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MATRIX Annals 2016
21st Century Maritime Silk Road: A Peaceful Way Forward
50 Years with Hardy Spaces :
A Brief Introduction to Berezin–Toeplitz Operators on Compact Kähler Manifolds
A Concise Dictionary of Paleontology
A Concise Introduction to Measure Theory
A Course in BE-algebras
A Course in Calculus and Real Analysis
A Course in Functional Analysis and Measure Theory
A Critical Approach to International Water Management Trends :
A Discrete Hilbert Transform with Circle Packings
A Forward-Backward SDEs approach to pricing in carbon markets
A Geometric Algebra Invitation to Space-Time Physics, Robotics and Molecular Geometry
A History of Abstract Algebra :
A History of Folding in Mathematics :
A journey through discrete mathematics
A Journey Through Representation Theory :
A mathematical approach to protein biophysics
A modern nordic saga
A Multivariate Claim Count Model for Applications in Insurance
A Parametric Approach to Nonparametric Statistics
A Photographic Atlas of Flood Basalt Volcanism
A Play for Oil :
A primer for undergraduate research
A Primer on Hilbert Space Operators
A Pythagorean Introduction to Number Theory :
A quest towards a mathematical theory of living systems
A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics
A Richer Picture of Mathematics :
A Sampling of Remarkable Groups :
A Semidiscrete Version of the Citti-Petitot-Sarti Model as a Plausible Model for Anthropomorphic Ima
A Study on Antimicrobial Effects of Nanosilver for Drinking Water Disinfection
A Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty Reduction
A Technology Portfolio of Nature Based Solutions :
A Treatise of Indian and Tropical Soils
A variational approach to nonsmooth dynamics
A Visual Introduction to Differential Forms and Calculus on Manifolds
Abstract Algebra :
Accounting for Sustainability: Asia Pacific Perspectives
Acid mine drainage in South Africa
Acoustic Investigation of Complex Seabeds
Acoustics of the seabed as a poroelastic medium
Acting (Environmental History in the Making)
Active Particles, Volume 1
Active Tectonics of Kumaun and Garhwal Himalaya
Actuarial sciences and quantitative finance
Adaptation to Coastal Storms in Atlantic Canada
Adapting Cities to Sea Level Rise :
Adapting to climate change
Adaptive Governance of Disaster :
Adaptive soil management : from theory to practices
Admissibility and Hyperbolicity
Adsorption Processes for Water Treatment and Purification
Advanced Biological Processes for Wastewater Treatment :
Advanced Boundary Element Methods :
Advanced Data Analysis in Neuroscience
Advanced Research in Naval Engineering
Advanced Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences :
Advanced Topics in Relation Algebras
Advancement in the Design and Performance of Sustainable Asphalt Pavements :
Advances and Applications in Geospatial Technology and Earth Resources :
Advances in 3D Geoinformation
Advances in Algebra and Analysis :
Advances in Analysis and Design of Deep Foundations :
Advances in Applied Strategic Mine Planning
Advances in cartography and GIScience
Advances in Characterization and Analysis of Expansive Soils and Rocks :
Advances in complex analysis and operator theory
Advances in Computer Algebra :
Advances in difference equations and discrete dynamical systems
Advances in dynamic and mean field games
Advances in energy system optimization
Advances in Environmental Biotechnology
Advances in Geocomputation
Advances in geomorphology and quaternary studies in Argentina
Advances in Growth Curve and Structural Equation Modeling :
Advances in Growth Curve and Structural Equation Modeling :
Advances in Hydroinformatics :
Advances in Indian Earthquake Engineering and Seismology :
Advances in Landslide Science (Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides)
Advances in Marine Vertebrate Research in Latin America :
Advances in mathematical economics
Advances in Mathematical Economics :
Advances in Mathematical Inequalities and Applications
Advances in Mathematics and Applications :
Advances in Monitoring and Modelling Algal Blooms in Freshwater Reservoirs
Advances in nonlinear analysis via the concept of measure of noncompactness
Advances in Nonlinear Geosciences
Advances in Quantum Mechanics
Advances in real and complex analysis with applications
Advances in Reinforced Soil Structures :
Advances in solid and hazardous waste management
Advances in Summability and Approximation Theory
Advances in the Mathematical Sciences :
Advances in time series analysis and forecasting
Advancing culture of living with landslides
Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides
Advancing Health and Wellbeing in the Changing Urban Environment
Adventures in graph theory
Aeolian proceses as Dust Storms in the Deserts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan
Aesthetics of interdisciplinarity: art and mathematics
Agent-Based Models and Complexity Science in the Age of Geospatial Big Data :
Agogic Maps
Agro-environmental sustainability
Agromining: Farming for Metals :
Ahmes’ Legacy :
Aid Effectiveness for Environmental Sustainability
Air Pollution and Control
Air pollution impacts on plants in East Asia
Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXV
Air Quality Integrated Assessment
Algal Biofuels
Algebra :
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Algebra II
Algebra, Complex Analysis, and Pluripotential Theory :
Algebra, geometry, and physics in the 21st century
Algebraic and Analytic Microlocal Analysis :
Algebraic coding theory over finite commutative rings
Algebraic Combinatorics :
Algebraic Curves :
Algebraic geometry and number theory
Algebraic geometry for coding theory and cryptography
Algebraic Inequalities
Algebraic Methods in General Rough Sets
Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications
Algebraic Theory of Locally Nilpotent Derivations
Algebraic Topology :
Algebras and Representation Theory
Algorithmic and geometric topics around free groups and automorphisms
Algorithms and Programs of Dynamic Mixture Estimation
Algorithms for Solving Common Fixed Point Problems
All Sides to an Oval
Almost Global Solutions of Capillary-Gravity Water Waves Equations on the Circle
Ambit Stochastics
An Accelerated Solution Method for Two-Stage Stochastic Models in Disaster Management
An assessment of mine legacies and how to prevent them
An excursion through elementary mathematics, Volume I
An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics, Volume II :
An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics, Volume III :
An Introduction to Finite Tight Frames
An Introduction to Food Grade Nanoemulsions
An Introduction to Hamiltonian Mechanics
An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases
An Introduction to Modeling Neuronal Dynamics
An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis and Fixed Point Theory
An Introduction to Optimal Control of FBSDE with Incomplete Information
An Introduction to Random Currents and Their Applications
An Introduction to Single-User Information Theory
An Introduction to Soil Mechanics
An Introduction to the language of category theory
An Introduction to the Language of Mathematics
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Materials
An Introduction to the Theory of Piezoelectricity
An overview of the SIGMA Research Project
Analyses of turbulence in the neutrally and stably stratified planetary boundary layer
Analysing inequalities in Germany
Analysis in Banach Spaces
Analysis meets geometry
Analysis of Hydrogeochemical Vulnerability
Analysis of repeated measures data
Analysis of Survival Data with Dependent Censoring :
Analytic and algebraic geometry
Analytic Aspects of Convexity
Analytic Inequalities and Their Applications in PDEs
Analytic number theory, modular forms and q-hypergeometric series
Analytic, algebraic and geometric aspects of differential equations
Analytical methods in statistics
Ancient Landscapes of Western North America :
Anthropogenic Soils
Anticoagulant Rodenticides and Wildlife
Application of Geographical Information Systems and Soft Computation Techniques in Water and Water B
Application of Soft Computing and Intelligent Methods in Geophysics
Applications of Computer Algebra
Applications of Nonlinear Analysis
Applications of Paleoenvironmental Techniques in Estuarine Studies
Applied and computational matrix analysis
Applied Compositional Data Analysis :
Applied computer science for GGOS observatories
Applied Fourier Analysis
Applied Linear Algebra
Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis
Applied Multidimensional Scaling and Unfolding
Applied Probability :
Applied simulation and optimization 2
Approximation Theory and Algorithms for Data Analysis
Approximation Theory XV: San Antonio 2016
Approximation with positive linear operators and linear combinations
Aquaculture perspective of multi-use sites in the open ocean
Aquifer Test Solutions
Arbres pour l’Algorithmique
ArcGIS for Environmental and Water Issues
Archean-Mesoproterozoic Crustal Evolution and Crust-Mantle Geodynamics of Western Liaoning-Northeast
Archimedes in the 21st Century
Arctic ice shelves and ice islands
Arctic Marine Resource Governance and Development
Arctic Summer College Yearbook :
Arsenic Contamination in the Environment
Asia-Pacific Security Challenges :
Assessing Global Water Megatrends
Assessing model-based reasoning using evidence-centered design
Assessing Water Rights in China
Assessment of Energy Sources Using GIS
Asteroids Impacts, Crustal Evolution and Related Mineral Systems with Special Reference to Australia
Asymmetric Kernel Smoothing :
Asymptotic Theory of Weakly Dependent Random Processes
Asymptotics of Elliptic and Parabolic PDEs :
Atlas of Bedforms in the Western Mediterranean
Atlas of Crabs of the Persian Gulf
Atlas of Environmental Risks Facing China Under Climate Change
Atlas of trace fossils in well core
Atmospheric and Space Sciences: Ionospheres and Plasma Environments :
Attraction in Numerical Minimization :
Attractors under discretisation
Australian Contributions to Strategic and Military Geography
Australia's Little Space Travellers
Automorphisms of Finite Groups
Avoidable Deaths :
Backward stochastic differential equations
Baltic Crustaceans
Bangladesh I: Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing Countries
Barrier Dynamics and Response to Changing Climate
Basic and Applied Aspects of Biotechnology
Basic elements of computational statistics
Basic Principles of Topography
Bayesian Claims Reserving Methods in Non-life Insurance with Stan :
Bayesian cost-effectiveness analysis with the R package BCEA
Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering :
Bayesian optimization for materials science
Bayesian Statistics in Action
Beach Management Tools - Concepts, Methodologies and Case Studies
Behaviour of Strontium in Plants and the Environment
Bernstein operators and their properties
Best Practices in Physics-based Fault Rupture Models for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Nuclear Instal
Biased Sampling, Over-identified Parameter Problems and Beyond
Big and Complex Data Analysis
Big Data Support of Urban Planning and Management :
Bike Boom
Bilinear Regression Analysis :
Binomial Ideals
Biodegradation and Bioconversion of Hydrocarbons
Biodiversity and Wind Farms in Portugal :
Biodiversity for sustainable development
Biodiversity Offsets :
Biofuels and Sustainability :
Biogeochemical Cycle of Mercury in Reservoir Systems in Wujiang River Basin, Southwest China
Biogeochemical Technologies for Managing Pollution in Polar Ecosystems
Biogeochemical Transformations in the Baltic Sea :
Biogeochemistry of the Atmosphere, Ice and Water of the White Sea :
Biohydrogen production
Biological approaches (Enhancing Cleanup of Environmental Pollutants)
Biological effects by organotins
Biological oceanography of the Baltic Sea
Biopharmaceutical Applied Statistics Symposium :
Biopharmaceutical Applied Statistics Symposium :
Biopharmaceutical Applied Statistics Symposium :
