Welcome to the alumni portal of Eötvös Loránd University's Faculty of Science. With our nearly 3500 outstanding students, our Faculty covers almost all fields of natural sciences and guarantees an excellent and exceptional educational potential. We proudly rely on the traditions of our University, which has been operating uninterruptedly since its foundation in 1635, while incorporating the values of the modern world in Hungarian higher education and science. When we glance at the scientists who graduated from ELTE, we must find our unique role in the domestic and international scientific community. We are exceptionally proud of this heritage. Our instructors are well aware of this and are taking on their honorable role in training a significant portion of the Hungarian scientific community of the future. The vast family of Faculty of Science graduates is in the tens of thousands. They are our alumni, who take on the tradition, regardless if they graduated recently or 50 years ago; they spread and nurture our culture, pass on their knowledge and form the future generations. Our gratitude goes to them!
Dr. Imre Kacskovics
Dean of ELTE's Faculty of Science
Opportunities for alumni at the Faculty of Science
- Visit the Faculty Library, featuring temporary exhibitions of our alumni artists
- Talent promotion, conferences of the Scientific Students' Association, events, topic recommendations: programs where we await our alumni and their help and suggestions
- Museums' Night with a different program each year - June
- Researchers' Night with a different program each year - September
Venue: 1056 Budapest, Szerb u. 21–23.
Tax number: 18133442-1-41
Account number: MKB 10300002-10408814-49020010
Institute of Biology
LiveFeed - lecture series – every spring and fall
Find more information on the website of the Institute.
Institute of Physics
- Ortvay Rudolf International Physics Problem Solving Competition – fall
- "From the atoms to the stars" lecture series for those interested in physics, – spring and fall
- Accredited physics teacher post-graduate program – spring and fall
- Physics - teaching - learning: newsletter on professional events and conferences
- Seminars of the Institute of Physics (particle phyiscs, statistical physics)
- Physics Scientific Students' Association
Find more information on the website of the Institute.
Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences
- Geography Club - every Wednesday at 18:00, from February to May and September to December
- Freshmen-Mentor meeting– August
- Geographers in the job market - club event, May
- Biological and Paleonthological Collection
- Mineorological Collection – organized alumni programs
- Researcher's Night – with a new program every September
- Thematic Facebook groups
- Specialized Scientific Students' Associations
- Astronomer Scientific Students' Association
- Geography Scientific Students' Association
- Geophysicist Scientific Students' Association
- Geologist Scientific Students' Association
- Meteorologist Scientific Students' Association
Find more information on the website of the Institute.
Institute of Chemistry
- Annual Alumni meeting of chemists - Find relevant news on the website of the Institute
- 'Alchemy today' lecture series - for everyone interested in chemistry - spring and fall
- Chemical Collection - (library)
- Chemistry Scientific Students' Association
Find more information on the website of the Institute.
Institute of Mathematics
- Mathematician Concert – April
- Seminars of the Institute of Mathematics – monthly
- Mathematician Scientific Students' Association conference – November
- Visit the Hungarian Museum of Mathematics
- Mathematics Scientific Students' Association
Find more information on the website of the Institute.
ELTE Teacher Training Center
- Relevant information and events about teacher training
- 'Methodology tales' students' association workshop
- Subject pedagogy and Education technology Scientific Students' Association
Jubilee Degrees
Jubilee degree application: a gold, diamond, iron, ruby or platinum degree can be awarded to those who graduated 50, 60, 65, 70 or 75 years ago. (Please check the website in spring for recent information)
The Faculty Council makes a proposal with regards to awarding jubilee degrees annually, and they are presented at a university ceremony. (in fall, earliest in October).
You can read more about the ELTE TTK jubilee degree here
The structure of the ELTE Alumni Organization
ELTE Alumni Organization
Around 5-6000 students graduate from Eötvös Loránd University each year. There are hundreds of thousands who received their degree or doctorate on ELTE or one of its predecessors. The ELTE Alumni Organization, which was created by the University Senate in 2007 and officially launched in 2008, aims to create an opportunity for them to get in touch with each other and the University. Besides the different services, the Organization aspires to create opportunities for professional development through networking for its members.
ELTE Alumni Organization's structure
The ELTE Alumni Organization is made up of registered and honorable members, the ELTE Alumni Divisions and their representatives, the ELTE Alumni Council; its Alumni Body and other members, the ELTE Alumni Commission and its members, the ELTE Alumni Center and its staff and the ELTE Alumni volunteers.
ELTE Alumni Divisions: currently there are 17 Alumni Divisions.
The ELTE Alumni Center is working with the other participants of the Alumni Organization to help ELTE graduates develop an active relationship with each other and the University, constantly searching for the opportunities to create shared experiences and values. The goal of the ELTE Alumni Center is the operation and development of the ELTE Alumni Organization, the vitalization of ELTE Alumni life, the organization of interesting alumni programs, that are in harmony with the University's spirit regardless of Faculty affiliation and the development of the Alumni database. Moreover, it is responsible for the coordination and assistance of the Alumni Divisions, the support of Faculty alumni aspirations and the strengthening of the relationship between current and future alumni.
A regisztráltak külön értesítésekre is számíthatnak. Besides the Faculty Alumni events, there is a number of programs launched for the ELTE Graduates' Association. ELTE Success Stories; featuring famous ELTE graduates, Nations' Eve, ELTE Nostalgy- Generations, memories and thematic walks, such as The University opens where we present the treasures of the Lágymányosi Campus among others are just a few examples. These events are announced on the Events tab of the ELTE Alumni website. Usually events start at the evening. You can find information on the events on our new facebook page as well.
Registration and the Alumni Card
Any ELTE graduate can apply for ELTE Alumni membership. You can find the application form on the Registration tab of the ELTE Alumni website. Find more information on the benefits of the Alumni Card here.
Alumni Newsletters
Programs for ELTE graduates are announced in the ELTE Alumni News. The ELTE ALumni Junior Magazine is created for those who recently graduated, and it contains information on career tips, post-graduate programs and self-awareness. All University programs and events are featured in the University Newsletter.
Alumni donations
We are grateful for every donation, including the donation of the 1% of the payroll tax (SZJA).
You can transfer your donation to the bank account of the fund, send it on cheque through the post or online.
Find detailed information on donations on the ELTE Alumni website.
Venue: 1056 Budapest, Szerb u. 21–23.
Tax number: 18133442-1-41
Account number: MKB 10300002-10408814-49020010
ELTE Alumni Scholarship
The goal of the ELTE Alumni Fund is to aid students in need with outstanding achievements with the donations of ELTE's previous and current students, instructors and staff.
The base of the aid is from donations. If you want to help, you can transfer any ammount to the bank account of the ELTE Alumni Fund or by offering 1% of your payroll tax.
ELTE Alma Mater welcomes its old students!