Scientific and University Awards

Scientific and University Awards

Several of our colleagues have earned the most prestigious awards and honors in the Hungarian scientific community, which can be found on the following page. In addition, we have collected the awards and recognitions granted by the university, earned by our most outstanding colleagues, and the names of colleagues who have received recognition from the National Scientific Student Council on the following page.

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The Bolyai Prize

An award not tied to a specific field of science, which can be granted to a person of Hungarian citizenship or Hungarian descent who has achieved outstanding results by international standards in scientific research, development, talent nurturing, or the social-economic utilization of these results.


In the Year 2011

Dr. András Perczel, university professor - Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2007

Dr. László Lovász, university professor - Faculty of Natural Sciences

Bolyai Grand Prize

In the Year 2008

Dr. László Lovász, university professor, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Faculty of Natural Sciences

The Professor Rátz Lifetime Achievement Award

The Professor Rátz Lifetime Achievement Award was established by the Foundation for Hungarian Science Education in 2001. The award is given to Hungarian teachers who have achieved outstanding results in teaching mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology in grades 5–12. Each year, the Lifetime Achievement Award is granted to two teachers in each of the subjects of mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and since 2005, two biology teachers, who have played a significant role in popularizing their subject and nurturing young talents. The motto of the award is: "So that we not only know the names of world-famous scientists but also their teachers..." The namesake, Professor Rátz, was among others the teacher of mathematician John von Neumann and physicist Eugene Wigner at the Fasori Gymnasium.

In the Year 2017

Dr. István Mezey (mathematics) – ELTE TTK Department of Analysis

Academic Gold Medal

The Academic Gold Medal was established by the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) with the directive 10/1960. MTA (A.K. 12. sz.). The award is granted by the Presidency of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and is presented by the President of the Academy at the May General Assembly. Only one Academic Gold Medal can be awarded each year, and it is exclusively for members of the Academy in recognition of their outstanding scientific, public scientific, science policy, and scientific organizational activities. Nominations for the award are made by the scientific departments and are reviewed in a closed session by the Academy’s Committee on Awards and Honors (hereinafter: Committee), which then votes on the proposed recipient of the Academic Gold Medal.

In the Year 2015

Dr. Vera T. Sós, professor emeritus – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2009

Dr. Ákos Császár, professor emeritus – Faculty of Natural Sciences

Eötvös Ring

The Eötvös Ring can be awarded in recognition of an outstanding professional and scientific career to a public employee whose public employment relationship has ended due to retirement.

In the Year 2022

Dr. László Gráf, professor emeritus – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2021

Dr. Ferenc Hudecz, professor emeritus, former rector – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2018

Dr. László Lovász, professor emeritus – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2016

Dr. György Inzelt, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2008

Dr. Kálmán Medzihradszky, professor emeritus – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2007

Dr. György Ádám, professor emeritus, former rector – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Károly Nagy, professor emeritus, former rector – Faculty of Natural Sciences

The Eötvös Loránd University Memorial Medal

The Eötvös Loránd University Memorial Medal can be awarded to: a) the University's outstanding leaders (the rector, deans, and the chancellor) upon the expiration of their mandates, and in exceptional cases, to other employees of the University; b) university and college professors with at least three decades of outstanding work – up to a maximum of three individuals per year – whose public employment relationship has ended due to eligibility for retirement.

In the Year 2023

Dr. Tamás Weiszburg, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2021

Dr. Éva Kiss, professor emeritus – Faculty of Natural Sciences József Rábai, professor emeritus – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2020

Dr. István Faragó, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences András Szűcs, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2018

Dr. Károly Márialigeti, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2017

Dr. Miklós Laczkovich, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2016

Dr. Andrea Mindszenty, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2013

Dr. Ádám Kiss, professor emeritus – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2012

Dr. György Michaletzky, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2011

Dr. Ferenc Hudecz, department head, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2007

Dr. Béla Balázs, retired university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2005

Dr. Ferenc Láng, university professor, dean – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2004

Dr. István Kovács, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences György Pócsik, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

Pro Universitate Memorial Medal

Our university recognizes outstanding leadership, teaching, research, and administrative activities carried out over multiple decades and cycles with the "Pro Universitate Memorial Medal." The award is a replica of the bronze plaque created for the University's 350th anniversary.

In the Year 2004

Józsefné Kiss, library director – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2003

Dr. László Kozma, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Ferenc Sebestyén, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. László Zámbó, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2002

Dr. Ferenc Karsay, retired department head – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Judit Németh, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Gyula Szókán, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2001

Dr. Gyula Záray, department head, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

Pro Universitate Memorial Medal - gold grade

The "Pro Universitate Memorial Medal" gold grade can be awarded:

a) In recognition of their leadership activities, to vice-rectors of the University who have completed at least one term and vice-deans who have completed at least two terms, upon the expiration of their mandates;

b) In recognition of their leadership activities, to the following outstanding leaders of the University: institute directors, department heads, and other heads of independent organizational units (division heads, department heads) for their leadership work conducted over multiple terms or continuously for at least ten years in both cases;

c) In recognition of their teaching and scientific activities, to the University's senior teachers (university and college professors and associate professors) and senior researchers (scientific advisors, senior scientific associates) for at least twenty years of outstanding teaching and scientific work.

