Information related to finances: payments, refunds and scholarships

Application fee
1.1. In addition to the tuition fee charged for the participation in a given program, an initial one-off application fee of EUR 160 must be paid by each incoming student applying for any MA or PhD programmes.
1.2. The application fee is non-refundable, and must be transferred to the university's bank account alongside the submission of all application documents.
1.3. The payment of the application fee does not guarantee the applicant's admission to the selected program.
1.4. In case an applicant re-applies for a program, he or she must pay the application fee again. No exception to this rule can be made under any circumstances.
1.5. Applicants are allowed to make the payment of their application fees through an authorized third person (a representative, educational consultant, family member, friend, etc.). In case the authorized third person handles the payment of more than one applicant, he or she must ensure that each application fee is transferred in a separate bank transaction. No group collection order (payment in bulk) is allowed.
1.6. The payment of the application fee must be made in EUR (no other currency is accepted). Bank charges must be covered by the applicant. No cash payments will be accepted under any circumstances.
1.7. The application fee must be paid independently from the tuition fee.
1.8. Transfer order forms ("átutalási megbízás" in Hungarian) must be duly completed by providing the name of the beneficiary in the "narrative" or "message" section of the order.
You are required to transfer 160 EUR application fee (non-refundable) to the following account:
(Please note, that any bank charges have to be paid by the person making the payment.)
Name of Bank: Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury)
Address of Bank: Budapest, Váci út 71, Hungary – 1139
Name of the account holder: Eötvös Loránd University
Address of the account holder: Egyetem tér 1-3,1053 Budapest, Hungary
Account number: 10032000-01426201-00000000
IBAN (International Banking Account Number): HU03 1003 2000 0142 6201 0000 0000
Swift code: HUSTHUHB
Announcement/Name of transfer/Payment reference:
your Name and one of the following number (please choose your programme and indicate the code belongs to that):*
for MSc program – AD9311/95
for PhD program – AD9301/00
Please note, that international transfers can take some time to be processed.
Please note, that nominated Stipendium Hungaricum applicants do not need to pay application fee.
Tuition fee
The tuition fee is paid per semester and the tuition fees listed are meant for one semester. The semester fee has to be paid as a whole.
Tuition fee per semester for EU/EEA students | Tuition fee per semester for non-EU/EEA students | Application fee for EU/EEA students | Application fee for non-EU/EEA students | |
MSc program | 4190 EUR | 4190 EUR | 160 EUR (non-refundable) | 160 EUR (non-refundable) |
Doctoral program | 1,910 EUR | 3,000 - 5.000 EUR (depending on the research topic) | 9000 HUF (non-refundable) | 160 EUR (non-refundable) |
EA and non-EEA students must pay the tuition fees as follow if and when applying directly through the university:
Tuition Fee Payment Deadline
Once you have been accepted into one of its programs, The Faculty of Humanities requires its applicants to settle the payment of the tuition fee for up to one semester in advance.
Newly admitted students must pay the tuition fee 14 calendar days after receiving a Letter of Acceptance. Once the sum of your tuition fee has been credited to the university's bank account, you will receive a confirmation of payment, which might be needed during the process of the visa application. Please note: issuing the confirmation of payment might take 20 working days.
After the first semester, the payment deadlines are as follows in the case of continuing (old) students:
- Fall semester: 15 October
- Spring semester: 15 March
non-EEA nationals
If you require a visa to come to Hungary for the purpose of studies, we strongly recommend you transfer the tuition fee for the first semester to the university's account as soon as possible after getting accepted as the Hungarian embassies require the official confirmation of payment for your visa procedure.
EEA nationals
If you are an European Economic Area (EEA) national, the Faculty requires you to pay for the tuition fee up to one semester in advance. As soon as you transfer the tuition fee, and have met with one of International Student Advisors to set you up, you will be able to register for classes in line with the university's registration schedule.
Important notice: Please only transfer the tuition fee to the university’s account after you have been accepted into one of our programs. You will receive a Notification of Payment, which will provide you with further instructions on the payment procedure. Do not pay until you have been officially accepted into the program.
