Eötvös Day 2024

Eötvös Day 2024

09. May 2024. 09:30 - 12:45

ELTE Lágymányosi Campus South Building, Szabó József-room (Déli épület, D 0.803)


2024. May 09. 09:30 - 12:45

ELTE Lágymányosi Campus South Building, Szabó József-room (Déli épület, D 0.803)

On May 9, 2024, the Excellence Event of the Faculty of Science at Eötvös Loránd University, called Eötvös Day, will take place. During this event, we will welcome the newly appointed honorary doctors of the Faculty, and the faculty and student awards will be presented. This year's Eötvös Day also marks the 75th anniversary of the ELTE Faculty of Science.

The Faculty Day was established in 1992 by the then dean, Dr. Ádám Kiss. Since then, every year on the second Thursday of May, awards recognizing outstanding achievements are presented.

The Eötvös Day is a celebration of the 75-year-old ELTE Faculty of Science.

The highlight of this year's Eötvös Day is the welcoming of two newly appointed honorary doctors: Bernhard Eitel, a geographer, and Zoltán Ivics, a biologist. Both will be awarded the title "doctor et professor honoris causa" by the Senate of ELTE. Therefore, two scientific lectures will be delivered by our honorary doctors during the Eötvös Day as part of their inauguration. Additionally, the Faculty's outstanding students and teachers will ceremoniously receive commendation certificates from the Dean. Moreover, the Medzihradszky Kálmán Award, the Juhász-Nagy Pál Award, and the presentation of the TDK Medals will also take place during this event.

This year's Eötvös Day also commemorates the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the ELTE Faculty of Science.

Introduction of our Honorary Doctors:

Bernhard Eitel served as the rector of Heidelberg University from 2007 to 2023. He is a renowned representative in geomorphology, soil geography, and geoarchaeology, which involves the geographical and geological methods applied in archaeology. During his tenure, significant progress was made in the collaboration between Heidelberg University and Eötvös Loránd University, which was based on one of our university's earliest Western European contractual relationships, established before 1989. As a geographer, Bernhard Eitel played an important role in the life of the Geography Institute at Heidelberg University, which has long had close research and mobility connections with the Department of Geography at ELTE Faculty of Science.

Zoltán Ivics specializes in the evolution, molecular biology, and genetic applications of mobile genetic elements (transposons). He is the founder and one of the inventors of the Sleeping Beauty transposon system, which revolutionized the technological platforms for genetic manipulations in vertebrate model systems. He is a recognized expert in genetic engineering, genome manipulation, functional genomics of mobile genetic elements, and gene therapy, both nationally and internationally. He is a leading figure in the gene and cell therapy scientific community in Europe and Germany, organizing and speaking at numerous international conferences.


  • 9:30 - Opening
  • 9:35 - 75 years of the ELTE Faculty of Science
  • 10:00 - Inaugural lecture by Zoltán Ivics
  • 10:35 - Presentation of Faculty Awards
  • 11:00 - Elevator Speeches
  • 11:10 - Break
  • 11:20 - Inaugural lecture by Bernhard Eitel
  • 11:55 - Presentation of Student Awards
  • 12:30 - Elevator Speeches
  • 12:40 - Closing remarks

We warmly welcome all our teachers and students!

Registration is possible until May 6th via this link: https://ttk.elte.hu/eotvosnap2024_regisztracio