Bioremediation and sustainable technologies for cleaner environment
Bioremediation of salt affected soils
Bioremediation: Applications for Environmental Protection and Management
Blue Carbon :
B-Model Gromov-Witten Theory
Boron Isotopes :
Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods BAIL 2016
Boundary Value Problems with Global Projection Conditions
Bounds and Asymptotics for Orthogonal Polynomials for Varying Weights
Brauer groups and obstruction problems
Building Bridges at the Science-Stakeholder Interface :
Building Bridges Between Algebra and Topology
Building Global Resilience in the Aftermath of Sustainable Development :
Cadastre: Geo-Information Innovations in Land Administration
Calcolo Scientifico
Calculus of Variations
Calculus of Variations :
Canonical duality theory
Car Tourism
Carbon Cycle in the Changing Arid Land of China :
Carbon Dioxide Mineralization and Utilization
Carbon management, technologies, and trends in mediterranean ecosystems
Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Carleman estimates and applications to inverse problems for hyperbolic systems
Caves and Karst of the Greenbrier Valley in West Virginia
Cell Movement :
Cellular automata: analysis and applications
Cellular Automaton Modeling of Biological Pattern Formation
Cenozoic volcanism in the Tyrrhenian Sea region
Challenges for sustainable solid waste management
Chaos in Hydrology
Characterizations of Univariate Continuous Distributions
Characterizing interdependencies of multiple time series
Chemistry of materials
Chicxulub: The Impact and Tsunami
China’s gas development strategies
China-ASEAN Environment Outlook 1 (CAEO-1) :
China's Urban Pattern
Chinese Water Systems :
Choosing a map projection
Circular Economy and Sustainable Development Enterprises
Citizen Empowered Mapping
City networks
Cityscape in the Era of Information and Communication Technologies
Classes of Directed Graphs
Classical Mechanics with Mathematica®
Classical Mirror Symmetry
Classical Summability Theory
Classification, (Big) Data Analysis and Statistical Learning
Clastic Hydrocarbon Reservoir Sedimentology
Clays and Health
Clean and Sustainable Groundwater in India
Clifford Analysis and Related Topics :
Climate change adaptation and forest dependent communities
Climate change adaptation in Africa
Climate Change Adaptation in Latin America :
Climate change adaptation in North America
Climate change adaptation in Pacific Countries
Climate Change and Air Pollution :
Climate change and human responses
Climate Change and Its Impacts :
Climate Change and Rocky Mountain Ecosystems
Climate Change Impacts :
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Coastal Communities
Climate Change in Cities :
Climate Change in the Himalayas
Climate Change Research at Universities
Climate Change, Extreme Events and Disaster Risk Reduction :
Climate change, security risks and conflict reduction in Africa
Climate Finance as an Instrument to Promote the Green Growth in Developing Countries
Climate Gradients and Biodiversity in Mountains of Italy
Climate Modelling :
Climate Variability and Sunspot Activity :
Climate Variability Impacts on Land Use and Livelihoods in Drylands
Coastal Ocean Observing :
Coastal Risk Assessment :
Coastal wetlands
Coastline changes of the Baltic Sea from South to East
Cohesive Subgraph Computation over Large Sparse Graphs :
Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups :
Collecting, Processing and Presenting Geoscientific Information :
Combating desertification and land degradation
Combatting Climate Change in the Pacific :
Combinatorial algebraic geometry
Combinatorial and additive number theory II
Combinatorial Matrix Theory
Combinatorial Optimization :
Combustible solid waste thermochemical conversion
Come On! :
Communicating Climate Change Information for Decision-Making
Community-Based Disaster Risk Management in Azerbaijan
Community-based urban development
Completion, Čech and Local Homology and Cohomology :
Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems :
Complex Analysis with Applications
Complex Analytic Desingularization
Complex and symplectic geometry
Comprehensive Seismic Zonation Schemes for Regions at Different Scales
Compressed sensing and its applications
Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and Control :
Computational Aspects and Applications in Large-Scale Networks :
Computational Diffusion MRI
Computational Diffusion MRI :
Computational mathematics, numerical analysis and applications
Computational signal processing with wavelets
Computerized Adaptive and Multistage Testing with R
Conformal Geometry :
Connected lands
Constraint theory
Constructing Singapore Public Space
Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in Iran :
Contemporary Computational Mathematics - A Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Ian Sloan
Contemporary Issues in Geoenvironmental Engineering :
Contesting Conservation :
Continuous nonlinear optimization for engineering applications in GAMS Technology
Continuous Time Modeling in the Behavioral and Related Sciences
Continuous-Time Asset Pricing Theory :
Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency
Controllability and Stabilization of Parabolic Equations
Controlled Reproduction of Wild Eurasian Perch
Convection in Ferro-Nanofluids: Experiments and Theory :
Convergence and summability of fourier transforms and hardy spaces
Conversations avec Jules Hoüel
Convex analysis and monotone operator theory in Hilbert Spaces
Convex Duality and Financial Mathematics
Convex Functions and Their Applications :
Convexity and Concentration
Coral Reef Studies of Japan
Coral reefs of the Eastern Tropical Pacific
Corpus Linguistics and Statistics with R
Coupled Mathematical Models for Physical and Biological Nanoscale Systems and Their Applications :
Covariance and Gauge Invariance in Continuum Physics :
Creating Low Carbon Cities
Cropping Pattern Modification to Overcome Abiotic Stresses :
Crossed Products of C*-Algebras, Topological Dynamics, and Classification
Crossing Borders :
Crowd Dynamics, Volume 1 :
Crystal growth & design
Cubic Fields with Geometry
Current Research in Nonlinear Analysis :
Cyclodextrin Applications in Medicine, Food, Environment and Liquid Crystals
Cyclodextrin Fundamentals, Reactivity and Analysis
Dams, displacement and development
Dangerous Fishes of the Eastern and Southern Arabian Peninsula
Darwin, Darwinism and Conservation in the Galapagos Islands
Darwinian Evolution of Molecules :
Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications (Vol. III)
Data Science
Data Science for Transport :
Decentralized Water Reclamation Engineering
Decision Support Using Nonparametric Statistics
Décomposition-coordination en optimisation déterministe et stochastique
Deep Time Analysis :
Deep-Sea mining
Deforestation in the Teknaf Peninsula of Bangladesh :
Delivering aid without government
Derivative-free and blackbox optimization
Design and Construction of Phosphorus Removal Structures for Improving Water Quality
Designing Sustainable Technologies, Products and Policies :
Deterministic Global Optimization
Development Management of Transforming Economies
Development of water resources in India
Developments in Earthquake Geotechnics
Developments in functional equations and related topics
Dictionary of mathematical geosciences
Differential and complex geometry
Differential and Difference Equations with Applications :
Differential equations
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems :
Differential Geometry
Digital Humanities and Film Studies :
Digital Signal Processing :
Digital Urban Acupuncture
Dinamikus makromodellek a magyar gazdaságra
Dinosaurs, Birds, and Pterosaurs of Korea :
Dirac Matter
Dirichlet :
Disaster Risk Governance in India and Cross Cutting Issues
Disaster Risk Management in the Republic of Korea
Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia
Discrete Geometry and Symmetry :
Discrete Mechanics, Geometric Integration and Lie–Butcher Series :
Discrete probability models and methods
Discrete Stochastic Processes and Applications
Discrete-time optimal control and games on large intervals
Disease Ecology :
Disjunctive Programming
Dissemination of Cartographic Knowledge :
Distributions in the Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 1 :
Distributions in the Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 3 :
Distributions, Partial Differential Equations, and Harmonic Analysis
Divergence Operator and Related Inequalities
Diversity in Coastal Marine Sciences :
Do Colors Exist? :
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIII
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV
Dynamic data analysis
Dynamic Markov Bridges and Market Microstructure :
Dynamical Aspects of Teichmüller Theory :
Dynamical Systems in Applications :
Dynamical systems in population biology
Dynamical Systems in Theoretical Perspective :
Dynamical systems with applications using mathematica®
Dynamical Systems with Applications using Python
Dynamical Zeta Functions and Dynamical Determinants for Hyperbolic Maps :
Dynamics in GIscience
Dynamics of Disasters :
Dynamics of the Equatorial Ocean
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics in Memory of Ragnar Sigbjörnsson :
Earthquake-Induced Landslides :
Earthquakes and Multi-hazards Around the Pacific Rim, Vol. I
Ecological Informatics :
Ecological Liberation Theology
Ecology of Marine Ports of the Black and Azov Sea Basin
Economic and Environmental Policy Issues in Indian Textile and Apparel Industries
Economic and Financial Modelling with EViews :
Ecosystem Biogeochemistry :
Ecosystem functions and management
Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas :
Ecosystem services of headwater catchments
Ecotechnologies for the Treatment of Variable Stormwater and Wastewater Flows
Efficiency in Sustainable Supply Chain
Eigenvalue problems: algorithms, software and applications in petascale computing
Electro-Fenton Process :
Electromagnetic seabed logging
Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
Elements of Copula Modeling with R
Elements of Hilbert Spaces and Operator Theory
Elements of neurogeometry
Elements of Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Elements of Stochastic Calculus and Analysis
Elliptic differential equations
Elliptic Differential Operators and Spectral Analysis
Elliptic Systems of Phase Transition Type
Emerging Trends of Nanotechnology in Environment and Sustainability :
Emerging Urban Spaces :
Empirical Likelihood and Quantile Methods for Time Series :
Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology
Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology
Encyclopedia of Geochemistry :
Encyclopedic Atlas of Terrestrial Impact Craters
Endangered Forested Wetlands of Sundaland :
Energy & fuels
Energy and Environment :
Energy democracy
Energy Markets and Responsive Grids :
Energy sprawl solutions
Engineering Challenges for Sustainable Underground Use :
Engineering Geology and Geological Engineering for Sustainable Use of the Earth’s Resources, Urban
Enlargement of Filtration with Finance in View
Environment and earth observation
Environmental Change and Human Security in Africa and the Middle East
Environmental Contaminants :
Environmental history in the making
Environmental indicators in metal mining
Environmental management in mega construction projects
Environmental Modeling with Stakeholders
Environmental Nanotechnology :
Environmental Policy and Governance in China
Environmental Pollution :
Environmental Release of and Exposure to Iron Oxide and Silver Nanoparticles
Environmental Risk Analysis for Asian-Oriented, Risk-Based Watershed Management :
Environmental science & technology
Environmental sustainability from the Himalayas to the oceans
Epidemics :
Epistemic Processes :
Equations Involving Malliavin Calculus Operators
Equivalency Methods for Environmental Liability :
Erdélyi–Kober Fractional Calculus :
Ergodic optimization in the expanding sase
