship (2002 2006)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1974-79, 1994 ), BUTE (198494), Univ. of Pennsylvania,
(19871989), Univ. of California, Davis (19901995),
complex analysis, functiopnal analysis, calculus and probability theory,
introductory calculus,
real analysis, algebra, intorductory analysis, Lie groups and Lie algebras,
multivariate analysis, linear algebra, applied linear algebra, elements of
analysis, infinite dimensional Lie algebras, cohomolgy of Lie algebras
Other professional activity:
Over 27years of teaching experience, 51 research papers, several diploma
and Ph.D. students, a large number of ivited lectures in 18 countries
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
Fialowski, A., Schlichenmaier, M., Krichever-Novikov algebras as global deformations of the Virasoro algebra, Comm. Contemp. Math. 5, No. 6 (2003), 921-945.
Fialowski, A., de Montigny, M., ,,On Deformations and Contractions of Lie Algebras, J. Physics A: Math. Gen., 38 (2005), 649-663.
Fialowski, A., Penkava, M., Strongly homotopy Lie algebras of one even and two odd dimensions, Math. QA/0308016, Jour. of Algebra vol. 283(2005), 125-148.
Fialowski, A., Millionschikov, D.: ,,Cohomology of graded Lie algebras of maximal class, Journal of Algebra, 296 (2006), 157-176.
A., Wagemann, F., ,,Cohomology and deformations of the infinite diemsnional
filiform Lie algebra m_0, Journal of Algebra 318 (2007), 1002-1026.
The five most important publications:
Fialowski, A., Deformations of Lie algebras, Mat. Sbornyik USSR, 127
(169), (1985), 476-482; English translation: Math USSR-Sb., 55 (1986), no.2.,
Fialowski, A., Ont he cohomology of infinite dimensional nilpotent Lie
algebras, Adv. In Math., 97 (1993), 267-277-
Fialowski, A., Fuchs, D.B., Construction of Miniversal Deformations of Lie
Algebras, Jour. of Func. Anal. (1999), 161(1), 76-110.
Fialowski, A., Penkava, M., Deformation Theory of Infinity Algebras,
Jour. of Algebra, 255 (2002), 59-88.
Fialowski, A., Schlichenmaier, M., Global Deformations of the Witt Algebra
of Krichever-Novikov Type, Comm. in Contemporary Math., 5 (2003), 921-945.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Member of the Bolyai Mathematical Society, of the
of the committee for international
relations of the AMS (19931996)
Member of
several conferences amd workshops (e.g. Lie algebras and Lie groups, 1995,
Oberwolfach Conference 1996, 2006, 2010, Seminar Sophus Lie 2007)
Humboldt Fellowship (19861988)
NSF-OTKA grant with Michael Penkava (Univ. of
NATO grant Marc de Montigny, Univ. Albert, Canada.
Member of the editorial board for Journal of Lie
theory, Journal of Generalized Lie theory and Appl., Springer book series
Algebra and Applications
Name: András Frank
Date of birth: 1949
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, full professor
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (19972000)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (22 years):
Operations research, graph theory, matroid theory, ployhedral
combinatorics, combinatorial algorithms, Structures in combinatorial
Other professional activity:
Guest researcher at University of Bonn (19841986, 19891993)
Over 70 publications, over 900 citations in about 500 publications
7 Ph.D. supervisions
invited addresses
at the British Conference of Combinatorics (1993), at the Symposium on
Mathematical Programming in Ann Arbour (1994), at the International
Mathematical Congress (1998), over 60 other conference lectures
Grünwald Prize (1979), Science Award (Eötvös University, 1996), Bolyai Farkas Prize (2001), Szele Tibor Prize (2002)
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. A. Frank, T. Király, and M.
Kriesell, On decomposing a hypergraph
into k-connected sub-hypergraphs, in: Submodularity, (guest editor S.
Fujishige) Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 131, Issue 2. (September 2003).
pp. 373-383.
2. A. Frank, T. Király, and Z.
Király, On the orientation of graphs and
hypergraphs, in: Submodularity, (guest editor S. Fujishige) Discrete Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 131, Issue 2. (September 2003). pp. 385-400.
3. A Frank, Restricted t-matchings in bipartite graphs,
in: Submodularity, (guest editor S. Fujishige) Discrete Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 131, Issue 2. (September 2003). pp. 337-346.
4. A. Frank and T. Király, Combined connectivity augmentation and
orientation problems, in: Submodularity,
(guest editor S. Fujishige) Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 131, Issue 2.
(September 2003). pp. 401-419.
The five most important publications:
1. A. Frank, An algorithm for submodular functions on
graphs, Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 16 (1982) 97-120.
2. A. Frank, Edge-disjoint paths in planar graphs, J. of Combinatorial
Theory, Ser. B. No. 2 (1985), 164-178.
3. A. Frank, Augmenting graphs to meet edge-connectivity
requirements, SIAM J. on Discrete Mathematics, (1992 February), Vol.5, No 1.,
pp.22-53. A preliminary version
4. A. Frank and T. Jordán, Minimal edge-coverings of pairs of sets, J.
Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B. Vol. 65,
No. 1 (1995, September) pp. 73-110.
5. A. Frank and Z. Király, Graph orientations with edge-connection and
parity constraints, Combinatorica, Vol. 22, No. 1. (2002), pp. 47-70.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
of organizing and program committees for
seven international conferences
member ships: Bolyai Matematical
Society, AMS, SIAM, Operations Research Committee of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Applied Mathematics Committee of the European Mathematical Society,
granting committee of the Hungarian NSRF (OTKA) (19972000), Széchenyi
Scholarship Committee (1998), several other award committees
member of the editorial board of
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
leader of several OTKA projects (19951998, 19992001, 20022005), OTKA project for HungarianDutch cooperation (20012004), AMFK (1995), DONET (Discrete Optimization Network, 1993-1998), HungarianIsraeli cooperation project ADONET (2003 ), European cooperaton, France Telekom (20022005), Egervárz Research Group (2001 )
editor of one volume for Mathematical
Programming, series B
Name: Róbert Freud
Date of birth: 1947
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, Mathematical Institute, Department of Algebra and Number Theory, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi professor's scholarship (19972000)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University , Department of Algebra and Number Theory since1968
nearly all algebra and number theory courses for students in pure mathematics and teacher training.
Teaching also combinatorics and analysis at several universities in the USA as visiting faculty.
Other professional activity:
The performance in mathematics and its instruction and popularization are marked by the
following prizes:
National Contest for Secondary School Students (1964),
Who Is Good in Science (1964),
Schweitzer Memorial Competition (1967),
National Conference for Students in Scientific Research (1969, 1970),
Rényi Kató Prize (for scientific results as a university student, 1970),
Grünwald Géza Prize (for scientific results as a young researcher 1976),
Oustanding Instructor of Eötvös University Faculty of Science (1989, 2003),
Pro Universitate Medal (1996),
Beke Manó Prize (for popularization of mathematics 1997).
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Linear Algebra, university textbook, 518 pages, ELTE Eötvös Kiadó (1996-2007, six editions)
2. Number Theory, university textbook (with Edit Gyarmati), Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó 2000, 740 pages, improved edition 2006, 810 pages.
The five most important publications:
1. Linear Algebra, university textbook, 518 pages, ELTE Eötvös Kiadó (1996-2007, six editions)
2. Number Theory, university textbook (with Edit Gyarmati), Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó 2000, 740 pages, improved edition 2006, 810 pages.
3. On sets characterizing additive arithmetical functions I-II, Acta Arithmetica 35 (1979), 333-343, és 37 (1980), 35-41;
4. On disjoint sets of differences (with Paul Erdős), J. Number Theory 18 (1984), 99-109;
5. On sums of a Sidon-sequence (with Paul Erdős), J. Number Theory 38 (1991), 196-205.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
organization of international conferences (ICME-6, colloquia in number theory),
committee member of Schweitzer Memorial Competition,
chair of committee of National Contest for Secondary School Students,
popularization of mathematics (lectures, papers, translation of books, postgradual training of teachers),
member of educational committees of Eötvös University Faculty of Science and of teacher training in mathematics.
Name: Katalin Fried
Date of birth: 1958
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate college professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1982 )
algebra, number theory, numerical methods, informatics, elementary
mathematics, analysis tutorial
Other professional activity:
over 25 years of teaching experience
a large number of lectures in conferences on didactics
several books for elementary schools students
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
n elem permutációi rekurzió
nélkül, TanárképzésTanártovábbképzés, 2002.
Matematikai csemegék, Matematikai Módszertani Lapok, Budapest, 34.
(2002), 911.
További váratlan kérdések a bűvös négyzetről, Kőszegi matematikatanári
konferencia-kötet, 2004
Matematika 58. tankönyv (társszerzőkkel), Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó,
The five most important publications:
Rare Bases For Finite Intervals of Integers, Acta Math. Sci. Szeged,
Vol. 52 (1988), 303305.
Rare Bases of Order h, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., 37
(1994) 243245.
A note on a multiplicative problem, Annales
Univ. Sci. Budapest., 40 (1997), 187190.
A proof of Escher's (only?) theorem, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., 43.
(2000), 159163.
Activity in the scientific community,
international relations
Member of the
Bolyai Mathematical Society
Technical editor
of the Annales Budapest. Sect. Mathematica
Name: Róbert Fullér
Date of birth: 1958
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in program-designer mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi
Professor Scholarship (19982001), Széchenyi István Scholarship (2003-2006)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös Loránd University (1993 ):
Analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Decision Analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
Research Models (for students in
mathematics; practice)
Multiple Objective Optimization (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Financial Mangement (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
Other professional activity:
15 years of teaching experience
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Christer Carlsson, Mario Fedrizzi and
Robert Fullér, Fuzzy Logic
in Management,
Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston, 2003.
2. Christer Carlsson, Robert Fullér and Péter
Majlender, On possibilistic correlation, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, 155(2005) 425-445.
3. Christer Carlsson, Robert Fullér, Markku
Heikillä and Péter Majlender, A fuzzy approach to R&D project portfolio
selection, International
Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 44(2007) 93-105.
4. Robert Fullér and Péter Majlender, On
interactive fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, 143(2004) 355-369.
5. Robert Fullér and Péter Majlender, On
weighted possibilistic mean and variance of fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 136(2003) 363-374.
The five most important publications:
1. Robert Fullér, Introduction
to Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Springer, 2000.
2. Christer Carlsson and Robert Fullér, Fuzzy Reasoning in Decision Making and Optimization, Springer, 2002.
3. Robert Fullér and Péter Majlender, On
obtaining minimal variablity OWA operator weights, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, 136(2003) 203-215.
Robert Fullér and Péter Majlender, An analytic approach for obtaining maximal
entropy OWA operator weights, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, 124(2001) 53-57.
5. Christer Carlsson and Robert Fullér, On possibilistic mean value and variance of fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 122(2001) 315-326.
Activity in the scientific community,
international relations
Referee for:
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Information Sciences, IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Soft
Computing, European Journal of Operational
Research, IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks, Il Nuovo Cimento B, The Journal of the
Franklin Institute, IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Soochow Journal of
Mathematics, Acta Mathematica
Hungarica, Omega
- The International Journal of Management Science, Applied Artificial
Intelligence, Computers & Industrial
Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurement, International Journal of Neural
Systems, International Journal of Uncertainty,
Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,
International Journal of Mathematics and
Mathematical Sciences, Acta Cybernetica, Journal
of Modelling in Management, International
Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Computers and
Mathematics with Applications, Fuzzy
Optimization and Decision Making, International
Journal of Systems Science, Environmental
Modelling & Software, Knowledge and Information Systems, European Journal of Industrial
Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews.
Name: Vince Grolmusz
Date of birth: 1961
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, full professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD, CSc, DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (20022005)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1990 ): Combinatorics, computer science
BSM (198898 ) Introduction to Computing
Other professional activity:
18 years of teaching experience, 10 diploma thesis supervisions, 3 Ph.D.
thesis supervisions;
over 30 lectures at international conferences; 26 publications in journals;
8 US patents;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
Grolmusz, V.: Computing Elementary Symmetric Polynomials with a Sub-Polynomial Number of Multiplications, SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 32, No. 6 (2003), pp 1475-1487.
Grolmusz, V.: A Note on Set Systems with no Union of Cardinality 0 Modulo m, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS) Vol 6, No. 1 (2003), pp 41-44.
Grolmusz, V., Tardos, G.: A Note on Non-Deterministic Communication Complexity with Few Witnesses, Theory of Computing Systems, Vol 36, No. 4 (2003), pp 387-391.
V.: A Note on Explicit Ramsey Graphs and Modular Sieves,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing Vol. 12, (2003) pp. 565-569 (an
invited paper).
V.: Constructing Set-Systems with Prescribed Intersection Sizes,
Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 44 (2002), pp. 321-337.
The five most important publications:
Grolmusz, V.: Computing Elementary Symmetric Polynomials with a
Sub-Polynomial Number of Multiplications, SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 32,
No. 6 (2003), pp 1475-1487.
Grolmusz, V.: Constructing Set-Systems with Prescribed Intersection
Sizes, Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 44
(2002), pp. 321-337.
Grolmusz, V., Sudakov, B.: k-wise
Set-Intersections and k-wise Hamming-Distances, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 99
(2002), no. 1, 180--190.
Grolmusz, V.: Separating the Communication Complexities of MOD m and MOD p
Circuits, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 51, (1995), No. 2
Grolmusz, V., Tardos, G.: Lower Bounds for (MOD p, MOD m) Circuits, SIAM
Journal on Computing, Vol. 29, (2000), No. 4, pp. 1209-1222
Grolmusz, V.: Superpolynomial Size Set-Systems with Restricted
Intersections mod 6 and Explicit Ramsey Graphs, Combinatorica, Vol. 20, (2000),
No. 1, pp. 73-88.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
prof at the University of Chicago, 1999; Coordinator of EU FP5, FP6 and large
Hungarian research projects.
Name: Katalin Gyarmati
Date of birth:
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1999 ):
number theory (for students in mathematics; practice)
linear algebra (for students in informatics; practice)
computational number theory (for students in mathematics, lecture)
exponential sums and its applications in number theory (for students in mathematics, lecture)
Other professional activity:
9 years of teaching experience, over 16 lectures at international conferences;
24 publications.
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. K. Gyarmati, A.
Sárközy, Equations in finite fields with restricted solution sets, I.
(Character sums.) , Acta Math. Hungar. 118 (2008), 129-148.
2. K. Gyarmati, A.
Sárközy, Equations in finite fields with restricted solution sets, II.
(Algebraic equations.), Acta Math. Hungar. 119 (2008), 259-280.
3. K. Gyarmati, S.
Konyagin, I. Z. Ruzsa, Double and triple sums modulo a prime, CRM
Proceedings & lecture Notes, Volume 43, AMS 2008, 271-278.
4. K. Gyarmati, On
the number of divisors which are values of a polynomial, The Ramanujan
Journal, to appear.
5. K. Gyarmati, M.
Matolcsi, I. Z. Ruzsa, A superadditivity and submultiplicativity properties
for cardinalities of sumsets, Combinatorica, to appear.
The five most important publications:
1. K. Gyarmati, On a problem of Diophantus, Acta Arith. 97.1
(2001), 53-65.
2. K. Gyarmati, On the correlation of binary sequences,
Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 42 (2005), 59-75.
3. K. Gyarmati, A. Sárközy, A. Pethõ, On linear recursion
and pseudorandomness, Acta Arith. 118 (2005), 359-374.
4. K. Gyarmati, A. Sárközy, Equations in finite fields with
restricted solution sets, I. (Character sums.) , Acta Math. Hungar. 118
(2008), 129-148.
5. K. Gyarmati, M. Matolcsi, I. Z. Ruzsa, A superadditivity and submultiplicativity properties for cardinalities of sumsets, Combinatorica, to appear
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Középiskolai Matematikai Lapok (editor in chief, 19961999)
member of OTKA (2003-)
coauthors from France, Canada, Germany and Hungary.
Name: Gábor Halász
Date of birth: 1941
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, Department of Analysis,
Scientific degree (discipline): fellow of HAS (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
For over 20 years:
Introduction to Complex Functions, Fourier Integral, Geometric Function
Theory, Riemann Surfaces, Chapters from Complex Function Theory, Special
Functions, Approximation Theory.
Special courses: Analysis in Probability, Tauberian Theorems, Arithmetic
Other professional activity:
1964-1991: Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics of HAS (1976-1991: head of
the Function Theory Department)
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
The five most important publications:
Über die Mittelwerte multiplikativer zahlentheretischer Funktionen, Acta
Math. Hung. 19(1968), 365-403.
On the distribution of roots of Riemann zeta and allied functions I, J. Number
Theory 1(1969), 121-137 (Turán Pállal közösen).
Tauberian theorems for univalent functions, Studia Sci. Math. Hung.
4(1969), 421-440.
Estimates for the concentration function of combinatorial number theory and
probability, Per. Math. Hung. 8(1977), 197-211.
On Roth's method in the theory of irregularities
of point distributions, Recent Progress in Analytic Number Theory, vol. 2,
Academic Press (1981), 79-94.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
János Bolyai Mathematical Society (committee
member), Doctoral Committee of Section Mathematics of HAS (member), member of
the editorial boards of Acta Math.
Hung., Studia Sci. Math. Hung., Analysis, Acta Arithmetica.
Name: Norbert Hegyvári
Date of birth: 1956
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, professor of college
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (20002003)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1985 ):
algebra (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
analysis (for students mathematics; lecture, practice)
probability theory (for students
lecture, practice) at ELTE Teacher Training College,
analysis (for students mathematics; lecture, practice), at Dept. of Analysis
Other professional activity:
20 years of teaching experience, ~30 diploma thesis supervisions,;
~15 lectures at international conferences;
39 publications;
2 books;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
[1] Hegyvári, N, F. Hennecart and A.
Plagne, A proof of two Erdős' conjectures on restricted addition and further
results ( Journal fuer die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle) 560 2003,
199220 )
[2] On Combinatorial Cubes, The
Ramanujan Journal 8 (2004), no.3, 303-307
[3] Arithmetical and group topologies, Acta Math. Hungar.
106 (3) (2005), 187-195
[4] On intersecting properties of partitions of integers Combin.
Probab. Comput. (14) 03, (2005), 319-323
[5] Answer to the Burr-Erdős question on restricted
and further results, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing,
Volume 16, Issue 05, Sep 2007, pp 747-756
(with F. Hennecart and A. Plagne)
The five most important publications:
[1] Hegyvári, N, F. Hennecart and A. Plagne, A proof of two Erdős'
conjectures on restricted addition and further results (Journal fuer die reine
und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle) 560, 2003, 199220)
[2] Hegyvári, N, F. Hennecart, On
Monochromatic sums of squares and primes, Journal of Number Theory, Volume 124,
Issue 2,
June 2007, Pages 314-324
[3] Hegyvári, Norbert, On the representation of integers as sums of
distinct terms from a fixed set Acta
Arith. 92.2 2000. 99104.
[4] Hegyvári, On the dimension
of the Hilbert cubes. J. Number Theory 77
(1999), no. 2, 326--330.
[5] N.Hegyvári, A Sárközy, On
Hilbert cubes in certain sets. Ramanujan J. 3 (1999), no.3, 303--314.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
organizer of two international conferences;;
coauthors from England, France, China
visiting (for a month) at universities in Germany,
England, France, USA;
Name: Peter Hermann
Date of birth: 1953
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1977 ):
algebra and number theory (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
BSM (1993 )
Basic and advanced algebra (lecture, practice)
CEU (2004 )
Basic Algebra I (for Ph.D. students in mathematics)
Other professional activity:
30 years of teaching experience, more than 10 diploma thesis supervisions, 1 Ph.D. (CSc) thesis supervision;
lectures at international conferences;
15 publications
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
The five most important publications:
1. On the product of all elements in a finite group (with J.
Dénes), Annals of Discrete Math. 15 (1982), 107-111. (MR 86c:20024;
2. Separability properties of finite groups hereditary for
certain products (with K. Corrádi and L. Héthelyi), Arch. Math. 44
(1985), 210-215. (MR 86d:20025; 20D40 (20D20))
3. On the product of all nonzero elements of a finite ring,
Glasgow Math. J. 30 (1988),
325-330. (MR 89m:16027; 16A44)
4. On p-quasinormal subgroups in finite groups, Arch. Math. 53 (1989), 228-234.(MR 90i:20028; 20D40(20D20))
5. On finite p-groups with isomorphic maximal subgroups, J.
Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) 48 (1990), 199-213. (MR 91a:20024; 20D15)
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
KöMaL (Mathematical and Physical Journal for Secondary Schools; member of the Editorial Board in Mathematics), 1988;
Name: Tibor Illés
Date of birth: 1963
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös Loránd University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): phd (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1992 ):
operations research (for students in (applied) mathematics; lecture, practice)
linear programming (for students in (applied)mathematics; lecture)
nonlinear programming (for students in (applied) mathematics; lecture)
game theory (for students in (applied) mathematics; lecture)
continuous optimization (for students in (applied) mathematics; lecture)
discrete programming (for students in (applied) mathematics; lecture)
Other professional activity:
Research projects: 11 projects in applied mathematics ( 4 times as
participant, 7 times as
project head), 5 OTKA projects in basic research (3 times as participant, 2
times as project head)
Publications: 33 journal articles, 9 chapters in edited volumes, 24 working
papers, 21 research reports,
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Akkeles, A. A., Balogh L. and Illés T., New variants of the criss-cross
method for linearly constrained, convex quadratic programming, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 157, No. 1:74-86,
2. Illés T. and Terlaky T., Pivot Versus Interior Point Methods: Pros and Cons, European Journal of Operational Research, 140:6-26, 2002.
3. Boratas-Sensoy,
Z., Illés T. and Kas P., Entropy and Young Programs:
Relations and Self-concordance, Central European
Journal of Operations Research, 10:261-276, 2002.
4. Illés
T., Peng, J., Roos, C. and Terlaky T., A
Strongly Polynomial Rounding Procedure Yielding A Maximally
Complementary Solution for P*(κ)
Linear Complementarity Problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 11:320-340,
5. Illés
T. and Pisinger, D., Upper Bounds on the Covering Number
of Galois-planes with Small Order, Journal on
Heuristics, 7:59-76, 2000.
The five most important publications:
Illés T., Peng, J., Roos, C.
and Terlaky T., A Strongly Polynomial Rounding
Procedure Yielding A Maximally Complementary Solution for P*(κ) Linear Complementarity Problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 11:320-340,
Illés T. and Kassay G., Theorems
of the Alternative and Optimality Conditions for Convexlike and General
Convexlike Programming, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
101:243-257, 1999.
Illés T. and Kassay G., Farkas
Type Theorems for Generalized Convexities, Pure Mathematics and Applications
5:225-229, 1994.
Illés T., Mayer J. and Terlaky
T., Pseudoconvex Optimization for a Special Problem of Paint Industry, European
Journal of Operations Research 79:537-548, 1994.
Illés T., Szőnyi T. and Wettl
F., Blocking Sets and Maximal Strong Representative Systems in Finite
Projective Planes, Proceedings of the Conference "Blocking Sets",
Giessen, 97-107, 1991.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Member of János Bolyai Mathematical Society,
Hungarian Operations Research Society,
Mathematical Programming Society, EUROPT WG, EURO
Working Group on Continuous
Name: Ferenc Izsák
Date of birth: 1976
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in pure mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, teaching assistant
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (applied mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: -
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (2001 ):
analysis (for students in applied mathematics, physics; practice)
introductory mathematics (for students in biology, environmental study, chemistry; lecture, practice)
partial differential equations (for students in applied and pure
mathematics, meteorology; practice)
finite element methods (for students in the mathematics doctoral school;
mathematical modeling (for students in applied mathematics; lecture)
Other professional activity:
7 years of teaching experience,
21 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Izsák, F., Lagzi, I.: Simulation of Liesegang pattern formation using a discrete stochastic model, Chemical Physics Letters, 371(3-4) (2003), 321-326.
2. Izsák, F.: An existence theorem for a type of functional differential equations with infinite delay, Acta Math. Hung., 108(1-2) (2005), 135-151.
3 van der Vegt, J.J.W., Izsák, F., Bokhove, O.: Error analysis of a continuous- discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for generalized 2D vorticity dynamics, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 45(4) (2007), 1349-1369.
4. Izsák, F., Harutyunyan, D., van der Vegt, J.J.W.: Implicit a posteriori error estimates for the Maxwell equations, Mathematics of Computation, 77(263) (2008), 1355=1386.
5. Harutyunyan, D., Izsák, F., van der Vegt, J.J.W.: Adaptive finite element techniques for the Maxwell equations using implicit a posteriori error estimates, Computer Methods in Applied Mathematics and Engineering, 197(17-18) (2008), 1620-1638.
The five most important publications
1. Izsák, F., Lagzi, I.: Simulation of Liesegang pattern formation using a discrete stochastic model, Chemical Physics Letters, 371(3-4) (2003), 321-326.
2. Izsák, F.: An existence theorem for a type of functional differential equations with infinite delay, Acta Math. Hung., 108(1-2) (2005), 135-151.
3. van der Vegt, J.J.W., Izsák, F., Bokhove, O.: Error analysis of a continuous- discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for generalized 2D vorticity dynamics, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 45(4) (2007), 1349-1369.
4. Izsák, F., Harutyunyan, D., van der Vegt, J.J.W.: Implicit a posteriori error estimates for the Maxwell equations, Mathematics of Computation, 77(263) (2008), 1355-1386.
Harutyunyan, D., Izsák, F., van
der Vegt, J.J.W.: Adaptive finite element techniques for the Maxwell equations
using implicit a posteriori error estimates, Computer Methods in Applied Mathematics and Engineering,
197(17-18) (2008), 1620-1638.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
with the Erasmus programme (University of Twente)
research collaboration with the University of Twente;
from the Netherlands, Russian Federation, Armenia;
Name: Tibor Jordán
Date of birth: 1967
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (20002003)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (19911994, 2000 ):
science, discrete mathematics, graph
theory, theory of computing, scheduling theory, combinatorial algorithms,
combinatorial structures, approximation algorithms
Technical University of Budapest (19941996):
algebra, analysis, discrete mathematics
University of Odense (19961998):
connectedness of graphs
University of Aarhus (1999)
combinatorial optimization, discrete mathematics
Other professional activity:
over 50 reasearch articles, over 200
citations, over 50 conference lectures
coauthor of one book
project leader of one OTKA and one FKFP project
Rényi Kató Prize (1991), ), Grünwald Géza Prize (1996).
managing editor of Combinatorica
long term visits at several universities (Bonn, Amsterdam, Odense,
Grenoble, Kyoto, Aarhus)
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
A. Berg, T. Jordán, A proof of Connelly's conjecture on 3-connected
circuits of the rigidity matroid, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B., Vol. 88,
77-97, 2003.
B. Jackson, T. Jordán, Non-separable detachments of graphs, J.
Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B., Vol. 87, 17-37, 2003.
T. Jordán, Z. Szigeti, Detachments preserving local edge-connectivity of
graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 17, No. 1, 72-87 (2003).
B. Jackson, T. Jordán, Connected rigidity matroids and unique realizations
of graphs, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B., in press
B. Jackson, T. Jordán, Independence free graphs and vertex-connectivity
augmentation, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B., in press
The five most important publications, besides the ones given above:
T. Jordán, On the optimal vertex-connectivity augmentation, J.
Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B., Vol. 63, 8-20, 1995.
A. Frank, T. Jordán, Minimal edge-coverings of
pairs of sets, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B., Vol. 65, 73-110, 1995.
J. Bang-Jensen, H.N. Gabow, T. Jordán and Z.
Szigeti, Edge-connectivity augmentation with partition constraints, SIAM J.
Discrete Mathematics Vol. 12, No. 2, 160-207 (1999).
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Member of the Bolyai János Mathematical Society
Long term visitor at University of Aarhus (Denmark), Odense University (Denmark), Queen Mary College, London (Great Britain), Hiroshima University (Japan).
Name: Alpár Jüttner
Date of birth: 1975
Highest degree (discipline): MSc in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University,
associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so
Eötvös University (1998 ):
operations research (for students in mathematics and
in informatics; practice)
complexity theory (for students in matematics; practice)
Other professional activity:
5 years of teaching experience, 3 MSc thesis
over 10 international conference appearances;
24 publications;
2 international patents;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
[1] Csaba Antal, János Harmatos, Alpár Jüttner, Gábor Tóth, and Lars Westberg. Cluster-based resource provisioning method for optical backbone. Journal of Optical Networking, 5(11):829-840, October 2006.
[2] Alpár Jüttner. On budgeted optimization problems. SIAM Journal on Discrete Matemathics, 20(4):880-892, 2006.
[3] Alpár Jüttner. Optimization with additional variables and constraints. Operations Research Letters, 33(3):305-311, May 2005.
[4] Alpár Jüttner and Ádám Magi. Tree based broadcast in ad hoc networks. Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) - Special Issue on WLAN Optimization at the MAC and Network Levels, 10(5):753-762, oct 2005.
[5] Alpár Jüttner, András Orbán, and Zoltán Fiala. Two new algorithms for UMTS access network topology design. European Journal of Operational Research, 164(2):456-474, July 2005.
The five most important publications:
[1] Alpár Jüttner. On budgeted
optimization problems. SIAM Journal on Discrete Matemathics, 20(4):880-892,
[2] Alpár Jüttner. Optimization with
additional variables and constraints. Operations Research Letters,
33(3):305-311, May 2005.
[3] Alpár Jüttner, András Orbán, and
Zoltán Fiala. Two new algorithms for UMTS access network topology design.
European Journal of Operational Research, 164(2):456-474, July 2005.
[4] Alpár Jüttner, István Szabó, and
Áron Szentesi. On bandwidth efficiency of the hose resource management model in
virtual private networks. In Infocom. IEEE, April 2003.
[5] Alpár Jüttner, Balázs
Szviatovszki, Ildikó Mécs, and Zsolt Rajkó. Lagrange relaxation based method
for the QoS routing problem. In Infocom. IEEE, April 2001.
Activity in the scientific community, international
2005-2008: COST293 Management Comittee member
2007-2009: Maire Curie Research Fellowship
at University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK
Name: János Karátson
Date of birth: 1966
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Magyary scholarship (1999-2002), Bolyai
scholarship (20022005 and 2007-2010)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far): at Eötvös
University (since 1990):
functional analysis (for students in applied mathematics, basic level and
in numerics; lecture, practice),
partial differential equations (for students in meteorology; lecture, practice),
ordinary differential equations (for students in physics; lecture, practice),
analysis, ordinary differential equations (for students in applied mathematics; practice)
MSc and PhD thesis supervisions: for students in (applied) mathematics
In English: translation of scientific texts (for Hungarian students),
Mathematics (for foreign students)
Other professional activity:
52 papers and 1 monograph;
regular lectures in international conferences;
international collaborations (Netherlands, Bulgaria, USA, Sweden, Finland);
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
[1] Axelsson, O., Karátson J., On the superlinear convergence of the conjugate gradient method for nonsymmetric normal operators, Numer. Math. 99 (2004), 197-223.
[2] Karátson J., Lóczi L., Sobolev gradient preconditioning for the electrostatic potential equation, Comput. Math. Appl. 50 (2005), pp. 1093-1104.
[3] Karátson J., Korotov, S., Discrete maximum principles for finite element solutions of nonlinear elliptic problems with mixed boundary conditions, Numer. Math 99 (2005), No. 4, 669-698.
[4] J.
Karátson, J. W. Neuberger, Newton's method in the context of gradients,
Electron. J. Diff. Eqns. Vol. 2007(2007), No. 124, pp. 1-13.
[5] Axelsson,
O., Karátson J., Mesh independent superlinear PCG rates via compact-equivalent
operators, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 45 (2007), No.4, pp. 1495-1516.
The five most important publications:
[1] Faragó I., Karátson J., Numerical solution of nonlinear elliptic problems via preconditioning operators: theory and application. Advances in Computation, Volume 11, NOVA Science Publishers, New York, 2002.
