
The number of documents and standard time of loan for library members:
Borrower |
Number of documents |
ELTE TTK instructors, researchers |
50 db * |
365 days |
ELTE members of research groups |
30 db |
180 days |
ELTE TTK PhD student |
15 db |
90 days |
ELTE pensioners |
15 db |
90 days |
ELTE students |
15 db |
30 days |
Other |
8 db |
30 days |
Staff, pedagouges of the Public Collections |
8 db |
30 days |
Interlibrary loans |
5 db |
30 days |
* Except for data mediums bought from tender financing for research and education.
Borrowing books of restricted availability requires the permission of the head librarian and depends on individual assessments based on borrowing and preservation criteria.
Depending on the given document’s availability, students may lengthen loans three times, while ELTE TTK instructors and researchers may lengthen loans ten times before their expiration. Lengthening can be done through the catalog, e-mail, phone, or in person.
A reservation may be made for books (max. three titles) already borrowed by someone else. Once the reserved books are returned to the library, you will be notified via e-mail and holds the books for three business days.
A fine must be paid for books returned after the loan’s expiration date. Moreover, any administration and postal costs must be paid by the borrower. Their amount is stated in the document titled Fees to be applied in ELTE EKSZ libraries.
After the expiration of a loan, the library notifies the borrower via two e-mails (one on the expiration date and one seven days after) and two recorded postal deliveries. Those borrowers who did not provide an e-mail address will be notified via four postal mails (one registered letter on the expiration date, one seven days after, one twenty-one days after. After two months, a recorded postal delivery will be sent). The cost of notifications through the postal service depends on the postal service’s current fees + administration fees, all stated in the University Library Service’s Rules of Library Use.
In the case of standard loans, after the expiration of the loan, there is a three-business day window to return the document without paying any fees. After the three-business day window expires, a fine must be paid for each overdue day starting from the original expiration date. For documents of restricted availability, the window is only one hour from the library’s opening time.
Lost or damaged documents must be replaced with the same or a later copy. If the document can no longer be acquired, its calculated second-hand cost, among administration fees, must be paid. Administration fees of replacement must be paid if the borrower cannot replace the document.
Without paying the existing debts, no more documents can be borrowed.
ELTE employees must return borrowed books and pay their debts in the case of retirement or termination of employment.
Students can only start their final exam after returning all borrowed documents and paying all existing debts.
The library provides interlibrary borrowing for all members, both from domestic and foreign libraries. Costs must be paid by the borrower. Interlibrary borrowing is not available from libraries located in Budapest.
The librarian may refuse to lend certain documents. Considering copyright laws, the librarian may decide if the borrowed document should be the original print or a copy.
After consultation with the tender recipient, the library is responsible for registering, processing, and lending books bought as part of a tender.