Ergodic theory of expanding Thurston Maps
Esercizi scelti di algebra
Esercizi scelti di Algebra :
Essential Methods for Planning Practitioners :
Essential real analysis
Estimation and Control of Dynamical Systems
Ethnic Landscapes of America
Euclidean distance geometry
Euclidean Distance Matrices and Their Applications in Rigidity Theory
EuroKarst 2016, Neuchâtel
European Territorial Cooperation :
Evaluating climate change action for sustainable development
Evaluation of Groundwater Resources on the Coral Islands of Lakshadweep, India
Evolution of Land and Life in Oman: an 800 Million Year Story
Evolution of South American Mammalian Predators During the Cenozoic: Paleobiogeographic and Paleoenv
Evolution, Monitoring and Predicting Models of Rockburst :
Excel 2016 for Social Work Statistics
Excel 2016 in Applied Statistics for High School Students :
Excursions in Harmonic Analysis Volume 5
Experiencing and Protecting Sacred Natural Sites of Sámi and other Indigenous Peoples
Experimental Design :
Exploring classical greek construction problems with interactive geometry software
Exploring Environmental Ethics :
Exploring Mathematics :
Exploring Sustainable Land Use in Monsoon Asia
Exploring the marine ecology from space
Exploring the riemann zeta function
Explosions in Underground Coal Mines :
Extended Abstracts Fall 2015
Extended Abstracts February 2016 :
Extended Abstracts Spring 2016
Extended abstracts summer 2015
Extended Abstracts Summer 2016 :
Eye Tracking and Visualization
Facing the Challenges in Structural Engineering :
Factor X :
Famines During the ‘Little Ice Age' (1300-1800) :
Financial markets theory
Finite Approximations in Discrete-Time Stochastic Control :
Finite Blaschke Products and Their Connections
Finite difference computing with PDEs
Finite Mixture of Skewed Distributions
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII - Hyperbolic, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems
Finite volumes for complex applications VIII - methods and theoretical aspects
Fisheries, Quota Management and Quota Transfer :
Fixed Point Theory in Metric Spaces :
Flag Varieties :
Flood Modeling, Prediction and Mitigation
Flood Monitoring through Remote Sensing
Flood Risk Management Strategies and Governance
Flows of Non-smooth Vector Fields and Degenerate Elliptic Equations
Fluid and Thermodynamics :
Fluid Distribution Along the Nankai-Trough Megathrust Fault off the Kii Peninsula :
Fluid Dynamics for Global Environmental Studies
Fluid flow in the subsurface
Fluid-structure interactions
Food Roofs of Rio de Janeiro
Food Waste at Consumer Level :
Forecast error correction using dynamic data assimilation
Formal and Analytic Solutions of Diff. Equations :
Fossil horses of South America
Fostering Internationalism through Marine Science
Foundations of Biostatistics
Foundations of fluid mechanics with applications
Fourier Analysis of Economic Phenomena
Fourier series, Fourier transform and their applications to mathematical physics
Fourier-Malliavin Volatility Estimation
Fractal Zeta functions and fractal drums
Fractional and multivariable calculus
Fractional Dynamic Calculus and Fractional Dynamic Equations on Time Scales
Fractured Vuggy Carbonate Reservoir Simulation
Framelets and wavelets
Frames and Other Bases in Abstract and Function Spaces
Free Probability and Random Matrices
Free Surface Flows and Transport Processes :
Freshwater challenges of South Africa and its Upper Vaal River
Freshwater governance for the 21st century
Freshwater Microplastics :
From basic survival analytic theory to a non-standard application
From Classical to Modern Analysis
From Groups to Categorial Algebra
From natural numbers to quaternions
From network structure to policy design in water protection
From ordinary to partial differential equations
From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations
From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations :
From Post-Democracy to Neo-Democracy
From statistics to mathematical finance
From the Paris agreement to a low-carbon Bretton Woods
Frontiers in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation :
Frontiers in PDE-Constrained Optimization
Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 12
Frontiers of biostatistical methods and applications in clinical oncology
Frontiers of Dynamic Games :
Function Spaces and Inequalities
Function Spaces with Uniform, Fine and Graph Topologies
Functional Analysis :
Functional Analysis and Applications
Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications
Functional analysis, spectral theory, and applications
Functional statistics and related fields
Fundamentals of Applied Multidimensional Scaling for Educational and Psychological Research
Fundamentals of Boundary-Layer Meteorology
Fundamentals of Invertebrate Palaeontology
Fundamentals of Petrophysics
Fundamentals of Petrophysics
Fundamentals of statistical hydrology
Fundamentals of Tropical Climate Dynamics
Future of CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage Projects :
Fuzzy Lie Algebras
Fuzzy Operator Theory in Mathematical Analysis
Galois Theory Through Exercises
Game Theory for Security and Risk Management :
Game-theoretic learning and distributed optimization in memoryless multi-agent systems
General Systems Theory :
Generalized Functions and Fourier Analysis
Generalized Inverses: Theory and Computations
Generalized Linear Models With Examples in R
Generalized locally toeplitz sequences: theory and applications (Generalized locally toeplitz sequen
Generalized Locally Toeplitz Sequences: Theory and Applications :
Generalized Multiresolution Analyses
Generalized Preinvexity and Second Order Duality in Multiobjective Programming
Generalized Stochastic Processes :
Genesis of Diamonds and Associated Phases
Genesis of Diamonds and Associated Phases
GeoComputational Analysis and Modeling of Regional Systems
Geodetic boundary value problem
Geodynamics of the Latin American Pacific margin
Geoethics In Latin America
Geogames and Geoplay :
Geographical Changes in Vegetation and Plant Functional Types
Geographical Dynamics and Firm Spatial Strategy in China
Geographies of the University
Geography of Small Islands :
Geoinformatics and Atmospheric Science
Geoinformatics in health facility analysis
Geoinformation from the Past :
Geological Line Selection for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Engineering
Geological storage of CO2 in deep saline formations
Geology of Afar (East Africa)
Geology of National Parks of Central/Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania :
Geology of Southwest Gondwana
Geomatic Approaches for Modeling Land Change Scenarios
Geomechanics, Fluid Dynamics and Well Testing, Applied to Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs :
Geometric and harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces and applications
Geometric and Numerical Optimal Control :
Geometric and Topological Aspects of the Representation Theory of Finite Groups :
Geometric Aspects of the Trace Formula
Geometric Complex Analysis :
Geometric Flows and the Geometry of Space-time
Geometric group theory
Geometric Inequalities
Geometric invariant theory
Geometric Methods in Physics XXXV :
Geometrical Theory of Satellite Orbits and Gravity Field
Geometry of Moduli
Geometry over nonclosed fields
Geometry Through History :
Geometry, Algebra, Number Theory, and Their Information Technology Applications :
Geometry, analysis and probability
Geomorphology of lake-catchment Systems
Geophysical Methods for Cultural Heritage Management
Geosciences of Azerbaijan
Geospatial Technologies for All :
Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and Management
Geostatistics Valencia 2016
Getting Acquainted with Homogenization and Multiscale
Ginzburg-Landau Vortices
Giovanni Battista Guccia :
GIS and Environmental Monitoring
GIS Landslide
Glaciers of Georgia
Global changes and natural disaster management: geo-information technologies
Global Chemical Kinetics of Fossil Fuels
Global gravity field modeling from satellite-to-satellite tracking data
Global Soil Security
Global Warming and Human - Nature Dimension in Northern Eurasia
Global Water Security :
GNSS Environmental Sensing :
Goal and scope definition in life cycle assessment
Goldbach’s Problem
Governance of urban wastewater reuse for agriculture
Graceful, harmonious and magic type labelings
Graph theory
Graph Theory :
Gravitational Atlas of Antarctica
Gravity inversion and integration
Great Circle of Mysteries :
Green Adsorbents for Pollutant Removal :
Green Adsorbents for Pollutant Removal :
Green Building Transitions :
Green City Planning and Practices in Asian Cities :
Green defense technology
Green Economy Reader
Greening Cities
Green's functions
Ground Improvement and Earth Structures :
Ground-penetrating Radar and Magnetometry for Buried Landscape Analysis
Groundwater :
Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean Area
Groundwater Engineering
Groundwater Engineering
Groundwater of South Asia
Groundwater Pollution Risk Control from an Industrial Economics Perspective :
Group Theory and Computation
Groups, matrices, and vector spaces
Groups, modules, and model theory - surveys and recent developments
Growth curve models and applications
Guideline for Salinity Assessment, Mitigation and Adaptation Using Nuclear and Related Techniques
Habitats and Biota of the Gulf of Mexico: Before the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Habitats and Biota of the Gulf of Mexico: Before the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Hadamard-Type Fractional Differential Equations, Inclusions and Inequalities
Handbook of Big Data Analytics
Handbook of Climate Change Communication: Vol. 1 :
Handbook of Climate Change Communication: Vol. 2 :
Handbook of Climate Change Communication: Vol. 3 :
Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory
Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic
Handbook of Heuristics
Handbook of Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development
Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy :
Handbook of Mathematical Geosciences :
Handbook of Sustainability and Social Science Research
Handbook of Sustainability Science and Research
Handbook of theory and practice of sustainable development in higher education
Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education
Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education
Handbook of theory and practice of sustainable development in higher education
Handbook of Uncertainty Quantification
Handbook on Marine Environment Protection :
Happy city - How to plan and create the best livable area for the people
Harmonic analysis, partial differential equations and applications
Harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, Banach spaces, and operator theory (volume 2)
Harmonic and complex analysis in several variables
Harmonies of disorder
Harvesting Rainwater from Buildings
Hazard Analysis of Seismic Soil Liquefaction
Healing the Wounds of Gukurahundi in Zimbabwe :
Health care systems engineering
Heart rate variability analysis with the R package RHRV
Heritage and archaeology in the digitalAge
Heritage Stone Conservation in Urban Churchyards :
Hermitian–Grassmannian Submanifolds
Hidden Dynamics :
High mountain conservation in a changing world
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ' 17 :
High Resolution Palaeoclimatic Changes in Selected Sectors of the Indian Himalaya by Using Speleothe
High-Mountain Atmospheric Research :
Hilary Putnam on Logic and Mathematics
Himalayan mobilities
Himalayan Quality of Life
Historical Farmland in China During 1661-1980 :
Histories of Bioinvasions in the Mediterranean
History of the Calcutta School of Physical Sciences
Homological and Combinatorial Methods in Algebra :
Homological and computational methods in commutative algebra
Homological Methods, Representation Theory, and Cluster Algebras
Hospital Wastewaters :
Housing Estates in Europe :
How Water Influences Our Lives
