The History of the Faculty
History of the Faculty
Eötvös Loránd University is Hungary's oldest university in continuous operation. Founded in 1635 in Nagyszombat, the institution was managed by the Jesuit order until 1777, after which, by the decree of Maria Theresa, it came under the authority of the ruler and moved to Buda, and later relocated its headquarters to Pest. The university has been involved in the natural sciences from the beginning, with education and research in these areas conducted within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Over time, the old departments differentiated and new ones were established, laying a more substantial foundation for today's national education in natural sciences.
In 1868, Minister József Eötvös began establishing a modern center for natural science education in Pest-Buda. The first building, constructed in the area next to the present-day Trefort Garden along what was then becoming the Small Boulevard, was made for the Chemistry Institute of Pesti University. Károly Than also participated in the design, which was based on the best European university chemistry institutes of the time. Since the university did not yet have a separate building for physics education, initially Loránd Eötvös also held his lectures in this building.
The organizational structure of the university remained nearly unchanged for almost 200 years: until 1949, it operated with Faculties of Law and Political Science, Humanities, Theology, and Medicine. To intensify the development of the natural sciences, the independent Faculty of Science was established effective May 16, 1949, from 22 departments and institutes of the Faculty of Humanities, as well as from the Botanical Garden, and the Institutes of Physical Chemistry and Anthropology. In 1953, the Faculty of Science split into the Faculty of Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry and the Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences. The two faculties reunited in 1957. In 2001, the Faculty of Science finally settled in two new buildings in Lágymányos, located between the Petőfi Bridge and the Lágymányosi Bridge on the Danube riverbank.
The Deans of the Faculty
- Dr. Aladár BUZÁGH (1949-1950)
- Dr. György HAJÓS (1950-1951)
- Dr. Tibor ERDEY-GRÚZ (1950-51)
- Dr. Ferenc KÁRTESZI (1951-1954)
- Dr. László FUCHS (1954-1956)
- Dr. Gusztáv MÖDLINGER (1953-1958)
- Dr. Sándor LENGYEL (1958-1961)
- Dr. Károly NAGY (1961-1966)
- Dr. Kálmán SZTRÓKAY (1967-1968)
- Dr. László EGYED (1966-1967, 1968-1970)
- Dr. Imre KÁTAI (1970-1977)
- Dr. Imre KUBOVICS (1977-1983)
- Dr. Kálmán MEDZIHRADSZKY (1983-1989)
- Dr. István KLINGHAMMER (1989-1990)
- Dr. Ádám KISS (1990-1997)
- Dr. András BENCZÚR (1997-2001)
- Dr. Ferenc LÁNG (2001-2005)
- Dr. György MICHALETZKY (2005-2012)
- Dr. Péter SURJÁN (2012-2018)
- Dr. Péter SZIKLAI (2018-2019)
- Dr. Imre KACSKOVICS (2019-)
(Translated by Artificial Intelligence)