Biology - Mathematics - Geography - Earth Science - Physics - Chemistry united library collection
(ELTE Lágymányosi Campus, South building, 1st floor, 1.809.)
MONDAY: 9:00-19:00
TUESDAY: 9:00-19:00
WEDNESDAY: 9:00-19:00
THURSDAY: 9:00-19:00
FRIDAY: 9:00 - 14:00
28.10.2024-29. between: Mon-Wed 9am-2pm From
30.10.2024 to 11.01.2024: CLOSED
Normal opening hours from 04.11.2024.
Online services (e.g. online registration, online borrowing, databases, MTMT, etc.) are still available.
Books can still be returned: please leave the books in the boxes in front of the Biology Library in the Southern Building and the Physics-Chemistry Library in the Northern Building. You can check return fees and your current loans on after signing in.
Please transfer late fees to the following account:
- Beneficiary’s name: ELTE
- Account no.: Magyar Államkincstár 10032000-01426201-00000000
- Remarks: D111KKTTK, D0060, könyvtári tartozás + NEPTUN code and name
- Please send the receipt of the transfer to in pdf format.
- The Library deletes fees from the system only after receiving the receipt. You will receive an e-mail about the deletion. You can check your loans and late fees here.
Library staff
Noémi Szabó
Telephone: +36 1 372 25 00 / 8562
Iván Csámer
Informatician Librarian, MTMT Coordinator
Telephone: +36 1 372 25 00 / 8031
Dóra Kostka
Telephone: +36 1 372 25 00 / 8568
Anett Lövei
Informatician Librarian
Telephone: +36 1 372 25 00 / 6131
Rebeka Solti
Informatician Librarian
Telephone: +36 1 372 25 00 / 8568
Regina Szabó
Telephone: +36 1 372 25 00 / 8568
Jozefa Matos
Telephone: +36 1 372 25 00 / 8568
Biological Collection
In 2001 the libraries of the 12 biology departments were united and the collections were moved to the Faculty Library.
The library has a historic collection, of which plenty of books are from the original university. One of these is Péter Juhász Melius' "Hebarium" from 1578 and Basilius Bessler's "Plantarum Horti Eystattensis" from 1613.
The biological collection consists of the departments' educational and research fields, as well as related fields. Main fields: anthropology, protein- and gene technology, neurophysiology, ethology, molecular cell biology, immunology, ecology, botany and microbiology, plant systematics and systematic zoology, their interdisciplinaries, as well as biology handbooks and lexicons.
The lecturers and researchers of the department have been publishing books and notes, which aid education and research. Moreover, departmental journals are also published. /Opuscula Zoologica - Department of Systematic Zoology, Community Ecology - Department of Plant Systematics, Humanbiologia Budapestiensis - Department of Anthropology./
Location: ELTE Lágymányosi Campus, Southern Building 1.floor. 809.
Library staff: Szilvia Földes, Ernő Tudós-Takács, Magdolna Wölfl
Telephone: +36-1-372-2500 / 8568
Geographical and Earth Sciences Collection
Until August of 2001 the Geographical Library operated as a member of ELTE's library network, servicing the lecturers and students of three geography departments.
The collection covers a wide-range of disciplines. Main disciplines: geography, regional studies. Side disciplines: geography's related fields. In the education of geography there is a great emphasis on the students' individual research of literature and the writing of essays. Therefore students have been intensivelly using the library, researching different topics each year. This is why we tried to buy multiple copies of all scientific literature and notes.
Location: ELTE Lágymányosi Campus, Southern Building 1.floor. 809.
Library Staff: Szilvia Földes, Ernő Tudós-Takács, Magdolna Wölfl
Telephone: +36-1-372-2500 / 8568
Physics Collection
The physics and environmental physics comprehensive collection consists of around 60 000 documents. The library is currently subscribed to 50 foreign journals.
Services: borrowing, inter-library borrowing, in-library access, photo copying, supplying of data and disclosure of information.
Gyűjtőkörünk: fizikatudomány és határterületei: matematika, kémia, biológia, biofizika, csillagászat, asztrofizika, számítástechnika. Fields: physics and related fields: mathematics, chemistry, biology, biophysics, astronomy, astrophysics, informatics.
Meteorological and climatic literature, scientific journals, maps, lexicons, dictionaries, hand books, coursebooks, notes, theses, dissertations, WMO publications, Daily Meteorological Reports of OMSZ, Weather Bulletins of the German Meteorological Service, annual OMSZ Research Reports, other OMSZ publications. The environmental physics collection is part of the Physics Collection.
Location: ELTE Lágymányosi Campus, Northern Building 1.116
Library Staff: Péter Jaczenkó
Telephone: +36-1-372-2500 / 6099
Chemistry Collection
Fields: chemistry and related fields: chemical industry, biochemistry, biology, medicine, pharmaceutics, as well as basic hand books, lexicons and dictionaries.
Our collection has around 80 000 documents, mainly journals. The library is currently subscribed to 61 foreign and 16 Hungarian journals.
Olvasóink elektronikus információkhoz, on-line folyóiratokhoz, adatbázisokhoz férhetnek hozzá. Ilyen pl. a Chemical abstrakt adatbázis. Büszkék vagyunk régi, muzeális értékű dokumentumainkra, mint például a Chemical Abstract 1907-től meglévő kötetei, vagy az 1800-as években megjelent kémiai kézikönyvek és lexikonok. Értékes peptidkémiai Schőn István Gyűjteményünk a Richter Gedeon Rt. ajándéka. Our readers have access to electronic informations, online journals and databases. An example is the Chemical abstrakt database. We are proud of our historic documents, such as the the issues of Chemical Abstract from 1907 or the chemical handbooks and lexicons released in the 1800s. Our precious Schőn István Collection of peptide chemistry was a gift from Richter Gedeon Rt.
Location: ELTE Lágymányosi Campus, Northern Building ground floor. 1.116
Library Staff: Anett Lövei
Telephone: +36-1-372-2500 / 6131
Mathematical Collection
Gyűjteményünk az Egyetemen folyó matematikaoktatással egyidőben indult, és azóta fejlődik, gyarapodik. Jelentős adományok, ajándékok, cserelehetőségek révén és tervszerű gyarapításnak köszönhetően könyvtárunk mára komoly, jelentős matematikai szakgyűjteménynek számít. Our collection was established at the same time as mathematics education started at our university, and has been developing ever since. Due to significant donations, gifts, trades and planned enlargement, our library has a large and remarkable mathematical collection today.
Location: ELTE Lágymányosi Campus, Southern Building 1.floor. 1.809.
Library Staff: Szilvia Földes, Ernő Tudós-Takács, Magdolna Wölfl
Telephone: +36-1-372-2500 / 8568
1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c
+36 1 372-2500 / 8562 (Head Librarian)
+36 1 372-2500 / 8568 (biological, geographical, Earth sciences and mathematical collection)
+36 1 372-2500 / 6131 (physics and chemistry collection)
Mission statement
As a base institution of a knowledge-intensive society, it is the Library's task to provide access to documents, information and the treasures of Hungarian and universal culture freely and without restriction to anyone and to support the lifelong journey of learning.
The main goal of ELTE TTK's Faculty Library is to satisfy the knowledge and information needs of the Faculty, and to provide a quality background for the education and research. It supports the work of students with reading room services.
We stand loyal to the ideas articulated in the University's mission statement, and we are committed to support research, education, learning and innovation.
We pay special attention to the gathering and arrangement of the Faculty's scientific accomplishments both nationally and internationally.