The presentations from the Space Technology Forum held in Lágymányos are now available

The presentations from the Space Technology Forum held in Lágymányos are now available
On March 28th, the Faculty of Science at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) hosted the Space Technology Forum, organized in collaboration with the multinational company Thales Alenia Space (TAS). The event was attended by representatives from seven additional Hungarian universities, the European Space Agency (ESA), the EU, and several domestic space industry companies.

As a flagship of Hungarian space research, ELTE took a significant step forward in developing business opportunities for the Hungarian university sector within the rapidly expanding European space industry. The university reports, available for download below, showcased various developments that have garnered significant international interest and could soon form the basis for collaborations. Additionally, industrial partners presented several collaboration and scholarship opportunities to participants.

The individual presentations are available in PDF format by clicking on the titles:

Dr. Orsolya Ferencz (Ministreial Commissioner for Space Research): Current trends of the Hungraian space activity

Dr. L. Viktor Tóth (Eötvös Loránd University): ELTE and space technology related activities

Prof. Hassan Charaf (Budapest University of Technology and Economics): Presentation of the BME

Dr. László Csernoch (University of Debrecen): UD-SPACE - Space research at the University of Debrecen

Dr. Tibor Hegedűs: Space related activities at the University of Szeged

Dr. Gábor Borbély (University of Győr): Presentation of the University of Győr

Gertrud Tavlik (ESA): Opportunities for Hungarian R&D activities and educational course development via Hungary RPA programme

Leopold Summerer (ESA): ESA's discovery element of the basic activities - opportunities for Hungary via OSIP

Freddy Geyer, Hervé Legay (Thales Alenia Space): How Thales Alenia Space cooperates with Academia

Freddy Geyer, Hervé Legay (Thales Alenia Space): Presenting Thales Alenia Space

Dr. Zsolt Veres, Dr. Norbert Zajzon (University of Miskolc): Past planned future space activities of the University of Miskolc

Dr. Christina Giannopapa (EUSPA): Innovating with EUSPA in EU Space Downstream

Claire Voisine (French Institute in Budapest): Initiatives to support research


The international guests highlighted that the value of Hungarian universities not only lies in their high-quality professional training and nurturing of new talent but also in their potential to become significant business players in the international space industry in the near future.

A previous report about the forum can be accessed here.