How We Understand Mathematics :
Hp-version discontinuous Galerkin Methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes
Human Health and Physical Activity During Heat Exposure
Human interference on river health
Human paleontology and prehistory
Humanizing mathematics and its philosophy
Hurricane Monitoring With Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
Hurricanes and climate change
Hydrocarbon prospectivity in the eastern coastal swamp depo-belt of the Niger Delta Basin
Hydrogeological Instability in Cohesive Soils :
Hydrogeology of a Large Oil-and-Gas Basin in Central Patagonia
Hydrologic Modeling :
Hyperbolic Cross Approximation
Hyperplane Arrangements
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Nearshore Water Quality
Hypogene karst regions and caves of the world
ICoSI 2014
Identifying Emerging Issues in Disaster Risk Reduction, Migration, Climate Change and Sustainable De
Imagine Math 6 :
Imaging the Rupture Processes of Earthquakes Using the Relative Back-Projection Method :
Imaging, Vision and Learning Based on Optimization and PDEs :
Imagining India in discourse
Imagining Industan
Impact of Cesium on Plants and the Environment
Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources :
Impact of Long-Period Ground Motions on Structural Design: A Case Study for Bucharest, Romania
Impacts of Tannery Operations on Guppy, Poecilia reticulata
Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities :
Indefinite Inner Product Spaces, Schur Analysis, and Differential Equations :
Independent Random Sampling Methods
Indoor Air Pollution
Induction Soundings of the Earth's Mantle
Industrial & engineering chemistry research
Industrial mathematics and complex systems
Inequalities :
Influence of Traffic and Land Use on Urban Stormwater Quality :
Information Fusion and Intelligent Geographic Information Systems (IF&IGIS'17) :
Information geometry
Information Geometry and Its Applications :
Information geometry and population genetics
Innovative Algorithms and Analysis
Innovative Trend Methodologies in Science and Engineering
Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic Constituents in Soil :
InSAR observations of fround deformation
Insecticides-Soil Microbiota Interactions
Intangible Life
Integrability of dynamical systems: algebra and analysis
Integral methods in science and engineering, Volume 1
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, Volume 2
Integrated Reservoir Studies for CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery and Sequestration
Intelligent City Evaluation System
Intercultural Cities :
Interdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Development Goals :
International and Transnational Perspectives on Urban Systems
International migration and crisis
International Symposium on Earth and Environmental Sciences for Future Generations :
International Symposium on Geodesy for Earthquake and Natural Hazards (GENAH)
Interpolation Theory
Introduction to complex theory of differential equations
Introduction to Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake Engineering
Introduction to Geometry and Topology
Introduction to Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems and the N-Body Problem
Introduction to Inverse Problems for Differential Equations
Introduction to Queueing Networks :
Introduction to Riemannian Manifolds
Introduction to Singularities
Introduction to Statistical Methods, Design of Experiments and Statistical Quality Control
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus
Introduction to Stochastic Finance
Introduction to the study of natural history
Introduction to the Theory of Lie Groups
Introduction to the Theory of Schemes
Introductory statistics and random phenomena
Intuitive introductory statistics
Invariant Markov Processes Under Lie Group Actions
Inverse Galois Theory
Inverse problems for partial differential equations
Involvement of Fluids in Earthquake Ruptures :
Irregularities in the Distribution of Prime Numbers :
Irrigated agriculture in Egypt
Islamic geometric patterns
Isotropic and Anisotropic Seismic Tomography Using Active Source and Earthquake Records
Japanese Advance into the Pacific Ocean :
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
Journal of cell science (Journal of cell science)
Journal of chemical and engineering data
Journal of chemical education
Journal of chemical information and modeling
Journal of chemical theory and computation
Journal of leukocyte biology
Journal of medicinal chemistry
Journal of natural products
Journal of organic chemistry
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Journal of physical chemistry. (The journal of physical chemistry C)
Journal of proteome research
Journal of the American chemical society
Kähler Immersions of Kähler Manifolds into Complex Space Forms
Kara?apaddhati of Putumana Somayaji
Karst Groundwater Contamination and Public Health :
KP Solitons and the Grassmannians
Kronecker Modeling and Analysis of Multidimensional Markovian Systems
K-Theory for Group C*-Algebras and Semigroup C*-Algebras
L2 Approaches in Several Complex Variables :
La correspondance de jeunesse d’Henri Poincaré
La Garrotxa volcanic field of Northeast Spain
Labor Forces and Landscape Management
Lagrangian Oceanography
Land Allocation for Biomass Crops :
Land cover change and its eco-environmental responses in Nepal
Land use and climate change interactions in Central Vietnam
Land Use and Spatial Planning :
Land Use Management in Disaster Risk Reduction
Land-Atmospheric Research Applications in South and Southeast Asia
Land-cover and land-use changes in Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991
Landform dynamics and evolution in Romania
Landscape and Quaternary Environmental Change in New Zealand
Landscapes and Landforms of Belgium and Luxembourg
Landscapes and Landforms of Egypt :
Landscapes and Landforms of Italy
Landscapes and landforms of the Lesser Antilles
Landscapes and Landforms of Western Canada
Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tools :
Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tools :
Landslides in sensitive clays
Large Truncated Toeplitz Matrices, Toeplitz Operators, and Related Topics
Laser scanning applications in landslide assessment
Late cenozoic of península Valdés, Patagonia, Argentina
Latin American Heritage :
Lecture Notes in Real Analysis
Lecture Notes on Wavelet Transforms
Lectures on Categorical Data Analysis
Lectures on Convex Optimization
Lectures on Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Let the Evidence Speak :
Lexical Collocation Analysis :
L-Functions and Automorphic Forms
Lie groups, differential equations, and geometry
Lie Groups, Geometry, and Representation Theory :
Lifelong Learning and Education in Healthy and Sustainable Cities
Limits to Climate Change Adaptation
Linear algebra
Linear Algebra
Linear programming using MATLAB®
Linear Regression
Linking Gender to Climate Change Impacts in the Global South
Lithosphere dynamics and sedimentary basins of the arabian plate and surrounding areas
Lithostratigraphy of Sicily
Livelihood Pathways of Indigenous People in Vietnam’s Central Highlands :
Living Under the Threat of Earthquakes :
Local government and urban governance in Europe
Logica :
Longitudinal Data Analysis :
Longwave instabilities and patterns in fluids
Lorentzian geometry and related topics
Louis Boutet de Monvel, Selected Works
Low-Carbon Smart Cities :
Lyapunov Exponents
Machine Scheduling to Minimize Weighted Completion Times :
Machine Translation with Minimal Reliance on Parallel Resources
Macroscopic Limits of Quantum Systems :
Magic Squares in the Tenth Century
Magnetometry in Environmental Sciences :
Mainstreaming Climate Co-Benefits in Indian Cities :
Majorization and the Lorenz Order with Applications in Applied Mathematics and Economics
Making Value and Career Building in the Creative Economy
Mammoth cave
Management of Soil Problems
Managing Flood Risk :
Managing Water, Soil and Waste Resources to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals :
Man-Made Ecology of East Kazakhstan
Mantle plumes and their effects
Map functions
Mapping Across Academia
Mapping the Archaeological Continuum :
Mapping versatile boundaries
Marine Algal Bloom: Characteristics, Causes and Climate Change Impacts
Marine Conservation Paleobiology
Marine ecosystem-based management in practice
Marine fog: challenges and advancements in observations, modeling, and forecasting
Marine Pollution and Microbial Remediation
Marine shells of Goa
Markov Chains
Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure :
Math for Scientists
Math for the digital factory
Math Tools
Mathematical Advances Towards Sustainable Environmental Systems
Mathematical Analysis and Applications—Plenary Lectures :
Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System and Applications
Mathematical and statistical applications in life sciences and engineering
Mathematical and statistical methods for actuarial sciences and finance
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance :
Mathematical aspects of multi–porosity continua
Mathematical bridges
Mathematical Correspondences and Critical Editions
Mathematical Foundations of Computational Electromagnetism
Mathematical gauge theory
Mathematical Geosciences :
Mathematical grammar of biology
Mathematical Image Processing
Mathematical Immunology of Virus Infections
Mathematical Methods for Cancer Evolution
Mathematical modeling
Mathematical Modeling of Mitochondrial Swelling
Mathematical models
Mathematical Physics: Classical Mechanics
Mathematical problems of the dynamics of incompressible fluid on a rotating sphere
Mathematical Programming and Game Theory
Mathematical statistics
Mathematical Structures and Applications :
Mathematical tapas
Mathematical Theory of Evolutionary Fluid-Flow Structure Interactions
Mathematics Across Contemporary Sciences
Mathematics and Computing :
Mathematics as a tool
Mathematics for nonlinear Phenomena — Analysis and Computation
Mathematics for Sustainability
Mathematics of epidemics on networks
Mathematics, Education, and Other Endangered Species :
Maths for Social Sciences
Matrix algebra
Matrix-Exponential Distributions in Applied Probability
Measuring progress towards sustainability
Measuring the Data Universe :
Measuring Uncertainty within the Theory of Evidence
Mediascape and The State
Megacities 2050: Environmental Consequences of Urbanization :
Mercury Pollution in Minamata
Mesh dependence in PDE-constrained optimisation
Meshfree methods for partial differential equations VIII
Metals, energy and sustainability
Methods for Partial Differential Equations :
Methods in Paleoecology :
Methods of Algebraic Geometry in Control Theory: Part I :
Methods of Algebraic Geometry in Control Theory: Part II :
Methods of Solving Number Theory Problems
Metric diffusion along foliations
Metrics, Norms, Inner Products, and Operator Theory
Micro to MACRO Mathematical Modelling in Soil Mechanics
Microbe-induced degradation of pesticides
Microbial Fuel Cell :
Microbiology (Microbiology)
Microphysics of atmospheric phenomena
Migration Imaging of the Transient Electromagnetic Method
Mine Seismology: Seismic Warning Concept :
Mineral Exploration: Practical Application
Mineral Resources :
Minerals and allied natural resources and their sustainable development
Mississippi Delta Restoration :
Mixed-Effects Regression Models in Linguistics
Mixed-method evaluation of watershed management
Mobile Information Systems Leveraging Volunteered Geographic Information for Earth Observation
Mobile point sensors and actuators in the controllability theory of partial differential equations
Mobility patterns and experiences of the middle classes in a globalizing age
Mobius Invariant QK Spaces
Model Averaging
Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems
Modeling and optimization: theory and applications
Modeling and Simulation with Compose and Activate
Modeling in Mathematics
Modeling Life
Modeling Phenomena of Flow and Transport in Porous Media
