Educational Lectures

Educational Lectures
Our faculty offers several regularly organized, educational lectures (in Hungarian). We warmly welcome high school students, their teachers, and all interested parties to these programs.

The lecture series can be followed live or watched later on ELTE Video Studio.


Alchemy Today (CHEMISTRY)

The Institute of Chemistry at ELTE launched the program "Alchemy Today - On Matter with Modern Eyes, with the Obsession of the Ancients: Lecture Series Not Just for High School Students" in September 2007. The series primarily targets high school juniors and seniors who are already interested in the natural sciences, particularly chemistry. Naturally, we also welcome those high school students and young people, as well as adults, who do not choose or have not chosen a career in the natural sciences but are keen to follow the latest, most advanced scientific results. The program starts with a 45-60 minute accessible lecture by a researcher-teacher from the ELTE Faculty of Science's Institute of Chemistry or an invited external lecturer, followed by a related or otherwise spectacular, rarely seen, specially developed experiment.

More information (in Hungarian):

From Atoms to Stars (PHYSICS)

The ELTE Faculty of Science's Institute of Physics presents an exciting lecture series not just for high school students. "From Atoms to Stars"  started in 2005, the Year of Physics. The lecturers are resaerchers of the ELTE Faculty of Science and physicists who graduated from ELTE. Their goal is to show that physics is a living, constantly evolving science that holds many exciting discoveries. Even in seemingly closed disciplines like Newtonian mechanics, new, surprising results emerge that shed new light on the entire field. Not to mention the rapidly developing experimental techniques, large accelerators, and new theories based on experimental data processed by computer and imaging systems capable of handling previously unseen vast data sets, which enable the overview and understanding of infinitely small and infinitely large objects and highly complex phenomena.

More information (in Hungarian):


Live Broadcast - Lectures from the World of Biology (BIOLOGY)

The functioning of the living world is wonderfully complex. Even the smallest, invisible bacterium is a machine of such complexity that has no counterpart in the inanimate world. The explosively developing science of biology reveals more and more details: from the hidden world of molecules that make up living beings, through the level of cells and individuals, to the communities of life built from a multitude of species. Our lecture series explores various branches of biology: our goal is to present the most exciting and latest research results and the unanswered open questions. Our lecturers are researchers who not only talk about the current state of our knowledge but also about the path leading there, as they have been, or are, on that path themselves. Our audience includes everyone interested in nature, the living world, or the functioning of their own bodies. We present our lectures in an understandable form that can be grasped with high school knowledge. The only prerequisite for participation is curiosity! The lectures are free and open to the public.

More information (in Hungarian):


Geography Club (GEOGRAPHY)

The ELTE Geography Club has been operating since 1993 with varying intensity and organizational structures. Students and teachers give lectures on a wide range of topics, followed by informal discussions accompanied by sandwiches. Both physical and socal geography are covered, but a complex approach generally prevails. Here you can try out what it's like to give a lecture. You can ask the lecturers questions informally. The club's programs are open to everyone.

More information (in Hungarian):


(Translated by AI)