The Centre of Astrophysics and Space Science

The Centre of Astrophysics and Space Science
From the 1st of June in 2021, the Faculty of Science at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) established the Centre for Astrophysics and Space Science, which aims to coordinate and harmonise astrophysical, astronomical and space science research.

In order to coordinate research in the field of space science and astrophysics, the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of ELTE decided at its meeting in February 2021 to establish the ELTE Centre for Astrophysics and Space Science as an inter-institutional centre, not operating as an independent department. At ELTE, experiments related to astrophysics, astronomy and space research are currently carried out in 3 different institutes: the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences (ELTE Department of Astronomy, ELTE Space Research Group, Department of Geophysics and Space Science), the Institute of Physics (Department of Atomic Physics, Department of Physics of Complex Systems) and the Institute of Chemistry (ELTE Lendület Astrochemistry Research Group).

The idea of creating a Space Centre for education and research was born to coordinate these activities.

Management of the Space Centre

Head of the Space Centre:

Zsolt Frei professor
AddressLágymányos Campus, Northern Building 3.86
Phone: +36-1-372-2767

Members of the Centre Council:

  • Zsolt Frei, head of Department of Atomic Physics
  • Kristof Petrovay, head of Department of Astronomy
  • Janos Lichtenberger, head of Space Research Group
  • Istvan Csabai, professor at Department of Physics of Complex Systems
  • György Tarczay, head of Astrochemistry Research Group