Modeling with digital ocean and digital coast
Modeling, analysis, and visualization of anisotropy
Modeling, dynamics, optimization and bioeconomics II
Modeling, Dynamics, Optimization and Bioeconomics III :
Modeling, simulation and optimization of complex processes HPSC 2015
Modelling German Covered Bonds
Modelling the Fate of Chemicals in the Environment and the Human Body
Modelling Trends in Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Modelling with the Master Equation
Models, algorithms, and technologies for network analysis
Modern Age Environmental Problems and their Remediation
Modern Discrete Mathematics and Analysis :
Modern Dose-Finding Designs for Cancer Phase I Trials: Drug Combinations and Molecularly Targeted Ag
Modern Problems in Applied Analysis
Modern Problems of Stochastic Analysis and Statistics
Modern Psychometrics with R
Modern Real Analysis
Modern Solvers for Helmholtz Problems
Modernization and Political Actions in the Brazilian Amazon
Modernization and Urban Water Governance :
Moduli of Curves
Molecular pharmaceutics
Moment Tensor Solutions :
Monoidal categories and topological field theory
Monomial Ideals and Their Decompositions
Monotonic, Cyclic and Postcyclic Shear Behavior of Low-plasticity Silt
Mont Terri Rock Laboratory, 20 Years :
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods :
More than Fighting for Peace?
Morphodynamics of Mediterranean mixed sand and gravel coasts
Morphogenesis of Spatial Networks
Morphological Analysis of Cultural DNA
Motivic Integration
Multifunctional land-use systems for managing the nexus of environmental resources
Multifunctional Wetlands :
Multigraded Algebra and Applications :
Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
Multiple Criteria Decision Aid :
Multivariable calculus with applications
Multivariable calculus with MATLAB®
Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data with ade4
Multivariate methods and forecasting with IBM® SPSS® statistics
Multivariate Prediction, de Branges Spaces, and Related Extension and Inverse Problems
Multivariate Time Series Analysis in Climate and Environmental Research
Municipal Incorporation Activity in the United States :
Murray Gell-Mann and the Physics of Quarks
MVT: A Most Valuable Theorem
Nano letters
Nanotechnology, Food Security and Water Treatment
Natural Dam Lake Cuejdel in the Stânişoarei Mountains, Eastern Carpathians :
Natural Disasters and Risk Management in Canada :
Natural Heritage of Japan :
Natural nanogold
Nature, Tourism and Ethnicity as Drivers of (De)Marginalization :
Nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation in urban areas
Neo-liberalism and the Architecture of the Post Professional Era
Network games, control, and optimization
Nevanlinna Theory, Normal Families, and Algebraic Differential Equations
Never Split Tens!
New Advanced GNSS and 3D Spatial Techniques :
New Frontiers of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
New Perspectives on Mineral Nucleation and Growth
New Trends and Advanced Methods in Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences
New Trends and Results in Mathematical Description of Fluid Flows
New trends in analysis and Interdisciplinary Applications
New Trends in Approximation Theory :
New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems :
New Trends in Intuitive Geometry
New Trends in Parameter Identification for Mathematical Models
New Vision 2050 :
New York Neighborhoods - Addressing Sustainable City Principles
Newton’s method: an updated approach of Kantorovich’s Theory
Nicolaus Steno :
Nisyros Volcano :
No one eats alone
Noncausal stochastic calculus
Non-Convex Multi-Objective Optimization
Non-Hydrostatic Free Surface Flows
Non-Instantaneous impulses in differential equations
Nonlinear and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetics :
Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations :
Nonlinear Vibrations and the Wave Equation
Nonlinear Wave Equations
Nonlinearly perturbed Semi-Markov processes
Nonparametric Statistics :
Non-uniform random variate generation
Northern sustainabilities
Novel Methods in Computational Finance
Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies in the USA
Number Fields
Number theory – Diophantine problems, uniform distribution and applications
Numerical Analysis and Optimization :
Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Coupled Problems :
Numerical Ecology with R
Numerical Fourier Analysis
Numerical Linear Algebra :
Numerical linear algebra: Theory and applications
Numerical Methods and Analysis of Multiscale Problems
Numerical methods for Eulerian and Lagrangian conservation laws
Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems
Numerical Methods for PDEs :
Numerical methods for stochastic partial differential equations with white noise
Numerical models for differential problems
Numerical partial differential equations
Numerical Probability :
Oases and Globalization
Observed climate variability and change over the Indian region
Observing the Oceans in Real Time
Observing the Volcano World :
Oceanic Internal Tides: Observations, Analysis and Modeling :
Oceanographic Analysis with R
Offshore Exploration of Oil and Gas in Cuba using Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
Oil and Gas Exploration in Cuba
Oil Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea: Part I :
Oil Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea: Part II :
On characters of finite groups
On Graph Approaches to Contextuality and their Role in Quantum Theory
One Planet Is Enough :
Open Problems in Optimization and Data Analysis
OpenGeoSys Tutorial
OpenGeoSys Tutorial :
Operational Research :
Operations Research and Optimization :
Operations research, engineering, and cyber security
Operator Approximant Problems Arising from Quantum Theory
Operator Relations Characterizing Derivatives
Operator Theory in Different Settings and Related Applications :
Operator Theory, Analysis and the State Space Approach :
Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, and Matrix Theory
Optimal Control of PDEs under Uncertainty :
Optimization and Approximation
Optimization and Decision Science: Methodologies and Applications
Optimization and management in manufacturing engineering
Optimization in Engineering
Optimization methods and applications
Optimization of Behavioral, Biobehavioral, and Biomedical Interventions :
Optimization of Behavioral, Biobehavioral, and Biomedical Interventions :
Optimization Problems in Graph Theory :
Organic letters
Organic Pollutants in the Geosphere
Organic process research & development
Organising Post-Disaster Reconstruction Processes :
Orthogonal Designs
Orthogonal Latin Squares Based on Groups
Ozone hole
Palaios (Palaios)
Paradigms and Theories Influencing Policies in the South African and International Water Sectors
Paradigms in Pollution Prevention
Parameter Estimation in Fractional Diffusion Models
Parametric and Nonparametric Statistics for Sample Surveys and Customer Satisfaction Data
Paris Climate Agreement
Partial least squares path modeling
Partial order concepts in applied sciences
Participatory Mangrove Management in a Changing Climate
Particles in the Air :
Partitions, Hypergeometric Systems, and Dirichlet Processes in Statistics
Path Coupling and Aggregate Path Coupling
Pathways to a Sustainable Economy :
Patterns of dynamics
PDE Models for Multi-Agent Phenomena
Peacebuilding and the rights of indigenous peoples
People, forests and change
Periodic Character and Patterns of Recursive Sequences
Periodic Homogenization of Elliptic Systems
Periods and nori motives
Perspectives in environmental toxicology
Perspectives in lie theory
Perspectives on atmospheric sciences
Perturbed Gradient Flow Trees and A?-algebra Structures in Morse Cohomology
Phase II Clinical Development of New Drugs
Physical and mathematical aspects of symmetries
Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Earth and Environment Processes :
Physical Geology of Shallow Magmatic Systems :
Physical review letters (Physical review letters)
Physics of petroleum reservoirs
Phytoremediation Potential of Bioenergy Plants
Piecewise deterministic rrocesses in biological models
Planktic Foraminifers in the Modern Ocean
Planning support science for smarter urban futures
Plant diversity in the central great caucasus: a quantitative assessment
Plant physiology (Plant physiology)
Plasma Remediation Technology for Environmental Protection
Policies and practices in Italian welfare housing
Political Landscapes of the Late Intermediate Period in the Southern Andes :
Poset Codes: Partial Orders, Metrics and Coding Theory
Positive operator semigroups
Positive Solutions to Indefinite Problems :
Pottery, Livelihoods, and Landscapes
Practical Mathematical Optimization :
Practical Panarchy for Adaptive Water Governance :
Practical Tools for Designing and Weighting Survey Samples
Predictor feedback for delaysSystems: implementations and approximations
Prehistoric River Saraswati, Western India
Prehistoric Warfare and Violence :
Pre-inca and inca pottery
Preparing for Earthquakes: Lessons for India
Preventing Health and Environmental Risks in Latin America
Pricing derivatives under Lévy Models
Principles and applications of environmental biotechnology for a sustainable future
Principles and Applications of Well Logging
Principles and Applications of Well Logging
Principles of Elemental Chemostratigraphy :
Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications I :
Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications II :
Probability Distributions :
Probability for statisticians
Probability with Applications in Engineering, Science, and Technology
Problems, Philosophy and Politics of Climate Science
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Advances in Soil Dynamics and Foundation E
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Fundamentals of Soil Behaviours
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Geoenvironment and Geohazard
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Multi-physics Processes in Soil Mechanics
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Transportation Geotechnics and Pavement En
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Tunnelling and Underground Construction
Proceedings of the International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea
Proceedings of the Pacific Rim Statistical Conference for Production Engineering :
Proceedings of Workshops and Posters at the 13th International Conference on Spatial Information The
Profinite graphs and groups
Progress in approximation theory and applicable complex analysis
Progress in High-Dimensional Percolation and Random Graphs
Progress in Location Based Services 2018
Progress in Location-Based Services 2016
Proofs from THE BOOK
Propagation of multidimensional nonlinear waves and kinematical conservation laws
Properly Colored Connectivity of Graphs
Properties of Closed 3-Braids and Braid Representations of Links
Prospects for alternative energy development in the U.S. West
Pseudocompact Topological Spaces :
Pseudodifferential Methods in Number Theory
Pseudo-Differential operators
Pseudodifferential Operators and Wavelets over Real and p-adic Fields
Pseudo-Regularly Varying Functions and Generalized Renewal Processes
Public Art and Urban Memorials in Berlin
Public Health Risk Assessment for Human Exposure to Chemicals
Putnam and Beyond
Pyomo — Optimization Modeling in Python
Pythonic Geodynamics :
Qanat Knowledge
Qualitative Theory of Volterra Difference Equations
Quality of Life in Urban Landscapes :
Quandles and topological pairs
Quantification of climate variability, adaptation and mitigation for agricultural sustainability
Quantitative decisions in drug development
Quantitative Methods in Environmental and Climate Research
Quantitative Psychology :
Quantum Computation and Logic :
Quantum Foundations, Probability and Information
Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Geometry