[2] Karátson J., Faragó I., Variable preconditioning via quasi-Newton methods for nonlinear problems in Hilbert space, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 41 (2003), No. 4, 1242-1262.
[3]-[5]: same as above
Activity in the scientific community, international relations:
Collaboration with Prof. O. Axelsson (Nijmegen - Uppsala), I. Lirkov (Sofia),
S. Korotov (Helsinki), J. Neuberger (North Texas).
Regular refereeing for international papers.
Membership in editorial board of Numer. Lin. Algebra.
Organization in two international conferences.
Visiting professorship in Helsinki.
Reviewing for AMS Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt.
Name: Gyula Károlyi
Date of birth: 1964
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi professor's scholarship (20002003)
Bolyai Fellowship (20032006, 20072010)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1985 ):
algebra, number theory (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
linear algebra (for students in informatics; practice)
algebraic numbre theory, combinatorial geometry and number theory (for students in mathemtics and problem soling seminar)
ETH Zürich (20012002)
graph theory (for students in mathematics, informatics, engineering; lecture and practice)
University of Memphis
business calculus (for general audience; lecture)
combinatorial number theory (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Other professional activity:
23 years of teaching experience, 4 diploma thesis supervisions
coordinator and suervisor of undergraduate research at Eötvös University (19962006)
over 80 letctures at international conferences and seminars in renowned institutions around the world
35 publications in refereed international journals and volumes
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Károlyi, Gy., The ErdősHeilbronn problem in abelian groups, Israle Journal of Mathematics 139 (2004), 349359.
2. Károlyi, Gy., A compatness argument in the additive theory and the polynomial method, DiscreteMathematics 302 (2005), 124144.
3. Károlyi, Gy., An inverse theorem for the restricted set addition in abelian groups, Journal of Algebra 290 (2005), 557593.
4. Károlyi, Gy., CauchyDavenport theorem in group extensions, LEnseignement Mathématique 51 (2005), 239254.
5. Károlyi, Gy., A note on the HopfStiefel function, European Journal of Combinatorics 27 (2006), 11351137.
The five most important publications:
1. Károlyi, Gy., Geometric discrepancy theorems in higher dimensions, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicrum Hungarica 30 (1995), 5994.
2. Károlyi, Gy., Irregularities of point distributions relative to homothetic convex bodies I., Monatshefte für Mathematik 120 (1995), 247279.
3. Dasgipta, S., Károlyi, Gy., Serra, O., Szegedy, B.: Transersals of additive latin squares, Israel Journal of Mathematics 126 (2001), 1728.
4. Károlyi, Gy., An inverse th theorem for the restricted set addition in abelian groups, Journal of Algebra 290 (2005), 557593.
5. Károlyi, Gy., CauchyDavenport theorem in group extensions, LEnseignement Mathématique 51 (2005), 239254.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Athematical and Physical Journal for Secondary Schools (editor), 1988 ;
organizer of an international conference, a workshop and a national undergraduate research conference;
member of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society and the Hungarian Humboldt Assocation;
chair of the Hungarian Mathematical Contest (19982002);
member of the granting committee of the Hungarian NSRF (OTKA), 20082010;
coauthors from Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Japan, Switzerland and the US;
visiting professor at universities in Switzerland and in the US;
visiting reserach fellow in France, in the Netherlands and in the US;
Name: Tamás Keleti
Date of birth: 1970
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi Professor Scholarship (20002003)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1992 ):
analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
real functions (for students fourth and fifth year students in mathematics;
problem solving seminar in real analysis (for students in mathematics)
special courses (for students in mathematics): intuitive topology, discrete dynamical systems, mathematics of fractals
BSM (1999 )
Real functions and measures (lecture, practice)
Other professional activity:
16 years of teaching experience, 6 diploma thesis supervisions, 1 Ph.D.
thesis supervisions;
lectures at international conferences;
26 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Udayan B. Darji and TK: Covering the real line with translates of a compact set, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), 2593-2596.
2. Márton Elekes and TK: Borel sets which are null or non-sigma-finite for every translation invariant measure, Adv. Math. 201 (2006), 102-115.
3. Gyula Károlyi, TK, Géza Kós and Imre Ruzsa: Periodic decomposition of integer valued functions, Acta Math. Hungar., to appear.
4. TK: Periodic decomposition of measurable integer valued functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 337 (2008), 1394-1403.
5. Bálint Farkas,
Viktor Harangi, TK and Szilárd
György Révész: Invariant decomposition of functions with respect
to commuting invertible transformations , Proc. Amer. Math Soc. 136
(2008), 1325-1336.
The five most important publications:
1. TK: Difference functions of periodic measurable functions, Fund. Math. 157 (1998), no. 1, 15--32.
2. TK and David Preiss: The balls do not generate all Borel sets using complements and countable disjoint unions, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 128 (2000), no. 3, 539-547.
3. Udayan B. Darji and TK: Covering the real line with translates of a compact set, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), 2593-2596.
4. Márton Elekes and TK: Borel sets which are null or non-sigma-finite for every translation invariant measure, Adv. Math. 201 (2006), 102-115.
5. Bálint Farkas, Viktor Harangi, TK and Szilárd György Révész: Invariant decomposition of functions with respect to commuting invertible transformations , Proc. Amer. Math Soc. 136 (2008), 1325-1336.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
organizer and often leader the team of the Eötvös University at the
International Mathematics Competition, 1998- ;
coauthors from England, USA, Czech Republic and
Royal Society/NATO Postdoc scholarship at the
University College London, 1997/98;
visiting research instructor at the Michigan State
University, 1998/99
Name: Tamás Király
Date of birth: 1975.03.19
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös Loránd University, assistant professor
Scientific degree (discipline): phd (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Öveges scholarship, OM Postdoctoral
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1999 ):
Integer Programming I-II (for students in (applied)mathematics; lecture)
Matroid Theory (for students in (applied)mathematics; lecture)
Applied Module (Combinatorial Optimization) (for students in applied
mathematics; practice)
Operations Research (for students in applied mathematics and informatics; practice)
Other professional activity:
Research fellow in the MTA-ELTE Egerváry Research Group on Combinatorial
Research projects: Öveges project Structural
properties of Networks; joint research with France Telecom; participation in
several OTKA projects
Publications: 9 journal articles, 10 research reports
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. A. Frank, T. Király, M. Kriesell, On decomposing a hypergraph
into k connected sub-hypergraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 131 (2003),
2. A. Frank,
T. Király, Z. Király, On the orientation of graphs and hypergraphs,
Discrete Applied Mathematics 131 (2003), 385-400.
3. A.
Frank, T. Király, Combined connectivity augmentation and orientation
problems, Discrete Applied Mathematics 131 (2003), 401-419.
4. T. Király, Covering symmetric supermodular functions by uniform hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 91 (2004), 185-200.
5. T. Király, J. Pap, Total dual integrality of Rothblum's description of the stable marriage polyhedron, Mathematics of Operations Research 33(2) (2008), 283-290.
The five most important publications:
1. A. Frank, T. Király, M. Kriesell, On decomposing a hypergraph
into k connected sub-hypergraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 131 (2003),
2. A. Frank,
T. Király, Z. Király, On the orientation of graphs and hypergraphs,
Discrete Applied Mathematics 131 (2003), 385-400.
3. A.
Frank, T. Király, Combined connectivity augmentation and orientation
problems, Discrete Applied Mathematics 131 (2003), 401-419.
4. T. Király, Covering symmetric supermodular functions by uniform hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 91 (2004), 185-200.
5. T.
Király, J. Pap, Total dual integrality of Rothblum's description of the
stable marriage polyhedron, Mathematics of Operations Research 33(2)
(2008), 283-290.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
in ADONET Marie Curie Research Training Network
Name: Zoltán Király
Date of birth: 1963
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Bolyai scholarship (19992002)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1987 ):
Discrete mathematics (for students in mathematics and in informatics; lecture, practice)
Parallel algorithms (for students in mathematics and in informatics; lecture)
Data structures (for students in mathematics and in informatics; lecture)
Algorithms (for students in mathematics and in informatics; lecture)
Complexity theory (for students in mathematics and in informatics; lecture)
Graph theory (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
Combinatorial optimization (for students in informatics; lecture)
Introduction to computer science (for students in informatics; lecture, practice)
Interactive proofs (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Complexity seminar (for students in mathematics and in informatics; seminar)
Applied discrete mathematics seminar (for students in mathematics and in informatics; seminar)
CEU PhD school (2007 ):
Complexity theory (lecture)
Other professional activity:
21 years of teaching experience, 9 diploma thesis supervisions, 2 Ph.D. thesis supervisions;
over 20 lectures at international conferences;
16 publications in refereed journals;
1 international patent.
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
A. Frank, T. Király, Z. Király: ,,On the orientation of graphs and
hypergraphs'', Discrete Applied
Mathematics 131 (2003), pp. 385-400.
M. Kano, G. Y. Katona, Z. Király: ,,Packing paths of length at least two'',
Discrete Mathematics, 283, (2004), pp. 129-135.
V. Grolmusz, Z. Király: ,,Generalized Secure Routerless
Routing'', Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3421,
Networking - ICN 2005, part II, eds: P. Lorenz, P. Dini, (2005), pp. 454-462.
Z. Király, Z. Szigeti: ,,Simultaneous
well-balanced orientations
of graphs'', JCT B 96, Issue 5, (2006), pp. 684-692.
A. Frank, Z. Király, B. Kotnyek: ,,An Algorithm for Node-Capacitated Ring Routing'',
Operations Research Letters, 35,
Issue 3, (2007), pp. 385-391.
The five most important publications:
A. Gyárfás, Z. Király, J. Lehel: ,,On-line 3-chromatic graphs. I. Triangle--free graphs'',
SIAM J. Discr. Math. 12, (1999), pp. 385-411.
A. Frank,
Z. Király: ,,Graph Orientations with Edge-connection and Parity Contstraints'',
Combinatorica 22, (2002), pp. 47-70.
A. Frank, T. Király, Z. Király: ,,On the orientation of graphs and
hypergraphs'', Discrete Applied
Mathematics 131 (2003), pp. 385-400.
M. Kano, G. Y. Katona, Z. Király: ,,Packing paths of length at least two'',
Discrete Mathematics, 283, (2004), pp. 129-135.
Z. Király, Z. Szigeti: ,,Simultaneous
well-balanced orientations
of graphs'', JCT B 96, Issue 5, (2006), pp. 684-692.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Member of BJMT, ICA, EATCS;
visiting researcher at Rutgers, Princeton, Yale.
Name: Emil Kiss
Date of birth: 1956
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, full professor, Head of the Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics), dr habil
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (19982001)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (from 1978, full time since 1989):
Classical, linear, abstract, universal algebra and number theory at various levels (for students in mathematics and in teacher training; lecture, practice).
La Trobe University, Australia (1986, three semesters):
algebra, complex analysis, foundations of mathematics (for students in mathematics and applied mathematics).
University of Illinois at Chicago (1990, two semesters):
linear algebra, differential equations, universal algebra (for students in mathematics and applied mathematics).
two courses (abstract algebra; group theory)
Other professional activity:
30 years of teaching experience, 2 diploma thesis supervisions;
over 10 invited plenary lectures at international conferences;
main advisor and organizer of the Students Scientific Association (1991-1997).
Committee member for the National High School Mathematical Competition.
Chairman of the BSc Committee of Education at ELTE.
39 publications with over 200 citations;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1) K. A. Kearnes and E. W. Kiss, Residual smallness and weak centrality, Journal of Algebra and Computation, 13(2003), 35-59.
2) K. A. Kearnes and E. W. Kiss, The triangular principle is equivalent to the triangular scheme, Algebra Universalis, 54(2005), 373-383.
3) E. W. Kiss, M. A. Valeriote, On tractability and congruence distributivity. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 3(2:6, 2007), 20 pages.
4) Emil Kiss, Introduction to algebra, TypoTeX, 2007 (textbook, in Hungarian), 1000 pages.
The five most important publications:
1) A. Day and E.W. Kiss, Frames and rings in congruence modular varieties, Journal of Algebra, 109 (1987), no. 2, 479-507.
2) E. W. Kiss, M. A. Valeriote, Abelian algebras and the Hamiltonian property, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 87:1 (1993), 37-49.
3) K. A. Kearnes, E. W. Kiss, M. A. Valeriote, Minimal sets and varieties, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 350:1 (1998) 1-41.
4) K. A. Kearnes, E. W. Kiss, Finite algebras of finite complexity, Discrete Math. 207:1-3 (1999) 89-135.
5) K. A. Kearnes, E. W. Kiss, M. A. Valeriote, A geometric consequence of residual smallness, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 99:1-3 (1999) 137-169.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
reviewer for Mathematical Reviews since 1979
editor of Algebra Universalis (Birkhauser) since 1998.
board of the Bolyai research fellowship: member since 2007.
organizer of the Budapest Erdős Workshop on Tame Congruence Theory;
coauthors from USA, Canada, Germany, Poland, Russia, Hungary;
visiting professor at universities in Germany, Australia, Canada, USA.
Name: György Kiss
Date of birth: 1961
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): Ph.D. (mathematics)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1987):
Geometry (for students in mathematics and applied mathematics; lecture, practice)
Finite Geometries (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Discrete and Combinatorial Geometry (for students in mathamatics; lecture)
Applied Geometry (for students in geography; lecture)
University of Szeged (1997 , part time):
Projective Geometry (lecture, practice)
Finite Geometries and Coding Theory (lecture)
Topology (lecture)
Other professional activity:
24 years of teaching experience, more than 20 diploma thesis supervisions,
1 Ph.D. supervision; more than 20 lectures at international conferences;
32 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Kiss, Gy., Marcugini, S., and Pambianco, F.: On blocking sets of inversive planes, J. Comb. Designs 13 (2005), 268-275.
2. Bezdek, K., Böröczky, K., and Kiss, Gy.: Ont he successive illumination parameters of conves bodies, Periodica Math. Hung. 53 (2006), 71-82.
3. Blokhuis, A., Kiss, Gy., Kovács, I., Malnič, A., Maruič, D. and Ruff, J.: Semiovals contained in the union of three concurrent lines, J. Comb. Designs 15 (2007), 491-501.
4. Kiss, Gy.: Small semiovals in PG(2,q), J. Geom. 88 (2008), 110-115.
5. Kiss, Gy.: A survey on semiovals, Contrib. Discrete Math. 3 (2008), 81-95.
The five most important publications:
1. Hirschfeld, J. W. P. and Kiss, Gy.: Tangent sets in finite planes, Discrete Math. 155 (1996), 107-119.
2. Artzy, R. and Kiss, Gy.: Shape-regular polygons in finite planes, J. Geom. 57 (1996), 20-26.
3. Kiss, Gy.: Illumination problems and codes, Periodica Math. Hung. 39 (1999), 65-71.
4. Kiss, Gy.: One-factorization of complete multigraphs and quadrics in PG(2,q), J. Comb. Designs 10 (2002), 139-143.
5. Jagos, I., Kiss, Gy., and Pór, A.: On the intersection of Baer subgeometries of PG(n,q2), Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 69 (2003), 419-429.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
member of the Bolyai Mathematical Society and the American Mathematical Society;
exterior member of the Centre of Computational and Discrete Geometry (University of
coauthors from England, France, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Slovenia and South
visiting professor at universities in Canada, England, Italy and Slovenia;
Name: Péter Komjáth
Date of birth: 1953
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, full professor
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (19972000)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1974 ):
Algebra, number theory, combinatorics, set theory, logic (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
BSM (1985 ):
Set theory, logic, graph algorithms, automata theory (lecture)
Other professional activity:
34 years of teaching experience, 15 diploma thesis supervisions,
over 20 lectures at international conferences;
107 publications;
1 book
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. P. Komjáth, S. Shelah: Finite subgraphs of uncountably chromatic graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, 49(2005), 28-38.
2. M. Foreman, P. Komjáth: The club guessing ideal (commentary on a theorem of Gitik and Shelah), Journal of Math. Logic, 5(2005), 99-147.
3. P. Komjáth, V. Totik: Problems and Theorems
in Set Theory, Springer, 2006.
The five most important publications:
1. J. E. Baumgartner, P. Komjath: Boolean algebras in which every chain and antichain is countable, Fundamenta Mathematicae, CXI(1981), 125-131.
2. P. Komjáth: A decomposition theorem for Rn, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 120(1994), 921-927.
3. P. Komjáth, A consistency result concerning set mappings, Acta Math. Hung. 64, (1994) 93-99.
4. G. Cherlin, P. Komjáth, There is no universal countable pentagon free graph, Journal of Graph Theory 18 (1994), 337-341.
5. Z. Furedi, P. Komjáth: On the existence of countable universal
graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, 25 (1997), 53-58.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
of ten international conferences;
and president of various commitees of the Bolyai Mathematical Society;
Name: Géza Kós
Date of birth: 1967
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Bolyai scholarship (20052008)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
real analysis (for students in matehmatics; lectures and practice)
real analysis (for students in physics; practice)
complex analyisis (for students in
matehmatics; practice)
geometry (for students in matehmatics; practice)
Other professional activity:
17 years of teaching experience;
4 lectures at international conferences;
20 publications;
2 international patents;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Floater
M. S., Kós G., Reimers M: Mean value coordinates in 3D, Computer-Aided
Geometric Design 22 (2005), 623631
2. Floater
M. S., Hormann K., Kós G.:A general construction of barycentric coordinates
over convex polygons, Advances in Computational Mathematics 244 (2006) 311-331.
3. Kós G.: Two Turán type inequalities, Acta Mathematica Hungarica Online first, 2008
4. Károlyi Gy., Keleti T., Kós G., Ruzsa I.:Periodic decomposition of integer valued functions, Acta Mathematica Hungarica Online First, 2007.
The five most important publications:
1. Borwein
P., Erdélyi T., Kós G.: Littlewood-type problems on [0,1], Proc. London Math.
Soc. 3 (79), 1999, 2246
2. Kós
G., Martin R. R., Várady T.: Methods to recover constant radius rolling ball
blends in reverse engineering, Computer Aided Geometric Design 17, No. 2
(2000), 127--160
3. Kós G.: On the constant factor in Vinogradov's Mean Value
Theorem, Acta Arithmetica, 97. No. 2 (2001), 99--101
4. Kós,
G.: An algorithm to triangulate surfaces in 3D using unorganised point clouds,
Computing Suppl 14, May 2001, 219--232
5. loater M. S., Kós G., Reimers M: Mean value coordinates in 3D, Computer-Aided Geometric Design 22 (2005), 623--631
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
member of the Problem Selection
Committee of the International Mathematical Olympiad, 2006-
member of the Problem Selection
Committee of the International MathematicalCompetition for University Students
(IMC), 1998-;
chairman of the jury of the
Vojtech Jarnik International Mathematical Competition, 2002-2006;
KöMaL, 1986 ;
Kürschák Competition committee,
secretary of the Schweitzer
competition committee 1992.
Name: Antal Kováts
Date of birth: 1949
Highest degree (discipline): secondary school teacher of mathematics
Present employer, position: Generali-Providencia
Zrt., chief actuary, and Eötvös
Loránd University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc, mathematics
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Probability theory, Statistics, Stochastic processes, Life contingencies
35 years of teaching experience
Other professional activity:
17 years activity as an actuary, chief actuary from 1994
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
The five most important publications:
On the generalized Bernstein polynomials. Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sectio Math., 19 (1976), 93-98.
On the deviation of distributions of sums of independent integer valued random variables. In: F. Konecny, J. Mogyoródi, W. Wertz (Eds.) Probability and Statistical Decision Theory (Proceedings of 4th Pannonian Symposium on Math. Stat., Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria, 1983). Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1985, Vol. A, 219-229.
Asymptotic expansions for approximations by generalized Poisson distribution. Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sectio Comp., 7 (1987), 99-102. (in Russian)
Aging properties of certain dependent geometric sums. J. Appl. Probab. 29 (1992) 655666. (with T. F. Móri)
Aging solutions of certain renewal type equations.
In: J. Galambos, I. Kátai (Eds.) Probability Theory and Applications, Essays
to the Memory of József Mogyoródi. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1992, 125141. (with
T. F. Móri)
Activity in the scientific community, international relations:
Hungarian Actuarial Society (HAS), president 20002003,
HAS, board member 2003
Name: János Kristóf
Date of birth: 1953
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in physics
Present employer, position: Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Applied
Analysis and Computational Mathematics, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös Loránd University (1978 ):
Analysis (for students in physiscs; practice): 15 years
Analysis (for students in physiscs; lecture): 12 years
Topological vector spaces (for students in mathematics; lecture): 5 years
Banach algebras (for students in mathematics; lecture): 14 years
Geometric functional analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture): 14 years
C*-algebras (for students in mathematics; lecture): 10 years
Harmonic analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture): 14 years
Other professional activity:
30 years of teaching experience, 6 diploma thesis supervisions, 3 Ph.D.
thesis supervisions;
17 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. A characterization of von Neumann-algebras, Acta Sci. Math., 2006. (submitted)
2. A noncommutative spectral theorem for GW*-algebras, Studia Sci. Math., 2006. (submitted)
3. On the ultraspectrality of GW*-algebras, Acta Sci. Math., 2007-2008 (in preparation)
4. Non-unital GW*-algebras, Studia Sci. Math., 2008 (in preparation)
5. Elements of mathematical analysis, Vols I-IV, 2003-2008,
Hungarian online material at address http://www.cs.elte.hu/~krja
The five most important publications:
1. Ortholattis linéarisables, Acta Sci. Math., 49 (1985)
2. C*-norms defined by positive linear forms, Acta Sci. Math., 50 (1986)
3. On the projection lattice of GW*-algebras, Studia Sci. Math., 22 (1987)
4. Commutative GW*-algebras, Acta Sci. Math., 52 (1988)
5. Spectrality in C*-algebras, Acta Sci. Math, 62 (1996)
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Name: Miklos Laczkovich
Date of birth: 1948
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, professor
Scientific degree (discipline): MHAS
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1971 ):
analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
analysis (for students in mathematics education; lecture, practice)
University College London (2001-):
Mathematics in economics (for students in mathematics; lecture)
BSM (1985-86):
Conjecture and proof (lecture, practice)
Other professional activity:
38 years of teaching experience, 20 diploma thesis supervisions, 4 Ph.D. thesis supervisions;
over 30 lectures at international conferences; about 120 publications.
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. M. Laczkovich, The removal of pi from some undecidable statements involving elementary functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), no. 7, 2235-2240.
2. M. Laczkovich, Configurations with rational angles and Diophantine trigonometric equations. In: B. Aronov, S. Basu, J. Pach and M. Sharir (Editors): Discrete and Computational Geometry. The Goodman-Pollack Festschrift. Springer 2003, pp. 571-595.
3. M. Laczkovich, Linear functional equations and Shapiro's conjecture, L'Enseignement Math\'ematique 50 (2004), 103-122.
4. M. Laczkovich and L. Szekelyhidi, Spectral synthesis on discrete Abelian groups, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 143 (2007), 103-120.
5. S. Gao, S. Jackson, M. Laczkovich and R. D. Mauldin, On the unique representation of families of sets, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), 939-958.
The five most important publications:
1. M. Laczkovich and D. Preiss, alpha-Variation and transformation into C^n functions, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 34 (1985), 405-424.
2. M. Laczkovich, Equidecomposability and discrepancy; a solution of Tarski's circle-squaring problem, J. reine und angew. Math. (Crelle's J.) 404 (1990), 77-117.
3. M. Laczkovich, Uniformly spread discrete sets in R^d , J. London Math. Soc. 46 (1992), 39-57.
4. M. Laczkovich, The difference property. In: Paul Erdos and his Mathematics (editors: G. Halasz, L. Lovasz, M. Simonovits and V. T. Sos), Springer, 2002. Vol. I, 363-410.
5. M. Laczkovich, Paradoxes in measure theory. In: Handbook of Measure Theory (editor: E. Pap), Elsevier, 2002. Vol. I, 83-123.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Formal member of the granting committee of the Szechenyi Professor Scholarship;
formal member of the plenum of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee; formal member of the
DSc committee of the HAS, formal member
of the granting committee of the Hungarian NSRF (OTKA).
Head of the Mathematics PhD School of the Eotvos University,
head of the Department of Analysis of the Eotvos University.
Visiting professor at universities in Italy, the UK and the USA.
Name: Gyula Lakos
Date of birth: 1973
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, assistant
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (2004 ):
geometry (practice), differential geometry (practice)
differential forms (lecture), general structures in differential geometry (lecture)
Northwestern University(20032004):
Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations (lecture, practice)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology(19982003):
Multivariable Calculus (recitation), Advanced Mathematical Methods for Engineers (lecture), Summer Program in Undergraduate Research (coordinating mentor)
Other professional activity: 10 years of teaching experience, 7 preprints, several lecture notes
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Lakos, Gy.: Notes on Lebesgue integration, lecture notes, arXiv:math.FA/0506185
2. Lakos, Gy.: On the naturality of the Mathai-Quillen formula, to appear in Studia Math. Sci. Hung.
3. Lakos, Gy.: Self-stabilization in certain infinite-dimensional matrix algebras, preprint, arXiv:math.KT/0506059
4. Lakos, Gy.: Spectral calculations on locally convex vector spaces, preprint, arXiv:math.FA/0611171
5. Lakos, Gy.: Factorization of Laurent series over commutative rings, preprint, arXiv:0709.4107
The five most important publications:
1. Lakos, Gy.: Notes on Lebesgue integration, lecture notes, arXiv:math.FA/0506185
2. Lakos, Gy.: On the naturality of the Mathai-Quillen formula, to appear in Studia Math. Sci. Hung.
3. Lakos, Gy.: Self-stabilization in certain infinite-dimensional matrix algebras, preprint, arXiv:math.KT/0506059
4. Lakos, Gy.: Spectral calculations on locally convex vector spaces, preprint, arXiv:math.FA/0611171
5. Lakos, Gy.: Factorization of Laurent series over commutative rings, preprint, arXiv:0709.4107
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
member of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society, (1992)
Name: László Lovász
Date of birth: 1948
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, professor, director
Scientific degree (discipline): DrSc (mathematics),
of the Hungarian Academy of Science: 1979
Major Hungarian scholarships:
activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University
(197175, 1982):
geometry (for students in mathematics; practice), finite mathematics (for students in mathematics; lecture), combinatorial optimization (for students in mathematics; lecture), complexity of algorithms (for students in mathematics and informatics; lecture), random methods and algorithms (for students in mathematics; lecture), topological methods in combinatorics (for students in mathematics; lecture), algebraic and probabilistic methods in combinatorics (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Attila University (1975-1982)
geometry (for
students in mathematics; lecture and practice), differential geometry (for
students in mathematics; lecture), discrete optimization (for students in
mathematics; lecture and practice)
University (1993-1999)
introduction to
mathematics (lecture), mathematical tools for computer science (lecture)
(lecture), algebraic methods in combinatorics (lecture), complexity of
algorithms (lecture)
(1987 )discrete mathematics (lecture), geometric graph theory (lecture)
Other professional activity:
36 years of teaching experience, 10 Ph.D. thesis supervisions; over 50
lectures at international conferences; 250 research publications; 2 US patents;
20 expository articles
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
L. Lovász, B. Szegedy: Limits of dense graph sequences, J. Comb.
TheoryB 96
(2006), 933957.
L. Lovász, K. Vesztergombi, U. Wagner, E. Welzl: Convex quadrilaterals
and k-sets, in: Towards a Theory of
Geometric Graphs, (J. Pach, Ed.), AMS Contemporary Mathematics 342 (2004),
L. Lovász: Graph minor theory, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 43 (2006),
L. Lovász, M. Freedman, A. Schrijver: Reflection positivity, rank
connectivity, and homomorphisms of graphs, J. Amer. Math. Soc.20 (2007),
L. Lovász, S. Vempala: Simulated Annealing in Convex Bodies and an O*(n4) Volume
Algorithm, J. Comput. System Sci. 72 (2006), 392-417.
The five most important publications:
L. Lovász: Normal hypergraphs and the perfect graph conjecture, Discrete Math. 2 (1972), 253-267; reprinted Annals of Discrete Math. 21 (1984) 29-42.
L. Lovász: Knesers conjecture, chromatic number, and homotopy, J. Comb. TheoryA 25 (1978), 319-324.
L. Lovász: On the Shannon capacity of graphs, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory25 (1979), 1-7.
A.K. Lenstra, H.W. Lenstra, L. Lovász: Factoring polynomials with rational coefficients, Math. Annalen261 (1982), 515-534.
L. Lovász: Approximating
clique is almost NP-complete (with U. Feige, S. Goldwasser, S. Safra and M.
Szegedy), Proc. 32nd IEEE FOCS
(1991), 2-12.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
President of the International Mathematical Union, 2007-; Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union,
1987-1994. Abel Prize Committee, 2004-2006; Chair, International Bolyai Prize Committee, 2000-2006; Chair, Nevanlinna Prize Committee, 1988-1990; Presiduum of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1990-1993, 2008-;Member, Program Committee of ICM 2002; Editor-in-Chief, Combinatorica, 1981-.
Member of editorial board for 12 other journals:
J. Combinatorial Theory (B), Discrete Math., Discrete Applied Math., Geometric
and Functional Analysis, J. Graph Theory, Europ. J. Combinatorics, Discrete and
Computational Geometry, Random Structures and Algorithms, Electronic Journal of
Combinatorics, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Acta Cybernetica, Természet Világa
Name: András Lukács
Date of birth: 1968
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Computer and Automation Institute, reserach
Eötvös Loránd University, reserach
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: OTKA
postdoctoral fellowship (20002003)-
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Numerical analysis (for students in mathematics and in computer science,
Discrete mathematics (for students in mathematics and in informatics, 1993
Combinatorics of set systems (for
students in teaching mathematics, 2002)
Complexity theory (for students in computer science, 2003)
Data mining (2003 )
Random walks in graphs (1995)
Combinatorial probability theory (2001)
Other professional activity:
Over 8 years of teaching experience
reseracher in several universities (Univ. Köln, Inst. für Informatik, 1992-1993,
Montanuniv. Leoben, Inst. für Ang. Math.,
1994-1995, CWI Amsterdam, 1998-2000)
Research position in the Research Laboratory of
the Computer and Automation Institute (1995 )
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
Bounded contraction of graphs with polynomial growth (with N. Seifter), European Journal of Combinatorics 22 (1) (2001), no. 1, 85-90. (IF=0,335)
High density compression of log files (with B. Rácz), Proceedings of the Data Compression Conference 2004, Snowbird, UT, USA. IEEE Computer Society
Generating random elements of abelian groups, Random Structures and Algorithms, várhatóan 2005. (IF=0,759)
five most important publications:
Lattices in graphs with polynomial growth (with N. Seifter), Discrete Math. 186 (1998), no. 1-3, 227-236. (IF=0,301)
On local expansion of vertex-transitive graphs, Combin. Probab. Comput. 7 (1998), no. 2, 205-209. (IF=0,512)
Bounded contraction of graphs with polynomial growth (with N. Seifter), European Journal of Combinatorics 22 (1) (2001), no. 1, 85-90. (IF=0,335)
Approximate representation of groups (2004) (with László Babai and Katalin Friedl) (kézirat) Generating random elements of abelian groups, Random Structures and Algorithms, várhatóan 2005. (IF=0,759)
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
member of the Bolyai Mathematical Society (1993 ), Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications (1995 ),
technical editor of Combinatorica (9961998)
member of the organizing committee of the 2nd European Congress of Mathematics (1996)
Internatonal relations: CWI Amsterdam, Cambridge Univ., Montanuniv. Leoben.
