Teams information

Teams information

To hold a hybrid defense, preliminary permission is needed from Dr. László Túri, Vice Dean for Scientific and International Relations. The recommended online platform for public, online doctoral events is for now only Microsoft Teams. The channel for the events are created by the Teams administrator of the Doctoral School, sending out the details to the Doctoral or Habilitant Candidate, all Committee Members and Supervisor.

To join, you will need a Microsoft account or MS Teams installed (both desktop and mobile applications can be downloaded). TEAMS user guide on the ELTE Directorate of Informatics (IIG) website.

MS Teams admins of the Doctoral Schools

Doctoral School of Biology: Johanna Kovács
Doctoral School of Physics: Enikő Kiss  
Doctoral School of Earth Sciences: Dr. Gábor Timár university professor 
György Hevesy Doctoral School of Chemistry: Réka Sarolt Kochis
Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences: Dr. Tamás Turányi university professor
Doctoral School of Mathematics: Dr. Csaba Király research fellow 

IT support of the Faculty:


Information Technology and Educational Technology Group

If you require technical assistance, you can contact the following colleagues:

Northern Building:
Miklós Tóth
Educational Technician
1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
Phone: 372-2684, 372-2500/6767
Email: oktatastechnika[at]

Southern Building:
Gábor Bakai
Educational Technician
1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
Phone: 372-2500/8749
Email: bakai.gabor[at]

If you use any room and encounter technical equipment in your way, please notify the technician, as damage to these devices could result in significant replacement costs. Thank you for your cooperation!