Quantum Theory and Symmetries with Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics Volume 1 :
Quantum Theory and Symmetries with Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics Volume 2 :
Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations
Quaternary History of the Coorong Coastal Plain, Southern Australia :
Radiation safety
Rainwater-Smart Agriculture in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas :
Ramanujan's Lost Notebook :
Ramanujan's Theta Functions
Random Measures, Theory and Applications
Random ordinary differential equations and their numerical solution
Random Walks in the Quarter Plane
Rangeland sytems
Rare and Exotic Orchids :
Real Analysis and Applications
Real and Complex Analysis :
Real and Complex Analysis :
Real Spinorial Groups :
Reality and Measurement in Algebraic Quantum Theory :
Reassessing Riemann's Paper :
Recent Advances in Computational Engineering :
Recent Advances in Constructive Approximation Theory
Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering in Europe :
Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions :
Recent Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Methods :
Recent Advances in PDEs: Analysis, Numerics and Control :
Recent applications of harmonic analysis to function spaces, differential equations, and data scienc
Recent Developments in fractals and related fields
Recent Developments in Integrable Systems and Related Topics of Mathematical Physics :
Recent Developments in Railway Track and Transportation Engineering :
Recent Developments in Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations
Recent Progress and modern challenges in applied mathematics, modeling and computational science
Recent Studies on Risk Analysis and Statistical Modeling
Recent trends in operator theory and partial differential equations
Reclamation of Arid Lands
Reconciliation and Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina :
Reconsidering Welfare Policies in Times of Crisis :
Reduced-Order Modeling (ROM) for Simulation and Optimization :
REFAG 2014
Reflection Positivity :
Refugee and Return
Relation algebras (Introduction to relation algebras)
Reliability is a New Science
Religious tourism and heritage in Brazil
Remote Sensing Geology
Remote Sensing of Clouds and Precipitation
Remote Sensing of Hydrological Extremes
Remote sensing of soils
Renewable Energies :
Renewable energy
Renewable Energy: Forecasting and Risk Management :
Representation theory, number theory, and invariant theory
Representations of lie algebras and partial differential equations
Research in Computational Topology
Research in history and philosophy of mathematics
Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics :
Research in Shape Analysis :
Research on Risk Evaluation Methods of Groundwater Bursting from Aquifers Underlying Coal Seams and
Resilience: a new paradigm of nuclear safety
Resilient Asia :
Resilient Cities
Resurgence, physics and numbers
Rethinking Resilience, Adaptation and Transformation in a Time of Change
Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology
Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology volume 240
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 243
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 244
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 245
Revitalizing city districts
Rhodolith/maërl beds
Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis
Rigorous time slicing approach to feynman path integrals
Rings, polynomials, and modules
Risks, Violence, Security and Peace in Latin America :
River System Analysis and Management
Rivers of the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta :
Rock Grouting at Dam Sites
Rural sustainability
Saddlepoint Approximation Methods in Financial Engineering
Saddle-Point Problems and Their Iterative Solution
Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture :
Sanskrit Astronomical Tables
Sao Francisco Craton, Eastern Brazil
Satellite Earth observations and their impact on society and policy
Saved from the Cellar
Science and Geopolitics of The White World :
Scientific Computing :
Scientific computing and algorithms in industrial simulations
Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering :
Sea Ports and Sea Power
Seawater Intrusion in the Coastal Alluvial Aquifers of the Mahanadi Delta
Sedimentary Dynamics of Windfield-Source-Basin System :
Sedimentation in the Rupnarayan River :
Sedimentation in the Rupnarayan River :
Sedimentation Processes in the White Sea :
Seeing Cities Through Big Data
Seeing Our Planet Whole: A Cultural and Ethical View of Earth Observation
Seismic Forward Modeling of Fractures and Fractured Medium Inversion
Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment :
Seismic Hydrocarbon Exploration
Selection of main mechanical Ventilators for Underground Coal Mines
Self-organized criticality and predictability in atmospheric flows
Semigroups in Complete Lattices :
Semi-infinite fractional programming
Semilinear Evolution Equations and Their Applications
Semiparametric Regression with R
Sensing the past
Separating Information Maximum Likelihood Method for High-Frequency Financial Data
Sequences, Groups, and Number Theory
Sequential Experiments with Primes
Sets, Models and Proofs
Shale Gas: Ecology, Politics, Economy
Shape Optimization, Homogenization and Optimal Control :
Shapes and dynamics of granular minor planets
Shifting Nicaraguan Mediascapes :
Shocks, Singularities and Oscillations in Nonlinear Optics and Fluid Mechanics
Shrinkage Estimation
Signals and Systems
Silica stories
Simple Relation Algebras
Simplicity: ideals of practice in mathematics and the arts
Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Processes with YUIMA :
Single-Valued Neutrosophic Graphs
Singular Algebraic Curves :
Singular Limits in Thermodynamics of Viscous Fluids
Singular Perturbations and Boundary Layers
Singular Spectrum Analysis with R
Singularities and computer algebra
Singularities and Foliations. Geometry, Topology and Applications :
Singularities in geometry, topology, foliations and dynamics
Singularities, Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Related Topics :
Small Bioreactors for Management of Biodegradable Waste
Small Flying Drones :
Small Mammal Fossils of Yushe Basin (Late Cenozoic Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, China: Geology and
Small Town Tourism in South Africa
Smart city networks
Smart Economy in Smart Cities
Smart markets for water resources
Smart Sustainable Cities of the Future :
Social and ecological system dynamics
Social and Environmental Dimensions of Organizations and Supply Chains :
Social Wellbeing and the Values of Small-scale Fisheries
Societal Geo-innovation
Soil Components and Human Health
Soil Dynamics and Soil-Structure Interaction for Resilient Infrastructure :
Soil enzymes
Soil pollution
Soil science working for a living
Soil Testing, Soil Stability and Ground Improvement :
Soils, ecosystem processes, and agricultural development
Sound Analysis and Synthesis with R
Source Separation and Recycling :
South Asian Rivers :
Sparse Grids and Applications - Miami 2016
Spatial Analysis and Location Modeling in Urban and Regional Systems
Spatial data handling in big data era
Spatial interaction models
Spatial Modeling and Assessment of Urban Form
Spatial Techniques for Soil Erosion Estimation :
Spatiotemporal Processes of Plant Phenology
Special metrics and group actions in geometry
Spectral analysis of growing graphs
Spectral and high order methods for partial differential equations ICOSAHOM 2016
Spectral theory and quantum mechanics
Spectral Theory on the S-Spectrum for Quaternionic Operators
Spherical Sampling
Sports Mega-Events and Urban Legacies
Springer handbook of global navigation satellite systems
Springer Series in Light Scattering :
Springer Series in Light Scattering :
Square Matrices of Order 2
Stable and Efficient Cubature-based Filtering in dynamical systems
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Stable non-Gaussian self-similar processes with stationary increments
Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data with R
Statistical analysis of proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics data using mass spectrometry
Statistical Analysis with Measurement Error or Misclassification
Statistical applications for chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) in the pharmaceutical indus
Statistical Data Analysis Using SAS :
Statistical disclosure control for microdata
Statistical Distributions
Statistical Estimation for Truncated Exponential Families
Statistical Methods in Medical Research
Statistical Methods in Social Science Research
Statistical modeling for Degradation Data
Statistical Modelling of Survival Data with Random Effects
Statistics and its Applications :
Statistics and Simulation :
Stochastic analysis and Related Topics
Stochastic calculus
Stochastic differential equations
Stochastic Evolution Systems :
Stochastic geometric mechanics
Stochastic Modeling
Stochastic Models for Time Series
Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimension
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Related Fields :
Stochastic processes
Stochastic Processes and Applications :
Stochastic processes, multiscale modeling, and numerical methods for computational cellular biology
Strategic Research on Construction and Promotion of China's Intelligent Cities :
Strategies for Building Resilience against Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa
Structurally Unstable Quadratic Vector Fields of Codimension One
Studies in Neural Data Science :
Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics :
Submarine Geomorphology
Suburban Remix :
Summability Calculus :
Superschool on Derived Categories and D-branes :
Surface-Knots in 4-Space
Survey Methodology and Missing Data :
Surveys in Differential-Algebraic Equations (Surveys in Differential-Algebraic Equations)
Surviving the 21st Century
Sustainability and Resilience Planning for Local Governments :
Sustainability Conflicts in Coastal India :
Sustainability in Remanufacturing Operations
Sustainability Through Innovation in Product Life Cycle Design
Sustainable Aquaculture
Sustainable building and built environments to mitigate climate change in the tropics
Sustainable city management
Sustainable development and renovation in architecture, urbanism and engineering
Sustainable Development of Rice and Water Resources in Mainland Southeast Asia and Mekong River Basi
Sustainable Development Research and Practice in Mexico and Selected Latin American Countries
Sustainable development research at universities in the United Kingdom
Sustainable Development Research in the Asia-Pacific Region :
Sustainable economic development
Sustainable Energy Mix in Fragile Environments :
Sustainable Future for Human Security :
Sustainable Future for Human Security :
Sustainable heavy metal remediation
Sustainable Heavy Metal Remediation
Sustainable Houses and Living in the Hot-Humid Climates of Asia
Sustainable Landscape Construction :
Sustainable landscape planning in selected urban regions
Sustainable logistics and transportation
Sustainable Luxury, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation
Sustainable Management of Luxury
Sustainable Risk Management
Sustainable smart cities in India
Sustainable Technologies for the Management of Agricultural Wastes
Sustainable Urban Development and Globalization :
Sustainable water resources planning and management Under Climate Change
Sustained simulation performance 2017
Sustaining River Ecosystems and Water Resources
Symmetries, Differential Equations and Applications :
Symmetrization and Stabilization of Solutions of Nonlinear Elliptic Equations
System reduction for nanoscale IC design
Systems Thinking for Sustainable Development :
Taming the Corpus :
Target Scattering Mechanism in Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar :
Targeted Learning in Data Science :
Teaching Urban Morphology
