Administration of the ODT database

Administration of the ODT database
Administration of ODT database (

How does someone become a tutor/topic leader in the doctoral school?

The accreditation material (usually CV, MTMT publication list, research profile, subject taught) for the lecturer and/or head researcher must be submitted to the head of the relevant doctoral school. The Council of the doctoral school will propose the accreditation of the supervisor, after which the Natural Sciences Doctoral Council (NSDC) will support (or reject) the accreditation application. If the opinion of the NSDC is favourable, the faculty administrator registers the prospective instructor/supervisor on will automatically email an ID and initial password. (If necessary, the faculty administrator can send a new password.)

Data sheet maintenance /update/ error message

  • The data form has a menu bar on the left and at the top of the page. 
  • Menu bar on the left: we do NOT have access to this data, we cannot edit it!!!!
  • Person/Personal data/: (date of birth)
  • Person/Scientific data: 
    • Job and position: you can set here to become a professor or professor emeritus
    • Publications (from MTMT)
    • scientific metrics (retrievable from MTMT)
  • Person/Registration, declarations: you need to "approve" here, otherwise it is useless to update the above menus. The form must be updated at least annually. If this is not done, will send an automatic email message including an error message. The faculty administrator can only record and modify the student data, based on the data displayed in Neptun.


Thesis proposal - Each year, around December, the collection of the following year's doctoral theses begins. Lecturers with supervisor accreditation will receive an informative email via with the details and deadline for thesis proposals. The thesis proposals received by the deadline will be collected and sent by the faculty administrator to the head of the relevant doctoral school. The approved topic proposals received back from the head of the doctoral school are uploaded to the ODT database. The deadline for applications from doctoral students is the last working day of May. Important: the thesis proposal will not be visible if the system detects missing informations in the supervisor's data sheet.

Regular/Emeritus Membership - For the accreditation of Regular and Emeritus Membership, the NSDC will make a proposal and the University Doctoral Council will make the final decision. In addition to the teaching and research activities required by the doctoral school, the prerequisite for regular membership is one doctoral thesis or two doctoral co-thesis.

Request for deletion from the database - Upon request and confirmation by the Head of the relevant doctoral school, the faculty administrator will delete the doctoral school member from the database.

 DT admin of the Faculty:

Eszter Virág