Online enrollment

Online library registration

Online library registration
From now on, students of the Faculty of Science can register to the Faculty Library and renew their membership. With the new web application, you can register with just a few clicks. Moreover, you can renew your loans online as well. Thus, students of the Faculty can use the Library’s services without personal contact.

One year ago, we published our smartphone WebApp, which was recently updated with some new functions. The most important of these is

that from now on, you can register contactless online to the Faculty Library. 

For personal identification, we use Neptun verification. Currently, this is available in 6 libraries – including the Library of the Faculty of Science – and the number is constantly growing. The up-to-date list of libraries where this form of registration is available can be found in the F.A.Q. of the application.

Online registration

If someone does not have a membership in one of the ELTE libraries – so does not have a library card – they have to register in the web application. After this, they can sign in instantly to find their virtual library card. They can register to a specific library under the “My memberships” menu. Employees of the library will process requests of registration in one workday and notify you of its result.

Renewing membership

If someone has already been a library member, they don’t need to register and can instantly sign into the application. If someone has a live library membership, they can start the renewal process the earliest two weeks before its expiration under the “My memberships” menu.

Another new feature of the application is that instead of the barcode of the library card, from now on, you can also sign in with your Neptun code.

You can find our smartphone WebApp at .

It is primarily optimized for smartphones but can be used on desktops as well.

Online renewal of loans

In the library catalog of ELTE, you can renew your loans on books in the following way:

  1. Open our meg online catalog (OPAC) and click on the Sign In button on the top navigation bar.
  2. Fill the I.D. / Barcode bar with your library card number (e.g., in case of ELTE library cards: 30000000XXXXXX, where the “X”s are the digits of your card) or your student’s card number, and the Password bar with your date of birth in YYYYMMDD format (e.g., 19960123).
    For security reasons, we suggest you change this default password after signing in.
  3. After signing in, you will get to the “My library card”, where you can find your most important data, including your loans. If you click on the number following the loans, you will receive a detailed list of your borrowed books, including their expiration.
  4. Tick the box next to the books you want to renew the loans on and click on the “Renew selected” button on the top navigation bar. If you click on “Renew all”, you will renew all loans. You will not be able to renew a loan if it has been already renewed two times or if they have been reserved.

More about the WebApp

Electronic books

Website of the ELTE TTK Library