Techniques for evaluating the differences in multiregional input-output databases
Technologies for Development :
Technology and Application of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
Technology, society and sustainability
Temporal Climatology and Anomalous Weather Analysis
Temporal network epidemiology
Tensor Eigenvalues and Their Applications
Terrestrial and Inland Water Environment of the Kaliningrad Region :
Thabit ibn Qurra’s Restoration of Euclid’s Data :
The 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Reconstruction and Restoration :
The 2016 Mw 7.1 Kumamoto Earthquake :
The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov Volume IV :
The Alnö Carbonatite Complex, Central Sweden
The Argentina Continental Margin
The Astronomical journal
The basic approach to age-structured population dynamics
The basics of item response theory using R
The Biosphere and Civilization: In the Throes of a Global Crisis
The Black Sea :
The Boka Kotorska Bay Environment
The Boundary Element Method in Geophysical Survey
The Chile-2015 (Illapel) Earthquake and Tsunami
The Colorado Mathematical Olympiad: The Third Decade and Further Explorations
The community resilience reader
The control theory and application for well pattern optimization of heterogeneous sandstone reservoi
The Dawn Angiosperms :
The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments
The Diversity and Beauty of Applied Operator Theory
The Diversity of Russian Estuaries and Lagoons Exposed to Human Influence
The Double Constraint Inversion Methodology :
The earth's lower mantle
The Ecological Scarcity Method for the European Union :
The Emergence of the Acheulean in East Africa and Beyond :
The EPICA-DML Deep Ice Core :
The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes
The Geographical Sciences During 1986—2015
The geography of tourism of central and Eastern European countries
The Geography, Nature and History of the Tropical Pacific and its Islands
The geometric hopf invariant and surgery theory
The Geometry of Spherically Symmetric Finsler Manifolds
The geometry of urban layouts
The Ghost Cities of Australia :
The Glaciation of High Asia :
The Glaciers of Iceland
The GLOBAL Optimization Algorithm :
The Glorious Geology of Iceland's Golden Circle
The Gradient Discretisation Method
The Grand Ethiopian renaissance dam, its impact on Egyptian agriculture and the potential for allevi
The Great Lakes Water Wars
The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
The Gröbner Cover
The H Boson
The History of the Priority Di?pute between Newton and Leibniz :
The human face of water security
The Hunt for Earth Gravity :
The Hydraulic Transport and Storage of Extractive Waste :
The Hyperuniverse Project and Maximality
The Impact of Climate Change on Our Life :
The Indian Mesozoic Chronicle
The Indian Paleogene
The Indian Rivers :
The Information Theory of Comparisons :
The Interconnected Arctic — UArctic Congress 2016
The Italian Water Industry :
The Journal of chemical physics
The journal of physical chemistry. (The journal of physical chemistry A)
The Kurzweil-Henstock Integral for Undergraduates :
The Language of Self-Avoiding Walks :
The Laplace Equation :
The Late Triassic World :
The Lattice of Subquasivarieties of a Locally Finite Quasivariety
The leading edge (The leading edge)
The life and works of John Napier
The Life of José María Sobral :
The Litani River, Lebanon: An Assessment and Current Challenges
The Lower Algebraic K-Theory of Virtually Cyclic Subgroups of the Braid Groups of the Sphere and of
The Luxembourg Gutland Landscape
The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present
The Many Faces of Elastica
The Mathematics and mechanics of biological growth
The Mathematics of India :
The Mathematics of the Modernist Villa :
The Measurement of Association :
The Middle Paleolithic Site of Pech de l'Azé IV
The moment problem
The Nile Delta
The Nile River
The Ocean in Motion :
The Ocean of Tomorrow
The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability :
The Periodic Unfolding Method :
The Philippine archipelago
The Philosophy of Geo-Ontologies
The Physical Geography of Hungary
The plant cell (The plant cell)
The Plutocene: Blueprints for a Post-Anthropocene Greenhouse Earth
The Power of q
The relationship between language and spatial ability
The Restricted Three-Body Problem and Holomorphic Curves
The rise of big spatial data
The Risk Management of Contingent Convertible (CoCo) Bonds
The Rivers of Greece :
The role of corporate sustainability in asian development
The Role of Halogens in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Geochemical Processes :
The science and art of simulation
The Scientific Correspondence of H.A. Lorentz :
The sea flloor
The Securitization of Climate Change
The Skadar/Shkodra Lake Environment
The social footprints of global trade
The Soils of Ecuador
The Soils of Greece
The Soils of Iran
The Soils of Ireland
The soils of Serbia
The Soils of Slovenia
The soils of the USA
The Soils of Turkey
The Soils of Wisconsin
The Souss-Massa River Basin, Morocco
The square of opposition: a cornerstone of thought
The Stair-Step Approach in Mathematics
The Story of Algebraic Numbers in the First Half of the 20th Century :
The Suquía River Basin (Córdoba, Argentina) :
The Theoretical Individual :
The theory of Nilpotent Groups
The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the South Iberian Palaeomargin
The Tower of Hanoi – Myths and Maths
The Uncertainty Analysis of Model Results :
The Urban Garden City :
The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies
The water, energy, and food security nexus in the Arab Region
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus :
The western arctic Seas encyclopedia
The Will to Drill - Mining in Arctic Communites
Theory and Application of Uniform Experimental Designs
Theory and Applications of Abstract Semilinear Cauchy Problems
Theory and Practice of Climate Adaptation
Theory and Practice of Hydrocarbon Generation within Space-Limited Source Rocks
Theory of Besov Spaces
Theory of Nonparametric Tests
Theory of semigroups and applications
Theory, Numerics and Applications of Hyperbolic Problems I :
Theory, Numerics and Applications of Hyperbolic Problems II :
Thermal Springs and Geothermal Energy in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the Surroundings
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking :
Threats to Mangrove Forests :
Three Gorges Dam :
Tidal Sedimentation of the Sunderban's Thakuran Basin
Time in physics
Time Optimal Control of Evolution Equations
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting :
Time Series Analysis and Its Applications
Toeplitz Operators on Kähler Manifolds :
Tokyo as a Global City :
Tools for computational finance
Topics in mathematical biology
Topics in modern differential geometry
Topics in the Mathematical Modelling of Composite Materials
Topics on Continua
Topological Data Analysis for Scientific Visualization
Topological methods in Data analysis and visualization IV
Topological structure of the solution set for evolution inclusions
Topological vector spaces and their applications
Topology and Condensed Matter Physics
Topology, calculus and approximation
Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy: Principles, Challenges and Perspectives
Towards Green Campus Operations :
Towards Green Cities :
Towards robust algebraic multigrid methods for nonsymmetric problems
Towards Sustainable Cities in Asia and the Middle East :
Towards the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda :
Towards the Monitoring of Dumped Munitions Threat (MODUM) :
Towards Tradable Water Rights :
Trace Metals in a Tropical Mangrove Wetland :
Tracing the Life Cycle of Ideas in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Transcriptome Analysis :
Transdisciplinary Urbanism and Culture :
Transionospheric synthetic aperture imaging
Transport processes at fluidic interfaces
Trauma-sensitivity and Peacebuilding :
Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference :
Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics
Trends in Asian water environmental science and technology
Trends in Biomathematics: Modeling, Optimization and Computational Problems :
Trends in Spatial Analysis and Modelling :
Tropical cyclone activity over the North Indian Ocean
Tropospheric Ozone and its Impacts on Crop Plants :
Tsunami and Fukushima disaster
Tsunami Propagation in Tidal Rivers
Turbulence and dispersion in the planetary boundary layer
Twenty Years of Research and Development on Soil Pollution and Remediation in China
Twenty-One lectures on complex analysis
Uncertainty in Complex Networked Systems :
Uncertainty quantification
Under the sea
Undergraduate mathematics competitions (1995–2016)
Understanding and analysis
Understanding Invasive Species in the Galapagos Islands :
Understanding Markov Chains :
Universal Coding and Order Identification by Model Selection Methods
University campus solid waste management
Unpublished Manuscripts :
Urban centres in Asia and Latin America
Urban Culture in Tehran :
Urban Design and Representation
Urban Development in Asia and Africa
Urban Development in Asia: Pathways, Opportunities and Challenges
Urban Disaster Resilience and Security :
Urban dynamics and simulation models
Urban Ecology, Water Quality and Climate Change
Urban Environmental Governance in India :
Urban Heritage Management :
Urban Morphology and Housing Market
Urban Planning and the Housing Market
Urban Planning Education :
Urban Planning for Healthy European Cities
Urban Public Spaces :
Urban Renewal, Community and Participation :
Urban street stormwater guide
Urban Sustainability through Smart Growth
Urban Sustainability Transitions :
Urban transformations in Rio de Janeiro
Urban Visions :
Using R for digital soil mapping
Using Risk Analysis for Flood Protection Assessment
U-Statistics, Mm-Estimators and Resampling
Utilization and Management of Bioresources :
Valuing Chaparral :
Variational Analysis and Applications
Variational Analysis of Regular Mappings
Variational Formulation of Fluid and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics :
Variational Source Conditions, Quadratic Inverse Problems, Sparsity Promoting Regularization :
Vegetation History and Cultural Landscapes :
Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa
Volcanic Landscapes and Associated Wetlands of Lowland Patagonia
Volcanoes of the Azores :
Volume Conjecture for Knots
Wagner’s Theory of Generalised Heaps
Walkable City Rules :
Waste Bioremediation
Waste to Wealth
Wastewater Management Through Aquaculture
Water and Land Security in Drylands
Water and scriptures
Water Management and the Environment: Case Studies
Water Management in New Zealand's Canterbury Region :
Water policy and governance in Canada
Water Policy in Chile
Water Policy in the Philippines :
Water Quality Management :
Water Remediation
Water Resources in Arid Areas: The Way Forward
Water Resources in Central Asia: International Context
Water Resources Management :
Water Resources of Jordan :
Water Security Across the Gender Divide
Water, Energy & Food Sustainability in the Middle East
Water-Conservation Traits to Increase Crop Yields in Water-deficit Environments
Waters of Brazil
Wavelet Packets and Their Statistical Applications
Wavelets in functional data analysis
Wavelets Theory and Its Applications :
Waves in continuous media
Wildlife Tourism, Environmental Learning and Ethical Encounters
Will Miami Survive? :
Wilson and Walker's principles and techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology
Wind Energy and Wildlife Interactions
Within Walking Distance
Women in mathematical biology
Women in Numbers Europe II :
Women in Peacemaking and Peacebuilding in Northern Uganda
XII Symposium of Probability and Stochastic Processes :
YOUMARES 8 – Oceans Across Boundaries: Learning from each other :
Zooarchaeology in the Neotropics

A lista folyamatosan bővül az új könyvek feldolgozásával.

