
Do sports at ELTE's Faculty of Science!

Both the leadership and the instructors whole-heatedly support students and employees of ELTE in participating in individual and group sports. They find sports-related initiatives, such as the Sports Day,  of both students and colleagues important.

On the Lágymányosi Campus, due to the closeness of the modern facilities (fields, gyms, pools, etc.) of Budapest University Atheltic Club (BEAC), our students can choose from plenty of options.

We have been organizing the so-called 'Eötvös 5km" running race for 19 years every spring and fall, with more than 1100 participants.

Every February, students and instructors say goodbye to the exam period with the so-called 'Icy Eve'.

We are proud of ELTE's Face of Sports, Csaba Burján, a student of mathematics, who with his team won the short track speed skating race at the Winter Olympics of 2018.

You can find ELTE's Sports Guide here.

Find out more about sports at ELTE.