46. 5vös 5km running race
19. September 2024. 17:00
Pázmány Peter promenade 1/A, ELTE Lágymányos Campus, parking lot facing the Danube - “5vös5 square”
2024. September 19. 17:00 - 2024. September 15.
Pázmány Peter promenade 1/A, ELTE Lágymányos Campus, parking lot facing the Danube - “5vös5 square”
The 5vös 5km running race, a staple sporting event of the Lágymányos Campus, will take place for the 46th time.
Competition date: September 19, 2024, at 05:05 PM
Location: Budapest, XI district, Pázmány Peter promenade 1/A, ELTE Lágymányos Campus, parking lot facing the Danube - “5vös5 square”
More infromation: 5vos5km.elte.hu and on Facebook