Teacher training

The teacher training starts with a 6 semester common training for all three programs. During the third year students have to decide which qualification (elementary school teacher, high school teacher, joint teacher) they wish to obtain. General education teacher training can only be completed with two majors. Students' educational administration -from the registration to the final exam - is conducted on the student's base faculty. The assignment of students based on their base faculty is the following:
The Faculty of Science is the base faculty of students enrolled in the following programs:
two natural sciences programs
one humanities program (except language programs) - one natural sciences program
informatics program - one natural sciences program (except mathematics)
The Faculty of Humanities is the base faculty of students enrolled in the following programs:
two humanities programs
one language program (including Hungarian) - one natural sciences program
The Faculty of Informatics is the base faculty of students enrolled in the following programs:
informatics program - one humanities program
mathematics program - informatics program
The 4+1 training's so-called "curriculum without overlap" has been uploaded to the website of the Office of Educational Affairs. "Curriculum without overlap" means that every course of the curriculum must be completed. This curriculum applies for students enrolled in one natural sciences program and one humanities or language program. It is advised to regulary check the curriculum, as there is still a possibility of minor modifications! With regard to students enrolled in two natural sciences programs in some cases the curriculum of both programs contains a course with the same or similar topic (for example mathematics). Of course in this case the student does not have to complete the course twice (in both programs). The rest of the curriculums are currently being prepared and will soon be uploaded to the website of the Office of Educational Affairs.