EUR BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER from a Hungarian bank account: 10032017-01426201-06030012
from a foreign bank account: IBAN: HU68 1003 2017 0142 6201 0603 0012
NAME OF BANK: Hungarian State Treasury
ADDRESS OF BANK: 1139 Budapest, Vaci ut 71
*Your unique ID at our university is a Neptun code, which you will receive with your Notification of Payment document. This must go into the notice section of the transfer in the following format: NK-123ABC. If you forget this message, your money will not find its way into your university account, and we will not be able to issue a confirmation of your tuition fee.
Write your ID in capital letters. Be careful not to mix up the following characters: O-0, I-1, Z-2, U-V, G-6, etc.
The above bank address cannot be visited, but is merely the address of recipient at the time of making the financial transaction. To pay for the tuition fee, please visit your own bank.
Please note: It is the applicant’s responsibility to fill in the message section correctly, otherwise it might take several weeks we can identify your transfer.
Reimbursements (Refunds)
General provisions
Based in the official regulations of Eötvös Loránd University tuition fee of newly admitted students can only be refunded if you apply for a refund in full before the beginning of the registration period of the relevant semester. Your tuition fee will be refunded only if you have been rejected to receive a visa to travel to Hungary or you are denied to extend your residence permit.
Getting a refund after the registration period
Students who are registered and already enrolled to one of our programmes and continuing (old) students are eligible to receive a refund after the beginning of the registration period in accordance with the Academic Regulations for Students of ELTE.
Newly admitted students who are not registered/enroled:
Visa rejection or expulsion (kiutasítás): Tuition fees will only be refunded after the beginning of the registration period if you are able to justifiably prove that your visa application or your request for the extension of the residence permit (in Hungary) has been rejected by the Hungarian authorities.
Students deported (kiutasítás) from Hungary at any time are only eligible to receive a refund if the university has coordinated with the Office of Immigration and Asylum about the legal and financial responsibility of the institution. The costs of the deportation will be deducted from the already paid tuition fee.
Tuition fees are non-transferable and non-deferrable. Application fees are nonrefundable, non-transferable, and non-deferrable. Entrance fees are refundable (only in case the entrance exam did not take place), non-transferable, and non-deferrable.
After sending in your refund request, please allow up to 12 weeks to receive an answer from the committee. Processing your refund might take up to 120 calendar days.
Requesting a refund
Each request for the partial or full refund of the tuition fee must be addressed to the Department of International Affairs in writing by e-mail:
- Refund Data Sheet (Download document). Please note: we do NOT accept hand written Data Sheets only typed one.
- Official request letter (an e-mail is possible): Addressed to the Finance Unit, stating why you would like to request the refund of your tuition fees. Do not forget to write your full name and affix the place and date of its issuance (for example: Algiers, Algeria, 4 August 2014).
- Letter of Acceptance
- Confirmation of Payment: Please attach the proof of payment that you received from the Financial Department, showing that you have paid the tuition fee
- Bank slip certificate of transfering you receive from your bank
- Colored copy of your passport
- Document(s) supporting your case
- Refusal Letter from the Authorities, in case, at first or second instance, your appeal was denied by the Hungarian authorities (“határozat” from the Hungarian Immigration Office, issued in Hungarian language which says your visa application has been refused).
- Approved Withdrawal of Registration or Suspension of Studies (download GA-02 form from here)
- Death certificate (in case of death)
- Letter of Authorization (Download document). Please note: we do NOT accept hand written Data Sheets only typed one.
Give a Letter of Authorization to the person who paid the fees on your behalf, allowing him or her to collect the tuition fee. This letter is also needed if you paid the fee(s) from your own bank account and now you would like to authorize another person to collect it.
The request counts as "submitted" if the applicant has received written confirmation from the Faculty of the receipt of their e-mail or regular mail.
N. B. It is the exclusive duty of the applicant to prove that he or she has paid the tuition fee that he or she wants to be refunded. In case neither the applicant nor the student can find unquestionable evidence of the payment, the university shall not refund the tuition fee. The university will attempt to find the best solution to recover the tuition fee in case it is shown not found.