Jubilee Degree

Jubilee Degree
Jubilee degree application: a gold, diamond, iron, ruby or platinum degree can be awarded to those who graduated 50, 60, 65, 70 or 75 years ago.

The Faculty Council makes a proposal with regards to awarding jubilee degrees annually, and they are presented at a university ceremony. The documents necessary for application are available at the bottom of this page. The copy of the degree must be attached along a brief, one-page professional CV.

We can only accept jubilee degree applications (electronically or through the post) until the 15th of July each year. (The latest date of mailing is the 15th of July)

In case the degree is not available ELTE TTK's Educational Office can provide a certificate for free. A certificate for degrees from before 1968 can be provided by ELTE's University Library and Archive only.

Application for the degree is free. There are no financial benefits for having the degree.

Further information

Dokumentumok a Jubileumi diploma igényléséhez
Adatlap a Jubileumi diploma igényléséhez
Adatkezelési tájékoztató
Tájékoztató a Jubileumi diplomákról