In the Year 2023

Dr. Róbert Mészáros, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2022

Dr.János Rohonczy, habilitated associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2021

Dr. Győző Láng, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2020

Dr. Tamás Turányi, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2019

Dr. Judit Bartholy, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Krisztina Csörgeiné Kurin, habilitated associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2018

Dr. Tamás Szőnyi, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2015

Dr. Mária Szabó, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2014

Dr. Zoltán Szigeti, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2012

Dr. Éva Bodzsár, department head, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. László Détári, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2011

Dr. Ferenc Probáld, professor emeritus – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2010

Dr. Gábor Réz, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. László Szilágyi, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2009

Dr. Péter Gnädig, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. György Hegyi, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Ferenc Horváth, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. József Nemes Nagy, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. László Sasvári, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2008

Dr. Anna Erdei, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. László Gráf, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. István Jalsovszky, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. János Lendvai, institute director – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Miklós Sass, department head, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2007

Dr. Ottó Haiman, scientific advisor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2006

Dr. Miklós Monostori, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. György Perczel, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2005

Dr. Gyula Kisfaludy, department head – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Attila Vértes, research professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

Pro Universitate Memorial Medal - silver grade

The "Pro Universitate Memorial Medal" silver grade can be awarded to the University's teachers, researchers, and other public employees for at least twenty years of outstanding activities.

In the Year 2023

Dr. Sándor Józsa, university adjunct – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2022

Dr.Dénes Szabó, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2021

Dr. László Tamás, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2020

Endre Daróczy-Kiss, department engineer – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dr. Gábor Csüllög, adjunct – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dr. Ildikó Világi, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2019

Dr. István Ágoston, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dr. András Róka, college associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dr. György Szakmány, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2018

Dr. István Venekei, habilitated associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2017

Dr. Anikó Vasanits Zsigrainé, adjunct – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2016

Dr. Gábor Dibó, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2014

Dr. Zsuzsanna Nagy Ungvárainé, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2013

Dr. Miklósné Monostori, administrative employee – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Ágota Örsi, academic officer – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2012

Dr. Zoltán Homonnay, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dr. András Nagymarosy, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dr. Gabriella Sármay, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2011

Margit Molnár, financial administrator – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2010

Dr. Mária Horváth, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dr. Judit Mádlné Szőnyi, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dr. Sándor Papp, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2009

Dr. Ágnes Böddiné Schróth, senior teacher, deputy head – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Tiborné Gottfried, financial administrator – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Katalin Kurucz Váradi, technical officer – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Károlyné Válóczi, laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2008

Dr. József Cserti, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dr. Zsuzsanna Deckerné Majer, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2007

Mária Magdolna Benke, chief advisor – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Lászlóné Ujvári, financial referent – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2006

Dr. Edit Cseh, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2005

Dr. Béláné Nagy, technical teacher – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dr. Józsefné Pálfalvi, department head, college associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences


Pro Universitate Memorial Medal - bronze grade

The "Pro Universitate Memorial Medal" bronze grade can be awarded to the University's teachers, researchers, and other public employees for at least ten years of outstanding activities.

In the Year 2022

Klaudia Szalay, administrative expert – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2021

Dr. Krisztina Dénesné Rácz, master teacher – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Luca Szalay, adjunct – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2020

Dr. Norbert Szoboszlai, adjunct – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2019

Dr. Emma Láng, master teacher – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2018

Dr. Katalin Zihné Perényi, adjunct – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2017

Zsófia Szabóné Gáti, technical service provider – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2014

Dr. Dénes Szabó, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2013

Dr. Viktorné Scharnitzky, library staff – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2012

Lajosné Balogh, laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2010

Zsuzsanna Gaga, administrative employee – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2009

Zsoltné Pálfia, laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2008

Dr. Gergely Tóth, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2007

Dr. Károly Süvegh, associate professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2005

Andrea Farkasné Borbély, administrative officer – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Kamilla Gálné Sólymos, senior research associate – Faculty of Natural Sciences Hajnalka Harkainé Fekete, administrative officer – Faculty of Natural Sciences Gábor Magyarfalvi, university adjunct – Faculty of Natural Sciences

Ágoston Trefort Commemorative Certificate

The Ágoston Trefort Commemorative Certificate can be awarded to employees who support education and research and have achieved above-average performance for at least ten years during their work or have earned outstanding merits in the year of the award.