Name: Gergely Mádi-Nagy
Date of birth: 1973
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics, BSc in economics
Present employer, position: BUTE, assistant professor, Eötvös University,
part-time assistant professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (applied mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1997 ):
Operations Research, Decision Theory, Nonlinear Programming
BUTE (2000 )
Calculus, Linear Algebra, Operations Research, Probability Theory,
Other professional activity:
10 years of teaching experience, 1 National Student
Research Conference (OTDK) supervisions
(2nd place), 10 talks at international conferences, seminars;
5 refereed publications; 6 research reports;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
Prékopa, A. and G. Mádi-Nagy (2008). A Class of Multiattribute Utility
Functions. Economic Theory, 34 (3), pp. 591-602
Mádi-Nagy, G. (2005). A method to find the best bounds in a multivariate
discrete moment problem if the basis structure is given. Studia Scientiarum
Mathematicarum Hungarica 42 (2), pp. 207 - 226.
Mádi-Nagy, G. and A. Prékopa (2004).On Multivariate Discrete Moment
Problems and their Applications to Bounding Expectations and Probabilities.
Mathematics of Operations Research 29(2), pp. 229-258.
Mádi-Nagy G. és Prékopa A. (2004). Egy többváltozós hasznossági függvény.
(A Mulitivariate Utility Function, with english abstract) Alkalmazott
Matematikai Lapok 21, 23-34.
five most important publications:
A. and G. Mádi-Nagy (2007). A Class of Multiattribute Utility Functions.
Economic Theory, 34 (3), pp. 591-602
G. (2005). A method to find the best bounds in a multivariate discrete moment
problem if the basis structure is given. Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum
Hungarica 42 (2), pp. 207 - 226.
G. and A. Prékopa (2004).On Multivariate Discrete Moment Problems and their
Applications to Bounding Expectations and Probabilities. Mathematics of
Operations Research 29(2), pp. 229-258.
G. és Prékopa A. (2004). Egy többváltozós hasznossági függvény. (A
Mulitivariate Utility Function, with english abstract) Alkalmazott Matematikai
Lapok 21, 23-34.
G. és Prékopa A. (2000). Többváltozós diszkrét függvények féloldalas approximációja
polinomokkal. (One-sided Approximation of Multivariate Discrete Functions by
Polynomials, with english abstract) Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 20, 195-215.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
member of Hungarian Operations Research Society
from USA;
reseracher at universities in Germany, USA;
Name: László Márkus
Date of birth: 1961
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös Loránd University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: -
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1990- ):
Time Series Analysis (lecture, for students in mathematics/applied mathematics)
and Parameter estimation of Stochastic Processes(lecture, for students in mathematics)
Analysis of financial processes I-II. (lecture, for students in mathematics/applied mathematics)
Probability Theory (practice/tutorial, for students in mathematics/applied mathematics)
Mathematical Statistics (practice/tutorial, for students in mathematics/applied mathematics)
Advanced Probability Theory (lecture, for students in informatics)
Advanced Mathematical Statistics (lecture, for students in informatics)
Probability Theory (lecture, for students in geophysics; astronomy;)
Mathematical Statistics (lecture, for students in geophysics,
astronomy; )
Other professional activities in the last 5 years:
18 years of teaching experience,
12 diploma thesis supervisions,
supervision of the work of 4
Ph.D. students
Over 30 lectures at international conferences; 32 publications, 18 of them
in peer reviewed journals;
2000 - 2003: Head of an international thematic
research project, funded by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Fund
(OTKA) (10 participants, of them two British, two German).
2001-2004: Co-ordinator of time series modelling in a National Research and
Development Project for estimating flood risks of Tisza River2002-2004: Participant in the PRO-ENBIS project of the EU for establishing
the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS).
2004 - 2007: Head of an international thematic
research project: funded by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Fund
(OTKA) (12 participants, of them two British, one German-Canadian).
2005-2007: Research projects at Eötvös
University funded by different international insurance companies. Co-ordinator
of 3 of those projects Participant in 3 further projects.
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
László Márkus, Péter Elek: A long range
dependent model with nonlinear innovations for simulating daily river flows, Natural
Hazards in Earth System Sciences, 2004., Vol.2., pp.277-283.
László Márkus, József Kovács, Gábor Halupka:
Dynamic Factor Analysis for Quantifying Aquifer Vulnerability, Acta
Geologica Hungarica, 2004. Vol. 47. No.1. pp.1-17.
Ian Dryden, László Márkus, Charles Taylor,
József Kovács: Non-Stationary spatio-temporal analysis of karst water levels Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C-Applied Statistics 2005.,Vol.54.,
No.3., pp. 673-690.
Péter Elek, László Márkus: A light-tailed
conditionally heteroscedastic model with applications to river flows, Journal
of Time Series Analysis, 2008. Vol. 29, No.1, 14-36.
Krisztina Vasas, Péter Elek, László Márkus: A
two state regime switching autoregressive model with application to river flow
analysis, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (2007) pp.
3113 - 3126.
The five most important publications:
Márkus: On a stability problem of the forecast of Lévy's Brownian motion, Probability
Theory and Its Applications, 1997. Vol. 42., No. 2, pp.407-409.
Márkus, Olaf Berke, József Kovács and Wolfgang Urfer Spatial Prediction of the
Intensity of Latent Effects Governing Hydrogeological Phenomena Environmetrics,
1999. Vol 10. pp. 633-654.
Ian Dryden, László Márkus, Charles Taylor,
József Kovács: Non-Stationary spatio-temporal analysis of karst water levels Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C-Applied Statistics 2005.,Vol.54.,
No.3., pp. 673-690.
Krisztina Vasas, Péter Elek, László Márkus: A
two state regime switching autoregressive model with application to river flow
analysis, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (2007) pp.
3113 - 3126.
Péter Elek, László Márkus: A light-tailed
conditionally heteroscedastic model with applications to river flows, Journal
of Time Series Analysis, 2008. Vol. 29, No.1, 14-36.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Membership in Scientific
Bernoulli Society for Probability Theory and Statistics 1990-present
European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society elected member for 2008-2012
INTECOL - Society for International Ecological Sciences1998-present
EGU - European Geological Union 1997-2005
The Applied Stochastic Models and Data
Analysis International Society 2006-present
RefeRee for the journals: Journal of Time Series
Analysis, Water Resources Research
organizer of two international conferences
Name: György Michaletzky
Date of birth: 1950
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, professor, head of
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (19972001)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Probability Theory, Statistics, Multidimensional statistical analysis,
Stochastic processes, control and filtering, Stochastic differential equations,
Birth and death processes, Queueing systems, Stationary stochastic processes,
Risk processes, Markov-processes, Distribution of the eigenvalues of random
matrices, Hankel-approximation, Sampling theory, System theory.
Other professional activity:
33 years of teaching experience, over 30 lectures at international
53 publications
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
~, Quasi-similarity of compressed shift operators, Acta Sci. Math., Szeged, 69(2003), 223-239
~, Kockázati folyamatok, Eötvös Kiadó, Jegyzet, 2. átdolgozott kiadás, 2001.
~, L. Gerencsér, BIBO--stability of switching systems, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 47/11, 2002, 1895-1898.
I. Gyöngy ~, On the Wong-Zakai approximations with delta martingales,
Proc. R. Soc. London, A. 460(2003), 309-324.
L. Gerencsér, ~ , Zs. Vágó, Risk sensitive identification of linear stochastic systems, accepted Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems 17 (2005), 77-100.
The five most important publications:
A. Lindquist, Gy. Michaletzky G. Picci, Zeros of spectral factors, the geometry of splitting subspaces, and the algebraic Riccati inequality, SIAM J. Control, Vol. 33. No. 2. pp. 365-401, 1995.
Gy. Michaletzky, J. Bokor, P. Várlaki, Representability of Stochastic Systems, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1998.
Gy. Michaletzky A. Ferrante, Splitting subspaces and acausal spectral factors, J. Math. Systems, Estim. and Control Vol. 5. No. 3.pp.363-366, 1995.
A. Lindquist Gy. Michaletzky, Output-induced subspaces, invariant directions and interpolation in linear discrete time stochastic systems, SIAM J. Control, 35/3 pp.810-859, 1997.
M. Bolla - Gy. Michaletzky - G. Tusnády - M. Ziermann, Extrema of sums of heterogeneous quadratic forms, Linear Algebra and Applic. 269 1998, 331-365.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Name: Tamás F. Móri
Date of birth: 1953
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös Loránd University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi Professor scholarship (19982001)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös Loránd University (1978 ):
Probability theory (for students in mathematics, applied mathematics, and informatics; lecture, practice)
Mathematical statistics (for students in mathematics, applied mathematics, informatics, and geophysics; lecture, practice)
Stochastics (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Foundations of statistics 1-2 (for students in mathematics, and applied
mathematics; lecture)
Discrete parameter martingales (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Analysis of survival data (for students in mathematics, and applied mathematics; lecture)
Measure and integral (in English, for MSc students)
Advanced probability theory (in English, for MSc students)
Foundations of statistics (in English, for MSc
Analysis of survival data (in English, for MSc
Other professional activity:
30 years of teaching experience, 14 diploma thesis supervisions, 2 PhD
thesis supervisions.
Textbooks, lecture notes (in Hungarian):
Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1986), Editor
Teaching software
for PC in mathematics (complex function theory), also in English and German,
statistics (Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1995), Ch.II. Estimations
Problem book in
mathematical statistics (ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest, 1997) (with L. Szeidl and
A. Zempléni)
Discrete parameter
martingales (ELTE, 1999)
Analysis of
survival data. Available online http://www.math.elte.hu/~mori/elettartam.pdf
Activities in other
institutions, visits:
1985-1991 Research fellow, Mathematical Institute of the HAS
2006-2010 Associated member, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
1992 University of Sheffield, Department of
Probability and Statistics, one month visit, TEMPUS individual mobility grant
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
Almost sure convergence of weighted partial sums. Acta Math. Hungar., 99 (2003), 285303. (with B. Székely)
The maximum degree of the Barabási random tree. Comb. Probab.
Computing, 13 (2004)
The convexity method of proving momenttype inequalities. Statist. Probab. Lett., 66 (2004), 303313. (with V. Csiszár)
A new class of scale free random graphs. Statist. Probab. Lett.76
(2006), 15871593. (with Z. Katona)
distribution nearby the origin of a preferential attachment graph. Electron.
Comm. Probab., 12 (2007), 276282.
The five most important publications:
On the rate of convergence in the
martingale central limit theorem. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 12
(1977) 413417.
Asymptotic behaviour of symmetric
polynomial statistics. Ann. Probab. 10 (1982) 124131. (with G.
J. Székely)
A note on the background of several
BonferroniGalambos type inequalities. J. Appl. Probab. 22 (1985)
836843. (with G. J. Székely)
On the waiting time till each of some given
patterns occurs as a run. Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 87 (1991)
Covering with blocks in the non-symmetric
case. J. Theor. Probab. 8 (1995) 139164.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations:
1979 member of the J. Bolyai Mathematical
Society, 20062009 secretary of the Ethical Committee
1979 member of the Bernoulli
Society for Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, 20002004 member of
the European Regional Committee
20022005 member of the mathematical jury of OTKA
Name: Gábor Moussong
Date of birth: 1957
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, assistant professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (20002003)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1982 ):
geometry, differential geometry, topology, algebraic topology (for students in mathematics, lecture, practice)
mathematics (for students in cartography; lecture)
Universiteit Gent (1991):
algebraic topology (for students in mathematics, lecture)
BSM (1997 )
topics in geometry (lecture, practice)
The Ohio State University (1997-1998):
calculus and analytic geometry
topics in geometry
Other professional activity:
26 years of teaching experience, 20 diploma thesis supervisions;
over 15 lectures at international conferences;
11 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Moussong, G.,
Prassidis, S.: Equivariant rigidity theorems, New York J. Math.
10 (2004),
2. Moussong, G.: Models of hyperbolic geometry, in: Bolyai memorial volume, ed. by K. Kapitány, G. Németh, V. Silberer, Vince Kiadó (2004), 143-165 (in Hungarian).
3. Csikós, B., Moussong, G.: On the Kneser-Poulsen Conjecture in Elliptic Space, Manuscripta Math., 121 (2006), 481-489.
The five most important
Moussong, G.: Hyperbolic Coxeter Groups, Ph.D. Dissertation, The
Ohio State University, 1988.
Moussong, G.: Some non-symmetric manifolds. Differential geometry
and its applications, Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 56, North Holland, Amsterdam
(1992), 535-546.
Charney, R., Davis, M. W., Moussong, G.: Nonpositively curved, piecewise
Euclidean structures on hyperbolic manifolds, Michigan Math. J. 44 (1997) no.
1., 201-208.
Davis, M. W., Moussong, G.: Notes
on Nonpositively Curved Polyhedra. Low Dimensional Topology, eds. K.
Böröczky Jr., W. Neumann, A. Stipsicz, Bolyai Society Math. Studies Nr. 8
(1999), 11-94.
5. Moussong, G., Prassidis, S.: Equivariant rigidity theorems, New York J. Math. 10 (2004), 151-167.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
member of the Bolyai Mathematical Society, 1982 ;
organizer of five international conferences;
member of editorial board for Periodica Math. Hung., 1991-1997;
committee member for the National Mathematical Competition for Secondary Schools, 1990-;
program manager for Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, 1989-1991;
coauthors from USA;
visiting professor at universities in Belgium, USA.
Name: András Némethi
Date of birth: 1959
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics,
Scientific degree (discipline): Doctor of Science (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
OSU Columbus, Ohio, USA (19912006):
Algebra, Geometry, Analysis, Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology
CEU (2004 )
Algebraic Geometry, Hodge Theory
Other professional activity:
1985-1990, Researcher, National Institute for
Science and Technical Research, Bucharest,
Instructor, Ohio State University, USA
Assistant Professor, Ohio State University, USA
Associate Professor, Ohio State University, USA
2002-2006, Professor, Ohio State University, USA
2004 óta, Researcher, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest (head
of the Algebraic Geometry and Differential Topology research division).
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Némethi, A.: Invariants of normal surface singularities, Contemporary Mathematics, 354 (2004), 161-208.
2. Mendris, R. and Némethi, A.: The link of f(x,y)+zn=0 and Zariskis Conjecture, Compositio Math., 141 (2005), 502-524.
3. Némethi, A.: On the Ozsváth-Szabó invariant of negative definite plumbed 3-manifolds, Geometry and Topology, 9 (2005), 873-883.
4. McNeal, J.D., Némethi, A.: The order of contact of a holomorphic ideal in C2, Math. Zeitschrift, 250(4) (2005), 873-883
5. J.F. de Bobadilla, Luengo, I., Melle-Hernández, A. and Némethi, A.: On rational cuspidal projective plane curves, Proc. of London Math. Society, 92 (2006), 99-138.
The five most important publications:
1. Némethi, A. and Steenbrink, J.: Extended Hodge bundles for Abelian, Annals of
Mathematics, 143 (1996), 131-148.
2. Némethi, A.: ``Weakly Elliptic Gorenstein singularities of surfaces, Inventiones Math., 137 (1999), 145-167.
3. Némethi, A. and Nicolaescu, L.I.: Seiberg-Witten invariants and surface singularities,
Geometry and Topology, 6 (2002), 269-328.
4. Némethi, A.: On the Heegaard Floer homology of S3-d(K) and unicuspidal rational plane
curves, Fields Institute Communications, 47 (2005), 219-234.
5. Luengo, I., Melle-Hernández, A. and Némethi, A.: Links and analytic invariants of
superisolated singularities, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 14 (2005), 543-565.
Activity in the scientific community,
international relations
Editor of the journals Periodica Mathematica Hungarica and
Studia Scientiarium Math.
Organizer of eight international conferences;
positions at
Math. Inst. of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary (March 1990-
May 1990)
University of Utrecht and Nijmegen, the Netherlands (Sept. 1990-Dec. 1990)
University of Toronto, Canada (July 1991)
Berkeley (May 1993)
of Nice, France (July 1993)
of Nijmegen, the Netherlands (Sept. 1993-June 1994)
Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France (Oct. 1996-Dec. 1996)
of Nice, France (June 15-July 15, 1997)
of Nantes, France (June 01-30, 1998)
of Bordeaux, France (November 01-30, 1999)
Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary (July 1999-June 2000)
of Hannover, Germany (October 01-30, 2005).
Coauthors from several countries;
Name: Péter P. Pálfy
Date of birth: 1955
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, director;
Eötvös University, professor
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics),
corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2004)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi professors scholarship (19982001)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1978 ):
Algebra, Algebra and number theory, Linear algebra, Group theory, Lie algebras, Lattice theory, Permutation groups, Simple groups of Lie type, Group representation theory, Seminar in algebra
Vanderbilt University (1983):
Linear algebra, Group theoretic methods in universal algebra
University of Hawaii (1986):
Caluculus III, Probability theory
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (1991-1992):
Algebra, Gruppentheorie
Other professional activity:
30 years of teaching experience, 8 diploma thesis supervisions, 2 Ph.D. thesis supervisions;
over 80 lectures at international conferences;
57 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. C.H. Li, Z.P. Lu, P.P. Pálfy, Further restrictions on the structure of finite CI-groups, J. Algebraic Comb. 26 (2007), 161-181.
2. P.P. Pálfy, Maximal clones and maximal permutation groups, Discuss. Math. Gen. Algebra Appl. 27 (2007), 277-291.
3. P.P. Pálfy, A non-power-hereditary congruence lattice representation of M3, Publ. Math. Debrecen 69 (2006), 361-366.
4. P. Hegedűs, P.P. Pálfy, Finite modular congruence lattices, Algebra Universalis 54 (2005), 105-120.
5. P.P. Pálfy, Groups and lattices, London Math. Soc. LNS vol. 305, 428-454.
The five most important publications:
1. P.P. Pálfy, Isomorphism problem for relational structures with a cyclic automorphism, Europ. J. Combinatorics 8 (1987), 35-43.
2. P.P. Pálfy, Unary polynomials in algebras, I, Algebra Universalis 18 (1984), 262-273.
3. L. Babai, P.J. Cameron, P.P. Pálfy, On the orders of primitive groups with restricted composition factors, J. Algebra 79 (1982), 161-168.
4. P.P. Pálfy, A polynomial bound for the orders of primitive solvable groups, J. Algebra 77 (1982), 127-137.
5. P.P. Pálfy, P. Pudlák, Congruence lattices of finite algebras and intervals in subgroup lattices of finite groups, Algebra Universalis 11 (1980), 22-27.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Mathematics committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: member since 1985, secretary 1990-1996, chairman since 2005;Board of the Bolyai research fellowship: member 2004-2006, chairman since 2007;
chairman of the mathematics granting committee of the Hungarian NSRF (OTKA), 20012003;
member of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (1997-2000 and 2007-);
member of the Scientific Council of the International Banach Center (Warsaw) since 2006;
member of the committee for the Bolyai prize (2007);
editor-in-chief of Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica (since 2007)
coauthors from Czechoslovakia, England, USA, Australia, China;
visiting professor at Vanderbilt University (USA, 1983), the University of Hawaii (USA, 1986) and Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Germany, 1991-1992).
Name: Katalin Pappné Kovács
Date of birth: 1955
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematical education
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1987 ):
algebra (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
number theory (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
linear algebra (for student in informatics; practice)
algebra and number theory, teaching algebra and number theory (for PhD students of the Math. Education PhD program of the University of Debrecen)
University of Illinois (19931995 )
linear algebra, differential equation (lecture, practice)
Other professional activity:
32 diploma thesis supervisions;
over 10 lectures at international conferences;
27 publications
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. On the characterization of n-polyadditive functions, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2006 (1-7)
2. On triples of consecutive integers, Annales Univ. Sci. 49 (2007), 143-147
The five most important publications:
1. On the characterization of additive functions with monotonic norm, Journal of Number Theory, Vol 24, no.3, 1986, 298-304
2. On a conjecture concerning additive arithmetical functions II, Publ. Math. Debrecen 50, 1997, 1-3
3. On the haracterization of additive functions on Gaussian integers, Publ. Math. Debrecen 58 (1-2) (2001), 73-78
4. On the characterization of n-polyadditive functions, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2006 (1-7)
5. On triples of consecutive integers, Annales Univ. Sci. 49 (2007), 143-147
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Bolyai János Math. Society membership
MR-reviewer (for 15 years)
Name: József Pelikán
Date of birth: 1947
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): doctoral degree with distinction (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1969 ):
algebra and number theory (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice) introductory courses,
various topics in algebra (for students in mathematics; lecture) advanced courses
BSM (1988 )
various algebra and number theory courses
short courses in various foreign universities (in English, French and German)
Other professional activity:
39 years of teaching experience, over 10 diploma thesis supervisions; over 10 lectures at international conferences;
16 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Discrete Mathematics. Springer, New York, 2003., x+290 pp., ISBN: 0-387-95584-4 (co-authors: L. Lovász, K. Vesztergombi)
2. On the running time of the Adleman-Pomerance-Rumely primality test. Publ. Math. Debrecen 56 (2000) 523-534. (co-authors: J. Printz, E. Szemerédi)
The five most important publications:
1. Discrete Mathematics. Springer, New York, 2003., x+290 pp., ISBN: 0-387-95584-4 (co-authors: L. Lovász, K. Vesztergombi)
2, Finite groups with few non-linear irreducible characters. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 25 (1974), 223-226.
3, On semigroups, in which products are equal to one of the factors. Period. Math. Hungar. 4 (1973), 103-106.
4, Properties of balanced incomplete block designs. Combin. Theory and its Appl. (Proc. Colloq. Balatonfüred, 1969) vol. III. 869-889., North- Holland, Amsterdam, 1970.
5, Valency conditions for the existence of certain subgraphs. Theory of Graphs (Proc. Colloq. Tihany, 1966) 251-258., Academic Press, New York, 1968.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Various leading positions in the János Bolyai Mathematical Society
Member of Board of Editors of Matematikai Lapok
Leader of the Hungarian team at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), 1988
Member of the Advisory Board of the IMO (since 1992),
Chairman of the Advisory Board of the IMO (since 2002)
Name: Tamás Pfeil
Date of birth: 1967
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, assistant professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: -
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1989 ):
mathematics (for students in biology; lecture, practice)
analysis (for students in mathematics and meteorology; practice)
partial differential equations (for students in mathematics and
meteorology; practice)
ordinary differential equations (for students in mathematics; practice)
Other professional activity:
18 years of teaching experience, 1 diploma thesis supervision, lecture and
poster at international conferences;
7 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
Pfeil, T., Shape-preserving signal forms in heat conduction, Appl. Math. Modelling, 32 (2008), 1599-1606.
The five most important publications:
1. Faragó, I., Haroten, H., Komáromi, N., Pfeil, T., A hővezetési egyenlet
és numerikus megoldásának kvalitatív tulajdonságai. I. A másodfokú közelítés
nemnegativitása, a mximum elv és az oszcillációmentesség, Alk. Mat. Lapok, 17
(1993), 123-141.
2. Faragó, I., Haroten, H., Komáromi, N., Pfeil, T., A hővezetési egyenlet
és numerikus megoldásának kvalitatív tulajdonságai. I. Az elsőfokú közelítések
nemnegativitása, Alk. Mat. Lapok, 17 (1993), 101-121.
3. Pfeil, T., On the time-monotonicity of the solutions of linear second
order homogeneous parabolic equations, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., 36 (1993),
4. Pfeil, T., An elementary proof for the time-monotonicity of the
solutions of linear parabolic equations, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 46 (1995),
5. Faragó, I., Pfeil, T., Preserving concavity in initial-boundary value
problems of parabolic type and its numerical solution, Per. Math. Hungar., 30
(1995), 135-139.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
of the committee of Arany Dániel competition of the Bolyai Mathematical
Name: Vilmos Prokaj
Date of birth: 1966
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Bolyai scholarship (20002003)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University:
Analysis 1993-1997 (for students in mathematics; practice)
Functional analysis 1996-1997 (for students in mathematics; practice)
Probability and statistics 1991-1993, 1997-,(for students in mathematics, informatics; practice)
processes 2001-, (for students in mathematics; practice)
Stochastic analysis, Stochastic dinamical systems, Filtering of stochastic
processes, Reinsurance 2000-, (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Other professional activity:
15 years of teaching experience, 4 diploma thesis supervisions;
12 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. A
characterization of singular measures. Real Anal. Exchange 29 (2003/04), no. 2,
The five most important publications:
1. A
characterization of singular measures. Real Anal. Exchange 29 (2003/04), no. 2,
2. On a
construction of J. Tkadlec concerning
sigma-porous sets. Real Anal. Exchange, 27(1):269 273, 2001/02.
3. Márton
Elekes, Tamás Keleti, and Vilmos Prokaj.
composition of derivatives has a fixed point. Real Anal. Exchange, 27(1):131
140, 2001/02.
Monotone and discrete limits of continuous functions. Real Anal. Exchange,
25(2):879 885, 1999/00.
Restrictions of self-adjoint partial isometries. Period. Math. Hungar.,
35(3):211 214, 1997.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
of the Bolyai Mathematical Society;
Name: Tamás Pröhle
Date of birth: 1952
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös Loránd University, assistant
Scientific degree (discipline):
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Application of multivariate statistical methods
Statistical computing
Probability theory and statistics
more than 25 years of teaching
Other professional activity: In connection with statistical computing. Main field of interest includes statistical analysis of multivariate data and time series. Prepared teaching materials for statistical softwares such as SPSS, SAS, and MATLAB. Applies mathematical statistics in a wide range of fields in science, law, and technology (environmental management, hydrology, psychology, jurisdiction, medicine, anthropology, design of experiments etc.)
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
László, T. Pröhle et al.: A Method
for Clustering Satellite Images Using
Segments, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Comp. 23 (2004), 163-178.
The five most important publications:
I. László, T. Pröhle
et al.: A Method for Clustering Satellite Images Using Segments,
Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Comp. 23 (2004), 163-178.
Gy. Gyenis, T. Pröhle et al.: Body Composition in Puberty Period, In: Puberty: Variabiliy of Changes and Complexity of Factors, Eötvös Univ. Press, Budapest 2000, pp 75-82.
B. Rojkovich, T. Pröhle et al.: Urinary excretion of thial components in patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Clin. Diagn. Lab. Immunol. 1999, 6, 683-685.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations:
Member of the Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition, and of the John von Neumann Computer Society. Active member of Users Groups of several statistical software packages (MATLAB, SPSS, SAS, STATISTICA), where he regularly holds lectures.
Name: András Recski
Date of birth: 1948
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, professor (part time) and
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics, professor (full time)
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (20002004)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1972 ):
algebra (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
discrete mathematics (for students in mathematics and informatics)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (1990 )
analysis and discrete mathematics (for students in electrical engineering
and informatics; lecture,
Other professional activities:
36 years of teaching experience, about 6 diploma thesis supervisions,
5 Ph.D. thesis supervisions;
over 70 lectures at international conferences;
approx. 110 publications.
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. T. Jordán A. Recski D. Szeszlér: System optimization, Typotex, Budapest, 2004.
2. A. Recski: Maps of matroids with applications, Discrete Math. 303 (2005) 175-185.
3. A. Recski D. Szeszlér: The evolution of an idea Gallais algorithm, Bolyai Soc. Math. Studies 15 (2006) 317-328.
4. A. Recski J. Szabó: On the generalization of the matroid parity problem, Graph Theory, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser, 2006, 347-354.
5. K. Friedl
A. Recski G. Simonyi: Graph theory exercises, Typotex, Budapest, 2006.
The five most important publications:
1. L. Lovász A. Recski: On the sum of matroids, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 24 (1972) 329-333.
2. M. Iri A. Recski: What does duality really mean? Circuit Th. Appl. 8 (1980) 317-324.
3. A. Recski: Matroid theory and its applications in electric engineering and in statics, Springer, Berlin, 1989.
4. A. Recski: Combinatorics in electric engineering and statics, Handbook of Combinatorics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995, 1911-1924.
5. A. Recski: Some
polynomially solvable subcases of the detailed routing problem in VLSI design,
Discrete Applied Math. 115 (2001) 199-208.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
of the editorial board of 5 math journals;
of several international conferences;
secretary of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society;
Name: András Sárközy
Date of birth: 1941
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics (1963)
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, professor
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics), 1982;
regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2004
Major Hungarian Scholarships: Széchenyi Professors Scholarship (1999-2002)
Teaching activity:
Eötvös University (1963 ):
algebra, number theory, algebra and number theory, computational number theory, linear algebra, combinatorial number theory, applications of exponential sums in number theory, additive number theory
University of Illinois (1972/73, 1989/90), UCLA (1983), University of Georgia (1985/1986), The City University of New York, Baruch College (1986/1987), University of Waterloo (1990/91), The University of Memphis (2007/2008):
calculus, linear algebra, linear programming, complex analysis, algebraic number theory, combinatorial number theory, elementary analytical number theory
Other professional activity:
Rényi Institute (1971-1994), 6 years in USA, Canada, France, Germany, England
research papers and 4 books
5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. L. Goubin, C. Mauduit and A. Sárközy, Construction of large families of pseudorandom binary sequences, J. Number Theory 106 (2004), 56-69.
2. R. Ahlswede, L. Khachatrian and A. Sárközy, On the density of primitive sets, J. Number Theory 109 (2004), 319-361.
3. C. Mauduit and A. Sárközy, Construction of pseudorandom binary sequences by using the multiplicative inverse, Acta Math. Hungar. 108 (2005), 239-252.
4. A. Sárközy, On sums and products of residues modulo p, Acta Arith. 118 (2005), 403-409.
5. P. Hubert, C. Mauduit and A. Sárközy, On pseudorandom binary lattices, Acta Arith. 125 (2006), 51-62.
A tudományos életmű szempontjából legfontosabb 5 publikáció:
1. A. Sárközy, On difference sets of sequences of integers, 1, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 31 (1978), 125-149.
2. A. Sárközy, On divisors of binomial coefficients, 1., J. Number Theory 20 (1985), 70-80.
3. A. Sárközy and C. L. Stewart, On divisors of sums of integers, II, l. Reine Angew. Math. 365 (1986), 171-191.
4. A. Sárközy, Finite addition theorems, II., J. Number Theory 48 (1994),197-218.
5. C. Mauduit and A. Sárközy, On finite pseudorandom binary sequences, 1, Measure of pseudorandomness, the Legendre symbol, Acta Arith. 82 (1997), 365-377.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
President of the Mathematical Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2003-2006)
President of the mathematical jury of the HNFSR (OTKA), 1999-2001
Editor of 5 mathematical journals
Visiting professor, resp. researcher in USA, Canada, UK, Germany and France for altogether 11 years
56 coauthors from 10 countries
Name: Zoltán Sebestyén
Date of birth: 1943
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, Institute of Mathematics,
full professor
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (19972001)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1967 ):
analysis(for students in mathematics, physic, geophysic, chemistry; lecture, practice)
functional analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
Other professional activity:
40 years of teaching experience, 20 diploma thesis supervisions, 10 Ph.D.
thesis supervisions;
over 20 lectures at international conferences;
over 60 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. On Krein-von Neumann and Friedrichs extensions, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)
69 (2003),
323-336., /with E. Sikolya/.
2. On products of unbounded operators, Acta Math. Hung. 100 (1-2)(2003),
/with J. Stochel/.
3. Sebestyén Moment Problem: the multidimensional case, Amer. Math. Soc.
132 (2004) 1029-1035. (with Dan
4. Reflection Symmetry and Symmetrizability of Hilbert space operators,
Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005) 1727-1731 (with J. Stochel)
5. On the nonnegativity of operator products, Acta Math. Hung. 109(2005),
1-14. (with S. Hassi, H.
de Snoo)
The five most important publications:
Every C*-seminorm is automatically submultiplicative Per. Math. Hung. 10
(1979), 1-8.
On the definition of C*-algebras II., Can. J. Math. 37 (1985), 664-681.
Restrictions of positive selfadjoint operators, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 55
(1991), 149-154.
Operator extensions on Hilbert space, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 57 (1993),
Anticommutant lifting and anticommutant dilation, PAMS 121 (1995), 133-136.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Member of the Bolyai Math. Soc., Amer. Math. Soc.
