Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Our Research Portfolio

Our Research Portfolio
ELTE's Faculty of Science is the largest institution in Hungary  where all natural sciences are represented on the highest standard. More than 460 researchers work in the 5 Institutes of our Faculty. Several of our current lecturers were awarded the Széchenyi Prize, the Szent-Györgyi Albert Prize or other similarly honorable prizes. Our programs cover the whole spectrum of natural sciences.

Citation of ELTE TTK publications is above the international average, with physics being five times and molecular biology/genetics being twice the international average. Corresponding to the quantity and quality of researches, programs of ELTE TTK's Doctoral Schools cover almost the entire spectrum of natural sciences and the number of their highly qualified supervisors is outstanding.

We find it important to identify focuses connected to international trends and the relevant challenges of society, while finding a balance between researches based on the dynamics of  certain scientific fields and market oriented applied researches.