The Hungarian Startup University Program is running with fresh, innovative ideas

The Hungarian Startup University Program is running with fresh, innovative ideas
Nearly 130 ELTE Students Complete the First Semester of the Innovation Program – 13 ELTE Innovators and Their Teams to Further Develop Their Startup Ideas in the Spring Semester

The Hungarian Startup University Program (HSUP) is a comprehensive educational initiative aimed at introducing Hungarian university students to the world of innovation, modern entrepreneurial skills, and, in particular, the operation of startups.

In the first semester of the e-learning course, nearly 130 ELTE students successfully completed their studies. The curriculum, divided into seven modules (idea generation, market research and product development, marketing, sales strategy, business models, financial planning, legal and HR basics, and an introduction to the startup world), focused on fostering innovative thinking and providing insights into the startup ecosystem. According to the evaluators of the National Innovation Agency, ELTE students performed exceptionally well, achieving an average score of 4.48.

From Concept to Development – The Selection Process

At the end of the Hungarian Startup University Program's first semester, in addition to taking an exam, students submitted one-pagers summarizing their business ideas to compete for support. These one-pagers were evaluated within ELTE by faculty experts (Zoltán Kaloján Büdy, GTK; Zsolt Horváth, BTK; Judit Kacskovics-Bucsi, TTK; László Kovács, TáTK Savaria University Center; Zoltán Nádasdy, PPK; Bernadett Svraka, TÓK; Ádám Tarcsi, IK), in collaboration with the University Strategy Office and the Innovation Center.

Currently, students are enrolling for the second semester, where thirteen ELTE innovators will form teams and develop their ideas with scholarship support.

Winning Innovators of 2024

  • Balogh Petra Vivien (BTK, Ancient Languages and Cultures, BA): Gusto
  • Egri Dóra (PPK, Psychology, BA): Előpont/Prehabilitation
  • Daróczi Dániel János (TTK, Physics, BA): AnchorDynamics
  • Imolai Dávid (IK, Software Engineering, BA): Hacksynth
  • Istvánfi Bíborka (PPK, Psychology, BA): Schoolpooling
  • Leszkó Lóránt László (GTK, Commerce and Marketing, BA): Adaptation of Chinese Beyond Banking Systems in Hungary
  • Mészáros Bence Balázs (TTK, Chemical Sciences, PhD): Quantumshell
  • Monostori Réka (TáTK, Survey Statistics and Analytics, MA): Wanderlore
  • Ócsai Richárd (GTK, Finance, MA): CargoConnect
  • Radinszky Zsófia (GTK, Commerce and Marketing, BA): Shelf
  • Szentesi Botond (IK, Software Engineering, BA): Makeit!
  • Tóth Kinga (TTK, Biological Sciences, PhD): Hoopie-Talkie
  • Tullner Péter László (GTK, Finance, MA): Talent Target

Next Steps – Further Development and Team Formation

In the upcoming HSUP semester, the students will focus on further developing these thirteen ELTE startup projects in teams. Each team will consist of 2–3 students, all of whom will receive a scholarship (HUF 50,000 per month per person for 4 months). Students who were not selected as innovators can still join the program by becoming part of one of the winning teams, also receiving scholarship support.

To assist in team formation, matchmaking events will be organized, and throughout the semester, expert mentors will guide the students. The ELTE support team (University Strategy Office, Innovation Center, faculty and external experts) will offer workshops, training sessions, and assistance in finding corporate partners and addressing intellectual property concerns.

At the end of the semester, the best-performing teams will have the opportunity to present their projects to incubators and investors, potentially securing additional funding for their startups. During the 2024 Demo Day, seven ELTE students received a HUF 1 million scholarship to further develop their projects.