Co-president of seven international conferences
Name: István Sigray
Date of birth: 1964
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, assistant
Scientific degree (discipline):
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1988 ):
Analysis, and complex analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
Riemann surfaces and Special functions (for students in mathematics; lecture)
Applyed complex analysis (for students in physics)
BSM (1995)
chapters from complex analysis (lecture, practice)
Other professional activity:
20 years of teaching experience, 4 diploma thesis supervisions, 2 lectures at international conferences;
2 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Solution of the polynomial equation kpqlpq = cpm, Stud. Sci. Math. Hung. 45 (2008), 161195..
The five most important publications:
1. On the monodromy representation
of polynomial maps in n variables, Stud. Sci.
Math. Hung. 39 (2002), 361367.
2. Solution of the polynomial equation
kpqlpq = cpm, Stud. Sci. Math. Hung.
45 (2008), 161195..
Activity in the scientific community,
international relations
Name: Eszter Sikolya
Date of birth: 1976
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, assistant
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Scholarship
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös Loránd University (1998-2002, 2005 ):
analysis (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
partial differential equations (for students in physics; practice)
infinite dimensional dynamical systems (for students in mathematics;
University of Tübingen (2002-2004):
Functionalanalysis (for students in mathematics, parctice)
Other professional activity:
10 years of teaching experience, 1 diploma thesis supervisions;
10 lectures at international conferences;
9 publications;
3 international patents
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
K.-J. Engel, M. Kramar Fijav, R. Nagel, E. Sikolya, Vertex control of
flows in networks. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, to appear.
E. Sikolya, A functional analytic method for the analysis of general
partial differential equations. Probl. Program. 2006, no. 2-3, 669673.
T. Mátrai and E. Sikolya, Asymptotic behavior of flows in networks.
Forum Math. 19 (2007), 429461.
M. Kramar and E. Sikolya, Spectral properties and asymptotic peridocity
of flows in networks. Math. Z. 249 (2005), 139162.
E. Sikolya, Simultaneous observability of networks of strings and beams.
Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. 21 Nr. 1/2 (2003), 111.
The five most important publications:
K.-J. Engel, M. Kramar Fijav, R. Nagel, E. Sikolya, Vertex control of
flows in networks. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, to appear.
M. Kramar, D. Mugnolo and E. Sikolya, Variational and semigroup methods
for waves and diffusion in networks. Appl. Math. Optim. 55 (2007),
T. Mátrai and E. Sikolya, Asymptotic behavior of flows in networks.
Forum Math. 19 (2007), 429461.
M. Kramar and E. Sikolya, Spectral properties and asymptotic peridocity
of flows in networks. Math. Z. 249 (2005), 139162.
E. Sikolya, Simultaneous observability of networks of strings and beams.
Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. 21 Nr. 1/2 (2003), 111.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Strasbourg, Prof. Komornik Vilmos (see the
paper Simultaneous observability of
networks of strings and beams)
Tübingen, Prof. Rainer Nagel (see the paper Spectral properties and
asymptotic peridocity of flows in networks)
Rome, Prof. Klaus-Jochen Engel
Name: László Simon
Date of birth: 1940.
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, full professor
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1963 ):
Partial differential equations (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice)
analysis (for students in physics)
Other professional activity:
45 years of teaching experience, 8 diploma thesis supervisions, 7 Ph.D.
thesis supervisions;
over 30 lectures at international conferences;
65 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. W. Jäger, L. Simon: On nonlinear perturbations of the Schrödinger equation with discontinuous coefficients, Acta Math. Hung. 98 (2003), 227-243.
2. L. Simon: On approximation of solutions of parabolic functional differential equations in unbounded domains, Proceedings of the Conference FSDONA Teistungen, 2001, 439-451.
3. L. Simon: On nonlinear parabolic functional differential equations with nonlocal linear contact conditions, Funct. Diff. Equations 11(2004), 153-162.
4. On contact problems for nonlinear parabolic functional differential equations, Electronic J. of Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equations, 2004, 22, 1-11.
5. L. Simon, W. Jäger, On a system of quasilinear parabolic
functional differential equations, Acta Math. Hung. 112 (2006), 39-55.
The five most important publications:
1. L. Simon: On approximation of solutions of boundary value problems in domains with unbounded boundary, Mat. Sbornik 91 (1973), 488-493.
2. L. Simon: On strongly nonlinear elliptic equations in unbounded domains, Differ. Uravneniya 22 (1986), 472-483.
3. L. Simon: Radiation conditions and the principle of limiting absorption for quasilinear elliptic equations, DAN SSSR 288 (1986), 316-319.
4. L. Simon: On strongly nonlinear elliptic equations with weak coercivity condition. Publ. Math. Barcelona 36 (1992), 175-188.
5. L. Simon: On nonlinear hyperbolic functional differential
equations, Math. Nachr. 217 (2000), 175-186.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
of five international conferences;
of the Mathematical Commitee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences;
of the granting committee of the Hungarian NSRF (OTKA), 19992003;
from Germany;
professor at universities in Germany, Spain, Finland and Belgium.
Name: Péter Simon
Date of birth: 1966
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös Loránd University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Bolyai scholarship (20002001 and 2003-2005)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös Loránd University (1990 ):
Differential equations (for students in mathematics
and applied mathematics; lecture, practice)
Dynamical systems (for students in mathematics and
applied mathematics; lecture, practice)
Mathematical modelling (for students in applied
mathematics; practice)
Analysis (for students in physics; lecture,
Analysis (for students in mathematics and applied mathematics; practice)
Calculus (for students in physics; lecture, practice)
BSM (2003 )
Dynamical systems
Real functions and measures
Other professional activity:
18 years of teaching experience, 6 diploma thesis supervisions, 2 Ph.D. thesis supervisions;
over 25 lectures at international conferences;
53 publications;
International collaborations (Leeds, Vienna)
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. J. Karátson, P.L. Simon, Exact multiplicity for degenerate two-point boundary value problems with p-convex nonlinearity, , J. Nonlin. Anal., 52 (6), 1569-1590 (2003).
2. P. L. Simon, On the structure of of spectra of travelling waves, E. J. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equ., 15, 1-19, (2003).
3. Tóth, J., Simon P.L., Differenciálegyenletek; Bevezetés az elméletbe és az alkalmazásokba, Typotex, (2005).
4. Simon, P.L., Classification of positive convex functions according to focal equivalence, IMA J. Appl. Math., 71, 519-533 (2006).
5. Simon, P.L., Volford, A., Detailed study of limit cycles and global bifurcations in a circadian rhythm model, Int. J. Bif. Chaos,16 (2), 349-367 (2006).
The five most important publications:
B.M. Garay, P.L. Simon, The local flow-box theorem for discretizations. The analytic case, J. Difference Eqns. Appl., 7, 345-381, (2001).
J. Karátson, P.L. Simon, On the linearized stability stability of
positive solutions of quasilinear problems with p-convex or p-concave
nonlinearity, J. Nonlin. Anal., 47, 4513-4520, (2001).
J. Hofbauer, P.L. Simon, An existence theorem for parabolic equations on ${\bf R}^N$ with discontinuous nonlinearity, E. J. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equ., No. 8., 1-9 (2001).
Simon, P.L., Kalliadasis, S., Merkin, J.H., Scott, S.K., Stability of flames in an exothermic-endothermic system, IMA J. Appl. Math., 69, 175-203, (2004).
J. Hernandez, J. Karátson, P.L. Simon, Multiplicity for semilinear elliptic equations involving singular nonlinearity, J. Nonlin. Anal., 65 (2), 265-283 (2006).
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Collaboration with J. Hofbauer (Vienna) 1997-2001.
Bolyai János Fellowship: 2000-2001, 2003-2005.
Research Fellowship at the University of Leeds: 2001-2002.
OTKA (Hungarian Science Foundation) grant: 1997-2000, 2001-2004.
Name: András Stipsicz
Date of birth: 1966
Highest degree: diploma in mathematics,
Present employer: Alfréd Rényi Mathematical Institute, scientific advisor
Scientific degree: DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian Scholarship: Széchenyi István Scholarship: 2001
Bolyai János Scholarship, 1999-2002
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught
so far):
University (1997-2002):
Analysis, algebraic topology, differential
BSM (Budapest Semester in Mathematics) 1997-
analysis, toplogy
Other professional activity:
Research in mathematics since 1990
Over 10 years of teaching
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
Ozsváth-Szabó invariants and tight contact 3-manifolds I (Paolo Lisca-val közösen) Geom. Topol. 8 (2004) 925-945.
An exotic smooth structure on CP2#6CP2-bar (Szabó Zoltánnal közösen) Geom. Topol. 9 (2005) 813-832
Ont he geography of Stein fillings of certain 3-manifolds, Michigan Math. J. 51 (2003) 327-337
Seifert fibered contact 3-manifolds via surgery (Paolo Lisca-val közösen) Algebr. Geom. Topol. 4 (2004) 199-217.
Tight, non-fillable contact circle bundles (Paolo Lisca-val közösen) Math. Ann. 328 (2004) 285-298.
The five most important publications:
Ozsváth-Szabó invariants and tight contact 3-manifolds I (Paolo Lisca-val közösen)Geom. Topol. 8 (2004) 925-945.
4-manifolds and Kirby calculus (Robert Gompf-fal közösen)
AMS Graduate Studies in Math. Vol. 20 (1999)
Seifert fibered contact 3-manifolds via surgery (Paolo Lisca-val közösen)
Algebr. Geom. Topol. 4 (2004) 199-217.
Tight, non-fillable contact circle bundles (Paolo Lisca-val közösen)
Math. Ann. 328 (2004) 285-298.
Activity in the scientific community,
international relations
Guest professor/reseracher at several
universities ( (UC Irvine, MSRI Berkeley, Princeton University, IAS Princeton,
Warwick University, Max-Planck-Institute Bonn, Columbia University),
Invited address at several conferences
Organizer of several conferences and summer schools
Name: Csaba Szabó
Date of birth: 1965
Highest degree: diploma in mathematics,
Present employer: Associate Professor, ELTE, Dept of Algebra and Number Theory
Scientific degree: DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian Scholarship: Széchenyi István Scholarship: 2001
Bolyai János Scholarship, 1998-2001
Teaching activity:
Eötvös University (1986 )
algebra, algebra and number theory, linear algebra
calculus I-II., linear
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (1998 )
algebra, Galois theory, number Theory
Other professional activity:
3x1 years Post Doctoral Fellowship
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Pluhár Gabriella; Szabó Csaba The free spectrum of the varieties of bands, Semigroup Forum, Vol. 76, (2008) No. 3. 576-578
2. Kátai-Urbán, Kamilla; Szabó, Csaba On the free spectrum of the variety generated by the combinatorial completely 0-simple semigroups. Glasg. Math. J. 49 (2007), no. 1, 9398.
3. Horváth, Gábor; Lawrence, John; Mérai, László; Szabó, Csaba The complexity of the equivalence problem for nonsolvable groups. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 39 (2007), no. 3, 433438.
4. Kátai-Urbán, Kamilla; Szabó, Csaba Free spectrum of the variety generated by the five element combinatorial Brandt semigroup. Semigroup Forum 73 (2006),
5. Szabó, Csaba On rings with few orbits. Comm. Algebra 34 (2006), no. 6, 22512260.
The five most important publications:
1. Cs. Szabó és P. J. Cameron, Independence algebras, J. London Math.Soc. (2) 61 (2000) 321334.
2. Cs. Szabó és R. W. Quackenbush, Nilpotent groups are not dualizable, Journal of Australian Mathematical Society, 73 (2002) 173179.
3. Cs. Szabó és R. W. Quackenbush, Strong duality for metacyclic groups, Journal of Australian Mathematical Society 72 (2002) 377392.
4. Cs. Szabó et al., Natural dualities for quasi-varieties generated by a finite commutative ring, The Victor Aleksandrovich Gorbunov memorial issue Algebra Universalis, 46 (2001), 285320.
5. Cs. Szabó, Nilpotent rings are not dualizable, Algebra Universalis, 42 (1999) 293298.
Name: István Szabó
Date of birth: 1948
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in
Present employer, position: Eötvös Loránd University,
associate professor
Scientific degree
(discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian Scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught
so far):
Eötvös Loránd University (1991 ):
Applied information theory and algebra (for
students in mathematics, for student for informatics; lecture, practice):
Data Compression, Cryptography
Other professional activity:
20 years of teaching experience;
20 publications;
1 technical book revision
1 Hungarian patent;
Expert titles: Electronic signature
service expert
Up to 5 selected publications from
the past 5 years:
- I. Szabó: System of
courses and tools in the field of technological security evaluation
methodology, HISEC2004 (Hungarian Information Security Conference), 2004.
-. I. Szabó: Common
Criteria Educational curriculum, Published by Ministry of Informatics and
Telecommunication, 2004
-. I. Szabó: IT security
and covert channels, SAP2006 Conference, 2006
-. P.Papp, I. Szabó:
Different approaches to the security of cryptography- based security
mechanisms, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 23 (2006) .207-294
The five most important publications:
On matrix characterizations of
primitive regular semigroups, Coll. Math.Soc.,39, 461-469
On a class of lattice ordered
semigroups, Acta Math. Ac.Sci. Hung.,30,141-147
Laws, Organisations, Recommendations and Practice,
Global IT Security, Österreichische Computer
Gesellschaft, Proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, 1998
Book-like publications
(in many copies, published on Internet by governmental organisation)
determining educational and professional orientation, revised by wide audience:
Common Criteria
Methodology for security evaluation of IT products and systems, Recommendation
document No 16 by MEH ITB, www.itb.hu/ajanlasok/a16 , 1998., Published by
the Interministerial Committee on Informatics of the Prime Ministers Office
IT Security Sectorial
Strategy of Hungarian Information Society Strategy , Published by Ministry of
Informatics and Telecommunication, 2004
STUDY on the possible
tasks of the National Communications Authority regarding the IT Security
Sectorial Strategy of Hungarian Information Society Strategy, 2004
Activity in the scientific community,
international relations
Member of the following
professional associations: John von Neumann Computer Society, Hungarian
Electronic Signature Association.
Presentations, participation at
different conferences.
Name: Mihály Szalay.
Date of birth: 1947
Highest degree (discipline): M.Ed. in Mathematics and Physics
Present employer: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1970 ):
algebra and number theory (for students in mathematic and physics; practice)
linear algebra and geometry (for students in informatics; lecture, practice)
number theory (for student in mathematics; lecture, practice)
group theory (for students in physics; lecture)
analytic number theory (for students in mathematics; lecture)
power sum method and its applications; statistical theory of partitions; statistical theory of groups; chapters from number theory (special courses (lectures) for students in mathematics).
Other professional activity:
37 years of teaching experience.
24 research papers, 2 survey papers, 1 textbook.
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Nicolas, J.-L., Szalay, M.: Popularity of sets represented by the partitions of n, The Ramanujan Journal 8 (2004), 147175.
2. Dartyge, C., Sárközy, A., Szalay, M.: On the distribution of the summands of partitions in residue classes, Acta Math. Hunmgar. 109 (2005), 215237.
3. Dartyge, C., Sárközy, A., Szalay, M.: On the number of prime factors of summands of partitions, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 18 (2006), 7387.
4. Dartyge, C., Sárközy, A., Szalay, M.: On the distribution of the summands of unequal partitions in residues classes, Acta Math. Hungar. 110 (2006), 323335.
5. Dartyge, C., Szalay, M.: Dominant residue classes concerning the summands of partitions, Functiones et Approximatio 37 (2007), 6596.
The five most important publications:
1. Szalay,
M., Turán, P.: On some problems of the statistical theory of partitions with
application to characters of the symmetric group, I, Acta Math. Acad. Sci.
Hungar. 29 (1977), 361379.
2. Erdős,
P., Szalay, M.: On some problems of J. Dénes and P. Turán, in: Studies in Pure
Mathematics (to the Memory of Paul Turán), Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1983,
3. Erdős, P,
Szalay, M.: On the statistical theory of partitions, in: Coll. Math. Soc. J.
Bolyai, 34 (Topics in Classical Number Theory, Budapest, 1981), 397450.
4. Erdős, P,
Nicolas, J.-L., Szalay, M.: Partitions into parts which are unequal and large,
in: Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1380 (Number Theory, Ulm, 1987), Springer,
BerlinHeidelbergNew York, 1989, 1930.
5. Dartyge,
C., Szalay, M.: Dominant residue classes concerning the summands of partitions,
Functiones et Approximation 37 (2007), 6596.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Matematikai Lapok (technical editor), 19851990;
Network ERBCI PACT 92-4022 (ELTEcoordinator), 19921995;
Mathematical Reviews (reviewer), 1987;
Zentralblatt für Mathematik (reviewer), 1987;
coauthors from France, U.K., U.S.A.;
invited professor at the University Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1.
Name: Péter Sziklai
Date of birth: 1968
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Bolyai scholarship, Eötvös scholarship,
Magyary postdoctoral fellowship, OTKA postdoctoral grant
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Discrete mathematics, practice/lecture (for students in teaching of math.,
mathematics, applied math.): since 1989 (15 years, 3-4 years missed)
Geometry practice (for students in teaching of math.): 1989-91 (2 years)
Set theory and logic practice (for students in teaching of math.): 4 years
Finite geometry seminar: 10 years approx.
Introduction to finite geometry, lecture: 4 years
Symmetric structures, lecture (students in mathematics): 2 év
Graphs and algorithms lecture (for students in teaching of math.): 3 years
Introduction to computer science, lecture, practice (BTU, stutents in
informatics): 5 years
Elements of computer science, lecture (BTU ): 2 years
Calculus (CEU, Environmental studies): 3 years
Other professional activity:
19 years of teaching experience, 7 diploma thesis supervisions, 1 Ph.D.
thesis supervisions;
over 20 lectures at international conferences;
25 publications;
2 patents pending
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. J. Eisfeld, L. Storme and P. Sziklai, On the spectrum of the sizes of maximal partial spreads in PG(2n,q), q>=3, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 36 (2005), 101-110.
2. P. Sziklai, Partial flocks of the quadratic cone, J. Combin. Th. Ser. A, 113 (2006), 698-702.
3. P. L. Erdős, P. Ligeti, P. Sziklai, D. Torney, Subwords in reverse complement order, Annals of Comb., 10 (2006), 415-430.
4. S. Ball, A. Blokhuis, A. Gács, P. Sziklai and Zs. Weiner, On linear codes whose weights and length have a common divisor, Advances in Mathematics 211 (2007), 94-104.
5. P. Sziklai, A conjecture
and a bound on the number of points of a plane curve, Finite Fieds Appl.,
14 (2008), 41-43.
The five most important publications:
1. J. Eisfeld, L. Storme and P. Sziklai, On the spectrum of the sizes of maximal partial spreads in PG(2n,q), q>=3, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 36 (2005), 101-110.
2. P. Sziklai, Partial flocks
of the quadratic cone, J. Combin. Th. Ser. A, 113 (2006),
3. P. L. Erdős, P. Ligeti, P. Sziklai, D. Torney, Subwords in reverse complement order, Annals of Comb., 10 (2006), 415-430.
4. S. Ball, A. Blokhuis, A. Gács, P. Sziklai and Zs. Weiner, On linear codes whose weights and length have a common divisor, Advances in Mathematics 211 (2007), 94-104.
5. P. Sziklai, A conjecture
and a bound on the number of points of a plane curve, Finite Fieds Appl.,
14 (2008), 41-43.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Combinatorica (Springer-Bolyai), Managing Editor
organizer of two international conferences;
member of
Hungarian-Spanish/Flemish/Italian/Slovenian/Dutch bilateral projects in past
member of the granting committee of the Rényi Kató
head of ELTECRYPT research group
Name: Róbert Szőke
Date of birth: 1958
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics), Ph.D(mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi professor scholarship (20002003)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Notre Dame University (1985-1990)
Calculus, (for undergraduate
students, practice)
Ordinary Differential equations (for undegraduate students, practice),
Since January 1, 1991 I teach at the Department of Analysis at Eötvös
University, except certain short periods, see below.
Eötvös University (1991 ):
analysis (for students in mathematics; mathematics- physics or technology education;
informatics-physics; astronomy; geophysics; lecture, practice)
complex analysis (for tudents in mathematics;mathematics or physics
education;astronomy; lecture, practice)
several complex variables (for tudents in mathematics; lecture)
complex manifolds (for PhD students, lecture)
BSM (2004 Spring semester)
Basic Algebraic geometry (lecture)
CEU (2004 Fall semester)
Complex manifolds (Reading course)
Purdue University
Linear algebra and ordinary differential equations (1997 Spring semester,
for students in engineering, lecture)
Ordinary differential equations
(2005 Spring semester, for students in engineering, lecture)
Linear algebra (2007 Fall semester, for students in engineering, lecture)
Other professional activity:
Sept 1977- June 1978: computer operator in the Computer center of the
Ministry of Labour
Nov. 1983- Aug. 1984 and Aug.-Dec. 1990: scientific coworker, Computer
center of the Medical University
Sept. 1984- Aug. 1985: guest researcher at the Mathematical
Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Aug. 1985- Aug. 1990: graduate student at the University of Notre Dame
October 1992- Aug. 1994: guest researcher at the Max Planck Institut für
Mathematik, Bonn
Sept. -Dec. 1999: guest researcher (with an Eötvös fellowship) at the
Mathematical Institute of Oxford University
Feb.- Dec. 2008: guest researcher at
the Rényi Institute of Mathematics
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. R. Szőke: Canonical complex structures associated to connections and complexifications of Lie groups (Math. Ann. 329, 553-591, 2004)
2. R. Szőke: Többváltozós komplex függvénytan (egyetemi jegyzet, 2003, ELTE, Eötvös kiadó)
3. R. Szőke: Complex crowns of symmetric spaces (Int. J. Math. 16, 889-902, 2005)
4. A. Korányi, R. Szőke: On Weyl group equivariant maps (Proc. AMS, 134, 3449-3456, 2006)
5. R. Szőke:
On isometries of Kahler manifolds (Acta Math. Hung. 111, 77-79, 2006)
The five most important publications:
1. L. Lempert-R. Szőke: Global solutions of the homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation and complex structures on the tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds (Math. Ann. 290, 689-712, 1991)
2. R. Szőke: Complex structures on the tangent bundle of Riemannian manifolds (Math. Ann. 291, 409-428, 1991)
3. A. Dancer- R. Szőke: Symmetric spaces, adapted complex structures and hyperkahler structures (Q. J. Math., 48, 27-38, 1997)
4. R.
Szőke: Involutive structures on the tangent bundle of symmetric spaces (Math.
319-348, 2001)
5. R.
Szőke: Canonical complex structures associated to connections and
complexifications of Lie groups (Math. Ann. 329, 553-591, 2004)
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Member of the Bolyai Mathematical Society and the
Referee of NSF and OTKA proposals and
international math journals.
Name: Tamás Szőnyi
Date of birth: 1957
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University,
professor, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, research advisor (part time)
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi
scholarship (19972000), Pál Erdős Prize of the Hungarian Academy (1997).
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1987 ):
Discrete mathematics (for students in mathematics; lecture, practice; also for students in
Symmetric structures, finite geometry, Mathematical games, Extremal set
systems, Enumeration, Error correcting codes,
Finite geometry seminar (research seminar 1986--)
University of Szeged (1994--1997)
Geometries and their models, Algebraic methods in combinatorics, Plane curves, Codes and geometries (for students in mathematics)
Technical University Budapest (1982--1993)
Mathematics I,II,III, IV (for students in transportation engineering)
Other professional activity:
25 years of teaching experience, 15 diploma thesis supervisions, 7 Ph.D. thesis supervisions; over 30 lectures at international conferences; 1 book in Hungarian,
65 publications
Visiting professor Yale, TUE Eindhoven, University of Sussex, University of Ghent, University of Perugia, University of Basilicata (in total roughly 26 months)
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
A. Gács, T. Szőnyi , Zs. Weiner, On the spectrum of minimal blocking sets, J.
of Geometry, 76 (2003),
A. Gács , T. Szőnyi, On maximal partial spreads on PG(n,q), Designs, Codes, and
Cryptography 29 (2003), 123-129
E. Boros, T. Szőnyi, K. Tichler. Defining sets for
PG(2,q), Discrete Mathematics 30
J. Barát, F. Pambianco, S. Marcugini, T. Szőnyi,
On disjoint blocking sets, J.
Comb. Designs 14 (2006),
A. Blokhuis, L. Lovász, L. Storme, T. Szőnyi, On
multiple blocking sets in Galois planes,
Advances in Geometry 7 (2007), 3953.
The five most important publications:
E. Boros, T. Szőnyi, On the sharpness of a theorem of B. Segre, Combinatorica
6 (1986), 261-268
L. Rónyai, T. Szőnyi, Planar functions over finite fields, Combinatorica
9 (1989), 315-320
T. Szőnyi, Blocking sets in Desarguesian affine and projective planes, Finite
Fields and Appl. 2 (1997), 187-202
T. Szőnyi, On the embedding of (k,p)-arcs in maximal arcs, Designs,
Codes, and Cryptography 18 (1999), 235-246
A. Blokhuis, L. Storme, T. Szőnyi, Multiple
blocking sets in Desarguesian planes,
J. London Math. Soc.60
(1999), 321-332
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
member of the J. Bolyai Math. Society, reviewer of
Mathematical Reviews,
secretary and later vice president of the
Mathematical Committee of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences (1999--), member of the OTKA
Jury in mathematics
Editor of Combinatorica, Innovations in Incidence
Geometry, Abh. Math. Sem.
Univ. Hamburg, Contributions to Discrete
Mathematics, Annales Univ. Eötvös,
Sect Math.
Organizer of 4 international conferences, editor
of 3 conference proceedings
International relations: TUE Eindhoven,
Universities of Ghent, Perugia, Potenza,
Name: András Szűcs
Date of birth: 1950
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, full professor
Scientific degree (discipline): DSc (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Széchenyi scholarship (19972000)
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (1981 ):
geometry, analysis, complex analysis, topology
BSM (1988)
Algebraic topology
Other professional activity:
30 years of teaching experience, many diploma thesis supervisions, 2 Ph.D. thesis supervisions;
over 10 invited (1 hour) lectures at international conferences;
51 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1) with T. Ekholm: Geometric formulas for Smale invariants of codimension two immersions, Topology 42 (2003) 171 196
2) with G. Lippner: A new proof of the Herbert multiple-point formula (Russian) Fundam. Prikl. Mat. 11 (2005) no 5, 107 116; translation in J. Math. Sci (N.Y.) 146 (2007), no 11, 5523 5529.
3) Elimination of Singularities by Cobordism, Real and complex singularities, 301 324, Contemporary Mathematics Volume 354, Amer Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2004
4) with T. Ekholm and T. Terpai: Cobordism of fold maps and maps with prescribed number of cusps. Kyushu J. Math. 61 (2007), no 2, 395 414.
5) Cobordism of singular maps, Geometry and Topology 12 (2008) 2379-2452.
The five most important publications:
1) Analogue of the Thom space for mapping with singularity of type Sigma1, Math. Sb. (N. S.) 108 (150) (1979) no. 3 438 456 (in Russian); English translation: Math. USSR-Sb. 36 (1979) no. 3. 405 426 (1980)
2) Cobordism group of immersions of oriented manifolds; Acta Math. Hungar. 64 (2) (1994), 191 230
3) with R. Rimanyi: Pontrjagin Thom type construction for maps with singularities, Topology 37 (1998), 1177 1191
4) with T. Ekholm: Geometric formulas for Smale invariants of codimension two immersions, Topology 42 (2003) 171 196
5) Cobordism of singular maps, Geometry and Topology 12 (2008) 2379 2452.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations:
Secretary of the Doctoral Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Siences (5 years)
Secretary of the Hungarian Topology Conference (20 years)
Member of the doctoral committee on a large number of occasions
Editor of Mathematica Slovaca.
Name: Árpád Tóth
Date of birth: 1964
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships: Bolyai Fellowship
Teaching activity (with a selection of courses taught so far):
Eötvös University (2003 ):
Analysis (for students in math, math ed; lecture, practice)
Calculus (for students in physics education; lecture, practice)
Ordinary Differential Equations (for students in physics edutacttion;
lecture, practice)
Modular Forms (for students in math, lecture)
Several Complex Variables (for students in math, lecture)
Topology (for students in math, lecture)
BSM (2004 )
Topology (lecture, practice)
Analytic Number Theory (lecture, practice)
Fordham University (2001-2003)
Calculus (for students in math, business, life sciences; lecture, practice)
Linear Algebra (for students in math; lecture, practice)
Finte Math with Probability (for liberal arts students; lecture, practice)
University of Michigan (1997-2000)
Calculus ((various versions) for students in math, engineering, business,
life sciences; lecture, practice)
Linear Algebra (for students in engineering; lecture, practice)
Ordinary Differential Equations (for students in engineering; lecture,
practice, computer lab)
Advanced Vector Calculus (for graduate students in engineering; lecture,
Number Theory (for students in math; lecture, practice)
Modular Forms (for PhD students in math, lecture)
Rutgers University (1992-1997)
Calculus (for students in math, engineering, business, life sciences;
lecture, practice)
Vector Calculus (for students in physics, engineering; lecture, practice)
Ordinary Differential Equations (for students in engineering; practice)
Advanced Vector Calculus (for master students in applied math; practice)
Other professional activity:
More than 15 years of teaching experience, over 15 lectures at
international conferences;
8 publications;
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Toth A., Varolin D. Holomorphic diffeomorphisms of semisimple homogeneous spaces. Compos. Math. 142 (2006), no. 5, 13081326.
Elekes M., Toth A. Covering
locally compact groups by less than $2\sp \omega$ many translates of a compact
nullset. Fund. Math. 193 (2007), no. 3, 243--257.
3. Toth A. On the Steinberg module of Chevalley groups. Manuscripta Math. 116 (2005), no. 3, 277--295.
4. Toth
A., On the evaluation of Salié sums. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), no. 3, 643--645
5. Duke W., Toth A. The splitting of primes in division fields of elliptic curves. Experiment. Math. 11 (2002), 555--565
The five most important publications:
1. Toth A., Varolin D. Holomorphic
diffeomorphisms of semisimple homogeneous spaces. Compos. Math.
142 (2006), no. 5, 13081326.
2. Toth A., Roots of quadratic congruences. Internat. Math. Res. Notices 2000, no. 14, 719--739.
3. Toth
A. On the Steinberg module of Chevalley groups. Manuscripta
Math. 116 (2005), no. 3, 277--295.
4. Toth A., On the evaluation of Salié sums. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), no. 3, 643--645
5. Duke W., Toth A. The splitting of primes in
division fields of elliptic curves. Experiment. Math. 11 (2002), no. 4, 555--565
Name: László Verhóczki
Date of birth: 1961
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics and physics
Present employer, position: Eötvös University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): PhD (mathematics)
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far):
Technical University of Budapest (19851997):
Geometry (all levels, lecture, practice)
Descriptive Geometry (lecture, practice)
Differential Geometry (lecture, practice)
Calculus (practice)
Eötvös University (1997 )
Geometry (all levels, lecture, practice)
Differential Geometry (all levels, lecture, practice)
Other professional activity:
23 years of teaching experience, 11 diploma thesis supervisions;
over 13 lectures at international conferences;
15 publications.
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
1. Verhóczki, L.: Special cohomogeneity one isometric actions on irreducible symmetric
spaces of types I and II, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 44 (2003), 5774.
2. Csikós, B., Verhóczki, L.: Tubular structures of compact symmetric spaces associated
with the exceptional Lie group F4, Geometriae Dedicata 109 (2004), 239252.
3. Verhóczki, L.: The exceptional compact symmetric spaces G2
and G2/SO(4) as tubes,
Monatshefte für
Mathematik 141 (2004), 323335.
4. Csikós, B., Németh, B., Verhóczki, L.: Volumes of principal orbits of isotropy subgroups
in compact symmetric spaces, Houston J. Math. 33 (2007), 719734.
