László Lovász was awarded an honorary doctorate by Yale University

László Lovász was awarded an honorary doctorate by Yale University
László Lovász Professor Emeritus of ELTE received the recognition on May 20 at the closing ceremony of the prestigious American university's 323rd academic year.

Since 1702, Yale University has awarded honorary doctorates to scholars who have shown outstanding performance in their respective fields. Among this year's honorary graduates were social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji, retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Nobel Prize-winning molecular geneticist Mario Capecchi, former CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, research psychologist Judith Rodin, literary critic Hortense Spillers, visual artist Kehinde Wiley, and Yale's outgoing president Peter Salovey.

László Lovász, an Abel Prize-winning mathematician, professor emeritus at ELTE, former president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and head of the DYNASNET research group at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, taught computer science and mathematics at Yale from 1993 to 1999. In the laudation, the university presents Lovász's professional career, from his teenage meeting with Paul Erdős to his time at the University of Szeged, ELTE, and Princeton, highlighting that he is not only an excellent polymath who applies a holistic approach to his work but also has invaluable merits in mentoring young mathematician researchers.

In 2023, ELTE awarded László Lovász an honorary doctorate.

The cover photo shows Yale's 2024 honorary doctors, in the front row from left: Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, Judith Rodin, Peter Salovey, Mahzarin Banaji, and Hortense Spillers; in the back row from left: László Lovász, Kehinde Wiley, Mario Capecchi, and Stephen Breyer (Photo: Michael Marsland).

(Source: Yale, translated by AI)