Institute directors

Institute Directors

Institute Directors
Our Faculty has five Institutes encompassing seven scientific fields and one educational organization, all under the direct leadership of the Dean.

Institute of Biology

ELTE's Institute of Biology is home to Hungary's most diverse community of biologists. The fact that we are a research university ensures that our graduates are welcomed in numerous fields of medicine, environmental protection, healthcare, and environmental industry both in Hungary and the world. We were the first to compare the brain activity of dogs and humans during emotional reactions. We created new possibilities in heart attack and brain hemorrhage therapy by developing active agents through directed protein evolution.

Institute Director - Professor Dr. Ádám Mikósi

  • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
  • +36-1-381-2177, +36-1-372-2500/8077
  •  +36-1-381-2178, +36-1-372-2500/1705
  • direktor[at]

Deputy Directors

  • Gábor Kovács, Deputy Director for Educational Affairs
    • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
    • gmkovacs[at] 
  • Krisztina Vellainé Takács, Deputy Director for Research and Strategic Affairs
    • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
    • takacsk[at] 

Institute of Physics

The most diverse educational and research activity is conducted in ELTE's Institute of Physics among Hungarian university institutes. Our interests range from astrophysics to biological physics, from complex systems to experimental and theoretical particle physics, material physics, reactor physics, and space theory. We are training excellent researchers for Hungarian and international universities and research institutes, but the training of industrial physicists and teachers is also underlined. We actively participate in large international cooperations, including astrophysics and gravitational waves observation projects, such as LIGO, LSST, Pan-STARRS, or CERN's CMS experiment.

Institute Director - Professor Dr. Sándor Katz

  • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
  • +36-1-372-2775, +36-1-372-2500/6345
  • +36-1-372-2753, +36-1-372-2500/6323
  • katz[at] 

Deputy Directors:

  • Gábor Veres, Deputy Director
    • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
    • vg[at] 
  • Imre Derényi, Deputy Director for Educational Affairs
    • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
    • derenyi[at]

Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences

ELTE's Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences is the largest and most diverse Institute of the Faculty. The focus of research is Earth, humanity's home, and its broader and narrower cosmic environment. During its 130 years history, the Institute's predecessors have always been decisive actors of the country's geographer and geography teacher training. Our actors have active connections with domestic and international research institutes, market actors, governmental and municipal decision-makers. The Institute is divided into two centers: the Center of Geography focuses on our planet's surface, its formation, and the connection between nature and society, while the Center of Earth Sciences focuses on sciences dealing with Earth's structure, its history, its atmosphere and its cosmic environment (geology, paleontology, geophysics, meteorology, and astronomy).

Institute Director - Professor Dr. Szabolcs Harangi

  • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
  • +36-1-381-2191, +36-1-372-2500/1810
  • +36-1-381-2192
  • szabolcs.harangi[at] 

Deputy Directors:

  • Ákos Jakobi, Head of Geography Center
    • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
    • jakobi[at]
  • Gábor Tímár, Head of Earth Sciences Center
    • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
    •  timar[at]

Institute of Chemistry

Individual research plays a significant role in ELTE's Institute of Chemistry; therefore, a substantial number of our students continue their studies in the doctoral school of the Institute after receiving their Master's Degree in Chemistry. Our graduates can find a career in several industrial and academic research development and innovation fields, especially in medicine, food chemistry, environmental protection and environmental evaluation, analytics, the development of alternative energy sources, petrol chemistry, and the plastics industry. The educational and research activity of ELTE's Institute of Chemistry has been internationally recognized for decades. This is demonstrated by the fact that three of our colleagues received the Széchenyi-prize in 2017 for their research in theoretical chemistry.
Our most prominent research fields include protein research, the chemistry of biological systems, food- and environment analytics, synthetic chemistry, electrochemistry, and nanosciences.

Institute Director – Professor Dr. István Szalai

  • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
  • +36-1-372-2500/1902
  • +36-1-209-0602
  • szalai.istvan[at]

Deputy Directors:

  • Zoltán Novák, Deputy Director for Science
    • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
    • novakz[at] 
  • Imre Varga, Deputy Director for Education
    • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
    • imo[at]

Institute of Mathematics

The lecturers of ELTE's Institute of Mathematics have been honored with several international (Wolf, Kyoto, and Ostrowsky Prize) and domestic (Széchenyi Grand Prize and Széchenyi Prize) awards. Among others, a "Lendület" research group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the PIT Bioinformatics Research Group is operating in our Institute. The latter is a pioneer in describing the human brain's graph and connections and the biological and chemical application of mathematics. The United States-based CareerCast annually rates the best professions around the world. Of the top 10 professions of 2017, the following are being taught in ELTE's Institute of Mathematics: 1. statistician; 3. operations research analyst; 4. information security analyst; 5. data scientist; 6. university professor; 7. mathematician; 8. software engineer. So ELTE's Mathematics program prepares you for seven of the ten professions considered the best in the United States today!

Institute Director - Professor Dr. Péter Simon

  • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
  •  +36-1-372-2500/8417
  • simonp[at]

Deputy Directors:

  • Emil Kiss, Acting Deputy Director for Education
    • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
    • ewkiss[at] 
  • Balázs Csikós, Deputy Director for Organization
    • 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
    • csikos[at]