5. Csikós, B.,
Verhóczki, L.: Classification of
Frobenius Lie algebras of dimension ≤6,
Publicationes Math. Debrecen 70 (2007),
The five most important publications:
1. Verhóczki, L.: Reflections of Riemannian
manifolds, Publicationes Math. Debrecen
38 (1991), 1931.
2. Verhóczki, L.: Special isoparametric orbits in Riemannian
symmetric spaces,
Geometriae Dedicata 55 (1995),
3. Verhóczki, L.: Shape operators of orbits of isotropy
subgroups in Riemannian symmetric
spaces of the compact type, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 36 (1995),
4. Berndt, J.,
Vanhecke, L., Verhóczki, L.: Harmonic and minimal unit vector fields on
Riemannian symmetric spaces, Illinois J. Math. 47 (2003), 12731286.
5. Csikós, B., Németh, B., Verhóczki, L.: Volumes of principal orbits of isotropy subgroups
in compact symmetric spaces, Houston J. Math. 33 (2007), 719734.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
organizer of three international conferences;
member of the Bolyai Mathematical Society (1988);
coauthors from Belgium and Germany;
visiting professor at universities in Belgium and Germany.
Name: Katalin Vesztergombi
Date of birth: 1948
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in mathematics
Present employer, position: Eötvös Lorand University, associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc (mathematics) 1987
Major Hungarian scholarships:
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught so far): Algorithmic
geometry, discrete mathematics, discrete programing, combinatorial
optimization, discrete mathematical models, calculus, differential equations,
complex analysis, graphtheory, linear algebra, numerical methods, ALGOL; 32
Other professional activity:
Teaching and research: ELTE, JATE, BME, Rutgers University, Yale
University, University of Washington, Microsoft Research (Redmond)
1 international patent
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
Geometric representations of graphs (with L. Lovász), Paul Erdős and his
Mathematics, (ed. G. Halász, L. Lovász, M. Simonovits, V.T. Sós), Bolyai
Society--Springer Verlag (2004).
Quadrilaterals and k-sets (with L. Lovász, U. Wagner, E. Welzl) in: Towards
a Theory of Geometric Graphs, (J. Pach, Ed.), AMS Contemporary Mathematics 342
(2004) 139-148.
Graph limits and parameter testing (with C.Borgs, J.Chayes, L.Lovász,
V.T.Sós, B.Szegedy) STOC 2006
Counting graph homomorphisms (with C.Borgs, J.Chayes, L.Lovász, V.T.Sós)
in: Topics in Discrete Mathematics (ed. M.Klazar, J.Kratochvil, M.Loebl,
J.Matousek,R.Thomas, P.Valtr)
Springer (2006), 315-371
The five most important publications:
Activity in the scientific community, international relations
Name: András Zempléni
Date of birth: 1960
Highest degree (discipline): diploma in
Present employer, position: Eötvös University,
associate professor
Scientific degree (discipline): CSc
Teaching activity (with list of courses taught
so far):
Eötvös University (1982 ):
Probability theory (for students in applied
mathematics, informatics, meteorology, geology; lecture, practice)
Mathematical statistics (for students in
applied mathematics, informatics, meteorology, geology; lecture, practice)
Industrial statistics (for students in applied
Modelling environmental data (for PhD students
in mathematics)
Teaching experience: 25 years
Lecture note: Móri F. Tamás, Szeidl László,
Zempléni András: Mathematical statistics exercises (Budapest, 1997, ELTE Eötvös
Other professional activity:
25 years of teaching experience, 20 diploma
thesis supervisions, 1 Ph.D. thesis supervision
Over 20 lectures at international conferences
52 publications
Coordinator of several major projects in
applied statistics
Head of the Applied Statistical Consulting
Group (1998-)
Teaching in German: KVIF, Statistics, 2002-
Participation in the English MSc courses held
at Eötvös University, Department
of Probability Theory and Statistics
Grants: Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellowship
(Sheffield, 1991/92), Bolyai János research grant (1998-2000), DAAD grant
(München, 2003)
Up to 5 selected publications from the past 5 years:
Taylor, C.C.,
Zempléni, A.: Chain Plot: a Tool for Exploiting Bivariate Temporal Structures
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2004, pp 141-153
Zempléni, A.,
Véber, M., Duarte, B. and Saraiva, P.: Control Charts: a cost-optimization
approach for processes with random shifts. Appl. Stoch. Models in Business and
Industry, 20, p.185-200,
2004 .
I.L., Zempléni, A.: Extreme shape analysis. J. Roy. Stat. Soc., Ser. C, 55, part 1, p. 103-121. 2006.
Arató, N.M., Bozsó,D., Elek, P., Zempléni, A.: Forecasting and simulating mortality tables. Accepted, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2008.
Elek, P., Zempléni, A.: Tail behaviour and extremes of two-state Markov-switching autoregressive models. Computers
and Mathematics, with applications, 55, p. 2839-2855, 2008.
The five most important publications:
Zempléni, A.: On
the heredity of Hun and Hungarian property, J. of Theoretical Probability Vol
3. No.4. 1990, p. 599-609.
Zempléni, A.:
Inference for bivariate extreme value distributions. Journal of Applied
Statistical Science 1996, 4, No. 2/3, p. 107-122.
Taylor. C.C.,
Zempléni, A.: Chain Plot: a Tool for Exploiting Bivariate Temporal Structures.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 46, p. 141-153, 2004
I.L., Zempléni, A.: Extreme shape analysis. J. Roy. Stat. Soc., Ser. C, 55, part 1, p. 103-121. 2006.
Elek, P., Zempléni, A. Tail behaviour and extremes of two-state Markov-switching autoregressive models. Computers
and Mathematics, with applications, 55, p. 2839-2855, 2008.
Activity in the scientific community, international relations:
Coordinator of several EU
Member of the European
Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society (2004-)
Coauthors from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands
Organisor of 3 conferences
MSc in Mathematics: Language proficiency
István Ágoston
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1985
Teaching experience: Carleton University, Ottawa (1991, 1996, 2002, 2004: four
semesters), Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (2 semesters)
3. Studies abroad: Ph.D. studies,
Carleton University, Ottawa, 19861990
Talks delivered in English: over 20 conference talks
Miklós Arató
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
15 conference talks
András Bátkai
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
20 conference talks
András A. Benczúr
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad: Ph. D. Studies,
MIT (graduation in 1997)
4. Talks delivered in English: over
15 conference lectures
Károly Bezdek
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: University
of Calgary (2004 )
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
20 conference lectures
Károly Böröcyky
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Budapest
Semesters in Mathematics (1994 )
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
20 conference lectures
Zoltán Buczolich
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
Teaching experience: University of Calfornia,
Davis (19891990), University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (1994), Michigan State
University (20012002), University of North Texas (2003)
3. Studies abroad:
Talks delivered in English: over 25 invited talks
Balázs Csikós
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1984
2. Teaching experience: Budapest
Semesters in Mathematics (1990 )
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
26 conference lectures
Villő Csiszár
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1999
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad: University of
Sheffield (1 year)
4. Talks delivered in English:
Piroska Csörgő
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
20 conference talks
Csaba Fábián
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
Talks delivered in English: over 10 conference talks
István Faragó
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
40 conference talks
László Fehér
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
Teaching experience: Universityof Notre Dame (19931998)
3. Studies abroad: Ph.D. studies at
University of Notre Dame (19921998)
Talks delivered in English:
Alice Fialowski
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Univ. of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (19871989),
Univ. of California, Davis (19901995),
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
20 conference talks
András Frank
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: University of Bonn (19841986, 19891993)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
60 conference talks
Róbert Freud
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1975
2. Teaching experience: Ohio State
University, Columbus and UCLA, Los Angeles (19821983, sixteen months)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference talks
Katalin Fried
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1980
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
Róbert Fullér
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Universityof
Helsinki (2008, 9 months)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
Vince Grolmusz
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: University
of Chicago (1999, over 6 months)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
Katalin Gyarmati
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
16 conference talks
Gábor Halász
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1967
Teaching experience: University of Illinois (19781979)
3. Studies abroad:
Talks delivered in English:
Norbert Hegyvári
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
15 conference lectures
Péter Hermann
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Budapest
Semesters in Mathematics (over 15 years), CEU (over 3 years)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
Tibor Illés
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: University
of Edinburgh (20072008, 12 months)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
Ferenc Izsák
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference lectures
Tibor Jordán
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: University
of Odense (19961998), University of Aarhus
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
50 conference lectures
Alpár Jüttner
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference lectures
János Karátson
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference lectures
Gyula Károlyi
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1996
2. Teaching experience: ETH Zurich (20012002), University of Memphis (2005)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
40 conference talks
Tamás Keleti
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:Budapest
Semesters in Mathematics (1999 , 9 years)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
20 conference talks
Tamás Király
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference talks
Zoltán Király
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference talks (www.cs.elte.hu/~kiraly)
Emil Kiss
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1981
2. Teaching experience: La Trobe
University, Australia (1986, 3 semesters), University of Illinois, Chicago
(1990, 2 semesters), Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (2 courses)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference talks
György Kiss
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
20 conference lectures
Péter Komjáth
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1982
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
Géza Kós
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 lectures
Antal Kováts
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference lectures
János Kristóf
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Central
European University (20062007, over 1 year)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
Teaching experience: Michigan State University (1983), University of California (Santa Barbara (1984), University
College, London (2001, 3 months/year)
3. Studies abroad:
Talks delivered in English: over 10 invited addresses during the last 8 years
Gyula Lakos
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 2003
2. Teaching experience: Northwestern
University (20032004)
3. Studies abroad: Ph.D. studies at
MIT (19982003)
4. Talks delivered in English:
László Lovász
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Yale
University (1999, over six months)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
András Lukács
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Univ. Köln, Inst. für
Informatik, 1992-1993, Montanuniv. Leoben, Inst. für
Ang. Math., 1994-1995, CWI Amsterdam, 1998-2000
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference talks
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: 10
conference talks
László Márkus
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
30 conference talks
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
30 conference lectures
Tamás Móri
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
20 conference lectures
Gábor Moussong
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1988
2. Teaching experience: Ohio State
University (19971998), Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (1997 )
3. Studies abroad: Ph.D. Studies at
Ohio State University (19851988)
4. Talks delivered in English: over
15conference lectures
András Némethi
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1991
2. Teaching experience: Ohio State
University (19912006)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference lectures
Péter P. Pálfy
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1984
2. Teaching experience: Vanderbilt
University (1983, 1 semester), University of Hawaii (1986, 1
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
80 conference talks
Katalin Pappné Kovács
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: University
of Illinois, Urbana (19931995)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference talks
József Pelikán
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1972
2. Teaching experience: Budapest
Semesters in Mathematics (over 10 years)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 talks
Tamás Pfeil
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Eötvös
University, English program in biology (over 10 years)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
Vilmos Prokaj
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: ELTE English
MSc program (2003, 2005, over eight months)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
Tamás Pröhle
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: ELTE English
MSc program (2003, 2005, over eight months)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
András Recski
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Yale Universit
(1994, over six months)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
András Sárközy
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1967
2. Teaching experience: University of Illinois (1972/73, 1989/90), UCLA (1983), University of Georgia (1985/1986), The City University of New York, Baruch College (1986/1987), University of Waterloo (1990/91), The University of Memphis (2007/2008):
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: a
large number of conference talks
Zoltán Sebestyén
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
Talks delivered in English: over 20
conference lectures
István Sigray
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1988
Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
Talks delivered in English:
Eszter Sikolya
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: University
of Tübingen (20022004, 2 years)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: 10
conference talks
László Simon
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
30 conference lectures
Péter Simon
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Budapest
Semesters in Mathematics (2003 ,5 years)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
25 conference lectures
András Stipsicz
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Budapest
Semesters in Mathematics (over 10 years), UC Irvine, MSRI Berkeley, Princeton
University, IAS Princeton, Warwick University, Columbia University,
3. Studies abroad: Ph.D. studies
4. Talks delivered in English: over
20 conference talks
Csaba Szabó
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: McMaster
University, Hamilton (19971998), Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (over 10
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
25 conference talks
István Szabó
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference lectures
Mihály Szalay
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
Talks delivered in English: over 10 conference talks
Péter Sziklai
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1986
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
Róbert Szőke
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level): 1991
Teaching experience: University of Notre Dame (19861990), Purdue University
(1997, 2005, 2007 1 semester each year), Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (2004),
CEU (2004)
3. Studies abroad: Ph.D. Studies at
University of Notre Dame(19851990)
Talks delivered in English: over 10 conference talks
Szőnyi Tamás:
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference talks (www.cs.elte.hu/~szonyi)
András Szűcs
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
Teaching experience: Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (1988, 1 semester)
3. Studies abroad:
Talks delivered in English: over 10 invited 1 hour lectures
Árpád Tóth
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
Teaching experience: Rutgers University
(19921997), University of Michigan, Ann Arbour (19972000), Princeton
University (20002001), Fordham University, New York (20012003)
3. Studies abroad: Ph.D. studies at
Rutgers University (19921997)
Talks delivered in English: over 10 conference talks (see at www.cs.elte.hu/~toth)
László Verhóczki
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience:
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
10 conference lectures
Katalin Vesztergombi
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: Yale
University (1999, over six months)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English:
András Zempléni
1. Language proficiency examination
(high level):
2. Teaching experience: ELTE English
MSc program (2003, 2005, over eight months)
3. Studies abroad:
4. Talks delivered in English: over
20 conference talks
MSc in Mathematics: Course descriptions
Title of the course: Algebraic and differential topology
Number of contact hours per week: 4+2
Credit value: 6+3
Course coordinator(s): András Szűcs
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination + grade for problem solving
Prerequisites: Algebraic Topology course in BSC
A short description of the course:
Characteristic classes and their applications, computation of the cobordism ring of manifolds,
Existence of exotic spheres.
Further reading:
1) J. W. Milnor, J. D. Stasheff: Characteristic Classes, Princeton, 1974.
2) R. E. Stong: Notes on Cobordism Theory, Princeton, 1968.
Title of the course: Algebraic Topology (basic material)
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): András Szűcs
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Algebraic Topology course in the BSC
A short description of the course:
Homology groups, cohomology ring, homotopy groups, fibrations, exact sequences, Lefschetz fixpoint theorem.
Further reading: R. M. Switzer: Algebraic Topology, Homotopy and Homology, Springer- Verlag, 1975.
Title of the course: Algorithms I
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 2+3
Course coordinator(s): Zoltán Király
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: none
A short description of the course:
Sorting and selection. Applications of dynamic programming (maximal interval-sum, knapsack, order of multiplication of matrices, optimal binary search tree, optimization problems in trees).
Graph algorithms: BFS, DFS, applications (shortest paths, 2-colorability, strongly connected orientation, 2-connected blocks, strongly connected components). Dijkstras algorithm and applications (widest path, safest path, PERT method, Jhonsons algorithm). Applications of network flows. Stable matching. Algorithm of Hopcroft and Karp.
Concept of approximation algorithms, examples (Ibarra-Kim, metric TSP, Steiner tree, bin packing). Search trees. Amortization time. Fibonacci heap and its applications.
Data compression. Counting with large numbers, algorithm of Euclid, RSA. Fast Fourier transformation and its applications. Strassens method for matrix multiplication.
Further reading:
T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, C. Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, McGraw-Hill, 2002
Title of the course: Analysis IV (for mathematicians)
Number of contact hours per week: 4+2
Credit value: 4+2
Course coordinator(s): János Kristóf
Department(s): Department of Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics, Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral or written examination, tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Abstract measures and integrals. Measurable functions. Outer measures and the extensions of measures. Abstract measure spaces. Lebesgue- and Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure spaces. Charges and charges with bounded variation. Absolute continuous and singular measures. Radon-Nycodym derivatives. Lebesgue decomposition of measures. Density theorem of Lebesgue. Absolute continuous and singular real functions. Product of measure spaces. Theorem of Lebesgue-Fubini. L^p spaces. Convolution of functions.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
1) Bourbaki, N.: Elements of Mathematics, Integration I, Chapters 1-6, Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg-Berlin, 2004.
2) Dieudonné, J.: Treatise On Analysis, Vol. II, Chapters XIII-XIV, Academic Press, New York-San Fransisco-London, 1976.
3) Halmos, Paul R.: Measure Theory, Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg-Berlin, 1974.
4) Rudin, W.: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York-San Fransisco-Toronto-London, 1964.
5) Dunford, N.- Schwartz, T.J.: Linear operators. Part I: General Theory, Interscience Publishers, 1958.
Title of the course: Analysis of time series
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): László Márkus
Department(s): Department
of Probability Theory and Statistics
Evaluation: Oral
Prerequisites: Probability
theory and Statistics,
A short description of the course:
Basic notions of stationary processes,weak,
k-order, strict stationarity, ergodicity, convergence to stationary
distribution. Interdependence structure: autocovariance, autocorrelation,
partial autocorrelation functions and their properties, dynamic copulas.
Spectral representation of stationary processes by an orthogonal stochastic
measure, the spectral density function, Herglotzs theorem.
Introduction and basic properties of specific
time series models: Linear models: AR(1), AR(2) AR(p), Yule-Walker equations,
MA(q), ARMA(p,q), ARIMA(p,d,q) conditions for the existence of stationary
solutions and invertibility, the spectral density function. Nonlinear models:
ARCH(1), ARCH(p), GARCH(p,q), Bilinear(p,q,P,Q), SETAR, regime switching
models. Stochastic recursion equations, stability, the Ljapunov-exponent and
conditions for the existence of stationary solutions, Kesten-Vervaat-Goldie
theorem on stationary solutions with regularly varying distributions.
Conditions for the existence of stationary ARCH(1) process with finite or
infinite variance, the regularity index of the solution.
Estimation of the mean. Properties of the
sample mean, depending on the spectral measure. Estimation of the
autocovariance function. Bias, variance and covariance of the estimator.
Estimation of the discrete spectrum, the periodogram. Properties of periodogram
values at Fourier frequencies. Expectation, variance, covariance and
distribution of the periodogram at arbitrary frequencies. Linear processes,
linear filter, impulse-response and transfer functions, spectral density and
periodogram transformation by the linear filter. The periodogram as useless
estimation of the spectral density function. Windowed periodogram as spectral
density estimation. Window types. Bias and variance of the windowed estimation.
Tayloring the windows. Prewhitening and CAT criterion.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Priestley, M.B.: Spectral Analysis and Time Series, Academic Press 1981
Brockwell, P. J., Davis, R. A.: Time Series: Theory and Methods. Springer,
N.Y. 1987
Tong, H. : Non-linear time series: a dynamical systems approach, Oxford
University Press, 1991.
Hamilton, J. D.: Time series analysis, Princeton University Press,
Princeton, N. J. 1994
Brockwell, P. J., Davis, R. A.: Introduction to time series and
forecasting, Springer. 1996.
Pena, D., Tiao and Tsay, R.: A Course in Time Series Analysis, Wiley 2001.
Title of the course: Applications of Operations Research
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3+0
Course coordinator(s): Gergely Mádi-Nagy
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
Prerequisites: -
A short description of the course:
Applications in economics. Inventory and location problems. Modeling and solution of complex social problems. Transportation problems. Models of maintenance and production planning. Applications in defense and in water management.
Textbook: none
Further reading: none
Title of the course: Applied discrete mathematics seminar
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): Zoltán Király
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: giving a presentation
Prerequisites: none
A short description of the course:
Study and presentation of selected journal papers.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Approximation algorithms
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tibor Jordán
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems, basic techniques,
LP-relaxations. Set cover, primal-dual algorithms. Vertex cover, TSP, Steiner tree, feedback vertex set, bin packing, facility location, scheduling problems, k-center, k-cut, multicut, multiway cut, multicommodity flows, minimum size k-connected subgraphs, minimum superstring, minimum max-degree spanning trees.
Textbook: V.V. Vazirani, Approximation algorithms, Springer, 2001.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Basic algebra (reading course)
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 5
Course coordinator(s):
Péter Pál Pálfy
Department(s): Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Basic group theory. Permutation groups. Lagranges Theorem. Homomorphisms and normal subgroups. Direct product, the Fundamental theorem of finite Abelian groups. Free groups and defining relations.
Basic ring theory. Ideals. Chain conditions. Integral domains, PIDs, euclidean domains.
Fields, field extensions. Algebraic and transcendental elements. Finite fields.
Linear algebra. The eigenvalues, the characterisitic polynmial and the minimal polynomial of a linear transformation. The Jordan normal form. Transformations of Euclidean spaces. Normal and unitary transformations. Quadratic forms, Sylvesters theorem.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
I.N. Herstein: Abstract Algebra. Mc.Millan, 1990
P.M. Cohn: Classic Algebra. Wiley, 2000
I.M. Gelfand: Lectures on linear algebra. Dover, 1989
Title of the course: Basic Geometry (reading course)
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 5
Course coordinator(s): Gábor Moussong
Department(s): Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Non-euclidean geometries: Classical non-euclidean geometries and their models. Projective spaces. Transformation groups.
Vector analysis: Differentiation, vector calculus in dimension 3. Classical integral theorems. Space curves, curvature and torsion.
Basic topology: The notion of topological and metric spaces. Sequences and convergence. Compactness and connectedness. Fundamental group.
1. M. Berger: Geometry III (Translated from the French by M. Cole and S.
Levy). Universitext, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987.
2. P.C. Matthews: Vector Calculus (Springer
Undergraduate Mathematics Series). Springer, Berlin, 2000.
3. W. Klingenberg: A Course in Differential Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics). Springer-Verlag, 1978.
4. M. A. Armstrong: Basic Topology (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1983.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Business
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
coordinator(s): Róbert
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Monopoly, Lerner index; horizontal differentiation, the effect of
advertisement and service; vertical differentiation; price discrimination;
vertical control; Bertrands paradox, repeated games; price competition; tacit
collusion; the role of R&D in the competition.
Jean Tirole, The Theory of Industrial Organization, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1997.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Chapters of Complex Function Theory
Number of contact hours per week: 4+0
Credit value: 6
Course coordinator(s): Gábor Halász
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination, home work and participation
Prerequisites: Complex Functions (BSc),
Analysis IV. (BSc)
A short description of the course:
The aim of the course is to give an introduction to various chapters of functions of a complex variable. Some of these will be further elaborated on, depending on the interest of the participants, in lectures, seminars and practices to be announced in the second semester. In general, six of the following, essentially self-contained topics can be discussed, each taking about a month, 2 hours a week.
Phragmén-Lindelöf type theorems.
Capacity. Tchebycheff constant. Transfinite diameter. Green function. Capacity and Hausdorff measure. Conformal radius.
Area principle. Koebes distortion theorems. Estimation of the coefficients of univalent functions.
Area-length principle. Extremal length. Modulus of quadruples and rings. Quasiconformal maps. Extension to the boundary. Quasisymmetric functions. Quasiconformal curves.
Divergence and rotation free flows in the plane. Complex potencial. Flows around fixed bodies.
Laplace integral. Inversion formuli. Applications to Tauberian theorems, quasianalytic functions, Müntzs theorem.
Poisson integral of L_p functions. Hardy spaces. Marcell Rieszs theorem. Interpolation between L_p spaces. Theorem of the Riesz brothers.
Meromorphic functions in the plane. The two main theorems of the Nevanlinna theory.
Further reading:
M. Tsuji: Potential Theory in Modern Function Theory, Maruzen Co., Tokyo, 1959.
L.V. Ahlfors: Conformal Invariants, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973.
Ch. Pommerenke: Univalent Functions, Vandenhoeck
& Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1975.
L.V. Ahlfors: Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings, D. Van Nostrand Co., Princeton, 1966. W.K.Hayman: MeromorphicFunctions, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1964.
P. Koosis: Introduction to Hp Spaces, University Press, Cambridge 1980.
G. Polya and G. Latta: Complex Variables, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974.
Title of the course: Codes and symmetric structures
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tamás Szőnyi
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Error-correcting codes; important examples: Hamming, BCH (Bose, Ray-Chaudhuri, Hocquenheim) codes. Bounds for the parameters of the code: Hamming bound and perfect codes, Singleton bound and MDS codes. Reed-Solomon, Reed-Muller codes. The Gilbert-Varshamov bound. Random codes, explicit asymptotically good codes (Forney's concatenated codes, Justesen codes). Block designs t-designs and their links with perfect codes. Binary and ternary Golay codes and Witt designs. Fisher's inequality and its variants. Symmetric designs, the Bruck-Chowla-Ryser condition. Constructions (both recursive and direct) of block designs.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
P.J. Cameron, J.H. van Lint: Designs, graphs, codes and their links Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991.
J. H. van Lint: Introduction to Coding theory, Springer, 1992.
J. H. van Lint, R.J. Wilson, A course in combinatorics, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992; 2001
Title of the course: Combinatorial algorithms I.
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): Tibor Jordán
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Search algorithms on graphs, maximum adjacency ordering, the algorithm of Nagamochi and Ibaraki. Network flows. The Ford Fulkerson algorithm, the algorithm of Edmonds and Karp, the preflow push algorithm. Circulations. Minimum cost flows. Some applications of flows and circulations. Matchings in graphs. Edmonds` algorithm, the Gallai Edmonds structure theorem. Factor critical graphs. T-joins, f-factors. Dinamic programming. Minimum cost
A. Frank, T. Jordán, Combinatorial algorithms, lecture notes.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Combinatorial algorithms II.
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tibor Jordán
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Connectivity of graphs, sparse certificates, ear decompositions. Karger`s algorithm for computing the edge connectivity. Chordal graphs, simplicial ordering. Flow equivalent trees, Gomory Hu trees. Tree width, tree decomposition. Algorithms on graphs with small tree width. Combinatorial rigidity. Degree constrained orientations. Minimum cost circulations.
A. Frank, T. Jordán, Combinatorial algorithms, lecture notes.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Combinatorial Geometry
Number of contact hours per week: 2+1
Credit value: 2+2
Course coordinator: György Kiss
Department: Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Combinatorial properties of finite projective and affine spaces. Collineations and polarities, conics, quadrics, Hermitian varieties, circle geometries, generalized quadrangles.
Point sets with special properties in Euclidean spaces. Convexity, Helly-type theorems, transversals.
Polytopes in Euclidean, hyperbolic and spherical geometries. Tilings, packings and coverings. Density problems, systems of circles and spheres.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
1. Boltyanski, V., Martini, H. and Soltan, P.S.: Excursions into Combinatorial Geometry, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1997.
2. Coxeter, H.S.M.: Introduction to Geometry, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1969.
3. Fejes Tóth L.: Regular Figures, Pergamon Press, Oxford-London-New York-Paris, 1964.
Title of
the course: Combinatorial number theory.
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
value: 3
Course coordinator(s): András Sárközy
Department(s): Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination
Prerequisites: Number theory 2
A short description of the course:
Brun's sieve and its applications. Schnirelmann's addition theorems, the primes form an additive basis. Additive and multiplicative Sidon sets. Divisibility properties of sequences, primitive sequences. The "larger sieve", application. Hilbert cubes in dense sequences, applications. The theorems of van der Waerden and Szemeredi on arithmetic progressions. Schur's theorem on the Fermat congruence.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
H. Halberstam, K. F. Roth: Sequences.
C. Pomerance, A. Sárközy: Combinatorial Number Theory (in: Handbook of Combinatorics)
P. Erdős, J. Surányi: Topics in number theory.
Title of the course: Combinatorial structures and algorithms
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tibor Jordán
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Solving various problems from combinatorial optimization, graph theory, matroid theory, and combinatorial geometry.
Textbook: none
Further reading: L. Lovász, Combinatorial problems and exercises, North Holland 1979.
Title of the course: Commutative algebra
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): József Pelikán
Department(s): Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Rings and Algebras
A short description of the course:
Ideals. Prime and maximal ideals. Zorn's lemma. Nilradical, Jacobson radical. Prime spectrum.
Modules. Operations on submodules. Finitely generated modules. Nakayama's lemma. Exact sequences. Tensor product of modules.
Noetherian rings. Chain conditions for mudules and rings. Hilbert's basis theorem. Primary ideals. Primary decomposition, Lasker-Noether theorem. Krull dimension. Artinian rings.
Localization. Quotient rings and modules. Extended and restricted ideals.
Integral dependence. Integral closure. The 'going-up' and 'going-down' theorems. Valuations. Discrete valuation rings. Dedekind rings. Fractional ideals.
Algebraic varieties. 'Nullstellensatz'. Zariski-topology. Coordinate ring. Singular and regular points. Tangent space.
Dimension theory. Various dimensions. Krull's principal ideal theorem. Hilbert-functions. Regular local rings. Hilbert's theorem on syzygies.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Atiyah, M.F.McDonald,
I.G.: Introduction to Commutative Algebra. AddisonWesley, 1969.
Title of the course: Complex Functions
Number of contact hours per week: 3+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): Gábor Halász
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Analysis 3 (BSc)
A short description of the course:
Complex differentiation. Power series. Elementary functions. Cauchys integral theorem and integral formula. Power series representation of regular functions. Laurent expansion. Isolated singularities. Maximum principle. Schwarz lemma and its applications. Residue theorem. Argument principle and its applications. Sequences of regular functions. Linear fractional transformations. Riemanns conformal mapping theorem. Extension to the boundary. Reflection principle. Picards theorem. Mappings of polygons. Functions with prescribed singularities. Integral functions with prescribed zeros. Functions of finite order. Borel exceptional values. Harmonic functions. Dirichlet problem for a disc.
Further reading:
L. Ahlfors: Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1979.
Title of the course: Complex manifolds
Number of contact hours per week: 3+2
Credit value: 4+3
Course coordinator(s): Róbert Szőke
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: complex analysis (BSc)
real analysis and algebra (BSc)
Some experience with real manifolds and differential forms is useful.
A short description of the course:
Complex and almost complex manifolds, holomorphic fiber bundles and vector bundles, Lie groups and transformation groups, cohomology, Serre duality, quotient and submanifolds, blowup, Hopf-, Grassmann and projective algebraic manifolds, Weierstrass' preparation and division theorem, analytic sets, Remmert-Stein theorem, meromorphic functions, Siegel, Levi and Chow's theorem, rational functions.
Objectives of the course: the intent of the course is to familiarize the students with the most important methods and objects of the theory of complex manifolds and to do this as simply as possible. The course completely avoids those abstract concepts (sheaves, coherence, sheaf cohomology) that are subjects of Ph.D. courses. Using only elementary methods (power series, vector bundles, one dimensional cocycle) and presenting many examples, the course introduces the students to the theory of complex manifolds and prepares them for possible future Ph.D. studies.
Textbook: Klaus Fritzsche, Hans Grauert: From holomorphic functions to complex manifolds, Springer Verlag, 2002
Further reading:
K. Kodaira: Complex manifolds and deformations of complex structures, Springer Verlag, 2004
1.Huybrechts: Complex geometry: An introduction, Springer Verlag, 2004
Title of the course: Complexity theory
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): Vince Grolmusz
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course: finite automata, Turing machines, Boolean circuits. Lower bounds to the complexity of algorithms. Communication complexity. Decision trees, Ben-Ors theorem, hierarchy theorems. Savitch theorem. Oracles. The polynomial hierarchy. PSPACE. Randomized complexity classes. Pseudorandomness. Interactive protocols. IP=PSPACE. Approximability theory. The PCP theorem. Parallel algorithms. Kolmogorov complexity.
Textbook: László Lovász: Computational Complexity (ftp://ftp.cs.yale.edu/pub/lovasz.pub/complex.ps.gz)
Further reading:
Papadimitriou: Computational Complexity (Addison Wesley, 1994)
Cormen. Leiserson, Rivest, Stein: Introduction to Algorithms; MIT Press and McGraw-Hill.
Title of the course: Complexity theory seminar
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): Vince Grolmusz
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral examination or tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Complexity theory
A short description of the course: Selected papers are presented in computational complexity theory
Textbook: none
Further reading:
STOC and FOCS conference proceedings
The Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (http://eccc.hpi-web.de/eccc/)
Title of the course: Computational methods in operations research
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 0+3
Course coordinator(s): Gergely Mádi-Nagy
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: tutorial mark
Prerequisites: -
A short description of the course:
Implementation questions of mathematical programming methods.