In the Year 2022

Krisztina Ildikó Soproni, administrative expert – Faculty of Natural Sciences Zoltán Varga, operations group leader – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2020

Lászlóné Balogh, administrator – Faculty of Natural Sciences Zsoltné Pálfia, technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Erzsébet Rábl, technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Krisztina Réder, librarian – Faculty of Education and Psychology

In the Year 2019

Henrietta Bolváriné Orosz, glass technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Attila Dobó, chemistry technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2018

Ágnes Konrád, laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences László Lénárd, administrative officer – Faculty of Natural Sciences Annamária Nagy, administrative employee – Faculty of Natural Sciences Márta Takaróné Kerkápoly, chemistry technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2017

Gabriella Török, administrative expert/head of office – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2015

Angéla Barossné Szőnyi, chemistry technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Szilvia Bérces, technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Krisztina Sebestény, technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2014

Dóra Havalda, technician laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences Sándorné Pardi, laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2013

László Borbély, master glass technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Mihály Fazekas, mechanical technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Ágnes Miskolcziné Munkácsi, chemistry technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences László Régner, electronic technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2012

Friderika Himics, technician laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences Mária Kriskó, technical administrator – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2011

Márta Kerepesiné Lovász, technician laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences Árpád Mikesy, technical service provider – Faculty of Natural Sciences Edit Zaláné Szabó, administrative employee – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2010

Józsefné Tóthpál, librarian – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2009

Istvánné Hochdorfer, administrator – Faculty of Natural Sciences Henrik János Kulla, administrative officer – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2008

Éva Somogyi, technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Imréné Szűcs, technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2007

Istvánné Bor, technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Helga Szabóné Tunyogi, department technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2006

Klára Felsőeőri Nagyné Gulyás, economic advisor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2005

Sándorné Juhász, department technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Tiborné Körmendi, department head – Faculty of Natural Sciences Miklósné Monostori, lecturer – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. Viktorné Scharnitzky, librarian – Faculty of Natural Sciences Károlyné Tóth, technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2004

Péterné Fábián, technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Istvánné Fekete, technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Zoltánné Tamás, administrative employee – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2003

Irén Bokor, chemistry technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Dr. János Farkas, university adjunct – Faculty of Natural Sciences Zoltánné Hórvölgyi, chemistry technician – Faculty of Natural Sciences Lászlóné Kocsis, head laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2002

Dr. Katalin Barkács, university adjunct – Faculty of Natural Sciences Andrásné Faragó, laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences Józsefné Prímás, laboratory assistant – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2001

Magdolna Bertáné Szepesi, administrative officer – Faculty of Natural Sciences Lajosné Mikó, language teacher – Faculty of Natural Sciences


Rector's Commendation

Based on nominations or at their own discretion, the university rector may award the Rector's Commendation to individuals who have performed their duties undertaken on behalf of the University with outstanding success, thereby contributing to the successful operation of the University through their activities.

In the Year 2022

Andrea Kochis, educational advisor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2021

Noémi Szabó, library director – Faculty of Natural Sciences


Chancellor's Commendation

Based on nominations or at their own discretion, the university chancellor may award the Chancellor's Commendation to individuals who have performed their duties undertaken on behalf of the University with outstanding success, thereby contributing to the successful operation of the University through their activities.

In the Year 2020

Emma Nagypál, academic officer – Faculty of Natural Sciences

In the Year 2017

Melinda Balla, educational advisor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

Maria Theresa Commemorative Medal

At their own discretion, the university rector may award the Maria Theresa Commemorative Medal to individuals who have performed their duties undertaken on behalf of the University with outstanding individual performance and significant contribution to the success.

IN THE YEAR 2022 Maria Theresa Commemorative Medal, Silver Grade

Dr.Géza Zboray, retired director – Faculty of Natural Sciences

IN THE YEAR 2020 Maria Theresa Commemorative Medal, Gold Grade

Dr. György Michaletzky, university professor – Faculty of Natural Sciences

Awards of the National Scientific Student Council


In the Year 2007

  • Gergely Endrődi (TTK)
  • Dr. Balázs Hangya (TTK)
  • Letif Attila Mones (TTK)
  • Györgyi Tuba (TTK)

In the Year 2005

  • Zsolt Erős-Honti (TTK)
  • Zsolt Gengeliczki (TTK)
  • András Juhász (TTK)
  • Lívia Pártay (TTK)
  • Tibor András Rokob (TTK)
  • Vera Vértesi (TTK)


In the Year 2007

  • Dr. György Bárdos, associate professor (TTK)
  • Dr. Béla Iván, university private teacher, scientific department head (TTK)
  • Dr. Judit Mádlné Szőnyi, associate professor (TTK)
  • Dr. Tamás Tél, university professor (TTK)

In the Year 2005

  • Dr. Judit Bartholy, university professor (TTK)
  • Dr. Tibor Csörgő, scientific assistant (TTK)
  • Dr. Péter Surján, university professor (TTK)
  • Dr. Csaba Szabó, associate professor (TTK)