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Szerző Cím Méret Intézet
Nyitray László, Pál Gábor A biokémia és molekuláris biológia alapjai 15.12 MB Biológiai Intézet
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Bratek Zoltán, et al. A növényi anyagcsere élettana 49.4 MB Biológiai Intézet
Bodzsár Éva, Zsákai Annamária Antropológiai/humánbiológiai gyakorlatok 22.95 MB Biológiai Intézet
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Hegyi György Bevezetés a biokémiába gyakorlati jegyzet 23.13 MB Biológiai Intézet
Török Júlia Katalin Bevezetés a protisztológiába 40.39 MB Biológiai Intézet
Molnár Kinga Bevezetés az állattanba 67.73 MB Biológiai Intézet
Borsodi Andrea, et al. Bevezetés a prokarióták világába 37.22 MB Biológiai Intézet
Gulyás László, et al. Bevezetés a tudományfilozófiába 7.25 MB Biológiai Intézet
Pásztor Erzsébet, et al. Elemi populációgenetikai modellek és feladatok 4.39 MB Biológiai Intézet
Bárdos György, et al. Élettani gyakorlatok 15.8 MB Biológiai Intézet
Kampis György, et al. Előadások a természetfilozófia történetéből 2.17 MB Biológiai Intézet
Vilmos Altbäcker, et al. Ethology practical 6.99 MB Biológiai Intézet
Altbäcker Vilmos, et al. Etológiai gyakorlatok 13.22 MB Biológiai Intézet
Barna János, et al. Genetikai gyakorlatok 9.22 MB Biológiai Intézet
Hotzi Bernadette, Kovács Tibor Genetikai modellrendszerek 4.99 MB Biológiai Intézet
Nyitray László, et al. Géntechnológia és fehérjemérnökség 14.66 MB Biológiai Intézet
György Hegyi, et al. Introduction to Practical Biochemistry 25.53 MB Biológiai Intézet
Tóth Erika et al. Klasszikus és molekuláris mikrobiológiai laboratóriumi gyakorlatok 11.57 MB Biológiai Intézet
Balázs Vajna, Erika Tóth, Tamás Felföldi Methods in Environmental Microbiology and Bacterial Taxonomy 4.86 MB Biológiai Intézet
Borsodi Andrea, Márialigeti Károly Mire képesek a baktériumok? – A prokarióták világáról tanároknak 14.06 MB Biológiai Intézet
Kristóf Zoltán Mikroszkópiai segédanyag a Növényszervezettan és Sejttan tantárgyakhoz 51.96 MB Biológiai Intézet
Kristóf Zoltán Növények és gombák szerveződése 21.86 MB Biológiai Intézet
Tamás László, et al. Növényélettani vizsgáló módszerek 25.26 MB Biológiai Intézet
László Ropolyi Philosophy of the Internet - A Discourse on the Nature of the Internet 13.08 MB Biológiai Intézet
Sándor Borbély, et al. Physiology Practical 10.88 MB Biológiai Intézet
Erika M. Tóth et al. Practical Microbiology 18.47 MB Biológiai Intézet
Pálfia Zsolt, et al. A sejtbiológia alapjai 39.32 MB Biológiai Intézet
Zoltán Kristóf Structure of plants and fungi 19.58 MB Biológiai Intézet
László Lajos Szövettani és sejtbiológiai vizsgálómódszerek 43.64 MB Biológiai Intézet
Farkas János, et al. Tengerbiológiai terepgyakorlatok 43.83 MB Biológiai Intézet
Tóth L. Viktor A galaxisok világa 17.09 MB Fizikai Intézet
Tóth L. Viktor Infrared Astronomy 11.44 MB Fizikai Intézet
Tóth L. Viktor A Tejútrendszer szerkezete 15.8 MB Fizikai Intézet
Pongrácz Rita, Bartholy Judit Alkalmazott és városklimatológia 6.19 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
André Karolina, et al. Alkalmazott számszerű előrejelzés numerikus időjárási és csatolt modellek a gyakorlatban 8.06 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Szabó Mária, Angyal Zsuzsanna, et al. A környezetvédelem alapjai 11.76 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Mádlné Dr. Szőnyi Judit, et al. Hidrogeológia 4.85 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Szabolcs Harangi A practical guide for the igneous rocks of the Carpathian-Pannonian region 50.94 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Ács Ferenc, Breuer Hajnalka Biofizikai éghajlat-osztályozási módszerek 16.04 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Munkácsy Béla Energiaföldrajz és energiatervezés 33.03 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Molnár Gábor Geofizikai inverzió 2.66 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Baranka Györgyi, et al. Klasszikus dinamikus meteorológiai feladatgyűjtemény II. 16.97 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Bartholy Judit, et al. Klímaváltozás 37.16 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Balázs László Kőzetfizika 13.78 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Harangi Szabolcs, et al. Magmás kőzetek és folyamatok - gyakorlati ismeretek magmás kőzetek vizsgálatához 15.64 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Gábor Timár, et al. Map grids and datums 36.58 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Mincsovics M. E., Havasi Á., Haszpra T. Matematikai példatár földtudományi szakosoknak 7.55 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Bartholy Judit, et al. Megújuló energiaforrások 11.37 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Balázs László Mélyfúrási geofizika 17.47 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Bartholy Judit, et al. Meteorológiai alapismeretek 29.09 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Mészáros Róbert Meteorológiai műszerek és mérőrendszerek 19.71 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Práger Tamás, et al. Oceanográfia 27.53 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Makádi Mariann Tanulási- és tanítási technikák a földrajz tanításában 44.7 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Timár Gábor, et al. Térképi vetületek és alapfelületek 36.11 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
Makádi Mariann, et al. Vizsgálati és bemutatási gyakorlatok a földrajz tanításban 78.53 MB Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet
István Lagzi, et al. Atmospheric Chemistry 19.81 MB Kémiai Intézet
Fried Katalin, Korándi József, Török Judit A modern algebra alapjai 7.49 MB Matematikai Intézet
Fried Katalin, et al. A modern algebra alapjai 6.53 MB Matematikai Intézet
Arató Miklós, Prokaj Vilmos, Zempléni András Bevezetés a valószínuségszámításba és alkalmazásaiba: példákkal, szimulációkkal 3.23 MB Matematikai Intézet
Zempléni András, et al. Bevezetés a valószínűségszámításba és alkalmazásaiba: példákkal, szimulációkkal 2.09 MB Matematikai Intézet
Gyarmati Katalin Elemi számelmélet 4.47 MB Matematikai Intézet
Fried Katalin, Korándi József, Török Judit Klasszikus algebra tanár szakosoknak 4.64 MB Matematikai Intézet
Fried Katalin, et al. Klasszikus algebra tanár szakosoknak 3.37 MB Matematikai Intézet
Fried Katalin, et al. Számelmélet 5.29 MB Matematikai Intézet
Fried Katalin, Korándi József, Török Judit Számelmélet 6.75 MB Matematikai Intézet
Freud Róbert, Gyarmati Edit Számelmélet 2.32 MB Matematikai Intézet
Szabó Sóki László Elektronikus médiatartalmak: videó és hang 15.28 MB Tudománykommunikáció
Andrea Kárpáti Exhibition communication 9.78 MB Tudománykommunikáció
Molnár Pál Hálózatosodás és tanulás hálózati környezetben 4.35 MB Tudománykommunikáció
Áts József Információkeresés a természettudományi szakirodalomban 6.23 MB Tudománykommunikáció
Kárpáti Andrea, et al. Kiállítási kommunikáció 90.2 MB Tudománykommunikáció
Egyed László, et al. Tudománykommunikáció nem hagyományos színterei 5.55 MB Tudománykommunikáció
Bubik Veronika, et al. Vizualizáció a tudománykommunikációban 68 MB Tudománykommunikáció