Formulation of mathematical programming problems, and interpretation of solutions: progress from standard input/output formats to modeling tools.
The LINDO and LINGO packages for linear, nonlinear, and integer programming. The CPLEX package for linear, quadratic, and integer programming.
Modeling tools: XPRESS, GAMS, AMPL.
Textbook: none
Further reading: Maros, I.: Computational Techniques of the Simplex Method, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2003
Title of the course: Continuous Optimization
Number of contact hours per week: 3+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): Tibor Illés
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course: Linear inequality systems: Farkas lemma and other alternative theorems, The duality theorem of linear programming, Pivot algorithms (criss-cross, simplex), Interior point methods, Matrix games: Nash equilibrium, Neumann theorem on the existence of mixed equilibrium, Convex optimization: duality, separability, Convex Farkas theorem, Kuhn-Tucker-Karush theorem, Nonlinear programming models, Stochastic programming models.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
1. Katta G. Murty: Linear Programming. John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983.
2. Vaek
Chvátal: Linear Programming. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1983.
3. C. Roos,
T. Terlaky and J.-Ph. Vial: Theory and Algorithms for Linear Optimization:
An Interior Point Approach. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997.
4. Béla
Martos: Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Methods. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest,
5. M. S.
Bazaraa, H. D. Sherali and C. M. Shetty: Nonlinear Programming: Theory and
Algorithms. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1993.
6. J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty and C. Lemaréchal: Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms I-II. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
Title of the course: Convex Geometry
Number of contact hours per week: 4+2
Credit value: 6+3
Course coordinator(s): Károly Böröczky, Jr.
Department(s): Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Convex polytopes, Euler and DehnSommerville formulas, upper bound theorem.
Mean projections. Isoperimetric, Brunn-Minkowski, Alexander-Fenchel, RogersShephard and Blaschke-Santalo inequalities.
Lattices in Euclidean spaces. Successive minima and covering radius. Minkowski, MinkowskiHlawka and Mahler theorems. Critical lattices and finiteness theorems. Reduced basis.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
1) B. Grünbaum: Convex polytopes, 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
2) P.M. Gruber: Convex and Discrete Geometry, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
3) P.M. Gruber, C.G. Lekkerkerker: Geometry of numbers, North-Holland, 1987.
Title of the course: Cryptography
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): István Szabó
Department(s): Department of Probability Theory and Statistics
Evaluation: C type examination
Prerequisites: Probability and statistics
A short description of the course:
Data Security in Information Systems. Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity, Threats (Viruses, Covert Channels), elements of the Steganography and Cryptography;
Short history of Cryptography (Experiences, Risks);
Hierarchy in Cryptography: Primitives, Schemes, Protocols, Applications;
Random- and Pseudorandom Bit-Generators;
Stream Ciphers: Linear Feedback Shift Registers, Stream Ciphers based on LFSRs, Linear Complexity, Stream Ciphers in practice (GSM-A5, Bluetooth-E0, WLAN-RC4), The NIST Statistical Test Suite;
Block Ciphers: Primitives (DES, 3DES, IDEA, AES), Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis;
Public-Key Encryption: Primitives (KnapSack, RSA, ElGamal public-key encryption, Elliptic curve cryptography, ), Digital Signatures, Types of attacks on PKS (integer factorisation problem, Quadratic/Number field sieve factoring, wrong parameters, );
Hash Functions and Data Integrity: Requirements, Standards and Attacks (birthday, collisions attacks);
Cryptographic Protocols: Modes of operations, Key management protocols, Secret sharing, Internet protocols (SSL-TLS, IPSEC, SSH, )
Cryptography in Information Systems (Applications): Digital Signatures Systems (algorithms, keys, ETSI CWA requirements, Certification Authority, SSCD Protection Profile, X-509v3 Certificate, ), Mobile communications (GSM), PGP, SET, ;
Quantum Cryptography (quantum computation, quantum key exchange, quantum teleportation).
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Bruce Schneier: Applied Cryptography. Wiley, 1996
Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorshchor, Scott A. Vanstone: Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, 1997, http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/
Title of the course: Current topics in algebra
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator: Emil Kiss
Department: Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
This subject of this course is planned to change from year to year. Some possible topics: algebraic geometry, elliptic curves, p-adic numbers, valuation theory, Dedekind-domains, binding categories.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
depends on the subject
Title of the course: Data mining
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator:
András Lukács
Department: Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Basic concepts and methodology of knowledge discovery in databases and data mining. Frequent pattern mining, association rules. Level-wise algorithms, APRIORI. Partitioning and Toivonen algorithms. Pattern growth methods, FP-growth. Hierarchical association rules. Constraints handling. Correlation search.
Dimension reduction. Spectral methods, low-rank matrix approximation. Singular value decomposition. Fingerprints, fingerprint based similarity search.
Classification. Decision trees. Neural networks. k-NN, Bayesian methods, kernel methods, SVM.
Clustering. Partitioning algorithms, k-means. Hierarchical algorithms. Density and link based clustering, DBSCAN, OPTICS. Spectral clustering.
Applications and implementation problems. Systems architecture in data mining. Data structures.
Further reading:
Jiawei Han és Micheline Kamber: Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2000, ISBN 1558604898,
Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar: Introduction to Data Mining, Addison-Wesley, 2006, ISBN 0321321367.
T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. H. Friedman: The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
Title of the course: Descriptive set theory
Number of contact hours per week: 3+2
Credit value: 4+3
Course coordinator(s): Miklos Laczkovich
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Analysis 4,
Introduction to topology
A short description of the course:
Basics of general topology. The Baire property. The tranfinite hierarchy of Borel sets. The Baire function classes. The Suslin operation. Analytic and coanalytic sets. Suslin spaces. Projective sets.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
K. Kuratowski: Topology I, Academic Press, 1967.
A. Kechris: Classical descriptive set theory, Springer, 1998.
Title of the course: Design, analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures I
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): Zoltán Király
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Algorithms I
A short description of the course:
Maximum adjacency ordering and its applications. Sparse certificates for connectivity. Minimum cost arborescence. Degree constrained orientations of graphs. 2-SAT. Tree-width, applications. Gomory-Hu tree and its application. Steiner tree and traveling salesperson.
Minimum cost flow and circulation, minimum mean cycle.
Matching in non-bipartite graphs, factor-critical graphs, Edmonds algorithm. Structure theorem of Gallai and Edmonds. T-joins, the problem of Chinese postman.
On-line algorithms, competitive ratio.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, C. Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
A. Schrijver: Combinatorial Optimization, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Robert Endre Tarjan: Data Structures and Network Algorithms , Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1983.
Berg-Kreveld-Overmars-Schwarzkopf: Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications , Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Title of the course: Design, analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures II
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Zoltán Király
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Design, analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures I
A short description of the course:
Data structures for the UNION-FIND problem. Pairing and radix heaps. Balanced and self-adjusting search trees.
Hashing, different types, analysis. Dynamic trees and their applications.
Data structures used in geometric algorithms: hierarchical search trees, interval trees, segment trees and priority search trees.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, C. Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
A. Schrijver: Combinatorial Optimization, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Robert Endre Tarjan: Data Structures and Network Algorithms , Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1983.
Berg-Kreveld-Overmars-Schwarzkopf: Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications , Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Title of the course: Differential Geometry I
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 2+3
Course coordinator(s): László Verhóczki (associate professor)
Department(s): Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Smooth parameterized curves in the n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn. Arc length parameterization. Distinguished Frenet frame. Curvature functions, Frenet formulas. Fundamental theorem of the theory of curves. Signed curvature of a plane curve. Four vertex theorem. Theorems on total curvatures of closed curves.
Smooth hypersurfaces in Rn. Parameterizations. Tangent space at a point. First fundamental form. Normal curvature, Meusniers theorem. Weingarten mapping, principal curvatures and directions. Christoffel symbols. Compatibility equations. Theorema egregium. Fundamental theorem of the local theory of hypersurfaces. Geodesic curves.
M. P. do
Carmo: Differential geometry of curves and surfaces. Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, 1976.
Further reading:
B. ONeill: Elementary differential geometry. Academic Press, New York, 1966.
Title of the course: Differential Geometry II
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): László Verhóczki
Department(s): Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Differentiable manifolds. Smooth mappings between manifolds. Tangent space at a point. Tangent bundle of a manifold. Lie bracket of two smooth vector fields. Submanifolds. Covariant derivative. Parallel transport along a curve. Riemannian manifold, Levi-Civita connection. Geodesic curves. Riemannian curvature tensor field. Spaces of constant curvature. Differential forms. Exterior product. Exterior derivative. Integration of differential forms. Volume. Stokes theorem.
1. F. W. Warner: Foundations of differentiable
manifolds and Lie groups. Springer-Verlag
New York, 1983.
2. M. P. do Carmo: Riemannian geometry. Birkhäuser, Boston, 1992.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Differential Topology (basic material)
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): András Szűcs
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Algebraic Topology course in BSC
A short description of the course:
Morse theory, Pontrjagin construction, the first three stable homotopy groups of spheres,
Proof of the Poincare duality using Morse theory, immersion theory.
Further reading:
M. W. Hirsch: Differential Topology, Springer-Verlag, 1976.
Title of the course: Differential Topology Problem solving
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): András Szűcs
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: BSc Algebraic Topology Course
A short description of the course:
See at the courses of Differential and Algebraic Topology of the basic material
Further reading:
1) J. W. Milnor J. D Stasheff: Characteristic Classes, Princeton, 1974.
2) R. E. Stong: Notes on Cobordism theory, Princeton 1968.
Title of the course: Discrete Dynamical Systems
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Zoltán Buczolich
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Measure and integration theory (BSc Analysis 4)
A short description of the course:
Topologic transitivity and minimality. Omega limit sets. Symbolic Dynamics. Topologic Bernoulli shift. Maps of the circle. The existence of the rotation number. Invariant measures. Krylov-Bogolubov theorem. Invariant measures and minimal homeomorphisms. Rotations of compact Abelian groups. Uniquely ergodic transformations and minimality. Unimodal maps. Kneading sequence. Eventually periodic symbolic itinerary implies convergence to periodic points. Ordering of the symbolic itineraries. Characterization of the set of the itineraries. Equivalent definitions of the topological entropy. Zig-zag number of interval maps. Markov graphs. Sharkovskiis theorem. Foundations of the Ergodic theory. Maximal and Birkhoff ergodic theorem.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
A. Katok, B.Hasselblatt: Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems.Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 54. Cambridge University Press,Cambridge, 1995.
W. de Melo, S. van Strien, One-dimensional dynamics, Springer Verlag, New York (1993).
I. P. Cornfeld, S. V. Fomin and Ya. G. Sinai, Ergodic Theory, Springer Verlag, New York, (1981).
Title of the course: Discrete Geometry
Number of contact hours per week: 3+2
Credit value: 4+3
Course coordinator(s): Károly Bezdek
Department(s): Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Packings and coverings in E2. Dowker theorems. The theorems of L. Fejes Tóth and Rogers on densest packing of translates of a convex or centrally symmetric convex body. Homogeneity questions. Lattice-like arrangements. Homogeneous packings (with group actions). Space claim, separability.
Packings and coverings in (Euclidean, hyperbolic or spherical space) Ad. Problems with the definition of density. Densest circle packings (spaciousness), and thinnest circle coverings in A2. Tammes problem. Solidity. Rogers density bound for sphere packings in Ed. Clouds, stable systems and separability. Densest sphere packings in A3. Tightness and edge tightness. Finite systems. Problems about common transversals.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
1. Fejes Tóth, L.: Regular figures, Pergamon Press, OxfordLondonNew YorkParis, 1964.
2. Fejes Tóth, L.: Lagerungen in der Ebene auf der
Kugel und im Raum, Springer-Verlag,
BerlinHeidelbergNewYork, 1972.
3. Rogers, C. A.: Packing and covering, Cambridge University Press, 1964.
4. Böröczky, K. Jr.: Finite packing and covering, Cambridge Ubiversity Press, 2004.
Title of the course: Discrete Mathematics
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2.
Credit value: 2+3
coordinator(s): László Lovász
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial grade
A short description of the course:
Graph Theory: Colorings of graphs and.hypergraphs, perfect graphs.Matching Theory. Multiple connectivity. Strongly regular graphs, integrality condition and its application. Extremal graphs. Regularity Lemma. Planarity, Kuratowskis Theorem, drawing graphs on surfaces, minors, Robertson-Seymour Theory.
Fundamental questions of enumerative combinatorics. Generating functions, inversion formulas for partially ordered sets, recurrences. Mechanical summation.Classical counting problems in graph theory, tress, spanning trees, number of 1-factors.
Randomized methods: Expectation and second moment method. Random graphs, threshold functions.
Applications of fields: the linear algebra method, extremal set systems. Finite fields, error correcting codes, perfect codes.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
J. H. van Lint, R.J. Wilson, A course in combinatorics, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992; 2001.
L. Lovász: Combinatorial Problems and Exercises, AMS,
Providence, RI, 2007
R. L. Graham, D. E. Knuth, O. Patashnik, Concrete Mathematics,
Title of the course: Discrete Mathematics II
Number of contact hours per week: 4+0
Credit value: 6
Course coordinator(s): Tamás Szőnyi
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics I
A short description of the course:
Probabilistic methods: deterministic improvement of a random object. Construction of graphs with large girth and chromatic number.
Random graphs: threshold function, evolution around p=logn/n. Pseudorandom graphs.
Local lemma and applications.
Discrepancy theory. Beck-Fiala theorem.
Spencers theorem. Fundamental theorem on the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension.
Extremal combinatorics
Non- bipartite forbidden subgraphs: Erdős-Stone-Simonovits and Dirac theorems.
Bipartite forbidden subgraphs: Turan number of paths and K(p,q). Finite geometry and algebraic constructions.
Szemerédis regularity lemma and applications.
Turán-Ramsey type theorems.
Extremal hypergraph problems: Turáns conjecture.
Further reading:
Alon-Spencer: The probabilistic method, Wiley 2000.
Title of the course: Discrete
Number of contact hours per week: 3+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator: András Frank
Department: Dept.
Of Operations research
Evaluation: oral exam + tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Basic notions of graph theory and matroid theory,
properties and methods (matchings, flows and circulations, greedy algorithm).
The elements of polyhedral combinatorics (totally unimodular matrices and their
applications). Main combinatorial algorithms (dynamic programming, alternating
paths, Hungarian method). The elements of integer linear programming
(Lagrangian relaxation, branch-and-bound).
András Frank: Connections in combinatorial optimization (electronic notes).
Further reading:
W.J. Cook, W.H. Cunningham, W.R. Pulleybank, and A. Schrijver,
Combinatorial Optimization, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
B. Korte and J. Vygen, Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms,
Springer, 2000.
E. Lawler, Kombinatorikus Optimalizálás: hálózatok és matroidok, Műszaki
Kiadó, 1982. (Combinatorial Optimization: Networks and Matroids).
A. Schrijver, Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and efficiency,
Springer, 2003. Vol. 24 of the series Algorithms and Combinatorics.
R. K. Ahuja, T. H. Magnanti, J. B. Orlin: Network flows: Theory, Algorithms and Applications, Elsevier North-Holland, Inc., 1989
Title of the course: Discrete parameter martingales
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): Tamás F. Móri
Department(s): Department of Probability Theory and Statistics
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Probability and statistics
A short description of the course:
Almost sure convergence of martingales. Convergence in Lp, regular martingales.
Regular stopping times, Walds theorem.
Convergence set of square integrable martingales.
Hilbert space valued martingales.
Central limit theory for martingales.
Reversed martingales, U-statistics, interchangeability.
Applications: martingales in finance; the Conway algorithm; optimal strategies in favourable games; branching processes with two types of individuals.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Y. S. Chow H. Teicher: Probability Theory Independence, Interchangeability, Martingales. Springer, New York, 1978.
J. Neveu: Discrete-Parameter Martingales. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1975.
Title of the course: Dynamical Systems
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Zoltán Buczolich
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Differential equations (BSc)
A short description of the course:
Contractions, fixed point theorem. Examples of dynamical systems: Newtons method, interval maps, quadratic family, differential equations, rotations of the circle. Graphic analysis. Hyperbolic fixed points. Cantor sets as hyperbolic repelleres, metric space of code sequences. Symbolic dynamics and coding. Topologic transitivity, sensitive dependence on the initial conditions, chaos/chaotic maps, structural stability, period three implies chaos. Schwarz derivative. Bifuraction theory. Period doubling. Linear maps and linear differential equations in the plane. Linear flows and translations on the torus. Conservative systems.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
B. Hasselblatt, A. Katok: A first course in dynamics. With a panorama of recentdevelopments. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2003.
A. Katok, B.Hasselblatt: Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems.Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 54. Cambridge University Press,Cambridge, 1995.
Robert L. Devaney: An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems. Second edition. AddisonWesley Studies in Nonlinearity. AddisonWesley Publishing Company, Advanced Book Program, Redwood City, CA, 1989.
Title of the course: Dynamical systems and differential equations
Number of contact hours per week: 4+2
Credit value: 6+3
Course coordinator(s): Péter Simon
Department(s): Dept. of Appl. Analysis and Computational Math.
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Differential equations (BSc)
A short description of the course:
Topological equivalence, classification of linear systems. Poincaré normal forms, classification of nonlinear systems. Stable, unstable, centre manifolds theorems, Hartman - Grobman theorem. Periodic solutions and their stability. Index of two-dimensional vector fields, behaviour of trajectories at infinity. Applications to models in biology and chemistry. Hamiltonian systems. Chaos in the Lorenz equation.
Bifurcations in dynamical systems, basic examples. Definitions of local and global bifurcations. Saddle-node bifurcation, Andronov-Hopf bifurcation. Two-codimensional bifurcations. Methods for finding bifurcation curves. Structural stability. Attractors.
Discrete dynamical systems. Classification according to topological equivalence. 1D maps, the tent map and the logistic map. Symbolic dynamics. Chaotic systems. Smale horseshoe , Sharkovskis theorem. Bifurcations.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
L. Perko, Differential Equations and Dynamical systems, Springer
Title of
the course: Dynamics in one complex variable
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): István Sigray
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Julia és Fatou sets. Smooth Julia sets. Attractive fixpoints, Koenigs
linearization theorem. Superattractive
fixpoints Bötkher theorem. Parabolic
fixpoints, Leau-Fatou theorem. Cremer points és Siegel discs. Holomorphic
fixpoint formula. Dense subsets of the Julia set.. Herman rings. Wandering
domains. Iteration of Polynomials. The
Mandelbrot set. Root finding by
iteration. Hyperbolic mapping. Local connectivity.
John Milnor: Dynamics in one complex variable,
Stony Brook IMS Preprint #1990/5
Further reading:
M. Yu. Lyubich: The dynamics of rational transforms, Russian Math Survey, 41 (1986) 43117
A. Douady: Systeme dynamique holomorphes, Sem Bourbaki , Vol 1982/83, 39-63, Asterisque, 105106
Title of the course: Ergodic theory
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Zoltán Buczolich
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: : Measure and integration theory (BSc Analysis 4) ,
Functional analysis 1.
A short description of the course:
Examples. Constructions. Von Neumann L2 ergodic theorem. Birkhoff-Khinchin pointwise ergodic theorem. Poincaré recurrence theorem and Ehrenfests example. Khinchins theorem about recurrence of sets. Halmoss theorem about equivalent properties to recurrence. Properties equivalent to ergodicity. Measure preserving property and ergodicity of induced maps. Katzs lemma. Kakutani-Rokhlin lemma. Ergodicity of the Bernoulli shift, rotations of the circle and translations of the torus. Mixing (definitions). The theorem of Rényi about strongly mixing transformations. The Bernoulli shift is strongly mixing. The Koopman von Neumann lemma. Properties equivalent to weak mixing. Banachs principle. The proof of the Ergodic Theorem by using Banachs principle. Differentiation of integrals. Wieners local ergodic theorem. Lebesgue spaces and properties of the conditional expectation. Entropy in Physics and in information theory. Definition of the metric entropy of a partition and of a transformation. Conditional information and entropy. ``Entropy metrics. The conditional expectation as a projection in L2. The theorem of Kolmogorv and Sinai about generators. Kriegers theorem about generators (without proof).
Textbook: none
Further reading:
K. Petersen, Ergodic Theory,Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 2, Cambridge University Press, (1981).
I. P. Cornfeld, S. V. Fomin and Ya. G. Sinai, Ergodic Theory, Springer Verlag, New York, (1981).
Title of
the course: Exponential sums in number theory.
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): András Sárközy
Department(s): Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Additive and multiplicative characters, their connection, applications. Vinogradov's lemma and its dual. Gaussian sums. The Pólya-Vinogradov inequality. Estimate of the least quadratic nonresidue. Kloosterman sums. The arithmetic and character form of the large sieve, applications. Irregularities of distribution relative to arithmetic progressions, lower estimate of character sums. Uniform distribution. Weyl's criterion. Discrepancy. The Erdős-Turán inequality. Van der Corput's method.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
I. M. Vinogradov: Elements of number theory
L. Kuipers, H. Niederreiter: Uniform Distribution of Sequences.
S. W. Graham, G. Kolesnik: Van der Corputs Method of Exponential Sums.
H. Davenport: Multiplicative Number Theory.
Title of the course: Finite Geometries
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator: György Kiss (associate professor)
Department: Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral examination
A short description of the course:
The axiomams of projective and affine planes, examples of finite planes, non-desarguesian planes. Collineations, configurational theorems, coordinatization of projective planes. Higher dimensional projective spaces.
Arcs, ovals, Segres Lemma of Tangents. Estimates on the number of points on an algebraic curve. Blocking sets, some applications of the Rédei polynomial. Arcs, caps and ovoids in higher dimensional spaces.
Coverings and packings, linear complexes, generalized polygons. Hyperovals.
Some applications of finite geometries to graph theory, coding theory and cryptography.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
1. Hirschfeld, J:W.P.: Projective Geometries over Finite Fields, Clarendon Press, Oxford,
2. Hirschfeld, J.W.P.: Finite Projective Spaces of Three Dimensions, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1985.
Title of the course: Fourier Integral
Number of contact hours per week: 2+1
Credit value: 2+1
Course coordinator(s): Gábor Halász
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Complex Functions (BSc),
Analysis IV. (BSc),
Probability 2. (BSc)
A short description of the course:
Fourier transform of functions in L_1. Riemann Lemma. Convolution in L_1. Inversion formula. Wieners theorem on the closure of translates of L_1 functions. Applications to Wieners general Tauberian theorem and special Tauberian theorems.
Fourier transform of complex measures. Characterizing continuous measures by its Fourier transform. Construction of singular measures.
Fourier transform of functions in L_2. Parseval formula. Convolution in L_2. Inversion formula. Application to non-parametric density estimation in statistics.
Young-Hausdorff inequality. Extension to L_p. Riesz-Thorin theorem. Marczinkiewicz interpolation theorem.
Application to uniform distribution. Weyl criterion, its quantitative form by Erdős-Turán. Lower estimation of the discrepancy for disks.
Characterization of the Fourier transform of functions with bounded support. Paley-Wiener theorem.
Phragmén-Lindelöf type theorems.
Further reading:
E.C. Titchmarsh: Introduction to the
Theory of Fourier Integrals, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1937.
A. Zygmund: Trigonometric Series, University Press, Cambridge, 1968, 2 volumes
R. Paley and N. Wiener: Fourier Transforms
in the Complex Domain, American Mathematical Society, New York, 1934.
J. Beck and W.L. Chen: Irregularities
of Distribution, University Press, Cambridge, 1987.
Title of the course: Function Series
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): János Kristóf
Department: Dept. of Appl. Analysis and Computational Math.
Evaluation: oral examination
A short description of the course:
Pointwise and L^2 norm convergence of orthogonal series. Rademacher-Menshoff theorem. Weyl-sequence. Pointwise convergence of trigonometric Fourier-series. Dirichlet integral. Riemann-Lebesgue lemma. Riemanns localization theorem for Fourier-series. Local convergence theorems. Kolmogorovs counterexample. Fejérs integral. Fejérs theorem. Carlesons theorem.
Szokefalvi-Nagy: Introduction to real functions and orthogonal expansions,
Natanszon: Constructive function theory
Title of the course: Functional analysis II
Number of contact hours per week: 1+2
Credit value: 1+2
Course coordinator(s): Sebestyén Zoltán
Department(s): Department of Appl. Analysis and Computational Math.
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Algebra IV
Analysis IV
A short description of the course:
Banach-Alaoglu Theorem. Daniel-Stone Theorem. Stone-Weierstrass Theorem. Gelfand Theory, Representation Theory of Banach algebras.
RieszSzőkefalvi-Nagy: Functional analysis
Further reading:
W. Rudin: Functional analysis
F.F. Bonsall-J. Duncan: Complete normed algebras
Title of the course: Game Theory
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tibor Illés
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Matrix games. Optimal strategies for matrix games with saddle point. Mixed strategies, expected yield. Neumann minimax theorem. Solving matrix games with linear programming. Nash equilibrium. Sperner lemma. The first and second Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz theorems. The Brower and Kakutani fixed-point theorems. Shiffmann minimax theorem. Arrow-Hurwitz and Arrow-Debreu theorems. The Arrow-Hurwitz-Uzawa condition. The Arrow-Hurwitz and Uzawa algorithms. Applications of games in environment protection, health sciences and psichology.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Forgó F., Szép J., Szidarovszky F., Introduction to the theory of games: concepts, methods, applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999.
Osborne, M. J., Rubinstein A., A course in game theory, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1994.
J. P. Aubin: Mathematical Methods of Game and Economic Theor. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982.
Title of the course: Geometric algorithms
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Katalin Vesztergombi
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Convex hull algorithms in the plane and in higher dimensions.
Lower bounds: the Ben-Or theorem,
moment curve, cyclic polyhedron. Decomposition of the plane by lines. Search
of convex hull in the plane (in higher dimensions), search of large
convex polygon (parabolic duality) . Point location queries in planar
decomposition. Post office problem. Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay
triangulations and applications. Randomized algorithms and estimations of
running times.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
De Berg, Kreveld, Overmars, Schwartzkopf: Computational geometry. Algorithms and applications, Berlin, Springer 2000.
Title of the course: Geometric Foundations of 3D Graphics
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): György Kiss
Department(s): Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Planar representations of three-dimensional objects by methods of descriptive geometry (parallel and perspective projections). Matrix representations of affine transformations in Euclidean space. Homogeneous coordinates in projective space. Matrix representations of collineations of projective space. Coordinate systems and transformations applied in computer graphics. Position and orientation of a rigid body (in a fixed coordinate system). Approximation of parameterized boundary surfaces by triangulated polyhedral surfaces.
Three primary colors, tristimulus coordinates of a light beam. RGB color model. HLS color model. Geometric and photometric concepts of rendering. Radiance of a surface patch. Basic equation of photometry. Phong interpolation for the radiance of a surface patch illuminated by light sources. Digital description of a raster image. Representation of an object with triangulated boundary surfaces, rendering image by the ray tracing method. Phong shading, Gouraud shading.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
J. D. Foley, A. van Dam, S. K. Feiner, and J. F. Hughes: Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice. Addison-Wesley, 1990.
Title of the course: Geometric Measure Theory
Number of contact hours per week: 3+2
Credit value: 4+3
coordinator(s): Tamás Keleti
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Topics in Analysis
A short description of the course:
Hausdorff measure, energy and capacity. Dimensions of product sets. Projection theorems.
Covering theorems of Vitali and Besicovitch. Differentiation of measures.
The Kakeya problem, Besicovitch set, Nikodym set.
Dini derivatives. Contingent. Denjoy-Young-Saks theorem.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
P. Mattila: Geometry of sets and measures in Euclidean spaces. Fractals and rectifiability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995.
Falconer: Geomerty of Fractal Sets, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 1986.
S. Saks: Theory of the Integral, Dover, 1964
Title of the course: Geometric modeling
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): László Verhóczki
Department(s): Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Solid modeling. Wire frames. Boundary representations. Implicit equations and parameterizations of boundary surfaces. Constructive Solid Geometry, Boolean set operations.
Representing curves and surfaces. Curve interpolation. Cubic Hermite polynomials. Fitting a composite Hermite curve through a set of given points. Curve approximation. Control polygon, blending functions. Bernstein polynomials. Bézier curves. De Casteljau algorithm. B-spline functions, de Boor algorithm. Application of weights, rational B-spline curves. Composite cubic B-spline curves, continuity conditions. Bicubic Hermite interpolation. Fitting a composite Hermite surface through a set of given points. Surface design. Bézier patches. Rational B-spline surfaces. Composite surfaces, continuity conditions.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
1. G. Farin: Curves and surfaces for computer aided geometric design. Academic Press,
Boston, 1988.
2. I. D. Faux and M. J. Pratt: Computational geometry for design and manufacture. Ellis
Horwood Limited, Chichester, 1979.
Title of the course: Geometry III
Number of contact hours per week: 3+2
Credit value: 3+2
Course coordinator(s): Balázs Csikós
Department(s): Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Projective geometry: projective space over a field, projective subspaces, dual space, collineations, the Fundamental Theorem of Projective Geometry. Cross ratio. The theorems of Pappus and Desargues, and their rôle in the axiomatic foundations of projective geometry. Quadrics: polarity, projective classification, conic sections.
Hyperbolic geometry: Minkowski spacetime, the hyperboloid model, the Cayley-Klein model, the conformal models of Poincaré. The absolute notion of parallelism, cycles, hyperbolic trigonometry.
M. Berger: Geometry III (Translated from the French by M. Cole and S. Levy).
Universitext, SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1987.
Further reading:
Title of the
course: Graph
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0.
Credit value: 3
coordinator(s): András
Frank and Zoltán Király
Department(s): Dept. of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral exam
Short description of the course:
Graph orientations, connectivity augmentation. Matchings in not necessarily
bipartite graphs, T-joins. Disjoint trees and arborescences. Disjoint paths
problems. Colourings, perfect graphs.
András Frank: Connections in combinatorial optimization (electronic notes).
Further reading:
W.J. Cook, W.H. Cunningham, W.R. Pulleybank, and A. Schrijver,
Combinatorial Optimization, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
R. Diestel, Graph Theory, Springer Verlag, 1996.
A. Schrijver, Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and efficiency,
Springer, 2003. Vol. 24 of the series Algorithms and Combinatorics.
Title of the course: Graph theory seminar
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2.
Credit value: 2
coordinator(s): László Lovász
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: type C exam
A short description of the course:
Study and presentation of selected papers
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Title of the course: Graph
theory tutorial
Number of
contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 3
coordinator(s): András
Frank and Zoltán Király
Dept. of Operations Research
tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Graph orientations, connectivity augmentation. Matchings in not necessarily bipartite graphs, T-joins. Disjoint trees and arborescences. Disjoint paths problems. Colourings, perfect graphs.
András Frank: Connections in combinatorial optimization (electronic notes).
Further reading:
W.J. Cook, W.H. Cunningham, W.R. Pulleybank, and A. Schrijver,
Combinatorial Optimization, John Wiley and Sons, Icn., 1998.
R. Diestel, Graph Theory, Springer Verlag, 1996.
A. Schrijver, Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and efficiency,
Springer, 2003. Vol. 24 of the series Algorithms and Combinatorics.
Title of the course: Groups and representations
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 2+3
Course coordinator(s): Péter P. Pálfy
Department(s): Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Group actions, permutation groups, automorphism groups. Semidirect products. Sylows Theorems.
Finite p-groups. Nilpotent groups. Solvable groups, Phillip Halls Theorems.
Free groups, presentations, group
varieties. The
Nielsen-Schreier Theorem.
Abelian groups. The Fundamental Theorem of finitely generated Abelian groups. Torsionfree groups.
Linear groups and linear representations. Semisimple modules and algebras. Irreducible representations. Characters, orthogonality relations. Induced representations, Frobenius reciprocity, Cliffords Theorems.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
D.J.S. Robinson: A course in the theory of groups, Springer, 1993
I.M. Isaacs: Character theory of finite groups, Academic Press, 1976
Title of the course: Integer Programming I
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tamás Király
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Basic modeling techniques. Hilbert bases, unimodularity, total dual integrality. General heuristic algorithms: Simulated annealing, Tabu search. Heuristic algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem, approximation results. The Held-Karp bound. Gomory-Chvátal cuts. Valid inequalities for mixed-integer sets. Superadditive duality, the group problem. Enumeration algorithms.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
G.L. Nemhauser, L.A. Wolsey: Integer and Combinatorial Optimization, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1999.
D. Bertsimas, R. Weismantel: Optimization over Integers, Dynamic Ideas, Belmont, 2005.
Title of the course: Integer Programming II
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tamás Király
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Sperner systems, binary sets defined by inequalities. Lattices, basis reduction. Integer programming in fixed dimension. The ellipsoid method, equivalence of separation and optimization. The Lift and Project method. Valid inequalities for the Traveling Salesman Problem. LP-based approximation algorithms.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
G.L. Nemhauser, L.A. Wolsey: Integer and Combinatorial Optimization, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1999.
D. Bertsimas, R. Weismantel: Optimization over Integers, Dynamic Ideas, Belmont, 2005.
Title of the course: Introduction to information theory
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): István Szabó
Department(s): Department of Probability Theory and Statistics
Evaluation: oral or written examination
Prerequisites: Probability theory and Statistics
A short description of the course:
Source coding via variable length codes and block codes. Entropy and its formal properties. Information divergence and its properties. Types and typical sequences. Concept of noisy channel, channel coding theorems. Channel capacity and its computation. Source and channel coding via linear codes. Multi-user communication systems: separate coding of correlated sources, multiple access channels.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Csiszár Körner: Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1981.
Cover Thomas: Elements of Information Theory. Wiley, 1991.
Title of the course: Introduction to Topology
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): András Szűcs
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: written examination
A short description of the course:
Topological spaces and continuous maps. Constructions of spaces: subspaces, quotient spaces, product spaces, functional spaces. Separation axioms, Urisons lemma. Tietze theorem.Countability axioms., Urisons metrization theorem. Compactness, compactifications, compact metric spaces. Connectivity, path-connectivity. Fundamental group, covering maps.
The fundamental theorem of Algebra, The hairy ball theorem, Borsuk-Ulam theorem.
Further reading:
J. L. Kelley: General Topology, 1957, Princeton.
Title of the course: Inventory Management
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Gergely Mádi-Nagy
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course: Harris formula (EOQ), Wagner-Whitin model, Silver-Meal heuristics, (R,Q ) and (s,S) policy, The KANBAN system.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Sven Axäter: Inventory Control, Kluwer, Boston, 2000, ISBN 0-7923-7758-3.
of the course: Investments
of contact hours per week: 0+2
value: 3
coordinator(s): Róbert Fullér
Department of
Operations Research
Evaluation: written
Prerequisites: none
short description of the course:
portfolio management: The Treynor-Black model. Portfolio performance
evaluation. Pension fund performance evaluation. Active portfolio management.
Forint-weighted versus time-weighted returns.
Bodie/Kane/Marcus, Investments (Irwin, 1996)
Title of the course: LEMON library: Solving optimization problems in C++
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Alpár Jüttner
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: Implementing an optimization algorithm.
A short description of the course:
LEMON is an open source software library for solving graph and network optimization related algorithmic problems in C++. The aim of this course is to get familiar with the structure and usage of this tool, through solving optimization tasks. The audience also have the opportunity to join to the development of the library itself.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Ravindra K. Ahuja, Thomas L. Magnanti, and James B. Orlin. Network Flows.
Prentice Hall, 1993.
W.J. Cook, W.H. Cunningham, W. Puleyblank, and A. Schrijver. Combinatorial
Optimization. Series in Discrete Matehematics and Optimization.
Wiley-Interscience, Dec 1997.
A. Schrijver. Combinatorial Optimization - Polyhedra and Efficiency. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Series: Algorithms and Combinatorics , Vol. 24, 2003
Title of the course: Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces
Number of contact hours per week: 4+2
Credit value: 6+3
Course coordinator(s): László Verhóczki
Department(s): Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Lie groups and their Lie algebras. Exponential mapping, adjoint representation, Hausdorff-Baker-Campbell formula. Structure of Lie algebras; nilpotent, solvable, semisimple, and reductive Lie algebras. Cartan subalgebras, classification of semisimple Lie algebras.
Differentiable structure on a coset space. Homogeneous Riemannian spaces. Connected compact Lie groups as symmetric spaces. Lie group formed by isometries of a Riemannian symmetric space. Riemannian symmetric spaces as coset spaces. Constructions from symmetric triples. The exact description of the exponential mapping and the curvature tensor. Totally geodesic submanifolds and Lie triple systems. Rank of a symmetric space. Classification of semisimple Riemannian symmetric spaces. Irreducible symmetric spaces.
S. Helgason: Differential geometry, Lie groups, and symmetric spaces. Academic Press, New York, 1978.
Further reading:
O. Loos: Symmetric spaces III. Benjamin, New York, 1969.
Title of the course: Linear Optimization
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tibor Illés
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Goldman-Tucker model. Self-dual linear programming problems, Interior point condition, Goldman-Tucker theorem, Sonnevend theorem, Strong duality, Farkas lemma, Pivot algorithms.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Katta G. Murty: Linear Programming. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983.
Vaek Chvátal: Linear Programming. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1983.
C. Roos, T. Terlaky and J.-Ph. Vial: Theory and Algorithms for Linear Optimization: An Interior Point Approach. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997.
Title of the course: Macroeconomics and the Theory of Economic Equilibrium
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Mádi-Nagy Gergely
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: written examination
Prerequisites: none
A short description of the course:
GDP growth factors. Relation between fiscal and monetary policies. Inflation, taxes and interes rates. Consumption versus savings. Money markets and stock markets. Employment and labor market. Exports and imports. Analysis of macroeconomic models.
Paul A. Samuelson-William D. Nordhaus, Economics, Irwin Professiona Publishers, 2004.
Further reading:
McCuerty S.: Macroeconomic Theory, Harper & Row Publ. 1990.
Sargent Th. J.: Macroeconomic Theory, Academic Press, 1987.
Whiteman Ch. H.: Problems in Macroeconomic Theory, Academic Press, 1987.
Title of the course: Manufacturing process management
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tamás Király
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Production as a physical and information process. Connections of production management within an enterprise.
Harris formula, determination of optimal lot size: Wagner-Within model and generalizations,
balancing assembly lines, scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems, team technology, MRP and JIT systems.
Ajánlott irodalom:
Title of the course: Market
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
coordinator(s): Róbert Fullér
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Description of the current state of some market (e.g. wholesale food
markets, electric power markets, the world market of wheat and maize); price
elasticities, models using price elasticities, determination of price
elasticities from real life data; dynamic models, trajectories in linear and
non-linear models; attractor, Ljapunov exponent, fractals, measurement of
Ljapunov exponents and fractal dimension using computer.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Markov chains in discrete and continuous time
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): Vilmos Prokaj
Department(s): Department of Probability Theory and Statistics
Evaluation: oral or written examination
Prerequisites: Probability theory and Statistics
A short description of the course:
Markov property and strong Markov property for stochastic processes. Discrete time Markov chains with stationary transition probabilities: definitions, transition probability matrix. Classification of states, periodicity, recurrence. The basic limit theorem for the transition probabilities. Stationary probability distributions. Law of large numbers and central limit theorem for the functionals of positive recurrent irreducible Markov chains. Transition probabilities with taboo states. Regular measures and functions. Doeblins ratio limit theorem. Reversed Markov chains.
Absorption probabilities. The algebraic approach to Markov chains with finite state space. Perron-Frobenius theorems.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Karlin Taylor: A First Course in Stochastic Processes, Second Edition. Academic Press, 1975
Chung: Markov Chains With Stationary Transition Probabilities. Springer, 1967.
Isaacson Madsen: Markov Chains: Theory and Applications. Wiley, 1976.
Title of the course: Mathematical Logic
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0 (noncompulsory practice)
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): Péter Komjáth
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral examination
A short description of the course:
Predicate calculus and first order languages.
Truth and satisfiability. Completeness. Prenex norm form. Modal logic, Kripke
type models. Model theory: elementary equivalence, elementary submodels. Tarski-Vaught
criterion, Löwenheim-Skolem theorem. Ultraproducts.
Gödels compactness theorem. Preservation theorems. Beths interpolation theorem. Types omitting theorem. Partial recursive and recursive functions. Gödel coding. Church thesis. Theorems of Church and Gödel. Formula expressing the consistency of a formula set. Gödels second incompleteness theorem. Axiom systems, completeness, categoricity, axioms of set theory. Undecidable theories.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Mathematics of networks and the WWW
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator: András Benczúr
Department: Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Anatomy of search engines. Ranking in search engines. Markov chains and random walks in graphs. The definition of PageRank and reformulation. Personalized PageRank, Simrank.
Kleinbergs HITS algorithm. Singular value decomposition and spectral graph clustering. Eigenvalues and expanders.
Models for social networks and the WWW link structure. The Barabási model and proof for the degree distribution. Small world models.
Consistent hashing with applications for Web resource cacheing and Ad Hoc mobile routing.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
the Web. A Arasu, J Cho, H Garcia-Molina, A Paepcke, S Raghavan. ACM
Transactions on Internet Technology, 2001
Algorithms, R Motwani, P Raghavan, ACM Computing Surveys, 1996
PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web, L. Page, S. Brin, R.
Motwani, T. Winograd. Stanford Digital Libraries Working Paper, 1998.
sources in a hyperlinked environment, J. Kleinberg. SODA 1998.
in large graphs and matrices, P Drineas, A Frieze, R Kannan, S Vempala, V Vinay
of the tenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, 1999.
Karger, Alex Sherman, Andy Berkheimer, Bill Bogstad, Rizwan Dhanidina, Ken
Iwamoto, Brian Kim, Luke Matkins, Yoav Yerushalmi: Web Caching and Consistent Hashing, in Proc.
WWW8 conference Dept. of Appl. Analysis and Computational
Title of the course: Matroid
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): András Frank
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral examination
Short description of the course:
Matroids and submodular functions. Matroid constructions. Rado's theorem,
Edmonds matroid intersection theorem, matroid union. Algorithms for
intersection and union. Applications in graph theory (disjoint trees, covering
with trees, rooted edge-connectivity).
András Frank: Connections in combinatorial optimization (electronic notes).
Further reading:
W.J. Cook, W.H. Cunningham, W.R. Pulleybank, and A. Schrijver,
Combinatorial Optimization, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
B. Korte and J. Vygen, Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms,
Springer, 2000.,
E. L. Lawler, Combinatorial Optimization: Networks and Matroids, Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1976.
J. G. Oxley, Matroid Theory, Oxford Science Publication, 2004.,
Recski A., Matriod theory and its applications, Springer (1989).,
A. Schrijver, Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and efficiency, Springer,
2003. Vol. 24 of the series Algorithms and Combinatorics.,
D. J.A. Welsh, Matroid Theory, Academic Press, 1976.
Title of the course: Microeconomy
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Gergely Mádi-Nagy
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: written examination
Prerequisites: none
A short description of the course:
The production set, plan and function, The isoquant set, Cobb-Douglas and Leontief technology, Hostelling lemma, The Le Chatelier principle, Cost minimization, The weak axiom of cost minimization, Hicks and Marshall demand function, Hicks and Slutsky compensation, Roy identity, Monetary utility, Engel curve, Giffen effect, Slutsky equation, Properties of demand function, Axioms of observed preferences, Afriat theorem, Approximation of preference relation in GARP model, Product aggregation, Hicks separability, Functional separability, Consumer aggregation, Perfect competitive market, Supply in competitive markets, Optimal production quantity, Inverse supply function, Pareto optimality, Market entering, Representative manufacturer and consumer, Several manufacturers and consumers, Oligopoly and monopoly markets, Welfare economics.
Textbook: Hal R. Varian, Microeconomic Analysis, Norton, New York, 1992.
Further reading:.
Title of the course: Multiple Objective Optimization
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Róbert Fullér
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: written examination
Prerequisites: none
A short description of the course:
Pareto optimality. The epsilon-constrained method. The value function. The problem of the weighted objective functions. Lexicographical optimization. Trade-off methods.
Textbook: Kaisa Miettinen, Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization, (Kluwer, 1999).
Further reading: Ralph L. Keeney and Howard Raiffa, Decisions with Multiple Objectives:
Preferences and Value Tradeoffs, (Cambridge University Press, 1993).
Title of the course: Multiplicative
Number Theory
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator: Mihály Szalay
Department: Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination
Prerequisites: Number Theory 2.
A short description of the course:
sieve, applications to the distribution of prime numbers. Partitions, generating
function. Dirichlet's theorem concerning the prime numbers in arithmetic
progressions. Introduction to analytic number theory.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
M. L. Montgomery, Topics in Multiplicative Number Theory, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1971. (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 227)
Title of the course: Multivariate statistical methods
Number of contact hours per week: 4+0
Credit value: 4
Course coordinator(s): György Michaletzky
Department(s): Department of Probability Theory and Statistics
Evaluation: oral or written examination
Prerequisites: Probability Theory and Statistics
A short description of the course:
Estimation of the parameters of multidimensional normal distribution. Matrix valued distributions. Wishart distribution: density function, determinant, expected value of its inverse.
Hypothesis testing for the parameters of multivariate normal distribution. Independence, goodness-of-fit test for normality. Linear regression.
Correlation, maximal correlation, partial correlation, kanonical correlation.
Principal component analysis, factor analysis, analysis of variances.
Contingency tables, maximum likelihood estimation in loglinear models. KullbackLeibler divergence. Linear and exponential families of distributions. Numerical method for determining the L-projection (Csiszárs method, DarrochRatcliff method)
Textbook: none
Further reading:
J. D. Jobson,
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis, Vol. I-II. Springer Verlag, 1991, 1992.
C. R. Rao: Linear
statistical inference and its applications, Wiley and Sons, 1968,
Title of the course: Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications
Number of contact hours per week: 3+2
Credit value: 4+3
Course coordinator(s): János Karátson
Department(s): Dept. of Appl. Analysis and Computational Math.
Evaluation: oral examination and home exercises
A short description of the course:
Basic properties of nonlinear operators. Derivatives, potential operators,
monotone operators, duality.
Solvability of operator equations. Variational principle, minimization of
Fixed point theorems. Applications to nonlinear differential equations.
Approximation methods in Hilbert space. Gradient type and Newton-Kantorovich iterative solution methods. RitzGaljorkin type projection methods.
Textbook: none
Further reading: Zeidler, E.: Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications I-III. Kantorovich, L.V., Akilov, G.P.: Functional Analysis
Title of the course: Nonlinear Optimization
Number of contact hours per week: 3+0
Credit value: 4
Course coordinator(s): Tibor Illés
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course: Convex sets, convex functions, convex inequalities. Extremal points, extremal sets. Krein-Milman theorem. Convex cones. Recession direction, recession cones. Strictly-, strongly convex functions. Locally convex functions. Local minima of the functions. Characterization of local minimas. Stationary points. Nonlinear programming problem. Characterization of optimal solutions. Feasible, tangent and decreasing directions and their forms for differentiable and subdifferentiable functions. Convex optimization problems. Separation of convex sets. Separation theorems and their consequences. Convex Farkas theorem and its consequences. Saddle-point, Lagrangean-function, Lagrange multipliers. Theorem of Lagrange multipliers. Saddle-point theorem. Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for convex programming. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker stationary problem. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker theorem. Lagrange-dual problem. Weak and strong duality theorems. Theorem of Dubovickij and Miljutin. Specially structured convex optimization problems: quadratic programming problem. Special, symmetric form of linearly constrained, convex quadratic programming problem. Properties of the problem. Weak and strong duality theorem. Equivalence between the linearly constrained, convex quadratic programming problem and the bisymmetric, linear complementarity problem. Solution algorithms: criss-cross algorithm, logarithmic barrier interior point method.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Béla Martos: Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Methods. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1975.
M. S. Bazaraa, H. D. Sherali and C. M. Shetty: Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1993.
J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty and C. Lemaréchal: Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms I-II. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
J. P. Aubin: Mathematical Methods of Game and Economic Theor. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982.
D. P. Bertsekas: Nonlinear Programming. Athena Scientific, 2004.
Title of the course: Number theory 2.
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): András Sárközy
Department(s): Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Elements of multiplicative number theory. Dirichlet's theorem,special cases. Elements of combinatorial number theory. Diophantine equations. The two square problem. Gaussian integers, special quadraticextensions. Special cases of Fermat's last theorem. The four squareproblem, Waring's problem. Pell equations. Diophantine approximation theory. Algebraic and transcendent numbers. The circle problem, elements of the geometry of numbers. The generating function method, applications. Estimates involving primes. Elements of probabilistic number theory.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
I. Niven, H.S. Zuckerman: An introduction to the theory of Numbers. Wiley, 1972.
of the course: Operations
Research Project
of contact hours per week: 0+2
value: 3
coordinator(s): Róbert Fullér
Department of
Operations Research
Evaluation: written
Prerequisites: none
short description of the course:
model real life problems with operational research methods.
Portfolio optimization models, Decision support systems, Project management
models, Electronic commerce, Operations research models in telecommunication,
Heuristic yield management
Paul A. Jensen and Jonathan F. Bard, Operations Research Models and
Methods (John
Wiley and Sons, 2003)
reading: Mahmut Parlar, Interactive Operations Research with Maple:
Methods and
Models (Birkhauser,
Boston, 2000)
Title of the course: Operator semigroups
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): András Bátkai
Department(s): Dept. of Appl. Analysis and Computational math.
Evaluation: oral or written examination and course work
A short description of the course:
Linear theory of operator semigroups. Abstract linear Cauchy problems, Hille-Yosida theory. Bounded and unbounded perturbation of generators. Spectral theory for semigroups and generators. Stability and hyperbolicity of semigroups. Further asymptotic properties.
Textbook: Engel, K.-J. and Nagel, R.: One-parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations, Springer, 2000.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Partial differential equations
Number of contact hours per week: 4+2
Credit value: 6+3
Course coordinator(s): László Simon
Department(s): Dept. of Appl. Analysis and Computational math.
Evaluation: oral examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Fourier transform. Sobolev spaces. Weak, variational and classical solutions of boundary value problems for linear elliptic equations (stationary heat equation, diffusion). Initial-boundary value problems for linear equations (heat equation, wave equation): weak and classical solutions by using Fourier method and Galerkin method.
Weak solutions of boundary value problems for quasilinear elliptic equations of divergence form, by using the theory of monotone and pseudomonotone operators. Elliptic variational inequalities. Quasilinear parabolic equations by using the theory of monotone type operators. Qualitative properties of the solutions. Quasilinear hyperbolic equations.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
R.E. Showalter: Hilbert Space Method for Partial Differential Equations, Pitman, 1979;
E. Zeidler: Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications II, III, Springer, 1990.
Title of
the course: Polyhedral combinatorics
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tamás Király
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Total dual integrality. Convex hull of matchings. Polymatroid intersection theorem, submodular flows and their applications in graph optimization (Lucchesi-Younger theorem, Nash-Williams oritentation theorem).
Further reading:
W.J. Cook, W.H.
Cunningham, W.R. Pulleybank, and A. Schrijver, Combinatorial Optimization, John
Wiley and Sons, 1998.
B. Korte and J.
Vygen, Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms, Springer, 2000.
A. Schrijver,
Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and efficiency, Springer, 2003. Vol. 24
of the series Algorithms and Combinatorics.
Title of the course: Probability and Statistics
Number of contact hours per week: 3+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): Tamás F. Móri
Department(s): Department of Probability Theory and Statistics
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: -
A short description of the course:
Probability space, random variables, distribution function, density function, expectation, variance, covariance, independence.
Types of convergence: a.s., in probability, in Lp, weak. Uniform integrability.
Characteristic function, central limit theorems.
Conditional expectation, conditional probability, regular version of conditional distribution, conditional density function.
Martingales, submartingales, limit theorem, regular martingales.
Strong law of large numbers, series of independent random variables, the 3 series theorem.
Statistical field, sufficiency, completeness.
Fisher information. Informational inequality. Blackwell-Rao theorem. Point estimation: method of moments, maximum likelihood, Bayes estimators.
Hypothesis testing, the likelihood ratio test, asymptotic properties.
The multivariate normal distribution, ML estimation of the parameters
Linear model, least squares estimator. Testing linear hypotheses in Gaussian linear models.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
J. Galambos: Advanced Probability Theory. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1995.
E. L. Lehmann: Theory of Point Estimation. Wiley, New York, 1983.
E. L. Lehmann: Testing Statistical Hypotheses, 2nd Ed., Wiley, New York, 1986.
Title of the course: Reading course in Analysis
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 5
Course coordinator(s): Tóth Árpád
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Real functions. Functions of bounded variation. Riemann-Stieltjes integral, line integrals. The inverse and implicit function theorems. Optimum problems with constraints. Measure theory. The Lebesgue integral. Function spaces. Complex analysis. Cauchy's theorem and integral formula. Power series expansion of analytic functions. Isolated singular points, the residue theorem. Ordinary differential equations. Theorems on existence and uniqueness. Elementary methods. Linear equations and systems. Hilbert spaces, orthonormal systems. Metric spaces, basic topological concepts, sequences, limits and continuity of functions. Numerical methods.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
W. Rudin: Principles of mathematical analyis,
W. Rudin: Real and complex analyis,
F. Riesz and B. Szokefalvi-Nagy: Functional analysis.
G. Birkhoff and G-C. Rota: Ordinary Differential Equations,
J. Munkres: Topology.
Title of the course: Representations of Banach-*-algebras and Abstract Harmonic Analysis
Number of contact hours per week: 2+1
Credit value: 2+2
Course coordinator(s): János Kristóf
Department(s): Dept. of Appl. Analysis and Computational math.
Evaluation: oral and written examination
A short description of the course:
Representations of *-algebras. Positive functionals and GNS-construction. Representations of Banach-*-algebras. Gelfand-Raikoff theorem. The second Gelfand-Naimark theorem. Hilbert-integral of representations. Spectral theorems for C*-algebras and measurable functional calculus. Basic properties of topological groups. Continuous topological and unitary representations. Radon measures on locally compact spaces. Existence and uniqueness of left Haar-measure on locally compact groups. The modular function of a locally compact group. Regular representations. The group algebra of a locally compact group. The main theorem of abstract harmonic analysis. Gelfand-Raikoff theorem. Unitary representations of compact groups (Peter-Weyl theorems). Unitary representations of commutative locally compact groups (Stone-theorems). Factorization of Radon measures. Induced unitary representations (Mackey-theorems).
J. Dixmier: Les C*-algébres et leurs
représentations, Gauthier-Villars Éd., Paris, 1969
E.Hewitt-K.Ross: Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Vols
I-II, Springer-Verlag, 1963-1970
Title of the course: Riemann surfaces
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0,
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Róbert Szőke
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral or written examination
Prerequisites: Complex analysis (Bsc),
Algebraic topology (Bsc),
Algebra IV (Bsc)
A short description of the course:
Abstract definition, coverings, analytic continuation, homotopy, theorem of monodromy, universal covering, covering group, Dirichlet's problem, Perron's method, Green function, homology, residue theorem, uniformization theorem for simply connected Riemann surfaces.
Determining the Riemann surface from its covering group. Fundamental domain, fundamental polygon. Riemann surface of an analytic function, compact Riemann surfaces and complex algebraic curves.
Further reading:
O. Forster: Lectures on Riemann surfaces, GTM81, Springer-Verlag, 1981
Title of the course: Riemannian Geometry
Number of contact hours per week: 4+2
Credit value: 6+3
Course coordinator(s): Balázs Csikós
Department(s): Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
The exponential mapping of a Riemannian manifold. Variational formulae for the arc length. Conjugate points. The index form assigned to a geodesic curve. Completeness of a Riemannian manifold, the Hopf-Rinow theorem. Rauch comparison theorems. Non-positively curved Riemannian manifolds, the Cartan-Hadamard theorem. Local isometries between Riemannian manifolds, the Cartan-Ambrose-Hicks theorem. Locally symmetric Riemannian spaces.
Submanifold theory: Connection induced on a submanifold. Second fundamental form, the Weingarten equation. Totally geodesic submanifolds. Variation of the volume, minimal submanifolds. Relations between the curvature tensors. Fermi coordinates around a submanifold. Focal points of a submanifold.
1. M. P. do Carmo: Riemannian geometry. Birkhäuser, Boston, 1992.
2. J. Cheeger, D. Ebin: Comparison theorems in Riemannian geometry. North-Holland,
Amsterdam 1975.
Further reading:
S. Gallot, D. Hulin, J. Lafontaine: Riemannian geometry. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987.
Title of the course: Rings and algebras
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 2+3
Course coordinator(s): István Ágoston
Department(s): Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Asociative rings and
algebras. Constructions: polynomials, formal power series, linear
operators, group algebras, free algebras, tensor algebras, exterior algebras.
Structure theory: the radical, direct and semidirect decompositions. Chain
conditions. The Hilbert Basis Theorem, the Hopkins theorem.
Categories and functors. Algebraic and topological examples. Natural transformations. The concept of categorical equivalence. Covariant and contravariant functors. Properties of the Hom and tensor functors (for non-commutative rings). Adjoint functors. Additive categories, exact functors. The exactness of certain functors: projective, injective and flat modules.
Homolgical algebra. Chain complexes, homology groups, chain homotopy. Examples from algebra and topology. The long exact sequence of homologies.
Commutative rings. Ideal decompositions. Prime and primary ideals. The prime spectrum of a ring. The Nullstellensatz of Hilbert.
Lie algebras. Basic notions, examples, linear Lie algebras. Solvable and nilpotent Lie algebras. Engels theorem. Killing form. The Cartan subalgebra. Root systems and quadratic forms. Dynkin diagrams, the classification of semisimple complex Lie algebras. Universal enveloping algebra, the PoincaréBirkhoffWitt theorem.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Cohn, P.M.: Algebra I-III. Hermann, 1970, Wiley 1989, 1990.
Jacobson, N.: Basic Algebra I-II. Freeman, 1985, 1989.
Humphreys, J.E.: Introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory. Springer, 1980.
Title of the course: Scheduling theory
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tibor Jordán
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Classification of scheduling problems; one-machine scheduling, priority rules (SPT, EDD, LCL), Hodgson algorithm, dynamic programming, approximation algorithms, LP relaxations. Parallel machines, list scheduling, LPT rule, Hu's algorithm. Precedence constraints, preemption. Application of network flows and matchings. Shop models, Johnson's algorithm, timetables, branch and bound, bin packing.
Textbook: T. Jordán, Scheduling, lecture notes.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Selected topics in graph theory
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): László Lovász
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
topics in graph theory. Some topics: eigenvalues, automorphisms, graph
polynomials (e.g., Tutte polynomial), topological problems
Textbook: none
Further reading:
L. Lovász: Combinatorial Problems and Exercises, AMS, Providence, RI, 2007.
Title of the course: Seminar in complex analysis
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): Róbert Szőke
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral or written examination or lecture on a selected topic
Prerequisites: Topics in complex analysis (MSc)
A short description of the course:
There is no fixed syllabus. Covering topics (individual or several papers on a particular subject) related to the first semester Topics in complex analysis
course, mostly by the lectures of the participating students.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Title of the course: Set Theory (introductory)
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator(s): Péter Komjáth
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral examination
A short description of the course:
Naive and axiomatic set theory. Subset, union, intersection, power set. Pair, ordered pair, Cartesian product, function. Cardinals, their comparison. Equivalence theorem. Operations with sets and cardinals. Identities, monotonicity. Cantors theorem. Russells paradox. Examples. Ordered sets, order types. Well ordered sets, ordinals. Examples. Segments. Ordinal comparison. Axiom of replacement. Successor, limit ordinals. Theorems on transfinite induction, recursion. Well ordering theorem. Trichotomy of cardinal comparison. Hamel basis, applications. Zorn lemma, Kuratowski lemma, Teichmüller-Tukey lemma. Alephs, collapse of cardinal arithmetic. Cofinality. Hausdorffs theorem. Kőnig inequality. Properties of the power function. Axiom of foundation, the cumulative hierarchy. Stationary set, Fodors theorem. Ramseys theorem, generalizations. The theorem of de Bruijn and Erdős. Delta systems.
A. Hajnal, P. Hamburger: Set Theory. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Set Theory I
Number of contact hours per week: 4+0
Credit value: 6
Course coordinator(s): Péter Komjáth
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral examination
A short description of the course:
Cofinality, Haussdorffs theorem. Regular, singular cardinals. Stationary sets. Fodors theorem. Ulam matrix. Partition relations. Theorems of Dushnik-Erdős-Miller, Erdős-Rado. Delta systems. Set mappings. Theorems of Fodor and Hajnal. Todorcevics theorem. Borel, analytic, coanalytic, projective sets. Regularity properties. Theorems on separation, reduction. The hierarchy theorem. Mostowski collapse. Notions of forcing. Names. Dense sets. Generic filter. The generic model. Forcing. Cohens result.
A. Hajnal, P. Hamburger: Set Theory. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Set Theory II
Number of contact hours per week: 4+0
Credit value: 6
Course coordinator(s): Péter Komjáth
Department(s): Department of Computer Science
Evaluation: oral examination
A short description of the course:
Constructibility. Product forcing. Iterated forcing. Lévy collapse. Kurepa tree. The consistency of Martins axiom. Prikry forcing. Measurable, strongly compact, supercompact cardinals. Laver diamond. Extenders. Strong, superstrong, Woodin cardinals. The singular cardinals problem. Saturated ideals. Huge cardinals. Changs conjecture. Pcf theory. Shelahs theorem.
A. Hajnal, P. Hamburger: Set Theory. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Further reading:
K. Kunen: Set Theory.
A. Kanamori: The Higher Infinite.
Title of the course: Special Functions
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Gábor Halász
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Complex Functions (BSc),
Fourier Integral (BSc)
A short description of the course:
Gamma function. Stirling formula in the complex plane, saddle point method.
Zeta function. Functional equation, elementary facts about zeros. Prime number theorem.
Elliptic functions. Parametrization of elliptic curves, lattices. Fundamental domain for the anharmonic and modular group.
Functional equation for the theta function. Holomorphic modular forms. Their application to the four square theorem.
Further reading:
E.T. Whittaker and G.N. Watson: A Course of Modern Analysis, University Press, Cambridge, 1927.
E.C. Titchmarsh (and D.R. Heath-Brown: The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-function, Oxford University Press, 1986.
C.L. Siegel: Topics in Complex Function Theory, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988, volume I.
R.C. Gunning: Lectures on Modular Forms, Princeton University Press, 1962, 96 pages
Title of the course: Statistical computing 1
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Zempléni András
Department(s): Department of Probability and Statistics
Evaluation: weekly homework or final practical and written examination, tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Probability and statistics
A short description of the course:
Statistical hypothesis testing and parameter estimation: algorithmic aspects and technical instruments. Numerical-graphical methods of descriptive statistics. Estimation of the location and scale parameters. Testing statistical hypotheses. Probability distributions.
Representation of distribution functions, random variate generation, estimation and fitting probability distributions. The analysis of dependence. Analysis of variance. Linear regression models. A short introduction to statistical programs of different category: instruments for demonstration and education, office environments, limited tools of several problems, closed programs, expert systems for users and specialists.
Computer practice (EXCEL, Statistica, SPSS, SAS, R-project).
Further reading:
Title of the course: Statistical computing 2
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Zempléni András
Department(s): Department of Probability and Statistics
Evaluation: weekly homework or final practical and written examination, tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Multidimensional statistics
A short description of the course:
Multidimensional statistics: review of methods and demonstration of computer instruments.
Dimension reduction. Principal components, factor analysis, canonical correlation. Multivariate Analysis of Categorical Data. Modelling binary data, linear-logistic model.
Principle of multidimensional scaling, family of deduced methods. Correspondence analysis. Grouping. Cluster analysis and classification. Statistical methods for survival data analysis.
Probit, logit and nonlinear regression. Life tables, Cox-regression.
Computer practice. Instruments: EXCEL, Statistica, SPSS, SAS, R-project.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Statistical hypothesis testing
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Villő Csiszár
Department(s): Department of Probability Theory and Statistics
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Probability and statistics
A short description of the course:
Monotone likelihood ratio, testing hypotheses with one-sided alternative. Testing with two-sided alternatives in exponential families. Similar tests, Neyman structure. Hypothesis testing in presence of nuisance parameters.
Optimality of classical parametric tests. Asymptotic tests. The generalized likelihood ratio test. Chi-square tests.
Convergence of the empirical process to the Brownian bridge. Karhunen-Loève expansion of Gaussian processes. Asymptotic analysis of classical nonparametric tests.
Invariant and Bayes tests.
Connection between confidence sets and hypothesis testing.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
E. L. Lehmann: Testing Statistical Hypotheses, 2nd Ed., Wiley, New York, 1986.
Title of the course: Stochastic optimization
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Csaba Fábián
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Static and dynamic models.
Mathematical characterization of stochastic programming problems. Solution methods.
Theory of logconcave measures. Logconcavity of probabilistic constraints. Estimation of constraint functions through simulation.
Further reading:
Kall, P., Wallace, S.W., Stochastic
Programming, Wiley, 1994.
Prékopa A., Stochastic Programming,
Kluwer, 1995.
Birge, J.R., Louveaux, F.: Introduction to Stochastic
Programming, Springer, 1997-1999.
Title of the course: Stochastic optimization practice
Number of contact hours per week: 0+2
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Csaba Fábián
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Examples of stochastic models. Different formulations of aims and constraints: by expectations or probabilities.
Building simple models, formulating and solving the deriving mathematical programming problems. Applications.
Further reading:
Kall, P., Wallace, S.W., Stochastic Programming, Wiley,
Prékopa A., Stochastic Programming, Kluwer, 1995.
Birge, J.R., Louveaux, F.:
Introduction to Stochastic Programming, Springer, 1997-1999.
Title of the course: Stochastic processes with independent increments, limit theorems
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Vilmos Prokaj
Department(s): Department of Probability Theory and Statistics
Evaluation: oral or written examination
Prerequisites: Probability theory and Statistics
A short description of the course:
Infinitely divisible distributions, characteristic functions. Poisson process, compound Poisson-process. Poisson point-process with general characteristic measure. Integrals of point-processes. LévyKhinchin formula. Characteristic functions of non-negative infinitely divisible distributions with finite second moments. Characteristic functions of stable distributions.
Limit theorems of random variables in triangular arrays.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Y. S. Chow H. Teicher: Probability Theory: Independence, Interchangeability, Martingales. Springer, New York, 1978.
Feller: An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, vol. 2.
Wiley, New York, 1966.
Title of the course: Structures in combinatorial optimization
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Tibor Jordán
Department(s): Department of Operations Research
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Chains and antichains in partially ordered sets, theorems of Greene and Kleitman.
Mader's edge splitting theorem. The strong orientation theorem of Nash-Williams.
The interval generator theorem of Győri.
A. Frank, Structures in combinatorial optimization, lecture notes
Further reading:
A. Schrijver, Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and efficiency, Springer, 2003. Vol. 24 of the series Algorithms and Combinatorics.
Title of the course: Supplementary chapters of topology I. Topology of singularities. (special material)
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Lecturer: András Némethi (scientific advisor, Rényi Institut)
Course coordinator(s): András Szűcs (professor)
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: BSc Algebraic Topology material
A short description of the course:
1) Complex algebraic curves
2) holomorphic functions of many variables
3) implicit function theorem
4) smooth and singular analytic varieties
5) local singularities of plane curves
6) Newton diagram, Puiseux theorem
7) Resolution of plane curve singularities
8) Resolution graphs
9) topology of singularities, algebraic knots
10) Milnor fibration
11) Alexander polynomial, monodromy, Seifert matrix
12) Projective plane curves
13) Dual curve, Plucker formulae
14) Genus, Hurwitz-, Clebsh, Noether formulae
15) Holomorphic differential forms
16) Abel theorem
Further reading:
C. T. C. Wall: singular points of plane curves, London Math. Soc. Student Texts 63.
Kirwan: Complex Algebraic Curves, London Math. Soc. Student Texts 23.
E. Brieskorn, H. Korner: Plane Algebraic Curves,
Title of the course: Supplementary Chapters of Topology II Low dimensional manifolds
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Lecturer: András Stipsicz (scientific advisor, Rényi Institut)
Course coordinator(s): András Szűcs (professor)
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: BSc Algebraic Topology
A short description of the course:
1) handle-body decomposition of manifolds
2) knots in 3-manfolds, their Alexander polynomials
3) Jones polynomial, applications
4) surfaces and mapping class groups
5) 3-manifolds, examples
6) Heegard decomposition and Heegard diagram
7) 4-manifolds, Freedman and Donaldson theorems (formulations)
8) Lefschetz fibrations
9) invariants (Seiberg-Witten and Heegard Floer invariants),
10) applications
Further reading:
J. Milnor: Morse theory
R.E. Gompf, A. I. Stipsicz: 4-manifolds and Kirby calculus, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Volume 20, Amer. Math. Soc. Providence, Rhode Island.
Title of the course: Topics in Analysis
Number of contact hours per week: 2+1
Credit value: 2+2
coordinator(s): Tamás Keleti
Department(s): Department of Analysis
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Analysis IV
A short description of the course:
Hausdorff measure and Hausdorff dimension. The Hausdorff dimension of Rn and some fractals, length and 1-dimensional measure.
Haar measure. Existence and uniqueness.
Approximation theory. Approximation with Fejér means, de la Vallée Poussin operator, Fejér-Hermite interpolation, Bernstein polynom.
The order of
approximation. Approximation with analytic functions.
Approximation with
polynomials. Tschebishev polynomials.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
P. Halmos: Measure Theory, Van Nostrand, 1950
K.J. Falconer: The Geometry of Fractal Sets, CUP, 1985
D. Jackson: The theory of approximation, AMS, 1994.
Title of the course: Topics in Differential Geometry
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 2
Course coordinator: Balázs Csikós (associate professor)
Department: Department of Geometry
Evaluation: oral or written examination
A short description of the course:
Differential geometric characterization of convex surfaces. Steiner-Minkowski formula, Herglotz integral formula, rigidity theorems for convex surfaces.
Ruled surfaces and line congruences.
Surfaces of constant curvature. Tchebycheff lattices, Sine-Gordon equation, Bäcklund transformation, Hilberts theorem. Comparison theorems.
Variational problems in differential geometry. Euler-Lagrange equation, brachistochron problem, geodesics, Jacobi fields, Lagrangian mechanics, symmetries and invariants, minimal surfaces, conformal parameterization, harmonic mappings.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
1. W. Blaschke: Einführung in die Differentialgeometrie. Springer-Verlag, 1950.
2. J. A. Thorpe: Elementary Topics in
Differential Geometry. Springer-Verlag,
3. J. J. Stoker: Differential Geometry. John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.; 1989.
4. F. W. Warner: Foundations of Differentiable
Manifolds and Lie Groups. Springer-Verlag,
Title of the course: Topics in group theory
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): Péter P. Pálfy
Department(s): Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Groups and representations
A short description of the course:
Permutation groups. Multiply transitive groups, Mathieu groups. Primitive permutation groups, the ONan-Scott Theorem.
Simple groups. Classical groups, groups of Lie type, sporadic groups.
Group extensions. Projective representations, the Schur multiplier.
p-groups. The Frattini subgroup. Special and extraspecial p-groups. Groups of maximal class.
Subgroup lattices. Theorems of Ore and Iwasawa.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
D.J.S. Robinson: A course in the theory of groups, Springer, 1993
P.J. Cameron: Permutation groups, Cambridge University Press, 1999
B. Huppert, Endliche Gruppen I, Springer, 1967
Title of the course: Topics in ring theory
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): István Ágoston
Department(s): Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
Prerequisites: Rings and algebras
A short description of the course:
Structure theory: primitive rings, Jacobsons Density Theorem, the Jacobson radical of a ring, commutativity theorem. Central simple algebras: tensor product of algebras, the NoetherScolem Theorem, the Double Centralizer Therem, Brauer group, crossed product. Polynomial identities: structure theorems, Kaplanskys theorem, the Kurosh Problem, combinatorial results, quantitative theory. Noetherian rings: Goldies theorems and generalizations, dimension theory. Artinina rings and generalizations: Basss characterization of semiperfect and perfect rings, coherent rings, von Neumann regular rings, homological properties. Morita theory: Morita equivalence, Morita duality, Morita invariance. Quasi-Frobenius rings: group algebras, symmetric algebras, homological properties. Representation theory: hereditary algebras, Coxeter transformations and Coxeter functors, preprojective, regular and preinjective representations, almost split sequences, the BaruerThrall Conjectures, finite representation type.
The Hom and tensor functors: projective, imjective and flat modules. Derived functors: projective and injective resolutions, the construction and basic properties of the Ext and Tor functors. Exact seuqences and the Ext functor, the Yoneda composition, Ext algebras. Homological dimensions: projective, injective and global dimension, The Hilbert Syzygy Theorem, dominant dimension, finitistic dimension, the finitistic dimension conjecture. Homological methods in representation theory: almost split sequences, AuslanderReiten quivers. Derived categories: triangulated categories, homotopy category of complexes, localization of categories, the derived category of an algebra, the Morita theory of derived categories by Rickard.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Anderson, F.Fuller, K.: Rings and categories of modules, Springer, 1974, 1995
Auslander, M.Reiten, I.Smalø: Representation theory of Artin algebras, Cambridge University Press, 1995
Drozd, Yu. Kirichenko, V.: Finite dimensional
algebras, Springer, 1993
Happel, D.: Triangulated categories in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, CUP, 1988
Herstein, I.: Noncommutative rings. MAA, 1968.
Rotman, J.: An introduction to homological algebra, AP, 1979
Title of the course: Topological Vector Spaces and Banach-algebras
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator(s): János Kristóf
Department: Dept. of Appl. Analysis and Computational Math.
Evaluation: oral and written examination
A short description of the course:
Basic properties of linear topologies. Initial linear topologies. Locally compact topological vector spaces. Metrisable topological vector spaces. Locally convex and polinormed spaces. Inductive limit of locally convex spaces. Krein-Milmans theorem. Geometric form of Hahn-Banach theorem and separation theorems. Bounded sets in topological vector spaces. Locally convex function spaces. Ascoli theorems. Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem. Banach-Alaoglu theorem. Banach-Steinhaus theorem. Elementary duality theory. Locally convex topologies compatible with duality. Mackey-Arens theorem. Barrelled, bornologic, reflexive and Montel-spaces. Spectrum in a Banach-algbera. Gelfand-representation of a commutative complex Banach-algebra. Banach-*-algebras and C*-algebras. Commutative C*-algebras (I. Gelgand-Naimark theorem). Continuous functional calculus. Universal covering C*-algebra and abstract Stones theorem. Positive elements in C*-algebras. Baer C*-algebras.
N. Bourbaki: Espaces vectoriels topologiques,
Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2007
N. Bourbaki: Théories spectrales, Hermann, Paris,
J. Dixmier: Les C*-algébres et leurs
représentations, Gauthier-Villars Éd., Paris, 1969
Title of the course: Unbounded operators of Hilbert spaces
Number of contact hours per week: 2+0
Credit value: 3
Course coordinator(s): Sebestyén Zoltán
Department: Dept. of Appl. Analysis and Computational Math.
Evaluation: oral examination
Prerequisites: Functional analysis (BSc)
A short description of the course:
Neumanns theory of closed Hilbert space operators: existence of the second adjoint and the product of the first two adjoints as a positive selfadjoint operator. Up to date theory of positive selfadjoint extensions of not necessarily densely defined operators on Hilbert space: Kreins theory revisited. Extremal extensions are characterized including Friedrichs and Krein-von Neumann extensions. Description of a general positive selfadjoint extension.
Further reading:
Title of the course: Universal algebra and lattice theory
Number of contact hours per week: 2+2
Credit value: 3+3
Course coordinator: Emil Kiss
Department: Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Evaluation: oral or written examination and tutorial mark
A short description of the course:
Similarity type, algebra, clones, terms, polynomials. Subalgebra, direct product, homomorphism, identity, variety, free algebra, Birkhoffs theorems. Subalgebra lattices, congruence lattices, Grätzer-Schmidt theorem. Maltsev-lemma. Subdirect decomposition, subdirectly irreducible algebras, Quackenbush-problem.
Maltsev-conditions, the characterization of congruence permutable, congruence distributive and congruence modular varieties. Jónssons lemma, Fleischer-theorem. Congruences of lattices, lattice varieties.
Partition lattices, every lattice is embeddable into a partition lattice. Free lattices, Whitman-condition, canonical form, atoms, the free lattice is semidistributive, the operations are continuous. There exists a fixed point free monotone map.
Closure systems. Complete, algebraic and geometric lattices. Modular lattices. The free modular lattice generated by three elements. Jordan-Dedekind chain condition. Semimodular lattices. Distributive lattices.
Lattices and geometry: subspace lattices of projective geometries. Desargues-identity, geomodular lattices. Coordinatization. Complemented lattices. The congruences of relatively complemented lattices.
The question of completeness, primal and functionally complete algebras, characterizations, discriminator varieties. Directly representable varieties.
The Freese-Lampe-Taylor theorem about the congruence lattice of algebras with a few operations. Abelian algebras, centrality, the properties of the commutator in modular varieties. Difference term, the fundamental theorem of Abelian algebras. Generalized Jónsson-theorem. The characterization of finitely generated, residually small varieties by Freese and McKenzie.
Congruence lattices of finite algebras: the results of McKenzie, Pálfy and Pudlak. Induced algebra, their geometry, relationship with the congruence lattice of the entire algebra. The structure of minimal algebras. Types, the labeling of the congruence lattice. Solvable algebras.
The behavior of free spectrum. Abelian varieties. The distribution of subdirectly irreducible algebras. Finite basis theorems. First order decidable varieties, undecidable problems.
Textbook: none
Further reading:
Burris-Sankappanavar: A course in universal algebra. Springer, 1981.
Freese-McKenzie: Commutator theory for congruence modular varieties. Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Hobby-McKenzie: The structure of finite algebras. AMS Contemporary Math. 76, 1996
MSc in Mathematics: Course list |
English |
Hungarian |
1. |
Algebraic and differential topology |
Algebrai és differenciáltopológia |
2. |
Algebraic Topology |
Algebrai topológia |
3. |
Algorithms I |
Algoritmuselmélet I |
4. |
Analysis IV |
Analízis IV. |
5. |
Analysis of time series |
Idősorok elemzése I. |
6. |
Applicatons of operations research |
Az operációkutatás alkalmazásai |
7. |
Applied discrete mathematics seminar |
Alkalmazott diszkrét matematika szeminárium |
8. |
Approximation algorithms |
Approximációs algoritmusok |
9. |
Basic algebra |
Az algebra alapjai |
10. |
Basic geometry |
Geometriai alapozás |
11. |
Business economics |
Vállalatgazdaságtan |
12. |
Chapters of complex function theory |
Fejezetek a komplex függvénytanból |
13. |
Codes and symmetric structures |
Kódok és szimmetrikus struktúrák |
14. |
Combinatorial algorithms I |
Kombinatorikus algoritmusok I. |
15. |
Combinatorial algorithms II |
Kombinatorikus algoritmusok II. |
16. |
Combinatorial geometry |
Kombinatorikus geometria |
17. |
Combinatorial number theory |
Kombinatorikus számelmélet |
18. |
Combinatorial structures and algorithms |
Kombinatorikus struktúrák és algoritmusok feladatmegoldó szeminárium |
19. |
Commutative algebra |
Kommutatív algebra |
20. |
Complex functions |
Komplex függvénytan |
21. |
Complex manifolds |
Komplex sokaságok |
22. |
Complexity theory |
Bonyolultságelmélet |
23. |
Complexity theory seminar |
Bonyolultságelmélet szeminárium |
24. |
Computational methods in operations research |
Operációkutatás számítógépes módszerei |
25. |
Continuous optimization |
Folytonos optimalizálás |
26. |
Convex geometry |
Konvex geometria |
27. |
Cryptography |
Kriptográfia |
28. |
Current topics in algebra |
Az algebra aktuális fejezetei |
29. |
Data mining |
Adatbányászat |
30. |
Descriptive set theory |
Leíró halmazelmélet |
31. |
Design, analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures I |
Algoritmusok és adatstruktúrák tervezése, elemzése és implementálása I. |
32. |
Design, analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures II |
Algoritmusok és adatstruktúrák tervezése, elemzése és implementálása II. |
33. |
Differential geometry I |
Differenciálgeometria |
34. |
Differential geometry II |
Differenciálgeometria II |
35. |
Differential Topology |
Differenciáltopológia |
36. |
Differential Topology Problem solving |
Differenciáltopológia gyakorlat |
37. |
Discrete dynamical systems |
Diszkrét Dinamikus Rendszerek |
38. |
Discrete geometry |
Diszkrét geometria |
39. |
Discrete mathematics |
Diszkrét matematika |
40. |
Discrete mathematics II |
Diszkrét matematika II |
41. |
Discrete optimization |
Diszkrét optimalizálás |
42. |
Discrete parameter martingales |
Diszkrét paraméterű martingálok |
43. |
Dynamical systems |
Dinamikus rendszerek |
44. |
Dynamical systems and differential equations |
Dinamikai rendszerek és differenciálegyenletek |
45. |
Dynamics in one complex variable |
Komplex dinamika |
46. |
Ergodic theory |
Ergodelmélet |
47. |
Exponential sums in number theory |
Exponenciális összegek a számelméletben |
48. |
Finite geometries |
Véges geometria |
49. |
Fourier integral |
Fourier integrál |
50. |
Function series |
Függvénysorok |
51. |
Functional analysis II |
Funkcionálanalízis II |
52. |
Game theory |
Játékelmélet |
53. |
Geometric algorithms |
Geometriai algoritmusok |
54. |
Geometric foundations of 3D graphics |
A 3D grafika geometriai alapjai |
55. |
Geometric measure theory |
Geometriai mértékelmélet |
56. |
Geometric modelling |
Geometriai modellezés |
57. |
Geometry III |
Geometria III |
58. |
Graph theory |
Gráfelmélet |
59. |
Graph theory seminar |
Gráfelmélet szeminárium |
60. |
Graph theory tutorial |
Gráfelmélet gyakorlat |
61. |
Groups and representations |
Csoportok és reprezentációik |
62. |
Integer programming I |
Egészértékű Programozás I. |
63. |
Integer programming II |
Egészértékű Programozás II. |
64. |
Introduction to information theory |
Bevezetés az információelméletbe |
65. |
Introduction to Topology |
Bevezetés a topológiába |
66. |
Inventory management |
Készletgazdálkodás |
67. |
Investments analysis |
Befektetések elemzése |
68. |
LEMON library: solving optimization problems in C++ |
LEMON library: Optimalizációs feladatok megoldása C++-ban |
69. |
Lie groups and symmetric spaces |
és szimmetrikus terek |
70. |
Linear optimization |
Lineáris optimalizálás |
71. |
Macroeconomics and the theory of economic equilibrium |
Makrogazdaságtan |
72. |
Market analysis |
Piacok elemzése |
73. |
Markov chains in discrete and continuous time |
Diszkrét és folytonos paraméterű Markov-láncok |
74. |
Mathematical logic |
Matematikai logika |
75. |
Mathematics of networks and the WWW |
WWW és hálózatok matematikája |
76. |
Matroid theory |
Matroidelmélet |
77. |
Microeconomy |
Mikrogazdaságtan |
78. |
Multiple objective optimization |
Többcélfüggvényű optimalizálás |
79. |
Multiplicative number theory |
Multiplikatív számelmélet |
80. |
Multivariate statistical methods |
Többdimenziós statisztikai eljárások |
81. |
Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications |
Nemlineáris funkcionálanalízis és alkalmazásai |
82. |
Nonlinear optimization |
Nemlineáris optimalizálás |
83. |
Number theory 2. |
Számelmélet 2. |
84. |
Operations research project |
Operációkutatási projekt |
85. |
Operator semigroups |
Operátorfélcsoportok |
86. |
Partial differential equations |
Parciális differenciálegyenletek |
87. |
Polyhedral combinatorics |
Poliéderes kombinatorika |
88. |
Probability and statistics |
Valószínűségszámítás és statisztika |
89. |
Manufacturing process management |
Termelésirányítás |
90. |
Reading course in Analysis |
Analízis olvasókurzus matematikusoknak |
91. |
Representations of Banach-*-algebras and abstract haronic analysis |
ábrázolásai és absztrakt harmonikus analízis |
92. |
Rieamnn surfaces |
Riemann felületek |
93. |
Riemannian geometry |
Riemann-geometria |
94. |
Rings and algebras |
Gyűrűk és algebrák |
95. |
Scheduling theory |
Ütemezéselmélet |
96. |
Selected topics in graph theory |
Válogatott fejezetek a gráfelméletből |
97. |
Seminar in complex analysis |
Komplex függvénytani szeminárium |
98. |
Set theory (introductory) |
Halmazelmélet |
99. |
Set theory I |
Halmazelmélet I. |
100. |
Set theory II |
Halmazelmélet II |
101. |
Special functions |
Speciális függvények |
102. |
Statistical computing 1 |
Statisztikai programcsomagok 1. |
103. |
Statistical computing 2 |
Statisztikai programcsomagok 2 |
104. |
Statistical hypothesis testing |
Statisztikai hipotézisvizsgálat |
105. |
Stochastic optimization |
Sztochasztikus optimalizálás |
106. |
Stochastic optimization practice |
Sztochasztikus optimalizálás gyakorlat |
107. |
Stochastic processes with independent increments, limit theorems |
Független növekményű folyamatok, határeloszlás-tételek |
108. |
Structures in combinatorial optimization |
Kombinatorikus optimalizálási struktúrák |
109. |
Supplementary chapters of topology I. Topology of singularities. |
Kiegészítő fejezetek a topológiából I. Szingularitások topológiája |
110. |
Supplementary Chapters of Topology II Low dimensional manifolds |
Kiegészítő fejezetek a topológiából II. Alacsony dimenziós sokaságok |
111. |
Topics in analysis |
Fejezetek az analízisből |
112. |
Topics in differential geometry |
Fejezetek a differenciálgeometriából |
113. |
Topics in group theory |
Fejezetek a csoportelméletből |
114. |
Topics in ring theory |
Fejezetek a gyűrűelméletből |
115. |
Topological vector spaces and Banach algebras |
vektorterek és Banach-algebrák |
116. |
Unbounded operators of Hilbert spaces |
Nemkorlátos operátorok Hilbert téren |
117. |
Universal algebra and lattice theory |
Univerzális algebra és hálóelmélet |
MSc in Mathematics: Course list |
Hungarian |
English |
1. |
A 3D grafika geometriai alapjai |
Geometric foundations of 3D graphics |
2. |
Data mining |
3. |
Algebrai és differenciáltopológia |
Algebraic and differential topology |
4. |
Algebrai topológia |
Algebraic Topology |
5. |
Algoritmuselmélet I |
Algorithms I |
6. |
Algoritmusok és adatstruktúrák tervezése,
elemzése és implementálása I. |
Design, analysis and implementation of algorithms
and data structures I |
7. |
Algoritmusok és adatstruktúrák tervezése,
elemzése és implementálása II. |
Design, analysis and implementation of algorithms
and data structures II |
8. |
Alkalmazott diszkrét matematika szeminárium |
Applied discrete mathematics seminar |
9. |
Analízis IV. |
Analysis IV |
10. |
Analízis olvasókurzus matematikusoknak |
Reading course in Analysis |
11. |
Approximációs algoritmusok |
Approximation algorithms |
12. |
Az algebra aktuális fejezetei |
Current topics in algebra |
13. |
Az algebra alapjai |
Basic algebra |
14. |
Az operációkutatás alkalmazásai |
Applicatons of operations research |
15. |
Banach*-algebrák ábrázolásai és absztrakt
harmonikus analízis |
Representations of Banach-*-algebras and abstract
haronic analysis |
16. |
Befektetések elemzése |
Investments analysis |
17. |
Bevezetés a topológiába |
Introduction to Topology |
18. |
Bevezetés az információelméletbe |
Introduction to information theory |
19. |
Bonyolultságelmélet |
Complexity theory |
20. |
Bonyolultságelmélet szeminárium |
Complexity theory seminar |
21. |
Csoportok és reprezentációik |
Groups and representations |
22. |
Differenciálgeometria |
Differential geometry I |
23. |
Differenciálgeometria II |
Differential geometry II |
24. |
Differenciáltopológia |
Differential Topology |
25. |
Differenciáltopológia gyakorlat |
Differential Topology Problem solving |
26. |
Dinamikai rendszerek és differenciálegyenletek |
Dynamical systems and differential equations |
27. |
Dinamikus rendszerek |
Dynamical systems |
28. |
Diszkrét Dinamikus Rendszerek |
Discrete dynamical systems |
29. |
Diszkrét és folytonos paraméterű Markov-láncok |
Markov chains in discrete and continuous time |
30. |
Diszkrét geometria |
Discrete geometry |
31. |
Diszkrét matematika |
Discrete mathematics |
32. |
Diszkrét matematika II |
Discrete mathematics II |
33. |
Diszkrét optimalizálás |
Discrete optimization |
34. |
Diszkrét paraméterű martingálok |
Discrete parameter martingales |
35. |
Egészértékű Programozás I. |
Integer programming I |
36. |
Egészértékű Programozás II. |
Integer programming II |
37. |
Ergodelmélet |
Ergodic theory |
38. |
Exponenciális összegek a számelméletben |
Exponential sums in number theory |
39. |
Fejezetek a csoportelméletből |
Topics in group theory |
40. |
Fejezetek a differenciálgeometriából |
Topics in differential geometry |
41. |
Fejezetek a gyűrűelméletből |
Topics in ring theory |
42. |
Fejezetek a komplex függvénytanból |
Chapters of complex function theory |
43. |
Fejezetek az analízisből |
Topics in analysis |
44. |
Folytonos optimalizálás |
Continuous optimization |
45. |
Fourier integrál |
Fourier integral |
46. |
Funkcionálanalízis II |
Functional analysis II |
47. |
Független növekményű folyamatok,
határeloszlás-tételek |
Stochastic processes with independent increments,
limit theorems |
48. |
Függvénysorok |
Function series |
49. |
Geometria III |
Geometry III |
50. |
Geometriai alapozás |
Basic geometry |
51. |
Geometriai algoritmusok |
Geometric algorithms |
52. |
Geometriai mértékelmélet |
Geometric measure theory |
53. |
Geometriai modellezés |
Geometric modelling |
54. |
Gráfelmélet |
Graph theory |
55. |
Gráfelmélet gyakorlat |
Graph theory tutorial |
56. |
Gráfelmélet szeminárium |
Graph theory seminar |
57. |
Gyűrűk és algebrák |
Rings and algebras |
58. |
Halmazelmélet |
Set theory (introductory) |
59. |
Halmazelmélet I. |
Set theory I |
60. |
Halmazelmélet II |
Set theory II |
61. |
Idősorok elemzése I. |
Analysis of time series |
62. |
Játékelmélet |
Game theory |
63. |
Készletgazdálkodás |
Inventory management |
64. |
Kiegészítő fejezetek a topológiából I.
Szingularitások topológiája |
Supplementary chapters of topology I. Topology of singularities. |
65. |
Kiegészítő fejezetek a topológiából II.
Alacsony dimenziós sokaságok |
Supplementary Chapters of Topology II Low
dimensional manifolds |
66. |
Kódok és szimmetrikus struktúrák |
Codes and symmetric structures |
67. |
Kombinatorikus algoritmusok I. |
Combinatorial algorithms I |
68. |
Kombinatorikus algoritmusok II. |
Combinatorial algorithms II |
69. |
Kombinatorikus geometria |
Combinatorial geometry |
70. |
Kombinatorikus optimalizálási struktúrák |
Structures in combinatorial optimization |
71. |
Kombinatorikus struktúrák és algoritmusok feladatmegoldó szeminárium |
Combinatorial structures and algorithms |
72. |
Kombinatorikus számelmélet |
Combinatorial number theory |
73. |
Kommutatív algebra |
Commutative algebra |
74. |
Komplex dinamika |
Dynamics in one complex variable |
75. |
Komplex függvénytan |
Complex functions |
76. |
Komplex függvénytani szeminárium |
Seminar in complex analysis |
77. |
Komplex sokaságok |
Complex manifolds |
78. |
Konvex geometria |
Convex geometry |
79. |
Kriptográfia |
Cryptography |
80. |
Leíró halmazelmélet |
Descriptive set theory |
81. |
LEMON library: Optimalizációs feladatok megoldása
C++-ban |
LEMON library: solving optimization problems in
C++ |
82. |
Lie-csoportok és szimmetrikus terek |
Lie groups and symmetric spaces |
83. |
Lineáris optimalizálás |
Linear optimization |
84. |
Makrogazdaságtan |
Macroeconomics and the theory of economic
equilibrium |
85. |
Matematikai logika |
Mathematical logic |
86. |
Matroidelmélet |
Matroid theory |
87. |
Mikrogazdaságtan |
Microeconomy |
88. |
Multiplikatív számelmélet |
Multiplicative number theory |
89. |
Nemkorlátos operátorok Hilbert téren |
Unbounded operators of Hilbert spaces |
90. |
Nemlineáris funkcionálanalízis és alkalmazásai |
Nonlinear functional analysis and its
applications |
91. |
Nemlineáris optimalizálás |
Nonlinear optimization |
92. |
Operációkutatás számítógépes módszerei |
Computational methods in operations research |
93. |
Operációkutatási projekt |
Operations research project |
94. |
Operátorfélcsoportok |
Operator semigroups |
95. |
Parciális differenciálegyenletek |
Partial differential equations |
96. |
Piacok elemzése |
Market analysis |
97. |
Poliéderes kombinatorika |
Polyhedral combinatorics |
98. |
Riemann felületek |
Rieamnn surfaces |
99. |
Riemann-geometria |
Riemannian geometry |
100. |
Speciális függvények |
Special functions |
101. |
Statisztikai hipotézisvizsgálat |
Statistical hypothesis testing |
102. |
Statisztikai programcsomagok 1. |
Statistical computing 1 |
103. |
Statisztikai programcsomagok 2 |
Statistical computing 2 |
104. |
Számelmélet 2. |
Number theory 2. |
105. |
Sztochasztikus optimalizálás |
Stochastic optimization |
106. |
Sztochasztikus optimalizálás gyakorlat |
Stochastic optimization practice |
107. |
Termelésirányítás |
Manufacturing process management |
108. |
Topologikus vektorterek és Banach-algebrák |
Topological vector spaces and Banach algebras |
109. |
Többcélfüggvényű optimalizálás |
Multiple objective optimization |
110. |
Többdimenziós statisztikai eljárások |
Multivariate statistical methods |
111. |
Univerzális algebra és hálóelmélet |
Universal algebra and lattice theory |
112. |
Ütemezéselmélet |
Scheduling theory |
113. |
Vállalatgazdaságtan |
Business economics |
114. |
Válogatott fejezetek a gráfelméletből |
Selected topics in graph theory |
115. |
Valószínűségszámítás és statisztika |
Probability and statistics |
116. |
Véges geometria |
Finite geometries |
117. |
WWW és hálózatok matematikája |
Mathematics of networks and the WWW |